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はてなキーワード: anotherとは




> 真面目に議論したり発信したりしてるツイッタラーブクマカにも思うんだが

> 国の運営プロに任せれば良くね?




そのスタイルの方がぶっちゃけ安心だ、だから、皆んなは無自覚に Yet another 中国more better 中国 を目指してるのだよ




大雑把に言えば、この「夏目漱石I love you を月が綺麗ですねと訳した」という話は、


I love youは訳せない」

まず、夏目漱石は「I love you日本語にない表現である」と書き残している。これは漱石イギリス留学時代である1901年から1902年にかけて書き留められたメモ書きの一つで、ジョージメレディスの『Vittoria』という小説言及したものである。ただし、この台詞はヴィットリア(Vittoria)がラウラ夫人(Signora Laura)に向けて言った台詞なので、恋愛の「I love you」ではなく親愛の「I love youである

formula ノ差西洋日本I will excuse myself to you another time,” said Vittoria. “I love you, Signora Laura.”――Vittoria p. 113. 此 I love you日本ニナキ formula ナリ.


1908年の『明治学報』に掲載された、上田敏の「予の観たる欧米各国」という講演の書き起こしにも、同様に「I love youは訳せない」というような記述がある。上田敏は高名な英文学者で「山のあなたの空遠く幸住むと人のいふ」や「秋の日のヴィオロンためいきの」などの詩訳で知られる。漱石よりは年下だが、同時期に東京帝国大学で教鞭をとっていたこともあり、文学論を語り合う仲だった。







日本語には英語の『ラブ』に相當する言葉が全く無い。『戀』とか『愛』とか云ふ字では感じがひどくちがう。" I love you" や "Je t'aime" に至つては、何としても之を日本語に譯すことが出來ない。さう云ふ英語や佛蘭西語にある言語感情が、全く日本語では出ないのある。『わたしあなたを愛してよ』、『わたしや、あなたいろはほの字よ』では、まるで成つて居ない。言葉が無いのは、それによつて現はさるべき思想が無いからだ。


以上からすると、夏目漱石最初に言い出したかどうかはともかく、この時期にさまざまな人が「I love you日本語に訳せない」と主張していたことは確かなようである


そしてこの「I love youは訳せない」という話から「月が綺麗ですね」が派生する。いまのところ見つけられたかぎりでは、1927年の『帝人タイムス』に掲載されたコラム東方へ」での記述が最も古かった。

西洋デハ人ノ表情ガ露骨デアツテ 例ヘバ恋ヲ囁クニモ 真正面カラ アイラヴユー ト斬込ムガ 日本デハ 良イお月デスネー ト言フ調子デ 後ハ眼ト素振リニ物ヲ言ハス






月下に若い男女が語らい合つている. 男が女に愛の言葉をささやくとして, この場合の純日本的な表現は今夜はいい月ですねえ!ということであり, 女がほんとうにいい月ですこと!といつたとすれば, それは男の愛を受け入れたことになる.



三宅 その言葉が昔からないんだね。向うはアイ・ラブ・ユウ、実に簡単ですよ。ところが日本はそういう表現はない。「ああいい月ですな」というのが、ほれたと翻訳しなきゃならんのだ。(笑)

大山 「いい月ですね」ってそのくらいのことは言われたような気がしますけど……。(笑)

三宅 アイ・ラブ・ユウと直接には言わない。古来そういう文学表現方法日本にはない







「私はあなたを愛していますI love you)」





以上のように、戦後にも「I love youは訳せない」や「月が綺麗ですね」はそれなりに広まっていたと思われるが、しかし、この時点ではまだ夏目漱石とは結びついていなかった。



明治時代に、夏目漱石が、学生に、I love you を、どう訳すか、質問した。学生は、明治時代から、我なんじを愛すというようなことを答えた。漱石は、怒って、一喝した。おまえら日本人か? 日本人は、そんな、いけ図図しいことは言わないんだ。I love you というのは、日本語では、月がとっても蒼いなあ、と、こう訳すものだ、って言ったろ。



古くは夏目漱石I love you はどう訳せるかって言ったという有名な話がありますよね。生徒たちがそれは「愛してます」って訳すると言ったら、夏目漱石が教壇からばかやろうとどなりつけて、「月がとっても青いから」って訳すのだと言った話がありますけど、そういう翻訳リアリティーっていいますか、それは、時代とともにいろいろ変わっていってるんでしょうね。




ツルゲーネフの『片恋』における「Yours」という台詞二葉亭四迷が「死んでも可いわ…」と訳したという話を、「二葉亭四迷I love youを死んでもいいわと訳した」に変形させた犯人探しも行われているが、それはおそらく土岐善麿だろう。1957年の『ことば随筆』にこう書かれている。




土岐善麿氏によると、二葉亭四迷は、トゥルゲーネフのある小説女性の言うI love you.を訳すのにはたと困ったそうだ。何でも相愛の男女が愛を確かめあうクライマックスの場面であるが、男がI love you.と言い、女もそれに答えてI love you.と言う。男のせりふの方は「ぼくはあなたが好きだ」で簡単だ。が女の方はそうはいかない。もし、「私もあなたが好きです」とでも言ったら、それは教養のないあばずれ女ということになる。女のI love you.を日本語で何と訳すべきか、二葉亭は、二日二晩考えた末、今も名訳として伝わっている日本語を思いついた。それは「死んでもいいわ」という文句という文句だという。






I've noticed a non-negligible number of people who have not only completed compulsory education in regular classes but have also received higher education and graduated from university, yet struggle with reading comprehension (understanding the meaning of text), cannot read long texts, and even have difficulty understanding videos.

