Recent papers in Converts
Study and edition of the legendary maghâzî tale of al-Miqdâd trying to marry his she cousin al-Mayyâsa, in a Spanish aljamiado translation.
Dalits who convert to Islam or Christianity in India lose their legal status as Dalits and with that the financial and legal support to which they are entitled according to the constitution and legal code. Using the logic that as Muslims... more
The Baiardis are one of the most well-known two centuries old and noble families still living in Iasi, the former capital of the Principality of Moldova. Of Italian origin, Joseph Anton de Baiardi was commissioned, at the beginning of the... more
This chapter explores the interplay of conversion, translation, and life-history in colonial central India, especially in the first half of the twentieth century.
he rabbinic statement ‘Proselytes are as hard to Israel as a scab’ played a significant role in a developed negative approach towards converts documented in the Babylonian Talmud. The lecturing voice of the Talmud systematically used the... more
יצחק אבן עזרא, בנו של רבי אברהם אבן עזרא, היה משורר מוכשר ומלומד. הוא חצה את האימפריה המוסלמית בתקופת תור הזהב ממערב למזרח, יצא ובא בחצרות סוחרים עשירים והיה מקורב לרבי יהודה הלוי. מה הוביל אותו לעזוב את דת אבותיו, להתאסלם ולחזור ליהדותו?
There is now a great deal of literature that shows how Islam and Muslims are routinely represented in negative ways in the mainstream newspapers. With overt or covert reliance on Orientalist discourse, discourses of cultural clash and... more
A talk was delivered to multiple audiences of priests and deacons about the results of my research into catechism and what that means for broader Church life. - 2018: Meeting of the Deanery of Queensland (for ROCOR clergy in the... more