Religious Dissimulation
Recent papers in Religious Dissimulation
Currently available for free from the Mediterranean Historical Review to celebrate their 30th Anniversary: This work analyses the previously unedited... more
Rédigé en 1659, le Theophrastus redivivus est l’un des ouvrages clandestins les plus étendus (environ mille pages de texte), les plus radicaux (athée et anticonformiste sous tous les angles), et les plus mystérieux de l’âge moderne :... more
Study and edition of the legendary maghâzî tale of al-Miqdâd trying to marry his she cousin al-Mayyâsa, in a Spanish aljamiado translation.
When dealing with Muslim minorities in the Middle East, the issue of taqiyya is often raised to imply that, whatever representatives of these minorities may say, their statements should not be taken fully at face value. While it is... more
Si può sostenere come fa Donatella Di Cesare nel suo libro sui marrani che la vicenda del marranesimo non sia tanto un fenomeno storico del passato quanto invece costituisca una dimensione attuale e contemporanea, passibile di diventare... more
What kind of strategies did Christians adopt to increase their survival chances in the Middle East? What can we learn from the Crypto Christians of the past in order to strengthen the Church today? Throughout the Islamic era, Christians... more
Published in J. Bremmer, V. Hirschberger, and T. Nicklas (eds.), Figures of Ezra (Leuven: Peeters, 2018), 131–161
Au sein du phénomène libertin, le philosophe sceptique François de la Mothe le Vayer (1588-1672) a souvent passé pour le représentant typique de la dissimulation auctoriale, avançant des idées neuves sous un masque toujours changeant.... more
Nicodemism can be generally defined as the practice of religious (dis)simulation in contexts of more or less open persecution. “Nicodemite” was the name that the sixteenth-century French reformer John Calvin gave to Protestants living in... more