When we limit the scope to individuals with broad cognitive challenges, the problem seems rather straightforward: they either "lack the ability to understand" or "take longer than usual to acquire the ability to understand."

Similarly, the case of individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities is relatively simple. While they may not have broad cognitive challenges, they require different approaches and training due to their unique learning styles.

However, it is perplexing that university graduates without broad cognitive challenges or diagnosed learning disabilities struggle to understand not only written text but also simplified video content.

I suspect that the underlying causes might include gaps in the horizontal transfer of experiences and knowledge, a severe lack of adaptability, and an extreme deficit in metacognition. Has there been any research on these issues? Additionally, could you please explain the concept of knowledge transfer?













Chat GPTちゃんの回答

Yes, research and analysis exist around the issues you described, particularly in the domains of education, psychology, and cognitive science. Let’s break down your observations and questions step by step:


Key Issues with Reading and Comprehension


1. Reading Comprehension Among Educated Individuals

• This phenomenon—educated individuals struggling with comprehensionis indeed perplexing, especially given their presumed exposure to a variety of learning materials. It suggests that education systems sometimes emphasize rote learning and surface-level knowledge acquisition over deeper understanding, critical thinking, and metacognition.

2. Possible Underlying Causes

• Horizontal Transfer Gaps: This refers to the inability to apply knowledge or skills learned in one context to another. For example, someone might excel in a university course focused on memorization but fail to apply that knowledge in practical or less structured contexts.

• Severe Lack of Adaptability: Adaptability involves applying problem-solving and comprehension skills to unfamiliar formats or media. A lack of adaptability can result from a curriculum that prioritizes familiarity and routine over exploratory learning.

• Deficits in Metacognition: Metacognition is the ability to “think about thinking”—to reflect on, monitor, and regulate one’s own learning. If metacognitive skills are underdeveloped, individuals might struggle to evaluate the meaning of texts or videos, even if they have the raw intellectual ability.


Research Insights


1. Knowledge Transfer

The concept of knowledge transfer involves applying skills, knowledge, or strategies learned in one context to another. It is often classified into:

• Horizontal Transfer: Applying knowledge across similar contexts (e.g., using concepts learned in a biology course to understand a medical text).

• Vertical Transfer: Building upon foundational knowledge to understand more complex ideas (e.g., using basic algebra to solve advanced calculus problems).

Studies suggest that transfer is more likely to occur when:

• Learners deeply understand underlying principles, not just surface details.

Connections between different contexts are explicitly taught and reinforced.

2. Factors Limiting Transfer

• Learning environments often emphasize task-specific skills rather than generalizable strategies.

• Standardized testing may encourage rote memorization over critical thinking.

• Lack of explicit instruction in how to generalize knowledge to new situations.

3. Metacognitive Deficits

Research highlights the importance of metacognition in learning. Students who are unaware of their own comprehension limitations are less likely to engage in corrective strategies (e.g., rereading, seeking clarification). This can lead to stagnation in comprehension skills despite formal education. Effective interventions include:

• Teaching self-monitoring techniques.

• Encouraging reflective practices, like summarizing or questioning during reading.

4. Cognitive Overload in Multimedia

Even videos, if not designed properly, can overwhelm learners. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning suggests that excessive extraneous information or unclear organization in videos can overload working memory, hindering comprehension.


Strategies and Research-Based Solutions


1. Improving Knowledge Transfer

Active Learning: Techniques such as problem-based learning or case studies can improve transfer by encouraging the application of knowledge to new situations.

• Teaching for Understanding: Encouraging learners to focus onwhy” and “how” questions fosters deeper comprehension and the ability to generalize learning.

2. Fostering Adaptability

• Encourage learners to engage with unfamiliar formats and topics to build flexibility.

• Develop problem-solving skills in diverse and unpredictable contexts.

3. Developing Metacognitive Skills

• Self-Regulated Learning Training: Programs that teach students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning have shown success in improving comprehension.

Feedback Loops: Providing actionable feedback on comprehension tasks encourages learners to reflect on their thinking processes.




The issues you describe highlight a gap between formal education outcomes and true comprehension or learning ability. Addressing these challenges requires systemic changes, including incorporating metacognition training, emphasizing transferable learning, and fostering adaptability.


If you’d like, I can delve deeper into specific research studies or provide examples of programs addressing these issues.




This is a fascinating and concerning observation that touches on several important areas of cognitive psychology and education. Let me address this systematically.


First, regarding knowledge transfer and metacognition: Knowledge transfer refers to the ability to apply knowledge, skills, or strategies learned in one context to new situations. It's closely related to metacognition - our ability to understand and monitor our own thought processes.


Research in this area has revealed several key findings:


David Perkins and Gavriel Salomon's work in the late 1980s and early 1990s identified two types of transfer:


A significant study by Brown, Collins, and Duguid (1989) in "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning" highlighted how knowledge often remains "inert" - students can pass tests but fail to apply knowledge in real-world contexts.


