Articles and Chapters in Books by Pablo Argárate
Studia Theologica Doctoralia, 2021
They witness to the deep interest of Egeria in the biblical places and, l'elJ' 1'.11por'.a11tly, ... more They witness to the deep interest of Egeria in the biblical places and, l'elJ' 1'.11por'.a11tly, the strong relation between sacred text and topography. Th e texts are thus replaced m their mm biblical location. The events of the sacred histo1J' are reconnected to their geography. In the second part of the Itinerarium that has come down to us (24-49) Eaeri•a 1•1. z • •. . , o. no onger.'.0 11rne:"111g 011ts1d~ ~erns~lem _ but inside it through the its stational liturgy and processions. Topog, aphy '.s here nplzcztly lz'.urgzcal. The ritual actions create a netivork of dynamic sacred topography 111 Jemsalem and zts surroundings. Subjects are no lo11ger only £aeria and her reduced entourage bz_it ;h~ entire ~nd complex local population 11•ith many other pilgrims as well. Indeed, beyond Egena s ll?(ormatwn about the biblical sites outside Jernsalem and surrozmdinas (that were described in the first part of the Itinerarium), it is the second part that provides the fundamental relevance of Egeria 's dim)'. .Ege'.•ia summarizes and singles out this double "appropriateness" (diei et loco) as one of the :nam-: if not the main-characteristic and originality of the liturgy of Jernsalem, in contra.1:t to lzturg;.• 111 he_r h.omeland (and the rest of the world). The fundamental elements of the liturg ical celebratwn suit t1111e and place. They have been adapted to these. This appropriateness (which is as a matter of.fact much li11:ited than •what Egeria states) appears mainly not in the basic daily a:1d 11:eekly framework but 111 the development ojjestivals cycles, in the emerging and ernli-ing lzturg'.ca~ year. Indeed, the limitation and entanglement of the liturgical time appear as constztutzve for th~ development of a 9,c/e of Christian festivals. And this takes place within a broader and gro1v111g tendency to sacrali::ation in regards to persons, things, andfestivals a/reac(v prese'.1t by the end of the fourth centwy and will continue through the Middle Ages. In this way, only m the .fourth cent111J1 appears a conception of "sanctity o.f time" or even a "sacred time" w~zi_ch is neither evide,'.t nor _orig i1'.al. In any case, through pilgrimage (first part) or liturgical ~c(lo'.1s (second), th~ Itu_ieranum aims at the re-enactment of the biblical salv(fic event. Essential l11 tl11s re-present~twn _is ah,ra~vs the scriptural reading, 1l'hich takes place not only in a [ocum sanct11m but also 111 a t1111 e, ll'hzch ll'lll be later considered ho(v as well.
Apologists and Athens. Early Christianity Meets Ancient Greek Thinkinng, 2020
We say that there is God and the Son, his Word, and the Holy Spirit, united in power (i;vou~tEva ... more We say that there is God and the Son, his Word, and the Holy Spirit, united in power (i;vou~tEva flEV KaTO. ouvaµtv) yet disti ngui shed in rank (otmpouµi;va oi; Kara ,6.l;tv). 1
Pronoia. The Providence of God, 2019
Ökumenisches Forum, Journal for Ecumenical and Patristic Studies, 40/41, 2018
Ökumenisches Forum, Journal for Ecumenical and Patristic Studies 40/41, 2018
Meeting God in the Other Studies in Religious Encounter and Pluralism in honour of Dorin Oancea on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 2019
The Harp - A Review of Syriac, Oriental and Ecumenical Studies, 2018
Orientalia Patristica : Papers of the International Patristic Symposium April 23 - 27, 2018 , 2019
In the last chapter of his Ilspi aipfosrov or liber de haeresibus John of Damascus provides the f... more In the last chapter of his Ilspi aipfosrov or liber de haeresibus John of Damascus provides the first and arguably the most reliable early Christian source on Islam. It provides a brief and systematic presentation and refutation of Islam, by displaying an impressive and firsthand . knowledge based on direct contact with Islam, the Qur'an, Islamic doctrine (especially its theology and Christology), hadfth, rites and practices. John is clearly aware of the core of Islam and its essential elements. In this description of Islam, we find a mix of deep, objective, and accurate knowledge on Islam alongside some few tendentious passages and comments, which characterize not only John's presentation but also and even more eightcentury Byzantine literature dealing with Islam. Keywords: John of Damascus -Islam-Heresyheresiological lists. angegriffenen Christen und der Stolz der Burgen eines in der Vergangenhe1t ruhm~ollen Reiches di in ihren Provinzen besiegt oder niedergemacht wurden und sogar m der Hauptst~dt bedroht werden. Das ist es, was die ~n?eherrscht~ L~idenschaft, d~e Mal3losigkeit der Sprache, die Heftigkeit der Bele1d1gungen, m .emem Wort. die Auswtichse gleich welcher Art erklaren, die die Haltung der byzanti.mschen C~1~ten gegenuber dem Islam kennzeichnen. Man hat den Eindruck, dass d1ese unerb1tt.ltche Starrheit in der Verdammung und diese Heftigkeit im Ausdruck durch polem1sche Schriften die militarischen Niederlagen rachen wollen".
