Romance Literature
Recent papers in Romance Literature
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe the collection development practices regarding e-books among librarians who manage French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish (Romance) materials. The authors aim to describe factors that... more
This dissertation is a comparative study of the Russian and Czech avant-gardes and their responses to the crises of representation and artistic language in the first decades of the 20 th century. In particular, it examines the theoretical... more
I should like to take this opportunity to thank the librarian, M. Grozay, and the staff of the Bibliothèque Municipale, Carcassonne, for their kindness and for making readily available to me the Chenier family papers and the poet's... more
This dissertation examines a selection of fictional texts by Marguerite Duras, Andre Gide, Assia Djebar and Tahar ben Jelloun. In my readings of these colonial and post colonial narratives, I explore the textual strategies which transform... more
How does access to this work benefit you? Let us know! Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Islamic Studies Commons, Modern Literature Commons, Other History Commons, Other Languages,... more
My dissertation challenges a commonly accepted view that literary representations of lesbianism were merely a momentary fashion, linked to Symbolist and Decadent movements in literature. More than a trope for artistic sterility, the... more
por su permanente ayuda, pero, sobre todo, por haberme tratado siempre como uno de ellos sin serlo. Por último, todo mi cariño y agradecimiento para Luis, por su infinita paciencia y toda su ayuda, así como a mi familia, y a todos mis... more
Il contributo si propone di indagare le citazioni e i debiti da Gustave Doré esibiti (o criptati) da Gianfranco Baruchello in una litoserigrafia ideata per il libro d'artista di Antonio Porta intitolato La mia versione del canto V... more
My dissertation challenges a commonly accepted view that literary representations of lesbianism were merely a momentary fashion, linked to Symbolist and Decadent movements in literature. More than a trope for artistic sterility, the... more
Male Subjectivity from Carlo Emilio Gadda to the Gruppo '63 traces an indirect but enduring legacy of Italian fascism in models of male subjectivity and literature in writing by Carlo Emilio Gadda and two members of the short-lived,... more
While it goes without saying, this research builds upon a vast body of existing scholarship without which this study would never have been possible. My hope is to contribute in some meaningful way to this scholastic tradition. Finally, my... more
Author(s): Harsolia, Khadija Mohiuddin | Advisor(s): Liu, Benjamin | Abstract: In early modern Spain, the Crown forces its subject minority Muslim population, the Mudejars, to convert to Catholicism (1501-1526) thus giving birth to the... more
This dissertation looks at the thematic and narrative tensions that emerge when certain prominent late eighteenth-century French epistolary novels deal with the issue of women's education and the possibility of its reform. The debate of... more
All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these... more
This has been a long and arduous process, one that I could never have completed without the help, encouragement, and support of a lot of people. I hope that they accept these few words of gratitude and understand that I could never fully... more
On Violence and Tyranny examines historiography as a vehicle for the production of a theory of tyrannicide in the aftermath of the murder of Pedro I de Castilla (1369). The thesis of this work is that by considering the royal chronicle as... more
Diplomska naloga obravnava ljubezensko-erotična romana Diagram neke ljubezni in Ljubezen v f-molu avtorice Elze Budau. Na začetku diplomske naloge so razloženi pojmi, s katerimi lahko povezujemo romana: ženski roman, ljubezenski roman in... more
My dissertation argues that Italian Futurism, in twentieth century Europe, was able to gain widespread recognition because it modelled its methods of diffusion after the parliamentary styled campaigns of social movements. Futurism not... more
This study investigates the imbrications and porosity between journalism and narrative fiction in Latin America. It examines how three journalist-writers, Afonso de Lima Barreto (Brazil), José Marín Cañas (Costa Rica) and Gabriel García... more
It is intended that this work should contribute to the study of the original Italian poetry of Giacomo Zanella, through an overall view of it, in its historical context, with due regard to the findings of previous criticism. After a... more
[à paraître dans le supplément quinquennal 2010 de L'Archicube. Revue de l'Association des anciens élèves, élèves et amis de l'École normale supérieure-ne pas citer sans la permission de l'auteur] Qui sont les normaliens aux États-Unis... more
All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these... more
Catalogue of the Exhibition held in Pisa in October 2015.