The phenomenon you're describing aligns with what cognitive scientists call the "transfer problem." Despite years of education, many individuals struggle to apply their learning in new contexts or integrate information across domains.


Some relevant research directions:


1. Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller et al.)

Shows how working memory limitations affect learning and transfer. Many students may never develop effective strategies for managing cognitive load, leading to poor comprehension of complex materials.


2. Reading Comprehension Studies

Work by Pressley and Afflerbach on "verbal protocols" revealed that skilled readers use multiple strategies simultaneously, while poor readers often lack these metacognitive tools.


3. Domain Integration Research

Studies by Susan Goldman and others have shown that even advanced students often fail to connect knowledge across domains, treating each subject as an isolated "silo."


Your observation about university graduates struggling with comprehension despite no apparent cognitive disabilities might be explained by several factors identified in research:


1. Surface-level Learning: Many educational systems reward memorization over deep understanding

2. Limited Strategy Instruction: Students often aren't explicitly taught comprehension strategies

3. Fragmented Knowledge: Information is typically taught in isolation without emphasis on connections

4. Weak Metacognitive Skills: Students may never develop the ability to monitor and regulate their own understanding


Some promising approaches to address these issues include:


1. Strategy Instruction Models

Teaching explicit strategies for comprehension, integration, and transfer. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model has shown particular promise.


2. Knowledge Integration Frameworks

Approaches like Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE) help students connect ideas across domains.


3. Metacognitive Training Programs

Programs focusing on developing metacognitive awareness and self-regulation skills.


Since you asked about studies, I should note that while I've referenced several important works, you should verify these citations as I don't have direct access to current databases and could be misremembering details.


Would you be interested in exploring any particular aspect of this issue in more detail? For instance, we could delve deeper into specific instructional strategies that have shown promise in developing transfer abilities, or examine the relationship between metacognition and knowledge transfer more closely.



20年ぶりぐらいにbeatmania IIDXやりたいなーと思っていろいろ調べた















もはやbeatmania IIDXも32まで進んでいるので、3〜8ぐらいをメインでやってたオジさんにはさっぱり分からん世界になっている



久々に遊んでHolic Anotherクリアしてやるぜ!みたいなのはできないっぽい










1. u gotta groove

すべては ここから はじまった!



2. 20,november

Q. 音ゲーといえば?

A. プレイヤーをぶちのめすために作られた「ボス曲」。




説明不要DDR 1stの超有名「版権曲」。

実は音楽ゲーム史で最初版権曲を取り入れたのがDDR 1stなのだ。(東芝EMIコラボ)




若者は知らないIIDX 2ndの曲。




5,6. starmine / Clione


IIDX 4thからチョイスしたこの2曲は初めての「公募曲」。




古今東西使い古された音MAD楽曲であるコイツIIDX REDが初出。2004/10/28稼働なので丁度20周年を迎えたばかりの楽曲である


8. Absurd Gaff




9. Max Burning!!


そのハシりとなったのがSDVX BOOTHMax Burning!!。


10. I'm in love Again -Y&Co. EURO MIX-

最後IIDX 9thからこの楽曲。そんな曲シランがな、という人も多そうだが、何を隠そうこの楽曲は史上初の「解禁曲」(特定の条件で出現し、かつそれ以降常駐する新曲)。













少なくともbeatmania III (2000年) の「mnemoniq」が先行してる。フロッピープレイ記録を保存できた。





1.Strings of Life Derrick May



2.Can You Feel It  Mr Fingers


3.Gypsy Woman Crystal Waters


4.Sweetest Day Of May ジョー・T・ヴァネリ

DJ EMMAさんが毎月5月に必ずかけていた曲として思い出深い人も多いだろう。


5.We Got The Love Touch Of Soul

2006年リリースされたInner City Jam Orchestra版を聴いた人は多いかも知れない。


6.Lazy X-Press 2


7.Finally Kings of Tomorrow

未だに色あせる事のない名曲Kings of Tomorrowは他にもAnother Dayなどの名曲を残している。

8.Fade Solu Music feat. KIMBLEE


9.Inspired Satoshi Tomiie


10.20, november 南雲玲生












(ちなみに、曲名の「11月20日」は作曲者DJナグレオ こと 南雲玲生誕生日である




20,november (single mix) / DJ nagureo


初代 beatmania (1997) 収録の 元祖 20,november

……なのだが、「20,novem v er」と盛大に誤字をやらかしている(もちろんその後のバージョンでは修正されている)。


20,november (radio edit) / DJ nagureo


同じく初代 beatmania 収録。single mix とは曲構成が異なる。


20,november (nagureo kidding style) / DJ nagureo


3作目「beatmania 3rdMIX」(1998) で追加された、いわゆるアナザー譜面オブジェクトの配置を変えて高難度化したバージョン)。縦連がいやらしい。

初出の 3rdMIX ではゲーム内に「nagureo kidding style」の表記はなく、後のバージョンで追加された。

20,November (substream ANOTHER) / dj nagureo


同じくアナザー譜面。鍵盤の数が 5つから 7つに増えた姉妹作、 beatmania IIDX の 1.5作目「beatmania IIDX substream」(1999) で登場。

substream と「beatmania IIDX 2nd style」(1999) の 2バージョンしか収録されておらず、家庭用への移植版でも遊べないレア譜面

20,November (completeMIX 2 ANOTHER) / n.a.r.d.


