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      Social WorkSocial JusticeTransnational AdoptionAdoption
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChildren and FamiliesTransnational AdoptionAnthropology of Children and Childhood
On January 27th 2015, in the case of Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decided, by five votes to two, that a child born by surrogacy abroad and those who ordered him enjoy protection of the right... more
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      Civil LawBioethicsHuman Rights LawInternational Law
This paper posits adoption as a function of failed political, economic, and social policies. These policies derive historically from injurious views of populations not ascribed political embodiment. As a tool of dispossession,... more
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      MarxismClassTransnational AdoptionAdoption
A teaser for the book
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionTransracial Adoption
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
"Table of Contents by Parts/Themes & Chapters 1-25 PART 1 POLICY AND REGULATIONS 1 The Rise and Fall of Intercountry Adoption in the 21st Century: Global Trends from 2001 to 2010 by Peter Selman 2 Social Policy Approaches and... more
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      Health PsychologyEthicsSocial WorkFeminist Theory
The aim of this chapter is to analyse the meanings of resemblance within the context of the Catalan family. Resemblance expresses continuity between individuals and is a good starting point for reflecting on how the constitution of a... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily studies
Publikace je určena náhradním rodinám, které vychovávají děti s romskými kořeny, zájemcům o náhradní rodinnou péči a odborníkům, kteří s těmito rodinami pracují. Teoretická část, zpracovaná Doc. PhDr. Jiřím Kovaříkem, PhD. a Mgr. Martinou... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionFoster CareStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/Gypsies
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    • Transnational Adoption
A group counseling proposal for the special population of young adult women with a history of foster care and/or adoption. The plight of young adults who have spent some or most of their childhood in foster care or have reached... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionFoster CareWomen
España es un caso emblemático del auge de adopciones internacionales en el mundo. Du-
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      Children's LiteratureTransnational AdoptionChildhood studiesChildren's Literature and Culture
Review of Mei Fong's book, for the Los Angeles Review of Books, 1 December 2015
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      Transnational AdoptionContemporary ChinaPopulation AgingVasectomy
An in depth examination of the emotional dynamics of adoption told as a narrative of the search process for the family of origin
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      Transnational AdoptionFoster CareInternational/Intercountry AdoptionFoster Care and Domestic Adoption
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      Transnational AdoptionKinshipTransracial Adoption
[This article was edited and translated into Arabic for the Legal Agenda newsletter, appearing there under the title: "التبني كأحد مظاهر الإختفاء القسري".] The dominant cultural mode portrays adoption as an act of charity and... more
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      Transnational AdoptionColonialismAdoptionPalestine
El número de niños abandonados o privados de cuidados familiares ha aumentado de manera alarmante en Bolivia. Este estudio de caso documenta los retos de las adopciones locales en este país. El gobierno ha llevado a cabo nuevas... more
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      Transnational AdoptionInternational AdoptionInternational/Intercountry AdoptionAdopción
This mixed-methods study examines 20 adult Hong Kong Adoptees (HKADs) with an average age of 53.7 years who attended a Gathering of HKADs in Hong Kong. It has three elements (pre-and post-Gathering surveys and an interview). All... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionKinship
Friend and comrade Nate George found the following article while researching in the archives of the American University of Beirut. This article, glibly entitled “Child Lib!”, is from the weekly magazine <i>Monday Morning</i>, published by... more
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      Political SociologyRace and EthnicityAmerican Foreign PolicyTransnational Adoption
-Análisis crítico y comparativo de la adopción en el derecho peruano y el derecho anglosajón-
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      Civil EngineeringCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
"Las relaciones de parentesco han sido definidas en términos de altruismo y mutualidad de los seres. En estas relaciones se sintetiza el aspecto cooperativo de los humanos. Los parientes son personas que participan intrínsecamente en la... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyReproduction
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      Social WorkHistorical DemographyInternational StudiesTransnational Adoption
To establish more comprehensive ways to assess transnational adoption adjustment, we need to better understand the adoptive identity experiences of transnational adoptees. We explored adoption identity by describing sociopsychosocial... more
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      Transnational AdoptionQualitative ResearchIdentity
Η αναγνώριση αλλοδαπών αποφάσεων υιοθεσίας παραμένει απροσπέλαστη για τον ενωσιακό νομοθέτη. Τα ελληνικά δικαστήρια προστρέχουν, ανάλογα με την περίπτωση, είτε σε διμερείς συμβάσεις δικαστικής αρωγής, είτε στο εγχώριο δίκαιο. Παράλληλα,... more
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      Private International LawTransnational AdoptionConflicts of LawPrivate International Family Law
"En la introducción del libro The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas publicado en 2003, su editora, la antropóloga británica P. Caplan (2003) señalaba que en los años precedentes, especialmente desde 1997, se había producido una... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily studiesAdoption LawReproduction