All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these... more
Il ciclo dei trentasei Contorni danteschi del pittore e disegnatore berlinese Giovanni Bonaventura Genelli (1798-1868) rappresenta un interessante tentativo d'interpretare il testo della Commedia alla luce dei principi del classicismo... more
Dante e l'Arte è una rivista dell'Institut d'Estudis Medievals attivo all'in-terno dell'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). È stata fondata nel 2014 da Rossend Arqués e Eduard Vilella perché fosse un punto di... more
Dante e l'Arte è una rivista dell'Institut d'Estudis Medievals attivo all'in-terno dell'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). È stata fondata nel 2014 da Rossend Arqués e Eduard Vilella perché fosse un punto di... more
This dissertation traces the human relationship to the environment in the French Renaissance through representations of waste in and around the New World. I follow the conceptual shift from a positive abundance to a perception of excess,... more
Dante e l'Arte è una rivista dell'Institut d'Estudis Medievals attivo all'in-terno dell'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). È stata fondata nel 2014 da Rossend Arqués e Eduard Vilella perché fosse un punto di... more
This study entails of an analysis of the visual space in certain novels of Claude Simon: La Route des Flandres, La Bataille de Pharsale, Orion aveugle, Les Corps conducteurs, Triptyque, Lecon de choses. The fragmentation of Simon\u27s... more
Parmi les etudes scientifiques et techniques, l’evolution de la discipline informatique attire l’attention. En effet, a partir des annees 1980, de plus en plus d’hommes choisissent cette filiere alors que dans le meme temps, le nombre de... more
Pedagogical edition, transcription, and translation of the Aljamiado-Morisco Legend of the Damsel Carcayçiyona (Aragón, ca. 1587) found in MS J57 of the Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás, CSIC, Madrid. A variant of the folktale of the... more
Nel 2021 oltre ai duecento anni dalla morte di Dostoevskij si celebrano anche gli settecento di quella di Dante. Il destino ha voluto associare in tal modo per sempre questi due grandi della letteratura mondiale. Volendo cercare... more
por su permanente ayuda, pero, sobre todo, por haberme tratado siempre como uno de ellos sin serlo. Por último, todo mi cariño y agradecimiento para Luis, por su infinita paciencia y toda su ayuda, así como a mi familia, y a todos mis... more
This is my own complete transcription, transliterated into Latin characters of the Aljamiado MS 5305 housed in the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid. It has not been thoroughly proofed, but is being made available to anyone that... more
v. 3). Con il braccio sinistro piegato a livello della spalla, la mano sinistra aperta con il palmo in avanti e la mano destra posta sopra la testa, il poeta appare confuso e stupito al tempo stesso, e purtuttavia nell'atto di essere... more
Arthur Conan Doyle's 'A Study in Scarlet' (1887), which introduces Sherlock Holmes, is a famously disjointed narrative, yet provides a compelling detective story. One strategy employed to create a sense of cohesion is to adapt structures... more
L’identificazione del livello di diritto amministrato presso la corte di Amore, chiaramente presentato come tale in un passo nodale di Cligés e nel monologo tematico del Chevalier de la Charrette, consente di venire a capo del senso... more
Although no longer a household name, Elizabeth Goudge (1900-1984) was once a best-selling novelist, the author of an epic historical novel that became a Hollywood blockbuster – Green Dolphin Street – based on experiences of some of her... more
This article reads Emma Donoghue's 2007 novel Landing as an intersectional romance. The novel's conflict emerges not only from the distance between the two lovers, the Irish flight attendant Síle and the Canadian curator Jude, but from... more