こちらもアナザー譜面。第7作「beatmania completeMIX 2」(2000) で追加。

completeMIX 2 を含む一部のバージョンと 一部の CD では、アーティスト名義が「n.a.r.d.」や「N.A.R.D.」になっている。

20,november (hard mix) / DJ nagureo


第4作「beatmania completeMIX」(1999) に収録されたリミックスバージョン


それに伴ってジャンルオリジナル版の「HOUSEから「HARD HOUSE」に変更。

オリジナル20,november のロング版は存在しないが、この hard mix のロング版は beatmania 4thMIXサントラに収録されている。

20,NOVEMBER (FINAL EDIT) / Remixed by TATSUYA NISHIWAKI (Original Music by n.a.r.d.)


第9作※「beatmania CORE REMIX」(2000) に収録された、西脇辰弥によるリミックスバージョン


(※「beatmania featuring DREAMS COME TRUE」(2000) は番外作として、ナンバリングに含めなかった場合

20,NOVEMBER (D.D.R. version) / N.M.R feat. DJ nagureo


DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX」(1999) に収録されたリミックスバージョン

2ndMIX では STEP BATTLE という特殊モード専用の曲だったが、3rdMIX 以降では通常のモードで遊べるようになった。

ミキサーNAOKI こと 前田尚紀オリジナルにあったボーカルは使われておらず、FINAL EDIT とは対照的シンセが強調されている。

ちなみに DDR にはオリジナルの方の 20,november移植されている。

BEMANI HIT TRACKS / K.M.D.J. team featuring Seigo “M” Takei


PS版「beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX」(1999) に収録。

人気の 4曲をメドレーにしたトラック20,november はそのトリを飾っている。

他の 3曲は e-motion (RAVE)、LOVE SO GROOVY (SOUL)、La Bossanova de Fabienne (BOSSA GROOVE)。

MCは、発売当時「HEY! HEY! HEY!」でおなじみ……だった 武居 “M” 征吾。

20,november (n.a.r.b mix) / metaphone twin dub unit



5鍵ビートマニア最後ベストアルバムbeatmania THE BEST PROMINENT」(2003) に収録。

……なのだが、原曲面影ほとんどない。果たしてこれを 20,november と呼んでもいいのか…?





もっと足りなかったら、ビーマニポケット音源 (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51BPfKfzpAw?t=250 ) とか、

いちおう非公式だけど半公式…?みたいな Hommarju Remix ( ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCSO1iZg98I ) とか、

曲名が似てるだけで全然別の曲の「19,November」( ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhPq3NOYRnw ) でお茶を濁そうかとも考えてたけど、それはせずに済んだぜ。

































































元々YouTube kids動画で、おもちゃを使ったごっこ遊び動画を見て、ある程度真似をするのだが、マイクラを覚えると、レゴやその他ブロックで、建物乗り物などを作る能力想像力が鍛えられ、ジオラマセットをブロック人形で作って遊ぶようになる。








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Yes, you can split your payment through Klarna or AfterPay.

When I sign up for Temu’s email newsletter, do I get a special offer?

You can get exclusive offers and promotions when you sign up for Temu’s newsletter.

Does Temu Have an Affiliate Program?

Yes, Temu's affiliate program offers a 20% commission for new referrals and $5 for each new referred user download.

Redeeming a Temu Promo Code

Browse for items on temu.com. When you find an item that you like, clickAdd to Carton its product page.

Choose “Checkouton the panel that appears from the right.

Enter your Temu coupon code in the input box.

Click the “Apply” button to enjoy your discount.

What To Do if Your Temu Promo Code Isn't Working

Verify that you have correctly entered your Temu coupon code.

Ensure your cart meets the minimum purchase amount or any additional requirements.

Make certain the coupon code which you selected is still valid and has not yet expired.

If you are still having any trouble, try a different Temu promo code from CouponFollow instead.

Stacking Temu Promo Codes

We have observed that you cannot apply two or more Temu coupon codes per order. If you try to apply another code, Temu will give you an error message. Make sure you are applying the best Temu promo code to your order.

Key Tips for Temu Shoppers

Temu Savings Tips

Check out the “Lightning Deals” for limited-time offers that can be up to an 80% discount.

Temu offers free standard shipping on every order. To get free express shipping, you need to spend $129 or more.

You can sign up for a Temu account and then visit the "Coupons and Offers" tab to see your exclusive offers. You'll unlock coupons as you shop. Note that you have to make a first purchase to start receiving offers.

Sign up for text message updates to get a 20% Temu coupon code for your first order with no minimum purchase.

New Temu shoppers sometimes receive special offers, such as the opportunity to spin a wheel and win a prize. Currently, you can spin the wheel to get up to a $100 discount on your mobile app order.

College students can access a special section of discounted items. To get this student discount, you will need to provide your school's email address and graduation date.

Follow Temu on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest to keep track of their latest sales and promotions.

Saving Money With Temu’s Holiday Sales

In our research, we have observed that Temu offers discounts on some holidays and seasons. In the past, these holidays included Black Friday, Labor Day, and Summer. These promotions can typically be found on the homepage, so make sure you frequent the site during these promotional periods.

Additional Information for Temu Shoppers

What Is Temu’s Return Policy?

