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In this work, a comparative analysis between Gaussian and Golden wavelets is presented. These wavelets are generated by the derivative of specific base functions. In this case, the order of the derivative also indicates the number of... more
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      Computer ScienceTema
This paper describes the steps to convert a paper-and-pencil English proficiency test for academic purposes, consisting of multiple choice items administered following the Admissible Probability Measurement Procedure [24], adopted by the... more
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Günümüz yiyecek-içecek sektörü içerisinde işletmeler, çok daha yoğun bir rekabet ortamı içerisinde faaliyetlerini sürdürmeye çalışmaktadır. Bu nedenle, yiyecek-içecek işletmeleri tercih edilmek ve karlılığını devam ettirebilmek için... more
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In the first part of this paper, a simplified approach to design a Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger [STHE] for beverage and process industry application is presented. The design of STHE includes thermal design and mechanical design. The... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHeat TransferHeat ExchangerTema
RKH, RPPH TK PAUD Klp.A Tema Tanaman Subtema Aneka Buah , adalah sebuah Rencana kegiatan Harian pendidikan pada jenjang TK, PAUD, RA, dengan tujuan; putra-putri anak usia dini diharapkan mengenal aneka buah sesuai subtema pembelajaran... more
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The transfer of heat to and from process fluids is an essential part of most of the chemical processes. Therefore, heat exchangers (HEs) are used extensively and regularly in process and allied industries and are very important during... more
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      Heat TransferShell and tube heat exchanger designHeat transfer coefficientTema
Estudio de la Sintaxis como un proceso cíclico funcional que involucra la identificación entonativa de los elementos, la identificación sintáctica propiamente dicha, en base a la coaparición y a la situación de habla, y la semantización... more
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Il topos del viaggio ai limiti del mondo conosciuto nel romanzo cavalleresco e la natura lirico-drammatica dell’egloga in sciolti nella prima metà del Cinquecento; la ricezione adriatico-orientale (a Cattaro e Ragusa) del petrarchismo... more
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      MitoTemaLetteratura Italiana Del RinascimentoGenere
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Environment air pollution and global warming are alarming concern worldwide. Increasing air pollution, rapid growth of industrialization and the global trend of urbanization have totally disturbed the eco balance of resources on earth.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRenewable EnergyHeat ExchangerFlow induced vibration
Tema Sambutan Hari Guru 2014 dan Huraian lengkap di
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Laboratorio Territorio Mobilità e Ambiente - TeMALab Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II e-mail: [email protected];galderis@unina... more
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The paper analyse a school buildings stock of Lecco Municipality defining a methodology for cost-benefit analysis for different renovation scenarios. The method represent replicable guidelines useful to the Public Administration in terms... more
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      Environmental ScienceTema
TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches, applications and contributions with a unified approach to planning and mobility and publishes original inter-disciplinary papers on the interaction of transport, land... more
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      GeographySocial Network Analysis (SNA)Analise de Redes SociaisTema
In recent years, the concept of 'socially vulnerable people' has often been used as a political, administrative
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      CollaborationCultureValue EngineeringBiosphere
The paper presents the integrated results obtained from an interdisciplinary protocol of research designed for assessing the structural safety and state of conservation of the monument. Starting from the archival researches about the... more
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Il topos del viaggio ai limiti del mondo conosciuto nel romanzo cavalleresco e la natura lirico-drammatica dell’egloga in sciolti nella prima metà del Cinquecento; la ricezione adriatico-orientale (a Cattaro e Ragusa) del petrarchismo... more
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      MitoTemaLetteratura Italiana Del RinascimentoGenere
Under the assumption that all equilibrium points are hyperbolic, the stability boundary of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems is characterized as the union of the stable manifolds of equilibrium points on the stability boundary. The... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsTemaNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches, applications and contributions with a unified approach to planning and mobility and publishes original inter-disciplinary papers on the interaction of transport, land... more
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      GeographyDisaster StudiesUrban PlanningUrban Studies
The 60s and 70s housing blocks consisting of large two-dimensional prefabricated elements represent a sizable share of European building assets: their upgrading as regards architecture, energy efficiency, environment and social services... more
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    • Tema
In this paper we propose a bivariate long-term model based on the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula to model, where the marginals are assumed to be long-term promotion time structured. The proposed model allows for the presence of censored... more
