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      Functional GrammarIPGenerative linguisticsArguments
This paper investigates various aspects of grammaticalization of Polish and Kashubian periphrastic verb forms with mieć\miec and bëc and participles. The involvement of factors, which are due to language contact or to autonomous... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeGrammaticalizationConstruction GrammarFunctional Grammar
This paper makes visible particular persuasive language choices made by the highest scoring Tasmanian primary and secondary school students who completed the 2011 NAPLAN writing test. Specifically, it draws on systemic functional... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsFunctional GrammarEnglish Teaching and Curriculum Development
The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between the forms of clause combination and their systematic patterns of explicit inter-clausal coherence. The study is conducted within the theoretical framework of the Adaptive... more
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      Functional GrammarUsage-Based LinguisticsCohesion
Este trabalho objetiva demonstrar, em um primeiro momento, aspectos funcionais relacionados às diferentes formas que orações completivas, em posição de argumento interno de verbo transitivo, assumem em português. Para a descrição desses... more
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      Functional GrammarPortuguese LanguageComplement ClausesGrammar Teaching
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      SemanticsSlavonic LanguagesSyntaxFunctional Linguistics
In order to assess the real contribution of prototype theory and its potential as a descriptive procedure in an unbiased way, it appears necessary that we (i) highlight some of its tenets and basic notions, as well as (ii) test its... more
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      Functional GrammarPrototype Theory
This presentation of the Hungarian language is based upon the Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008) and offers a totally new approach to language teaching and Hungarian language. Special attention is devoted to... more
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      Functional Discourse GrammarFunctional GrammarLanguage TeachingHungarian language
Cast in Functional Grammar (FG), this chapter considers the syntactic placement of pronominal clitics in European Portuguese (EP), contrasting these with comparable phenomena in Castilian Spanish (CS). It emerges that EP constituent order... more
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      SpanishPortugueseComparative LinguisticsFunctional Grammar
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar de que maneira determinados usos linguísticos podem ajudar a manter uma hierarquia social de gênero que, de acordo com Eckert e McConnell-Ginet (2003), situa identidades masculinas em posições de... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderLanguages and LinguisticsGender and Sexuality
The research paper focuses on the question of the typology of functional semantic fields in the contemporary Bulgarian language. In the analysis comments have been made on A. V. Bondarko and I. Kutsarov’s popular classification models of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFunctional GrammarBulgarian LanguageBulgarian Grammar
ON THE ISSUE OF THЕ STRUCTURE OF THE FUNCTIONAL–SEMANTIC FIELD OF GENDER IN THE CONTEMPORARY BULGARIAN LANGUAGE The object of analysis in the present study is the structural characteristics of the functional-semantic field of gender in... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFunctional GrammarBulgarian LanguageBulgarian Grammar
This paper explores the relationship between grammar and style in composition. These two genres of rhetoric are often expected to be performed well by student writers, yet grammar and style are rarely taught together. In this paper, I... more
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      Composition and RhetoricStylisticsLiterary StylisticsTeaching Composition
Functional Grammar (FG) was developed by Michael Halliday in the 1960s as a model of grammar to show how language functions in a text. In this paper, I analyze and compare two texts through the lens of FG. I attempt to show that FG is a... more
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      Functional GrammarLiterary AnalysisSystemic Linguistics
The fundamental hypothesis of Functional Grammar is that there is a largely non-arbitrary relation between the instrumentality of language use (hence Functional) and the systematicity of language structure (hence Grammar). The article... more
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    • Functional Grammar
Ever since, grammar has been a real obstacle for the majority of English Language learners at all levels. Traditional grammar taught in schools has restricted students to follow rules rather than giving them free space to produce meaning.... more
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      Applied LinguisticsSystemic Functional LinguisticsLinguisticsEnglish Grammar
Adopting the Functional Grammar advanced by Halliday (1985a), this paper investigates the nominalisation of two IELTS writing test papers of candidates achieving band 7 and band 5. The study aims to identify the frequency of... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsFunctional Grammar
, [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] l. Si intentamos buscar en el campo de las unidades sig'li~ fícativas del lenguaje una situación relativamente paralela (1) a la de la neutralización fonológica, hemos de hacerlo... more
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      SpanishMorphologyLinguisticsFunctional Grammar
The present paper reports on language description and typology research on particles in Japanese and Cantonese Chinese from a systemic functional point of view. It represents the early phase of a research project on particles in East and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsJapanese LinguisticsTypologySystemic Functional Linguistics
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    • Functional Grammar
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)English LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      Functional GrammarSystemic Functional Grammar
EL lenguaje humano ha sido observado y estudiado desde hace muchos siglos según enfoques e intereses varios. Hasta casi el comienzo de nuestra centuria esta larga labor lingüística no se centró en el objeto mismo que pretendía analizar,... more
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      FunctionalismLinguisticsTheoretical LinguisticsFunctional Grammar
Translating ability requires mastery over two languages. Although this training is not aimed at shaping the participants into professional translators, translation skills are needed for academic excellence. To have these abilities,... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLearning and Teaching