Orientalia Patristica : Papers of the International Patristic Symposium, May 1–4, 2017, 2018
Orientalia Patristica : Papers of the International Patristic Symposium April 23 - 27, 2018 , 2019
In the last chapter of his Iiber de haeresibus John of Damascus provides the first and arguably t... more In the last chapter of his Iiber de haeresibus John of Damascus provides the first and arguably the most reliable early Christian source on Islam.
It provides a brief and systematic presentation and refutation of Islam, by displaying an impressive and firsthand knowledge based on direct contact with Islam the Qur'iin, Islamic doctrine (especially its theology and Christology), hadith rites and practices. John is clearly aware of the core of Islam and its essential elements. In this description of Islam we find a mix of deep, objective, and accurate knowledge on Islam alongside some few tendentious passages and comments, which characterize not only John's presentation but also and even more eighth century Byzantine literature dealing with Islam.
sale. În tot acest timp, el chiar a acţionat în mod clar ca Patriarh al Apusului, aşa cum epistol... more sale. În tot acest timp, el chiar a acţionat în mod clar ca Patriarh al Apusului, aşa cum epistolele sale o ilustrează într-un mod lipsit de orice echivoc. Importanţa sa este evidentă nu numai în Occident, ci şi în Est şi, în acest sens, el poate fi considerat, aşa cum, de altfel, prezentul simpozion o face, o "punte de legătură" între două lumi creştine, care devin din ce în ce mai înstrăinate; înstrăinare, care în cele din urmă va duce la rupturi în cadrul comunităţii, dintre care unele au putut fi rezolvate, iar alte, mai ales după 1054, încă reprezintă o rană în taina µiav eKKÂ:r1criav împărtăşită în Crezul nostru comun.
sale. În tot acest timp, el chiar a acţionat în mod clar ca Patriarh al Apusului, aşa cum epistol... more sale. În tot acest timp, el chiar a acţionat în mod clar ca Patriarh al Apusului, aşa cum epistolele sale o ilustrează într-un mod lipsit de orice echivoc. Importanţa sa este evidentă nu numai în Occident, ci şi în Est şi, în acest sens, el poate fi considerat, aşa cum, de altfel, prezentul simpozion o face, o "punte de legătură" între două lumi creştine, care devin din ce în ce mai înstrăinate; înstrăinare, care în cele din urmă va duce la rupturi în cadrul comunităţii, dintre care unele au putut fi rezolvate, iar alte, mai ales după 1054, încă reprezintă o rană în taina µiav eKKÂ:r1criav împărtăşită în Crezul nostru comun.
In the use of the united Church from the late forth century was developed the catechumenate, mean... more In the use of the united Church from the late forth century was developed the catechumenate, meaning a long and profound preparation for Christian Initiation, usually received in the Easter Vigil. However, candidates would receive explanation of the rites only after they were performed, namely during the Easter week. This practice was based on the so-called mystagogical method, the conviction that rites speak by
themselves in a powerful manner. The Catechesis of Jerusalem (of Cy;;il or John, his successor), the Catechetical Homilies of Theodore of Mopsuestia along with the Baptismal Homilies of John Chrysostom in the East, but also both treatises (De mysteriis and De sacramentis) of Ambrose of Milan witness with different nuances to the mystagogical approach, namely the introduction into the mysteries and the Mystery
itself by means of ritual actions. In the present study, I will focus on John
Chrysostom 's Baptismal Ilomilies, underlining some aspects: their timely framework, their connection with other similar texts and the general structure of the preparation for the Christian Initiation.
