Virtual learning communities
Recent papers in Virtual learning communities
The present study attempts to investigate the virtualization process of a community. An existing physical learning community (PLC) was transformed into a virtual one (VLC) through the Wikispaces web-based collaborative platform. We... more
(100-200) Virtual exchange is a well-known pedagogical approach in foreign language education which involves engaging classes in online intercultural collaboration projects with international partners as an integrated part of their... more
A process documentation was employed to determine how virtual learning communities are built in an open and distance education context as one mechanism to ensure quality education in this mode of instructional delivery. The study... more
A série Cidadania Planetária faz referência ao sonho de uma comunidade humana una e diversa, tendo por base uma visão da Terra como uma única nação. Ela implica entender a interdependência, a interconexão, o trabalho em redes e... more
Si bien las comunidades han existido desde que el hombre lo es, con la presencia y la influencia de las redes telemáticas las oportunidades se multiplican al superarse los límites espacio-temporales. Estos agregados sociales que surgen... more
En este trabajo se exploran los procesos de construcción compartida del conocimiento desarrollados por pequeños grupos de estudiantes en un entorno tecnológico de comunicación asíncrona. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo de casos... more
Las TIC se nos presentan como un desafío pero al mismo tiempo son una oportunidad para interactuar con inteligencia, apropiarse de su complejidad e innovar consecuentemente transformando de manera significativa nuestra sociedad. Quizás... more
Virtual Learning Communities offer new opportunities in education and set new challenges in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. In this study, a detailed linguistic analysis in the discourse among the class members is proposed... more
The development of Personal Learning Environments of university students allows the expansion, consolidation and creation of learning communities, both in formal as in informal scope, which affects their education and their professional... more
The present study attempts to investigate the virtualization process of a community. An existing physical learning community (PLC) was transformed into a virtual one (VLC) through the Wikispaces web-based collaborative platform. We... more
La continuité pédagogique voluta dal ministro Jean-Michel Blanquer, con le critiche che suscita sempre di più, rappresenta certamente uno dei controsensi più significativi di questa “gestione” del confino in Francia. Una restituzione “dal... more