Arabic Poetry
Recent papers in Arabic Poetry
This critical Arabic text edition of Salwat al-ʿārifīn wa-uns al-mushtāqīn, a manual of early Sufism by Abū Khalaf al-Ṭabarī (d. ca. 470/1077), is based on a very old manuscript preserved in Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣrīya of Cairo, Egypt and... more
Examines the literary topos of dawn, the "Alba," in Persian poetry in comparative perspective, first considering the Alba poem in medieval Provencal lyric in southern France and northern Italy, establishing how the theme of the parting of... more
Introduzione alla raccolta di poesie di Etel Adnan, "Notte"
The paper (in French) analyses the influence of German philosophy, especially Nietzsche and Heidegger, on the poetry and thinking of the Syrian Poet Adunis (or Adonis, pen-name for Ali Ahmad Said Esber). It was published in the catalogue... more
I wrote these spiritual Rubaiyyat or quartains and published them among my friends on WhatsApp and other electronic devices during the last Ramadan 1440 H. (i.e. in 2019) at a rate of one Quartain every day except Fridays on which I... more
Link to the journal where this work is published is included in this citation.
The significance of the Arabic language holds back from its being one of the most explicit languages in its brilliance and its repeated ability to adapt to countless other sciences and knowledge. The Arabic language has reached creativity... more
In order for the English reader to understand, enjoy and appreciate contemporary Iraqi poetry, light must be shed on its past. The reader will find that the translated poetry reflects the experiences of theIraqi people, dictatorship,... more
The most popular expression of poetry in Urdu and Persian, the ghazal is known as much as a poetic form as it is as a genre of music. The ghazal has roots in seventh-century Arabia, and gained prominence in the thirteenth and fourteenth... more
يقدم هذا الكتاب بجزئيه نصوصًا أدبية متنوعة لأحد أهم رواد النهضة العربية الحديثة وهو عبد الله بن مصباح بن إبراهيم الإدريسي الذي عٌرف فيما بعد باسم عبد الله النديم. الجزء الأول هو ديوان النديم الشعري، والذي يطالعه القاريء العربي للمرة... more
This article is a literary analysis on the novel Kubah by Ahmad Tohari by using semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Pierce. This analysis discusses the religious aspects which are symbolized through the characters and background. the... more
PLEASE NOTE: We are creating an international network of international researchers into the Arabic and Hebrew traditions of muwashshah and zajal poetry. If you would like to join this network, send an e-mail to [email protected] A... more
The muwashahat were the product of the popular Arabic literary tradition, but their progress is associated with social factors in the Andalusi setting. This article is an attempt to study the inspiration of the Arabic language focusing on... more
This work presents a poetic translation as well as a linguistic and stylistic commentary in the form of annotations, of the Mu‘allaqât, the most famous anthology of pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, in its standard version (in order of... more
MONTANER , Alberto. «Textos árabes», en La Aljafería, Zaragoza, Cortes de Aragón, 1998 [ISBN 8486794951], vol. II, pp. 85-90.
Actualités, p. 1 Obituaire, p. 1 nCmY, p. 3 Yémen, p. 3 Épigraphie, p. 37 Abou Dhabi, p. 38 Arabie, p. 38 Arabie p. 38 Émirats Arabes Unis p. 40 Sharjah p. 41 Revue de presse p. 42 ENCART : Julian Jansen van Rensburg (Heritage Researcher... more
This review has been published in Romano-Arabica XVII (2017): Fictional beings in Middle East Cultures. Muhammad al-Sharkawi, History and Development of the Arabic Language, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 274 p. ISBN... more
Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 383. Arabic translation, Al-Qaṣīdah wa al-Sulṭah: al-Ustūrah, al-Junūsah, wa al-Marāsim fī al-Shi‛r al-‛Arabī al-Qadīm. Trans. Hasan al-Banna ‛Izz al-Din in collaboration with the author.... more
ADONİS 1930 yılında Suriye'nin Lazkiye iline bağlı Kassabin köyünde doğduğunda işgal altındadır ülkesi. Çocukluk yıllarında tarlada çalışarak babasına yardımcı olur. Bir yandan da babasının kendisine öğrettiği şiirleri ezberler. Şiirle bu... more
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
This study named “An Arab Poet in the Ottoman Period Ibn an-Naqib al-Hussainy and His Poems” attempts to analyze the life of Ibn an-Naqib al-Hussainy, a poet of the Ottoman period, and his poetries in terms of their contentual and formal... more
Çağdaş Arap şiirinin en önemli isimlerinden olan Mahmud Derviş, 1941' de Filistin sahilindeki Akka şehrinin Berve köyünde doğdu. Henüz yedi yaşındayken işgal edilen köyünü ailesiyle birlikte terk edip pek çok Filistinli gibi Güney... more
Thābit b. Qurra (d. 288/901), a Sabian of Ḥarrān, and his descendants remained in their ancestral religion for six generations. Why did they persist despite pressure to convert? This article argues that religious self-identification as a... more
In this comprehensive analysis of Arabic poetry during the period of the crusades (sixth/twelfth-seventh/thirteenth centuries), Osman Latiff provides an insightful examination of the poets who inspired Muslims to unite in the jihād... more
Muwashsha is a genre of strophic poetry composed mainly in formal Arabic that originated in al-Andalus at the end of the third/ninth century. While muwashsha is the name of the genre; a single poem in that genre is called a muwashshaa... more
Saf ve temiz duyguların tahrikiyle, Arabistan’ın çetin çöllerinde filizlenen iffetli aşk şiirleri, İslam öncesinden itibaren klasik Arap edebiyatının dikkat çekici temalarından birisi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Emevî Dönemiyle birlikte... more
The ‘Ayn ‘Abadat, Namarah, Umm al-Jimal, and Raqqush inscriptions are considered by some as the only Nabataean inscriptions containing clear Arabic language that can be identified with Classical Arabic. However, the ‘Ayn ‘Abadat... more
This article examines the dilemma of exiled Arab intellectuals and their relationship to home in the work of the Syrian novelist, journalist, and feminist, Ghada al-Samman. It argues that for Samman, a writer of multiple exiles, home and... more
This article presents a critical edition and study of a 17th/18th-century poetry collection that had previously been mistaken for al-Ṯaʿālibī’s lost Kitāb al-Ġilmān. It provides a codicological analysis of Berlin MS Wetzstein II 1786 in... more
an extensive biographical essay of a major poet who has become the icon of revolution in the Arab World.
This paper surveys and analyzes the written, oral, and aural sources of two major anthologies, the Yatımat al-dahr fı mahāsin ahl al-ʿasṛ and its sequel the Tatimmat al-Yatıma of Abū Mansur al-Thaʿālibı, which deal exclusively with... more
A beautiful poem with English translation about Arabic and its Dialects crisis.
finalist for the 2019 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award, which "honors an especially distinguished book in the history of art, published in the English language" (College Art Association). The Nasrid builders of the Alhambra – the... more