Queer Studies
Recent papers in Queer Studies
Published in "Interpretations," San Francisco State University's MA Literature program's annual peer-reviewed journal (Vol. 25, 2013).
Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that... more
This study aims to analyze the relationship between the military and homosexuality by analyzing the experiences of sexual minority soldiers in the Korean military beyond the claim that homosexuality in the Korean military is a social and... more
Documenting Rebellions is a study of four archives that were constituted with a common desire to preserve the memory and evidence of lesbian and gay people. They are The Lesbian Herstory Archives (New York), The ONE National Gay and... more
The evolving representations of queer people in moving images have taken the form of a homecoming, especially in light of recent law changes that pertain to same-sex marriage in the United States, and the media’s concurrent readiness to... more
Religious authority figures often use religious texts as the primary basis for censuring homosexuality. In recent years, however, non-heterosexual Christians and Muslims have begun to contest the discursively produced boundary of sexual... more
Enacted February 24, 2014 and effective until August 1, 2014, Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act targeted Ugandans of minority sexual orientations and gender identities—many of whom self-identify as 'kuchu'—by imposing life sentences for... more
Questo intervento intende esplorare e problematizzare la rappresentazione delle donne in quanto icone, muse o soggetti passivi, e come esse diventino ricettacolo di proiezioni sociali. Quali strumenti estetici e politici le donne hanno... more
HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education Edited by Anthea Black and Shamina Chherawala HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education is the first student-authored resource... more
Article link: https://read.dukeupress.edu/environmental-humanities/article/11/1/216/138278/Toxic-BodiesTicks-Trans-Bodies-and-the-Ethics-of Tracing ticks in two different artworks and Leslie Feinberg’s activist writing, I take my... more
Erica Brausen's life has hiterto been obscured by history and academic neglect. In this thesis I have written an academic biography of Brausen and a history of the Hanover Gallery. I have looked at the artists of the canon whose careers... more
Published in NICHE [Network in Canadian History & Environment | Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l'environnement]. 23 June 2022 *** https://niche-canada.org/2022/06/23/teaching-wild-things-in-texas/ *** This is the ninth... more
In 1972, Syed Mustafa Siraj (1930-2012) published Māyā Mridanga, a novel which has attained an iconic status in recent years[1], with the advent of queer studies and a proliferation of queer texts in South Asia. Since its first... more
The intro is available on my personal website via the link. The Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E.... more
(The Georgian Underworld: Criminal Subcultures in Eighteenth-Century England; Chapter 16) One of the most interesting subjects in the history of sexuality is the sudden appearance, three hundred years ago, of a well organized gay... more
Queering Australian Museums addresses the problem of how queer or LGBTIQ communities can be further included in Australian museums on their own terms. It looks at four areas of museums—management, collections, exhibitions, and connections... more
This article explores rabbinic traditions that see in the character of Joseph a figure of uncertain sexual orientation. I examine a series of rabbinic and biblical texts in which an unconventional gender dynamic may be present. While it... more
https://brill.com/view/title/61619?language=en Volume Editors: Kamden K. Strunk and Stephanie Anne Shelton Queer studies is an extensive field that spans a range of disciplines. This volume focuses on education and educational research... more
*Winner of the Peter C. Rollins Prize for Best Book of the Year from the Northeast Popular Culture Association* An investigation of the irrational and the unconventional currents swirling behind the Bauhaus's signature sleek surfaces and... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Based on fifteen months of ethnographic research conducted between 2010 and 2013, this article explores queer life-worlds through the Armenian notion of alternativ space, spaces that create possibilities for practices, desires, ways of... more
n her weekly salon, Gertrude Stein introduced habitués to a private museum of modern art early in the twentieth century, prior to the existence of any public counterparts or, indeed, any common knowledge of the diverse artistic trends we... more
From its inception, depiction of sexuality on screen outside of heteronormative behavior has consistently been met with censorship by the state and negative criticism from the media. Yet, beginning with mid 1960s and spanning latter... more
Programa de trabajo del seminario "Cuerpo y Archivo" (UBA, Programa Doctoral: 2016 / UNTREF, Maestría en Estudios y Políticas del Género y Doctorado en Teoría Comparada de las Artes: 2017)
SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques... more
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
This article addresses the identity politics that serve as a base for collective action for many groups active in fighting for LGBT rights and looks at queer theory and queer politics as an alternative to identity based politics. Queer... more
This article analyses the narrative depictions of LGBTQ minorities in contemporary Italian transnational television. To understand the sociocultural repercussions of these representations I first contextualize them by exploring current... more
Entrée "Ecoféminisme radical" dans Feu! Abécédaire des féminismes présents, ouvrage collectif coordonné par Elsa Dorlin. La suite :
Biyolojik/doğal bedenlerimizin üzerine sürekli olarak inşa edileduran kategorik olarak tözcü, heteronormatif gramerin kurallarına göre üretilmiş cinsiyetçi temsillerin, rollerin, anlamlar dünyasının, çağrışımlar silsilesinin, göstergeler... more
Otto and B.D.G., a black and desi gay couple in the film Loins of Punjab Presents (Manish Acharya, 2007), are an exceptional representation of interracial desire in South Asian diasporic cultural production. Beyond the novelty of their... more
A meditation on loitering as praxis in Tarell McCraney + Barry Jenkins' Moonlight--and beyond.
Fallon Fox became the first openly transgender fighter in professional mixed-martial arts (MMA) in 2013. Her outing elicited fervent responses from the MMA community, reflecting the barriers many transgender women encounter in... more
Soyang Park, "Issac Julien’s Solo Exhibition: Post Colonial and Homoerotic Desire in Vagabondia & Cinerama in South London Gallery”, Art World (Monthly), no.192, Nov 2000: 48-51(in Korean)