Public Art
Recent papers in Public Art
Ever since the translated version of Mapping the Terrain was published in Taiwan, the New Genre Public Art has become known as a new pattern of art, deriving both discourses and practices. After governmental constructive involvements and... more
What Lies Beyond the Darkness investigates how a creative sound and land-based art practice can position humans as an active part of any given ecological system; equal to ‘other’ natural and non-human co-habitants. This practice-based... more
Pour comprendre ce pavé régulier de 58 cm de diamètre logé dans la place communale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, il faut raconter son histoire.
Sailing the Islands of São Paulo was an enquiry into São Paulo's fragmented urban space through an on-foot exploration. The project aimed at revealing unseen lines of fracture or tension in the continuity of the urban matter. The... more
Programme and participants for the Dún Laoghaire Roger Casement Summer School 2022
Street art to jeden z fenomenów współczesnej sztuki. Uwodzi rozmachem, oryginalnością, jest wyrazem nieskrępowanej wyobraźni i nieograniczonej pomysłowości twórców. Łamie konwencje, niesie ze sobą posmak rebelii, pewnej nielegalności,... more
This chapter revisits Socialist visual legacy and its contemporary appropriation in public art through investigating the public art project "Dinghaiqiao Mutual-Aid Society." Launched by a self-organized group in a historical working-class... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Placing of an art piece seems to be as important as it’s content. In the course of the last century geographers, anthropologists, artists and philosophers became aware of the notion of space and its influence on people. Place has become... more
The book (1997) review the main issues on Public Art focussing on the main aspects of art Theory and the relationship between Public art and Urban Regeneration
Goodbye Roosevelt. Vita e morte di una statua È ormai certo: il memoriale equestre del Presidente americano Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) verrà rimosso dallo scalone antistante lʼAmerican Museum of Natural History (AMNH) di New York,... more
THE TURN المنعرج presents artistic interventions that emerged in the wake of the Arab Revolution. They are committed to collaborative action and direct engagement in relation to the prevailing social climate. They are ambitious art... more
There is unarguable that the street has become the natural space of recent art. This is especially remarkable in a country like Spain where, since the Spanish Revolution (Madrid, May 15, 2011, the so-called 15-M) and the emergence of new... more
Writings SUPERFLEX, One Two Three Swing!, Tate Modern, Londra 2017-2018 Nell'arco di sei mesi, da ottobre 2017 ad aprile 2018, è stato possibile dondolarsi liberamente all'interno della Tate Modern. Il clou dell'installazione One Two... more
The project is a personal exploration of public art in Vancouver consisting of an essay and a DVD comprising three documentaries. Each episode refers to a different question in the paper: What is public art? What is its relationship to... more
Como sabemos, hay muchas vertientes desde las que podríamos aproximarnos al ámbito de la creación sonora en el territorio urbano. Estas varían en función del objetivo que se persigue, de la estructura que adoptan para alcanzarlo como... more
Divided into two parts, this essay intends to make, in the first one, the state of the art of Portuguese Neo-Baroque Sculpture, through the bibliographic investigation already carried out. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of... more
Two years ago I began teaching a critical theory seminar at the State University of New York in New Paltz that focused on re-envisioning the role of craft in contemporary society. The Art Department at SUNY New Paltz has a long-standing... more
PhD dissertation: This dissertation examines how mass magazines framed American abstraction for a broad public during the years following the Second World War. While art historians have devoted much attention to Abstract Expressionism’s... more
Većina stručnjaka koji se bave javnim spomenicima, bez obzira radili oni u konzervatorskim službama, na fakultetima ili Institutu za povijest umjetnosti, bez obzira bili oni povjesničari umjetnosti ili arhitekti, složno je u stavu da... more
Turnstile is a digital artwork that translates the traces of pedestrians on a public square into a virtual geometric architecture. On the front wall of the Schadowstraße underground station in Düsseldorf, visitors can observe pedestrians... more
The Hungarian art collector Dénes Deák (1931–1993) offered a significant part of his collection to Székesfehérvár in 1986: paintings and sculptures of 20th century Hungarian artists (City Gallery – Deák Collection). Due to personal... more
Die Annahme, dass der öffentliche Raum Kunst für die breite Bevölkerung zugänglicher machen würde, hält einem detaillierten Blick auf das Thema nicht lange stand. In der internationalen Forschungslandschaft bekommt die Verknüpfung von... more
College Art Association, Chicago, Illinois, February 12-15, 2014
Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, vol. 20, no. 2/3, Summer 2000. Examines the controversy about the Brooklyn Museum's "Sensations" show and rejects claims that the art enjoys a First Amendment right to be shown... more
This is a marvelous book with 99 examples of how art does things, edited by Florian Malzacher. I translated 50% of it, the other half was turned into Polish by Kuba Szreder.
The creation of murals at the Papunya School in 1971 is cited as the event that inaugurated the Western Desert painting movement. The truth of this claim is in fact more complex, confounding and consequential. This essay will demonstrate... more
Abstract: While we accept that digital devices are interwoven in our daily life, the concepts of disassociation can be addressed and possibly replaced with fresh meanings gained from new experiences of interrelatedness to nature. To... more
Work dedicated to the phenomenon of public art, tracing back the reasons and ways of its ‘conversion’ from a tool of aesthetization of local surrounding to specific artistic practice, that plays the role of activator of community by... more
The Manifesto of Possibilities is a statement of beliefs, concerns and recommendations about the commissioning of public art in urban environments. It has been developed from research by Cameron Cartiere and Sophie Hope and is a knowledge... more
Produced for FALL/OUT programme, curated by Pluck Projects (Sarah Kelleher and Rachel Warriner), at Cork Midsummer Festival 2021. Five artworks — by Jessica Akerman, Pádraig Spillane, Anne Ffrench, David Mathuna & Andrew McSweeney, and... more
The Ruhr region was an important mining and indus-trial production area for almost 150 years between 19th and 20th centuries due to the rich coal sources under the area between Ruhr and Lippe rivers. During inten-sive mining and... more
Baharestan art festival, which was held in Vali-Asr Street in Tehran in March and April 2016 on the pretext of starting the Iranian New Year (Nowruz), has widely attracted the attention of artists and other people. This article attempts... more
Os viadutos constituem um dos equipamentos contemporâneos mais representativos da profunda alteração que os transportes motorizados impuseram ao cenário citadino, traduzindo uma ideia de mobilidade urbana que, independentemente das... more
Documenting a residential, socially-engaged project in the Karoo town of Laingsburg, facilitated by Kathryn Smith and Verna Jooste (2010/11) and produced by Visual Art students from Stellenbosch University and members of the local... more
This paper develops a pragmatist definition of street art acknowledging its essential subversiveness, while drawing implications at the level of street art’s political and social function. By developing an insight from Irvine (2012), the... more
Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld trafo.K Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und... more