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L’arrivée d’artistes formés en Europe, l’émergence d’autodidactes locaux, l’existence de lieux et paysages originaux ont permis à la peinture de se développer rapidement en Amérique du Nord. Certains artistes se sont consacrés à des «... more
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      Painting19th Century (History)LandscapeThomas Cole
THE MIGRANT AS CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR: Joseph Nechvatal interviewed by Thyrza Nichols Goodeve for the Brooklyn Rail
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtPainting
On the lower walls of the Upper Church at Assissi there is a series of frescoes (1297-1300) by Giotto that celebrate the life of St Francis as recounted in Bonaventure’s life of the saint (from which excerpts are found beneath each... more
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      MusicPaintingEdmund HusserlLiminality
»Es gibt keine Materialität außer der der Farbe.<< Friedemann Hahn I Traditionellerweise wird in der Kunstgeschichte zwischen dem Eigen­ wert und dem Darstellungswert einer Farbe unterschieden. Sie geht im Wesentlichen auf den... more
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      PaintingMateriality of ArtMaterialityColour
La figura femenina a dos décadas del siglo XXI ha ocupado un lugar importante en la sociedad, sin embargo, en el arte mexicano del siglo XX el papel más importante de la mujer sólo pertenecía al de la musa. Hoy en día es posible dar... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingFeminism
Il Concilio di Trento (1545-1563) determinò nuove esigenze liturgiche, che portarono a una rapida trasformazione e a un drastico rinnovamento delle chiese sia dal punto di vista strutturale che dell’arredo. Questo articolo desidera... more
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      Medieval StudiesPaintingMedieval ArtTuscany
Cette anthologie analytique a été élaborée dans la continuité de la thèse de doctorat à partir d’une sélection de 1660 textes écrits par le théoricien de l’Art corporel, sociologique et critique, François Pluchart, fondateur des revues... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingBody ArtÉcole de Paris
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
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Sur L'origine du monde de Courbet
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryHistory of MedicineVisual Culture
Rhythm lies in the movement of the universe. Consequently, it lies in the nature of humans. Artists try hard to pick up the different rhythms expressed, as the ancient Egyptian artists felt this hidden pulse of nature and recorded... more
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      PaintingLandscapeFine ArtsRythme
Publication des actes de ce colloque consacré à Corot, dont j’étais avec V. Pomarède le directeur scientifique pour la partie parisienne. Je suis le directeur de l’édition scientifique de cette première partie. -- LE PDF CONTIENT : -... more
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      Painting19th century France19th-Century French PaintingPeinture
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      Feminist TheoryPaintingModern and Contemporary ArtRepresentations of Female Sexuality
Le succès rapide que connut la facture traditionnelle de Robert Boyvin dans les années 1490 et son adaptation difficile au contexte des années 1510, marquées par l’adoption croissante du goût à l’antique, font de lui un témoin privilégié... more
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      PaintingManuscript StudiesFrench RenaissanceMedieval France
This thesis compares Art Movement (New Wave Art) in China with that in Korea in 1980s. Although both of them arise around the same time, there are huge differences between them in that Abstract Expressionism and Realism, and a ideological... more
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      Art HistorySurrealismPaintingChinese Art
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      Art HistoryPaintingPortraitureHistory of Art
A MOST HAVE FOR THE ART HISTORIAN! Dopo la pubblicazione del primo tomo, che raccoglie il patrimonio architettonico e artistico del Fondo Edifici di Culto di 129 luoghi di culto presenti in Piemonte, Veneto, Liguria, Emilia Romagna,... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
The American painter Cy Twombly is an artist who is greatly interested in poetry and especially in Mallarmé. This article examines the relationship between the poet and the painter. Using an interdisciplinary approach it tries to show how... more
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      PoetryPaintingStéphane MallarméUt Pictura Poesis
Réflexions faites autour de la notion de portrait et de ses possibilités représentatives à partir de la pratique picturale de Lucian Freud
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      Art HistoryPaintingPortraitureSelf-Portraits
One of Leonardo's first approaches to the L ast Sup p e r project was probably to organise its proportional relationship with respect to its place in the refectory. To do this, he had to negotiate the proportional and measured differences... more
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      ReligionArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian Studies
This is the entire book. "Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles?" is an attempt to understand why scholars have begun writing at such tremendous length on individual pictures. Before the 20th c., one of the longest texts on a single painting... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryClinical Psychology
Exhibition Catalogue for Boots, Brushes, and the Bighorn Mountains, The Brinton Museum, Big Horn, WY
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      PaintingNineteenth Century United StatesAmerican WestNineteenth-century Art
Il Post Scriptum aggiunge ulteriori riflessioni alla scheda sui due frammenti inediti di Jacopo Bassano raffiguranti la "Vergine" e un "Pastore" redatta nel 2019 per l'esposizione presso Banca Mediolanum a Bassano del Grappa. L'intervento... more
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      PaintingVenetian art and architectural historyItalyVenetian Renaissance art