An angel with no face embraced me And whispered through my whole body; "Don't be ashamed of being human, be proud! Inside you vault opens behind vault endlessly. You will never be complete, that's how it's meant to be." -Tomas... more
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      Transnational AdoptionMigration Studies
One Hundred Good Wishes Quilts (OHGWQ) are a contemporary form of material culture that commemorates an American family’s adoption of a Chinese child. Made and/or coordinated by parents in the midst of adopting, OHGWQ are community-based... more
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      Transnational AdoptionCross-Cultural StudiesQuilts and quilt culturesIntercountry Adoption
In November, 2013, over the course of the month, I collected various responses I had given on Yahoo! Answers and the like concerning the topic of adoption. It was a response to National Adoption Awareness Month, a thirty-day celebration... more
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      Human TraffickingTransnational AdoptionAdoptionFoster Care
Estratto al volume:
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      Transnational AdoptionDiritto Internazionale Privato E PocessualeDiritto Internazionale PrivatoAdozione
Os testemunhos de adultos adotados sobre a busca de informações de seu passado são frequentes em outros países. O que eles significam e por que se apresentam usualmente revestidos de uma dimensão vital, descrevendo a urgência da procura... more
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      TestimonyTransnational AdoptionAdoptionMemory Studies
Fronek, P. (2016). Adoption. In ACRT, UNICEF Australia, & NCYLC (Eds.), CRC25 Australian Child Rights Progress Report: A report on 25 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Australia (pp. 20-21). Australia: Australian... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionInternational/Intercountry Adoption
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      Transnational AdoptionCritical Adoption Studies
International adoptions of Ugandan children rose by 400 percent from 2010 to 2011, many under irregular and suspicious circumstances (Lumu 2014) due to a ‘legal guardianship loophole’ that allows prospective adoptive parents to take... more
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      Adoption LawSocial JusticeTransnational AdoptionAdoption
An analysis of Korean adoptee artists and the transnational Korean adoptee artscape. Published in the edited volume, War Baby/Love Child, edited by Laura Kina and Wei Ming Dariotos (University of Washington, 2013).
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      Asian American StudiesKorean StudiesTransnational Adoption
To read: Click on link above and then click the "link icon."
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      Indigenous StudiesTransnational AdoptionTransracial Adoption
This chapter is a first step towards a comparative history of child adoption law and practices in Western Europe since child adoption became legal in Germany (1900), Sweden (1917), France (1923), England and Wales (1927) and Italy (1942).... more
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      European HistorySocial DemographyDemographyWestern Europe
ADOPTION FACT SHEET written by adoptees to counter adoption ideology and pro-adoption lobby groups.
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
La adopción responde a dos cuestiones: dar una familia a un niño/a (o un niño/a a una familia…) y proteger un niño/a en dificultad familiar. Se inscribe en dos tipos de procesos, la filiación y la protección de la infancia, que... more
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      PsychiatrySociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily studiesMental Health
It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets. In this case, although the visual presentation will be degraded, the site should continue to be functional. We recommend using the latest... more
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      AnthropologyMedia AnthropologyAsian American StudiesKorean Studies
La « question des origines » traverse les débats contemporains sur la filiation ; il faudrait aujourd’hui, pour la sécurité psychique des enfants, révéler les conditions initiales des conceptions et/ou les existences antérieures à leur... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesTransnational AdoptionIdentity and IdentificationSubjectivity Studies
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
#adoptie #adoptieRM
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoption
After the Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles published its policy advice to the Dutch government to stop intercountry adoptions in late 2016, a new movement of adoptees emerged. In this thesis,... more
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      MulticulturalismQueer TheoryRace and EthnicityTransnational Adoption
White Milk. In Denmark, 'lactose intolerance' refers to a medical diagnosis and a condition where the person is unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. However, 75% of the world's population is considered... more
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      Critical Race TheoryTransnational AdoptionCritical Whiteness StudiesLactose intolerance
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      Transnational AdoptionFeminismTransnational FeminismTransnational Adoption (Women s Studies)
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      Transnational AdoptionIntercountry Adoption
This chapter considers laws and social realities determining the status of the Moroccan child born inside or outside of marriage. It considers first, the legal grounds for filiation and second, the legal framework for guardianship of... more
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      Muslim Family LawInternational Human Rights LawChild LawTransnational Adoption
While same-sex marriage is visibly gaining momentum (see Australia, Austria, Germany and Malta this year), many countries have not fully recognised the rights of same-sex couples. This usually takes the form of civil unions (e.g. Italy... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryLGBT Issues (Education)Private International Law