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The Dative Alternation involves the variation between the double object (DO) construction and the prepositional object (PO) construction: (1) a. DO construction: Ann gave Beth the car. NP 0 V NP 1 NP 2 b. PO construction: Ann gave the car... more
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      Computer ScienceGoalTheme
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      RhetoricPopular CultureMultidisciplinaryVision
This research identifies characteristics, which are the Theme, Identity, Functions and Authenticity of some current riverfront developments, mainly focusing in urban areas. The study began with the evolution of an urban riverfront,... more
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Behnāz Alipour Gaskari has purposefully and deliberately used post-modern techniques in the title, the content and the style of narrative in her short story collection called “Bemānd…”. Recursive structures, short junctions, setting and... more
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This study investigated the thematic progression patterns in the Task 2, essays, of the writing section of the IELTS test. To this end, thirty Task 2 essays with a score of 8 and 8.5 were selected. Then, the data were analyzed based on... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationAssessment
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      RussianMedievalArabicAncient Indo-European Languages
Günümüz yiyecek-içecek sektörü içerisinde işletmeler, çok daha yoğun bir rekabet ortamı içerisinde faaliyetlerini sürdürmeye çalışmaktadır. Bu nedenle, yiyecek-içecek işletmeleri tercih edilmek ve karlılığını devam ettirebilmek için... more
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Character Plot Conflict Point of view Theme SETTING The time and location in which a story takes place is called the setting. For some stories the setting is very important, while for others it is not. There are several aspects of a... more
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      ConflictTranslation and point of viewShort storyCharacter
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The stories " The Fall of the House of Usher " and " A Rose for Emily " have made an important contribution to literature. " The Fall of the House of Usher " presents a story of a family consisting of two siblings who lived together in an... more
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standard essay on the theme of hysteria in The Crucible by Arthur Miller
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      BlindnessHysteriaSocietyThemes in Literature
Theme is sometimes used interchangeably with “motif”, but the term is more usefully applied to a general concept or doctrine, whether implicit or asserted, which an imaginative work is designed to incorporate and make persuasive to the... more
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      ReligionDramaSamuel BeckettNihilism
ÖZET 1989'dan itibaren yayımladığı kitaplarla öykücülüğümüzün önemli isimlerinden biri olan) adlı öykü kitapları yayımlamıştır. Klasik öykü anlatımını benimseyen yazar, sağlam bir kurgu ile ördüğü öykülerinde Osmanlı Türkçesi kökenli... more
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      Short story (Literature)Modern Turkish LiteratureLiterary topicsTheme
Abstract Nowadays authentic reading matter is extensively used in the teaching of English for academic purposes. However choosing and deploying such materials is not as straightforward as it might at first seem. In this paper, the pros... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducationEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes
Geophysical survey techniques are a highly visible part of the scientific toolkit that is now used by archaeologists. In this paper, the history of the use of geophysical techniques in archaeology will be discussed, as will significant... more
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Through their imaginative writing styles, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman incessantly endeavored to resolve the lingering question, what is an American? As individuals from around the world journeyed to the promising shores of America’s... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesComparative LiteraturePhilosophy
The thematic and information structure of scientific and technical texts are arguably different among languages. This study examines the thematic structure of scientific texts in English and Arabic to see the differences in the... more
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      ArabicTranslationThematic AnalysisRheme
Scholars use various terms for the phenomenon of discourse peak. Only in the last forty years have some scholars suggested different types of peak. This study explores the application of multiple types of peak in the book of Hebrews. The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTopicFocusTheme
Thematic organization and thematic progression play crucial roles in the message function of language. An important question is how translators deal with these thematic choices as textual devices when a text is translated into another... more
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      TranslationThematic ProgressionRhemeTheme
Sarah’s covenantal status in Genesis is rendered ambiguous by God’s covenant-making speech in chapter 17: on the one hand, she is included by name in God’s plan for the first time, but on the other hand, God gives a sign of the covenant... more
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      Hermeneutics and NarrativeCircumcisionWomen in the BibleBiblical Covenants
Fries (1981) hypothesises that the textual phenomena of 'thematic progression' (TP) (Daneš 1974) and 'method of development' (MOD) provide discourse evidence for the function proposed by Halliday (1967) for Theme, in particular that... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglishArgumentationLinguistics
Outdoor sculpture in Southwest of Nigeria is fast growing in practice and art historical values. Since its emergence in 1934, it has developed different modes in practice which have not been given proper art historical consideration. The... more
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      AestheticsPublic ArtStyleTheme
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Resumen Cuando se pasa de un período a otro en la creatividad de Pizarnik, se nota un cambio gradual en el aspecto formal y estructural de la misma. Este cambio crea la impresión de que la poeta nunca demuestra estar satisfecha con la... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPoeticsTheme
This paper reports on the first stage of a research project that seeks to utilise Systemic functional theory to inform the computational analysis of high volumes of texts. The research has emerged from the development of ScamSeek, a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesReference
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System
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      Teacher EducationAutoethnographyEnglishCritical Discourse Analysis
Rasim Özdenören, Türk hikâyeciliğine sanatıyla yön veren aydınlar ve modern edebiyat temsilcileri arasında önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Modernist hikâye yazarlarından olan Rasim Özdenören, modern bireyin yalnızlığı, tutunamayışı,... more
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      LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)IntertextualityModern Turkish Literature
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Here I will focus on the general linguistic approach to the analysis of the corpus and how the theoretical and technological resources were deployed in order to meet the demands of high volume text analysis.