The periphery of the Situationist International is in danger of coming to look more interesting than the main event. Jacqueline de Jong—whose condensed but potent retrospective Imaginary Disobedience was on view at the Los Angeles gallery... more
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryArt TheoryContemporary Art
The dissertation, titled La committenza artistica dei Templari e degli Ospitalieri in Emilia Romagna, tries, through a multidisciplinary approach, to reconstruct the artistic heritage of two monastic and chivalrous Orders in the region.... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
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      Fiction WritingSociologyPublic SociologyVisual Sociology
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      PaintingEarly Modern EuropeVenetian art and architectural historyEarly Modern Italy
A MOST HAVE FOR ART HISTORIANS! Proviamo a tornare indietro nel tempo, al fatale 1866. Quell' anno si completava una fase legislativa cominciata sedici anni prima nel Regno di Sardegna con le leggi Siccardi, veniva infatti emanata la... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryCultural HeritageRenaissance Studies
Osmanlı Devleti’nin askeri ve idari düzlemde başlayan modernleşme serüveni, toplumsal yaşamda yeni anlayışlar şekillendirdiği gibi yeni alışkanlıkların ve beğenilerin gelişmesine de yol açmıştır. Batı modeline göre yapılandırılmış eğitim... more
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      Art HistoryOttoman HistoryPaintingOttoman Empire
Refers to: Stephan Kemperdick and Friso Lammertse, The road to Van Eyck, Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 2012
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      PaintingJan Van EyckInternational Gothic Style
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      Visual StudiesArtCreativityContemporary Art
Inserito nel numero speciale del Notiziario pubblicato dagli Amici dei Musei e dei Monumenti di Bassano del Grappa per celebrare il dono al locale Museo Civico di due frammenti inediti di Jacopo Bassano raffiguranti la "Vergine" e un... more
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      Painting16th Century Italian ArtItalyVenice and the Veneto
Volume 2
Eighth Edition

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings
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Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
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      MarketingReligionHistoryCultural History
Talk about everything interior designers need to know every day: Project mangement tools Sequencing spaces Design software Digital presentation Sustainability guidelines standard dimensions tabels Codes and accessibility Contrast... more
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      PaintingInterior DesignSoftware ArchitectureInterior Design (Architecture)
Due frammenti inediti di Jacopo Bassano, raffiguranti la "Vergine" e un "Pastore", sono apparsi nel 2019 sul mercato antiquario di Bassano del Grappa e sono stati esposti nel mese di dicembre per due giorni nella locale sede di Banca... more
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      PaintingVenetian art and architectural historyVenetian Renaissance artVenice and the Veneto
Jale Erzen is known by the International Association for Aesthetics community mostly as a researcher in aesthetics, art historian and an active member of the com- munity. Very few know that she has another identity: painter. I know her... more
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      AestheticsPaintingFine Arts
This text describes the pattern that has been followed for drafting the conservation plan of the mural paintings in S. Maria Maddalena church. The conservation project of the building and its interiors is focused on a multidisciplinary... more
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      ArtPaintingCultural Heritage ConservationPreventive conservation
Painting, like other areas of the visual arts, is a complex field that defies any single method or style. In the visual arts, we are taught and we learn that there is never a true answer to the problems that we face. Each of us must find... more
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      ArtTacit KnowledgePaintingArt Education
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      Art HistoryPaintingPolish Art and Architecture
The experience of McCarthy Painting doesn’t stop there. They offer professional paint services in San Diego for commercial
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      Gender and SexualityPaintingProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
The aim of this study is to explore how bringing art to life using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can affect viewer engagement and interest compared to the viewing of traditional static artwork. To... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInteraction DesignPaintingAugmented Reality
Résumé Les techniques des sens C&#39;est par une combinaison des cinq sens que les êtres humains perçoivent le monde, mais le mode de combinaison est loin d&#39;être constant. Les cinq sens reçoivent différentes accentuations et... more
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From the establishment of the Committee for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) in 1940, cultural regeneration was anticipated as a vital part of the reconstruction of Britain. The means of achieving this rejuvenation, however,... more
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      Art HistoryArtPainting
Two still-life paintings were scientifically examined in order to gain insights about Dutch painter Jan van Huysum&#39;s (1682-1749) purportedly secretive paintings techniques, comparing the actual works to information obtained in the few... more
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      PaintingPompeii (Archaeology)
Architecture as a media, covers the plurality of languages. Being architectural is not only ‘relating to the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings’ but also relating to constructing the textu(r)al, graphic, photo-graphic... more
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      Art HistoryArchitecturePhotographyPainting