Recent papers in Style
This dissertation is based on a long-term ethnographic and sociophonetic study of 15 transgender people on the female-to-male (or transmasculine) identity spectrum. The focus of the study is the way these individuals’ voices change during... more
Some activities are easier to practice than to talk about, translation is one of them. This is simply because translation as a practice existed long before translation as a theoretical discipline. Most translators with no doubt wish to... more
ABSTRAK Saat ini peminat dari tren athleisure semakin meningkat karena tren tersebut menggabungkan gaya casual dan sporty sehingga membuat pemakainya merasa nyaman dan terlihat menarik pada saat yang bersamaan (Jang, 2016). Adanya... more
Growing technological advancement and emerging digital environments have infused and swiftly changed the learning landscape globally. One such advancement that incorporates face-to-face learning with technological tools is the blended or... more
In an essay titled "Femininity," Sigmund Freud is noted for having observed that "[t]hroughout history people have knocked their heads against the riddle of the nature of femininity" (22:113). Yet Freud was certainly... more
Tone-mapping operators are used to produce low dynamic range versions of the high dynamic range images, while preserving as much details as possible. We have proposed a tonemapping operator which is built on an existing histogram... more
We examine the most famous controversy between economists as a means of shedding fresh light on the current debate about economic methodology. By focusing on the controversy as the primary unit of analysis, we show how methodological... more
Filosofía y ejercicio del alma en las Cartas a Lucilio de Séneca * juan camilo betancur-gómez ** Resumen: Las precauciones expresadas por Séneca sobre los peligros de desviar la atención de la filosofía hacia entretenciones lógicas o... more
The borders of the Central High Atlas chain showed different structural styles, as revealed by the interpretation of recently acquired surface geology and sub-surface data. Structures, characterizing thick and thin skin tectonics, are... more
El libro que el lector tiene ante sí es un hito en el modesto mundo editorial venezolano, porque hemos querido que este manual vaya más allá de un mero repositorio de normas estilísticas, lingüísticas y editoriales que tanto los autores... more
UT: Utah State UP. 2008. x-xiii + 181 pages. $24.95 paper.
Klasik Türk nesir edebiyatında ayrı bir yeri olan Ta-zarru'-nâme Sinan Paşa'nın hayatının son döneminde kaleme aldığı üç Türkçe eserinden ilkidir. Nesir edebiyatımız söz konusu edilirken adından bahsedilmeden geçilemeyecek olan çalışma,... more
Although scientific research articles have traditionally been taken as examples of an objective style of writing that aims to minimise researchers' voices in their texts (Gilbert and Mulkay, 1984:42), authors inevitably adopt stances... more
The beach has long been a privileged site in Australian culture, and surfers have become icons of it. These men are often referred to as straight as steel, strong as granite, austere and inviolate. Drawing on over three decades worth of... more
Images play an important role in the real world, images are used for describing the changes in the environment and also use of traffic analysis. Images are captured in open environment due to the bed whether or atmosphere images are not a... more
เป็นที่ทราบกันว่าการศึกษาการใช้ภาษาในงานวรรณกรรมที่สำคัญประการหนึ่งคือการศึกษาในเชิงวัจนลีลาศาสตร์ (Stylistics) ซึ่งการศึกษาวัจนลีลา (Style) อันหมายถึงลักษณะของภาษาประเภทใดประเภทหนึ่ง มีการใช้คำ ประโยค สำนวน... more
This paper presents a system, specially designed for the grape spraying through a robotic system. Agricultural Robotics is the logical proliferation of automation technology into bio systems such as agriculture, forestry, green house,... more
Looking at several related texts, the author explores how the testimonios (or testimonial writing) of queer Spanish speakers across the Americas attest to the social complexities embedded in alternative and dominant formulations of... more
Some pictures are exciting, others aren't. Some are art, some are advertising, others were perhaps drawn by a small child. But regardless of whether we are seeing a picture because someone has sold access to our consciousness for a few... more
A Book on Personal & Interior style using Divine energies Presented to my father as gift of Gratitude! This Book is Essays put together on Grooming Styles , Interior, Architectures Styles & Divinity!
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
Статья посвящена подробному исследованию художественных принципов, свойственных портретной живописи сентиментализма. Внимательное рассмотрение женских портретов, созданных И.-Б.Лампи-Старшим, В.Л.Боровиковским и М.-Э.Виже-Лебрен,... more
More than five decades of research and development have focused on making the Creative Problem Solving process and tools accessible across a wide range of ages and contexts. Recent evidence indicates that when individuals, in both school... more
Целью статьи является изучение нескольких женских портретов В.Л. Боровиковского первой половины 1800-х годов, рассмотрение которых позволяет выявить важную методологическую проблему – роль стилистических определений для описания... more
In the 1970s, Hollywood experienced a creative surge, opening a new era in American cinema with films that challenged traditional modes of storytelling. Inspired by European and Asian art cinema as well as Hollywood’s own history of... more
This thesis follows the chronological logic of events in order to trace the origins of the lack of aesthetics notion within modern architectural discourse. As a result, it proves that beauty in modern architecture obeys to the same rules... more
Web pages are not purely text, nor are they solely HTML. This paper surveys HTML web pages; not only on textual content, but with an emphasis on higher order visual features and supplementary technology. Using a crawler with an in-house... more
Following a number of studies on translator style, this paper attempts to apply corpus linguistics methods used in translation studies and inspired by stylometry to verify whether interpreters also demonstrate features of individual... more
Web pages are not purely text, nor are they solely HTML. This paper surveys HTML web pages; not only on textual content, but with an emphasis on higher order visual features and supplementary technology. Using a crawler with an in-house... more
- by Michal Cutler
- CSS, Survey, Javascript, HTML
Dichotomy is a serious obstacle in archaeological studies; it is a problem all fields of human, social and historical knowledge and even natural sciences are faced with. However, in archaeology, especially prehistoric archaeology, this... more
"The concept of injecting photovoltaic power into the utility grid has earned widespread acceptance in these days of renewable energy generation & distribution. Grid-connected inverters have evolved significantly with high diversity.... more
Like letters dispatched from a battlefield, action research u n d e rt a ken in the wo rkplace by pra c t i t i o n e rs should command respect, both for the authenticity and relevance of the practice and for the often demanding... more
Researchers have long been fascinated with youth subcultures. Decades of study have yielded several competing paradigms, which attempt to interpret these subcultures in diverse ways, with each succeeding paradigm criticizing, and... more
Since the end of the 1980s – the Decade of Style (Mort, 1996) – the value of style in design has fallen. Recent times (Whicher et al., 2015) see a focus on style as a sign of design’s immaturity, while a more mature design should be... more
Through multiple case study analysis, the authors explain what fashion thinking is and how, as a methodology, it can inform innovation for a broad range of consumer products and services. Fashion thinking includes an actionable set of... more
alberga luz y, en definitiva, todo cuanto dé sentido a la armonía o, como acuñó últimamente Colinas, a la mansedumbre. Es cierto que por su carácter premonitorio nos hemos detenido anteriormente en un determinado artículo fechado en 1976.... more
This dissertation examines the possibilities of thinking and reading style nonteleocratically through the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Maurice Blanchot, and Jacques Derrida. The title evokes the non-foundational aspect of style-style as... more
Rabindranath Tagore and Lakshminath Bezbaruah are the most prolific and pioneering short story writers of Bengali and Assamese literature. They have their distinctive contributions to the respective literary worlds which also contribute a... more