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesReference
Available Online July 2014 This study analyzed the content of Amharic songs on Nile River in Ethiopia. Lyrics of eight recent and eight previous songs were qualitatively analyzed using initial coding from which final categories are... more
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      Arts and HumanitiesTheme
Despite the fact that the 12 th century Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi did not portray fairytales of “Kalileh and Demneh”, pearls of the ancient Oriental literature known all over the world in detailed form in his works, he has... more
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Nous avons vu dans notre article précédent que la Triade gauloise Esus/Taranis/Toutatis possède un marqueur-identifiant puissant constitué par les trois modes sacrificiels en l’honneur des trois dieux. Nous en avions alors dégagé la... more
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      ArtCeltic StudiesIndo-European StudiesCeltic Mythology
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Abstracts of research articles are dense in nature and require authors to pack information in a concise cohesive paragraph. One principle of cohesion is employing various theme types and thematic progression patterns. The study conducted... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsThematic ProgressionThemeResearch Article Abstracts
In this paper I present the preferences of Modern Greek L1 and L2 learners for the thematicroles'orderinanargumentstructure.Itisinvestigatedwhetherornotthereis difference between L1 and L2 groups in the way they choose the position of... more
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      SemanticsMorphosyntaxSecondary EducationPreferences
Resumen: Una de las técnicas analíticas más novedosas en el ámbito de la metodología observacional es la que permite la detección de T-patterns (estructuras regulares de conducta) mediante el software THEME, que analiza datos... more
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Trump declared his intention to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border during his presidential campaign in 2016. On 4 January 2019, President Trump sent a letter to members of the U.S. Congress on the need to build a long wall to... more
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      Social MediaSystemic Functional LinguisticsThemeDonald Trump
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      PronunciationPostersWritten InteractionTheme
This study focuses on the investigation of Theme and Theme progression of students' Exposition text in a state university in Bandung. This study intends to explore how the students organized their ideas in the text seen from its schematic... more
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      Academic WritingSystemic Functional LinguisticsFunctional GrammarText Analysis
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A sample of 1,747 students attending undergraduate classes in legal education at an online university completed the StrengthsQuest assessment as part of a larger investigation; of this number, 117 students also completed the Kuder Career... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyAssessmentPersonality
L’œuvre entière de Tanguy Viel, est traversée par des retours de toutes sortes qui l’alimentent de multiples façons. Ses romans tournent autour de cette problématique, l’investissant aux niveaux esthétique et thématique, narratif et... more
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      Information RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
Resumen Un espacio fragmentado como es el Archipiélago Canario cuenta en la actualidad con un amplio número de publicaciones diarias digitales de carácter informativo que han surgido en los últimos años con el objetivo de hacer llegar a... more
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      New JournalismAudiencesAudienciasTheme
Les phénomènes de saillance mettent en avant un élément d'un message linguistique ou visuel. En confrontant des travaux issus de disciplines variées, nous proposons une classification des facteurs qui déterminent la saillance d'une entité... more
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Cet article etudie une homelie attribuee par une majorite de manuscrits a saint Jean Damascene, et qui fut donnee a l'occasion de la nativite de la Mere de Dieu. Elle propose une des meilleures presentations des grands themes de la... more
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