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This research was conducted at three fish smoking sites and three marketing centres in the Tema municipality, to compare the microbial load of smoked sardine (Sardinella aurita). Microbial load of smoked sardine were determined using... more
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      MicrobiologyFood ScienceEnvironmental microbiologyNutrition
Displacement and deformation assessment of timber roof trusses through parametric modelling. The case of San Salvatore's church in Bologna 21
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      Materials ScienceGrapheneTema
The contribution focuses on the Finnish adoption of circular economy processes in the building field, particularly related to the housing sector, that could represent meaningful model of high standards of sustainability. A program managed... more
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      EconomicsTemaCircular Economy
The study regards 1950s Italian architecture. The focus is the Enel Palace of Cagliari. The general topic is the relationship between structural and architectural design. The various topics of the Italian architectural debate of 1950s... more
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Lean Construction (LC) and Building Information Modelling are the two methodologies linked by the same objectives. The former is an industrial optimization, which want to achieve the aim of performance increasing with the application to... more
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The consolidation and restoration of the monumental buildings is strongly articulated both for the typological heterogeneity and for the structural and technological complexity [1] of the built heritage and, sometimes, for the limited... more
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Announced and planned over 20 years ago by Cresme (1997 Report), the "wave of recovery/redevelopment", has found its growth defining a curve strongly influenced by the tormented economic cycles happened during the last two decades. It has... more
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QL-subimplications can be obtained by a distributive n-ary aggregation performed over the families T of t-subnorms and S of t-subconorms along with a fuzzy negation. Since these classes of subimplications are explicitly represented by... more
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City and society, by definition unstable, constantly redefine the relation between places and actors, generating frequently critical circumstances that are addressed by only temporary solutions. The unexpected and uncontrolled social... more
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Matrices are the most common representations of graphs. They are also used for the representation of algebras and cluster algebras. This paper shows some properties of matrices in order to facilitate the understanding and locating... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceTemaarXiv
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      The suitable treatment of plastic wastesTemaSoil Erosion and Land DegradationClean Air
This work focuses on natural ventilation controlled by a Building Automation System (BAS) with the aim of guarantee adequate levels of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in an existing building. The case study is a three-story school building,... more
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      EngineeringNatural ventilationTema
A validated method for the digital representation of historic construction through HBIM permits assessment of compliance with workmanlike practices and structural performance. The construction of an appropriate model is closely linked to... more
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      Computer ScienceTema
According to many sociologists and technologists today we live in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The research aims to investigate this paradigm shift that is taking place in the contemporary city to understand how urban... more
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One introduces first the so-called (min, +)-wavelets which are lower and upper hulls build from (min, +) analysis in order to perform multi-fractal analysis. In a second step it is applied to functions such as the Riemann serie and... more
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      MathematicsMandelbrot SetFractalTema
In this paper, the seminal method proposed by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv, aimed at the complexity analysis of sequences of symbols, was modified to compare similarities between two sequences. This modification allowed the creation of a... more
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      Computer ScienceTema
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The continuous evolution of 3D surveying and modelling techniques, using increasingly high-performance tools and applications, highlights the added value of these methods in the field of urban and architectural survey. In the case study... more
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      Political ScienceTema
Matrices are the most common representations of graphs. They are also used for representing algebras and cluster algebras. This paper shows some properties of matrices in order to facilitate the understanding of symmetrizable matrices... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceTemaarXiv
... Studio e conservazione delle murature medioevali. Alcuni problemi di metodo. Titolo Rivista: TEMA. Autori/Curatori: Donatella Fiorani. Anno di pubblicazione: 1995 Fascicolo: 2 Lingua: Numero pagine: 0 Dimensione file: 0 KB. ...
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This work considers an interval extension of fuzzy implication based on the best interval representation of continuous t-norms. Some related properties can be naturally extended and that extension preserves the behaviors of the... more
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