Temu accepts returns for unused products within 90 days. You can return almost everything except free gifts and products listed as non-returnable. Contact Temu to request your refund. Once you initiate a return, you can track your refund through the "My Orders" section of your profile.

How Can You Contact Temu Support?

To contact their support team, request a phone call online or email [email protected]. While Temu does not publish a phone number, they accept requests for return phone calls from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. You can also send a letter to their address at Suite 355, 31 St. James Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA. For fast answers, check out their FAQ section.

How to get $20 off on Temu?

To get $20 off on Temu, sign up using the referral code acu639380and make your first purchase of $100 or more. This will activate the coupon bundle that includes a $20 off discount.

What is the Temu $100 off code?

The Temu $100 off code is taa85211. Use this code when signing up or during checkout to unlock the $100 coupon bundle for new and existing users.

How to get the most discounts on Temu?

To get the most discounts on Temu, use the referral code acu639380to sign up and get access to the $100 coupon bundle. This bundle includes multiple discounts like $100 off, 50% off, buy 3 get $99 off, and more that you can stack for maximum savings.

Is Temu $100 coupon legit?

Yes, the Temu $100 coupon is legit. Many users have successfully used the code acu639380 to get $100 off their Temu purchases as a new user bonus or by unlocking the $100 coupon bundle.

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off? acu639380

Are you in the mood for some amazing shopping deals? Well, we have some great news that's bound to make your day brighter!

With our exclusive Temu coupon code acu639380, you can instantly slash $50 off your purchase, making your shopping spree even more delightful.

Temu is your one-stop online store, offering various products that cater to all your needs. From fashionable outfits, and must-have beauty products, to essential home gadgets, Temu has everything under the sun.

The best part? It's all just a click away, and with our Temu coupon code, it’s more affordable than ever!

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off?

Here's How to Use the Temu Coupon Code acu639380:

Visit Temu: Start by going to the Temu website or app by using the Temu Promo Code Link.

Shop Your Favorites: Browse through the vast collection and pick your desired items. From new arrivals to trending products, choose what you love.

Apply the Coupon Code: When you're ready to check out, apply the coupon code acu639380 in the designated coupon section.

Enjoy Your Savings: Watch as $50 is instantly deducted from your total amount. Yes, it's that simple!

Checkout: Proceed to finalize your purchase. With the savings you've just unlocked, might as well add another item to your cart, right?

Temu Coupons 50% Off october 2024 Promo Codes

Here are latest Temu Coupon Codes To Save money:

30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon - acu639380

Temu Promo: 10% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Get 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon: Save 30% on Orders $39+ - acu639380

90% Off Temu Blowout Sale - acu639380

Temu Promo: 75% Off Home Sale - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon Code: $25 Off Your First App Order - acu639380

Get 30% Off Your First Order $39+ - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Save 30% Orders $39+ - acu639380

30% Off Your Purchase with Temu Promo Code - acu639380

Why Choose Temu?

Vast Selection: Whatever you're looking for, Temu likely has it. Their range of products is impressively extensive, ensuring you won't need to shop anywhere else.

Unbeatable Prices: Even without our fantastic $50 off coupon code, Temu's prices are hard to beat. It's truly a bargain hunter's paradise.

Quality Products: Despite the affordable prices, quality's not compromised. Each product is selected to meet your expectations.

Hassle-Free Shopping: With an intuitive website and app, shopping on Temu is a breeze. Plus, their customer service is always there to help.

Conclusion: Ready to save big?

Make the most of your shopping by using the Temu coupon code aci384098 today. With $50 off your purchase, there's no reason not to treat yourself. Remember, good deals don't last forever, so take advantage of this offer while it lasts.

Happy shopping, and enjoy the incredible savings with Temu!

FAQs On Temu Coupon Code 50% OFF

Are there any current Temu coupons today?

Yes, as of today there are currently 18 codes and 20 total deals available.

How many Temu promo codes are confirmed to work for May of 2024?

Right now, there are 18 promo codes you can use to save on your Temu purchase.

What is the top verified promo code for Temu right now?

The top verified promo code for Temu is: 30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon .

Is there a special offer when I use Temu’s mobile app?

Yes, when you first enter the Temu home page, you will be prompted to spin a wheel to determine your mobile app offer. You can get up to a $100 discount.

Do I get a special Temu discount code when I subscribe to their texts?

Yes, you can get a 20% discount when you sign up for Temu’s text.

Does Temu offer free shipping?

Yes, you can get free standard shipping on all Temu orders.

Can I get a special Temu student discount?

Temu has a discounted section for students. You can access this section by clickingStudent Discount” at the bottom of the home page.

Where can I find more discounted Temu items?

Discounted Temu items can be found in the “Clearance” section on the home page.

Does Temu have a payment plan?

Yes, you can split your payment through Klarna or AfterPay.

When I sign up for Temu’s email newsletter, do I get a special offer?

You can get exclusive offers and promotions when you sign up for Temu’s newsletter.

Does Temu Have an Affiliate Program?

Yes, Temu's affiliate program offers a 20% commission for new referrals and $5 for each new referred user download.

Redeeming a Temu Promo Code

Browse for items on temu.com. When you find an item that you like, clickAdd to Carton its product page.

Choose “Checkouton the panel that appears from the right.

Enter your Temu coupon code in the input box.

Click the “Apply” button to enjoy your discount.