Paper presented at the international symposium in Targoviste, May 2017 (in Romanian)
Sophia. The Wisdom of God - Die Weisheit Gottes, 2017
Zu Beginn des Jahres 2013 steckt die Römisch-Katholische Kirche in einer der tiefsten Krisen in i... more Zu Beginn des Jahres 2013 steckt die Römisch-Katholische Kirche in einer der tiefsten Krisen in ihrer gesamten Geschichte. Die Reihe von Skandalen, vor allem im Zusammenhang mit Mißbrauchsfällen, wurde immer länger, die Reaktionen immer heftiger. In diesem Kontext fällt Benedikt die vielleicht bedeutendste Entscheidung seiner Amtszeit, für die er in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen wird. Er tritt zurück. Sein Nachfolger sollte völlig neue Wege gehen.
Pablo Argárate I-E RENOUVEAU DES ÉTUDES PATRISTIQUES EN AU:|RICHE, EN ROUMANIE ET EN HONGRM ET IA... more Pablo Argárate I-E RENOUVEAU DES ÉTUDES PATRISTIQUES EN AU:|RICHE, EN ROUMANIE ET EN HONGRM ET IAE DEVELOPPEMENT DU DIALOGUE GCUMÉNIQTIE Je vous propose de faire un voyage dès la Mer Noire jusqu'auxAlpes ; on pourrait prendre le Danube et partant de la Roumanie, puis, en faisant une courte escale à Budapest, arriver finalement àVienne. En effet, j'essaierai de présenter ce rapport entre renouveau des études patristigues et le développemenr du dialogue aecuménique dans rois pays de l'est et du centre de I'Europe. Ils ont çomme point commun d'avoir fait partie (en partie pour la Roumanie avec Ia Transylvanie) de I'ancien empire austro-hongrois. Il y a cependant des points de divergence, surtout après la disparition de l'empire et sr¡rtout après la deuxième guerre mondiale, la Hongrie er la Roamanie sont tombées au-delà du rideau de fer. En outre, alors que la Roumanie a eu une forte identité orthodoxe, la Hongrie a présenté une certaine majorité catholique avec une présence de l'église reformée. D'abord je me concentrerai su¡ la Roumanie. Depuis 1948 avec Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej et après, sous la dictarure de Nicolae Ceaugescu, la situation religieuse devint très dure, spécialement pour les églises. En effet, en 1948 deux lois, sur les religions er sur l'éducarion, sont passées qui vont déterminer la vie dans le pays jusqu'à la chute du régime 40 ans plus tard.
Articles and Chapters in Books by Pablo Argárate
It provides a brief and systematic presentation and refutation of Islam, by displaying an impressive and firsthand knowledge based on direct contact with Islam the Qur'iin, Islamic doctrine (especially its theology and Christology), hadith rites and practices. John is clearly aware of the core of Islam and its essential elements. In this description of Islam we find a mix of deep, objective, and accurate knowledge on Islam alongside some few tendentious passages and comments, which characterize not only John's presentation but also and even more eighth century Byzantine literature dealing with Islam.
themselves in a powerful manner. The Catechesis of Jerusalem (of Cy;;il or John, his successor), the Catechetical Homilies of Theodore of Mopsuestia along with the Baptismal Homilies of John Chrysostom in the East, but also both treatises (De mysteriis and De sacramentis) of Ambrose of Milan witness with different nuances to the mystagogical approach, namely the introduction into the mysteries and the Mystery
itself by means of ritual actions. In the present study, I will focus on John
Chrysostom 's Baptismal Ilomilies, underlining some aspects: their timely framework, their connection with other similar texts and the general structure of the preparation for the Christian Initiation.
It provides a brief and systematic presentation and refutation of Islam, by displaying an impressive and firsthand knowledge based on direct contact with Islam the Qur'iin, Islamic doctrine (especially its theology and Christology), hadith rites and practices. John is clearly aware of the core of Islam and its essential elements. In this description of Islam we find a mix of deep, objective, and accurate knowledge on Islam alongside some few tendentious passages and comments, which characterize not only John's presentation but also and even more eighth century Byzantine literature dealing with Islam.
themselves in a powerful manner. The Catechesis of Jerusalem (of Cy;;il or John, his successor), the Catechetical Homilies of Theodore of Mopsuestia along with the Baptismal Homilies of John Chrysostom in the East, but also both treatises (De mysteriis and De sacramentis) of Ambrose of Milan witness with different nuances to the mystagogical approach, namely the introduction into the mysteries and the Mystery
itself by means of ritual actions. In the present study, I will focus on John
Chrysostom 's Baptismal Ilomilies, underlining some aspects: their timely framework, their connection with other similar texts and the general structure of the preparation for the Christian Initiation.