""How can we teach critical thinking skills to ESL/EFL learners?‟ This paper answers this specific question with a proposed model of critical reading. The paper presents sample materials designed following Wallace‟s (2003) three... more
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      Functional GrammarCritical Reading (Education)Materials developmentCritical Thinking Skills In Language Classess
By applying a stylistic analysis within a systemic-functional linguistic framework, this study argues that Luke's construal of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 and its co-thematic passages attempt to persuade Jewish believers of Luke's... more
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      Discourse AnalysisJewish StudiesBiblical StudiesSystemic Functional Linguistics
An analysis on Henry Normal’s poem “The House Is Not the Same Since You Left” in terms of M.A.K. Halliday’s An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1994) and Halliday and Hasan’s Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a... more
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    • Functional Grammar
Functional discourse grammar (FDG) is a theory with a rich descriptive apparatus, facilitating the modeling of language data that takes into account the several tiers of interdependent information that are present in any utterance,... more
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      Functional LinguisticsFunctional Discourse GrammarFunctional GrammarBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
The study is aimed at describing the dominant grammatical errors made by English Education students at STKIP YDB in writing their thesis proposal. The objectives of the study were formulated as (1) to find out the most common grammatical... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsTranslation theory
Semantics is rather difficult to define. Linguists and philosophers alike have for decades been trying to define its intricacies, characteristics and properties. Within the realm of language, semantics is a street called meaning, which... more
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second Language
Selected articles (2015-2016) in field of theory and philosophy of language, methodology and sociology of linguistics, functional grammar, semantics, pragmatics, media linguistics, lexicography
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsLexicographyFunctional Grammar
2012 ii © 2012 Università del Salento -Coordinamento SIBA eISBN 978-88-8305-092-3 (electronic version) iii CONTENTS 4 Translation and functionally complete units of meaning 59 4.1... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsFunctional GrammarTranslation Theories
Duff, P., Ferreira, A., & Zappa-Hollman, S. (2015). In M. Christison, D. Christian, P. Duff & N. Spada (Eds.), Teaching and learning English grammar: Research findings and future directions (pp.139-158). New York: Routledge. ABSTRACT... more
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      English for Academic PurposesFunctional Grammar
This article surveys the history of Simon Dik's theory, Functional Grammar.
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      History of LinguisticsFunctional Discourse GrammarFunctional Grammar
The monograph contains selected articles in the field of functional grammar, in particular the category of quantification and dynamic syntax (processes of generation of sentences)
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      SyntaxQuantificationFunctional GrammarMorphology and Syntax
Syntax is the study of a set of grammatical rules for words or clauses in the formation of sentences. Etymologically, the term "syntax" means stringing words into phrases and phrases into sentences. This is a conception that lets people... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntax/SemanticsSyntax
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      Anthropological LinguisticsPhonologyTypologyFunctional Morphology
The lack of coherence is a major problem in students’ writing as students are not able to link their ideas together in the sentences and paragraphs. According to Halliday (1985), theme is defined as “the point of the departure” for the... more
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      Functional GrammarGrmmar
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    • Functional Grammar
This study examined the effects of two different kinds of corrective feedback, i.e. reformulation and elicitation on Iranian EFL learners' use of verbs in different present tenses. Thirty-eight intermediate learners took part in this... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and Teaching
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      Functional LinguisticsFunctional Discourse GrammarFunctional GrammarBiblical Hebrew
El Renacimiento de las Humanidades clásicas iniciado en España durante el siglo XV traspasó pronto las fronteras de la Península Ibérica hasta alcanzar en el siglo XVI las lejanas tierras de ultramar recién conquistadas. Así, a partir... more
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      ClassicsRare Books and ManuscriptsNahuatlMesoamerica
Considerazioni sulla prospettiva funzionale e valenziale nell'approccio alla grammatica nella linguistica applicata contemporanea. Considerations about functional and valential perspectives in contemporary applied linguistics' approach... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLinguisticsFunctional GrammarGenerative linguistics
This paper aimed to examine the lexical density and readability of four texts from English textbooks known as Active Skill for Reading (Anderson, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2003d) at elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsFunctional Grammar
The inflectional history of Old English minor vocalic stems: the case of the i-stem nouns
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      Functional GrammarHistory of English LanguageOld English LanguageOld English
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      Functional GrammarTürkçe EğitimiDilbilimGrammar Teaching
IV Jornadas de metodología y didáctica de la lengua española: sintaxis Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 1997, 21-31. En 1969 escribí el trabajo "Aditamento, adverbio y cuestiones conexas", publicado ese mismo año en el volumen XIX de... more
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      SpanishLinguisticsFunctional GrammarGrammar
L’objectif de ce travail est de présenter une description grammaticale aussi complète que possible de la langue mano (près de 400 000 locuteurs en Guinée et au Libéria) tout en la plaçant dans un contexte typologique, en comparant le mano... more
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      Functional GrammarAfrican languagesGrammar
Compound nouns, which by definition imply a condensation of in - formation, seem to be particularly important at the stage of the Old English period, because the predominant synthetic tendencies of the language and the comparative... more
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      PragmaticsFunctional GrammarOld English Language