What To Do if Your Temu Promo Code Isn't Working

Verify that you have correctly entered your Temu coupon code.

Ensure your cart meets the minimum purchase amount or any additional requirements.

Make certain the coupon code which you selected is still valid and has not yet expired.

If you are still having any trouble, try a different Temu promo code from CouponFollow instead.

Stacking Temu Promo Codes

We have observed that you cannot apply two or more Temu coupon codes per order. If you try to apply another code, Temu will give you an error message. Make sure you are applying the best Temu promo code to your order.

Key Tips for Temu Shoppers

Temu Savings Tips

Check out the “Lightning Deals” for limited-time offers that can be up to an 80% discount.

Temu offers free standard shipping on every order. To get free express shipping, you need to spend $129 or more.

You can sign up for a Temu account and then visit the "Coupons and Offers" tab to see your exclusive offers. You'll unlock coupons as you shop. Note that you have to make a first purchase to start receiving offers.

Sign up for text message updates to get a 20% Temu coupon code for your first order with no minimum purchase.

New Temu shoppers sometimes receive special offers, such as the opportunity to spin a wheel and win a prize. Currently, you can spin the wheel to get up to a $100 discount on your mobile app order.

College students can access a special section of discounted items. To get this student discount, you will need to provide your school's email address and graduation date.

Follow Temu on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest to keep track of their latest sales and promotions.

Saving Money With Temu’s Holiday Sales

In our research, we have observed that Temu offers discounts on some holidays and seasons. In the past, these holidays included Black Friday, Labor Day, and Summer. These promotions can typically be found on the homepage, so make sure you frequent the site during these promotional periods.

Additional Information for Temu Shoppers

What Is Temu’s Return Policy?

Temu accepts returns for unused products within 90 days. You can return almost everything except free gifts and products listed as non-returnable. Contact Temu to request your refund. Once you initiate a return, you can track your refund through the "My Orders" section of your profile.

How Can You Contact Temu Support?

To contact their support team, request a phone call online or email [email protected]. While Temu does not publish a phone number, they accept requests for return phone calls from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. You can also send a letter to their address at Suite 355, 31 St. James Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA. For fast answers, check out their FAQ section.

How to get $20 off on Temu?

To get $20 off on Temu, sign up using the referral code acu639380and make your first purchase of $100 or more. This will activate the coupon bundle that includes a $20 off discount.

What is the Temu $100 off code?

The Temu $100 off code is taa85211. Use this code when signing up or during checkout to unlock the $100 coupon bundle for new and existing users.

How to get the most discounts on Temu?

To get the most discounts on Temu, use the referral code acu639380to sign up and get access to the $100 coupon bundle. This bundle includes multiple discounts like $100 off, 50% off, buy 3 get $99 off, and more that you can stack for maximum savings.

Is Temu $100 coupon legit?

Yes, the Temu $100 coupon is legit. Many users have successfully used the code acu639380 to get $100 off their Temu purchases as a new user bonus or by unlocking the $100 coupon bundle.


Temu Coupon Code $100 Off [acp856709]: New And Existing Customers In September 2024

We've rounded up the latest and greatest Temu coupon code $100 off deals for September 2024, covering both new and existing customers. Whether you're a seasoned Temu shopper or just discovering this online treasure trove, we've got coupon codes like act200019 and acp856709 to help you maximize your savings.

With our handpicked selection of Temu coupons, you can score incredible discounts on everything from fashion and electronics to home goods and beauty products. Just use our coupon code in the Temu app during checkout and watch your total plummet.

We'll now uncover deals for new and existing customers, explain how to redeem your coupons, and highlight the benefits of using these codes. Get ready to shop smarter and save bigger with Temu!

Get $100 OFF On The Temu APP >>>

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off In 2024: Get Flat $100 OFF + 30% Discount

Are you looking for a Temu $100 coupon code? We've got the latest deals to help you save big on your next Temu purchase. Right now, you can redeem a Temu coupon for $100 off plus an extra 30% discount on top of that. It's the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite items.

Here's the deal! New customers can score a flat $100 off the first order, PLUS an extra 30% discount. That's potentially 70% off your total! Existing customers can still get 40% off your next Temu haul.

Here are five exclusive Temu coupon codes for $100 off:

ACT200019: Get $100 off on your first order or as an existing customer.

ACP856709: New customers can save up to 70%.

ACU395411: Existing customers can get 40% off.

ACU934948: Another option for new customers to save up to 70%.

ACL921207: Existing customers can enjoy 40% off with this code.

Each code offers unique savings, from flat discounts to free shipping. The ACT200019 code is especially valuable, giving you a whopping $100 off when you spend $200 or more. That's like getting half your order for free!

Don't miss out on these amazing deals. Temu's prices are already low, and with these coupons, you'll stretch your dollar even further. Whether you're shopping for clothes, home goods, or electronics, there's a code to unlock up to a $100 discount on Temu.

Temu $100 off coupon code for new and existing users.

Temu Coupon Code For New Users: $100 Coupon + Up To 90% OFF In September 2024

Are you new to Temu? You're about to score big with exclusive Temu $100 coupon codes for new customers this September! Enjoy a flat $100 off coupon for first-time buyers, plus up to 90% off on select items. That means your first order could be almost free! It's the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite items.

Here are the top Temu discount codes for new customers available now:

ACU395411: A classic $100 off for new customers.

ACU934948: Unlock the 90% discount on specific items.

ACT200019: Another chance to grab that $100 off your first purchase.

ACP856709: Explore massive savings with this 90% off code.

ACL921207: One more opportunity to claim your $100 discount.

The ACP856709 code is a game-changer, giving you a full $100 off when you spend $200 or more. That's like getting half your first order for free! These deals make your first Temu experience even more exciting.

Temu Coupon Codes For Existing Users: $100 Coupon Bundle + 40% Price Slash

Already a Temu fan? Awesome! You haven't been forgotten. Enjoy a Temu $100 coupon code for existing customers and slash prices by a whopping 40%! Just enter the code for existing customers at checkout and watch your savings stack up.

We've got a whole bunch of Temu codes to keep you shopping. Check out these amazing deals:

ACP856709: Your ticket to a $100 discount on your next Temu haul.

ACL921207: An extra code to grab that sweet $100 off.

ACT200019: Another chance for existing customers to save big.

ACU934948: Unlock 40% off your purchase with this code.

ACU395411: One more code to enjoy a generous 40% discount.

These codes might not last forever, so use them while you can to make the most of your Temu shopping spree! Whether you're restocking essentials or trying something new, there's a discount waiting for you.

Temu Coupon Code For 40% Off: For Both New And Existing Customers

There are some amazing Temu coupons that work for both new and existing customers! No need to hunt for separate codes. Just apply one of these at checkout and enjoy your discount.

Check out these five Temu $100 discount codes:

ACU395411: Save 40% on your next order, no matter if you're new or returning.

ACT200019: Another easy way to grab that 40% off discount.

ACU934948: Yet another opportunity to take advantage of the 40% savings.

ACP856709: A fourth option to get that fantastic 40% discount.

ACL921207: One more code to ensure everyone can enjoy 40% off their Temu purchase.

The ACU395411 code is a standout, giving you 40% off your entire purchase with no strings attached. Pair it with other Temu $100 discount codes for maximum savings.

These deals make Temu's already low prices even more attractive. Whether you're shopping for clothes, home goods, or gadgets, you'll find incredible discounts.

Enjoy $100 Off + 30% discount On Temu >>>

What Are The $100 off Temu Coupon Codes For Different Countries/Regions?

Temu offers great deals worldwide! You can find a Temu coupon code for 100 dollar off in various countries. Here's a quick look at some region-specific codes to help you save big.

Check out these international Temu deals:

ACT200019: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACP856709: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACU934948: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACU395411: For the Middle East (UAE, Abu Dhabi, Qatar), UK, Europe, and Africa.

ACL921207: For UK, Europe, Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arab, Oman), and Africa.

Use our region-specific Temu code during checkout to get additional discounts on top of Temu's already low prices. Each code is tailored to its specific country or region, ensuring you get the best local deal.

Whether you're shopping in dollars, pounds, or euros, Temu has a great discount waiting for you. Start filling your cart and watch the savings add up!

Temu Coupon $100 OFF For Existing Users.

Temu Coupon Bundle: Flat $100 Off + Up To 70% Discount For Any Order Value For First Time Buyers

Temu's coupon bundles offer a flat $100 off PLUS up to 70% off on top of that, regardless of your order value! This is a fantastic way to maximize your savings.

Here are five codes to get you started with the fantastic $100 couple bundle on Temu:

ACT200019: Get a flat $100 discount on your order.

ACL921207: Enjoy up to 70% off as a new customer.

ACP856709: Existing customers can get 40% off.

ACU395411: Score up to 90% off on select flash sale items.

ACU934948: Get an extra 50% off when you buy bundled items.

Remember, any promotional code available on Temu has some specific terms and conditions. Make sure to read the fine print before applying. Some codes might not stack, while others could have expiration dates or category restrictions.

This bundle deal makes Temu's low prices even more attractive. Whether you're buying one item or filling your cart, you're guaranteed to save.

Free Temu Coupons For First-Time Users: Unlock Unlimited Savings As A New Customer!

As a new customer, Temu welcomes you with a variety of free coupons like ACT200019 and ACP856709 to make your first purchase at Temu unforgettable. These coupons can include free shipping, percentage discounts, and even a dollar amount off your order.

You can unlock discounts up to 90% off, score free shipping, and even get cash back on your order. These deals are designed to give you a taste of Temu's amazing prices and vast product range.

Don't forget to check the app to get the best deals for all your purchases with Temu. You might find extra discounts or free gifts with your first purchase at Temu.

Temu Discount Code For Existing User

There are plenty of ways for existing users to keep saving. You can still score a significant discount on your next purchase with our exclusive dollar 100 coupon code for Temu.

Temu rewards loyal customers with special codes such as ACU395411 and ACU934948. Keep an eye out for the dollar 100 off Temu code for existing customers in 2024. This offer pops up regularly and can save you big on larger orders.

Don't forget to check for seasonal sales, flash deals, and app-exclusive offers. Temu often runs promotions where you can stack discounts for maximum savings. If you're a student, look into the Temu student discount program for extra savings year-round.

Sign up for Temu's newsletter to get a dollar 100 coupon bundle sent straight to your inbox. You can also earn points through their loyalty program, which you can redeem for discounts on future purchases.

How To Redeem Temu Coupon Codes In September 2024?

Ready to use your Temu coupon code? It's easy! Here's how to redeem your Temu $100 coupon codes and enjoy amazing savings:

Download the Temu app or visit the Temu website.

Sign up for a Temu account if you haven't already done so.

Browse Temu's wide selection of products and add your favorites to your cart.

Proceed to checkout and review your order.

Look for the "Coupon Code" field to use the coupon code shared by us.

Enter the coupon code you want to use, such as ACT200019 and ACP856709.

Click "Apply" to see your discount reflected in the order total.

Complete your first purchase and enjoy your savings!

Remember, always read the conditions associated with each coupon to ensure you're eligible for the discount. Some codes may have expiration dates or minimum purchase requirements.

Claim flat $100 discount on the Temu app >>>

5 Benefits of Using Temu Coupon Codes For September 2024

Using Temu coupon codes in September 2024 comes with fantastic perks! With our exclusive codes, you're getting the most out of your shopping experience.

Here are 5 key benefits of applying the best Temu coupon code available this month:

Instant Savings: Applying the latest Temu code at checkout gives you an immediate discount, slashing the price of your purchase right away. No waiting for rebates or cashback – the savings are yours instantly!

No Minimum Purchase: Many Temu coupons don't require a minimum purchase. This means you can enjoy the savings even on smaller orders, making every shopping trip a bargain.

Easy to Use: It's incredibly simple to redeem your Temu coupon during checkout. Just enter the code in the designated field and watch your total drop!

Variety of Discounts: Temu offers a wide range of coupon codes, from percentage-based discounts to flat dollar amounts off.

More for Your Money: With Temu coupon codes, you can afford to treat yourself to more items or splurge on higher-quality products that you might not have considered otherwise.

Remember, using a Temu coupon is simple, and the rewards are immediate. Just enter the best Temu coupon code available in September 2024 at checkout and watch your total drop.

Temu $100 Off Coupon For New Users.

Final Note: Unlock Temu Offers As New and Existing Users

With these Temu $100 off promo codes, you're all set to save big on your next shopping on Temu. Remember to check the terms and conditions for each code to make the most of your discounts. Whether you're after a flat $100 off or a percentage discount, there's a deal that's perfect for you.

For new Temu users, this is your chance to explore the platform's vast range of products at unbeatable prices. Don't forget to download the app for exclusive offers and easy shopping on the go. Existing customers, your loyalty pays off with special codes just for you. Keep an eye out for seasonal sales and flash deals to stack your savings. Happy shopping!

Temu Coupon Code FAQs

What is the $300 coupon on Temu?

Temu's $300 coupon is often a bundle of smaller discounts, not a single $300 off. It's designed to encourage new customers to explore Temu's wide range of products at a significant discount.

Can I use multiple Temu coupons on a single purchase?

Temu generally allows only one coupon code per purchase. However, you can often combine a coupon code with other discounts, such as free shipping or special promotions.

How To Contact Temu Customer Service?

You can easily reach Temu customer service through their app or website. Look for the "Contact Us" or "Help" section, where you'll find options for live chat, email, or phone support.

What Can You Buy with Your Temu Coupon?

Your Temu coupon can be used on a wide variety of items, including clothing, electronics, home goods, beauty products, and more. Check the coupon details for any restrictions on specific categories or items.

Temu Affiliate Program [acp8567098] | Join & Earn $100000 In a Month

Temu Affiliate Program [acp8567098] | Join & Earn $100000 In a Month

Have you thought about joining the Temu affiliate program? You may have seen lots of buzz in TikTok and other social media platforms about the Temu affiliate program which pays a higher commission rate than any other e-commerce platform. So if you thought about joining the Temu Influencer or Temu Affiliate program then you will find all the details here.

I've seen my fair share of affiliate programs come and go. But when I stumbled upon the Temu affiliate program, I knew I had found something special. In this article, I'll share my personal journey with Temu's affiliate program and provide you with all the insider knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting opportunity.

Having worked with countless affiliate programs across various niches, I can confidently say that Temu's offering stands out from the crowd. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting your journey in the world of online income, this guide will help you navigate the ins and outs of the Temu affiliate program and maximize your earning potential.

Temu Affiliate Program

The Temu affiliate program is a game-changer in the world of e-commerce affiliate marketing. Launched by the rapidly growing online marketplace Temu, this program offers a unique opportunity for content creators, influencers, and marketers to earn substantial commissions by promoting Temu's vast array of products.

What sets Temu's affiliate program apart is its generous joining bonus, which ranges from $55 to $75 depending on your social media following. This initial boost can be a great motivator for new affiliates and a nice addition to the earnings of established marketers.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its global reach. Available in 66 countries, it opens up a world of possibilities for international marketers and those targeting diverse audiences. This wide availability ensures that you can tap into various markets and maximize your earning potential on a global scale.

Temu Affiliate Program Review

After participating in the Temu affiliate program for several months, I can confidently say that it's one of the most rewarding programs I've encountered. The combination of high-quality products, competitive commission rates, and user-friendly tools makes it a top choice for affiliates of all levels.

One of the standout features of the program is its intuitive dashboard. As someone who's dealt with clunky, outdated interfaces in the past, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to navigate Temu's affiliate portal. Tracking your earnings, accessing promotional materials, and generating affiliate links are all straightforward processes that don't require a tech degree to figure out.

Another aspect I appreciate is the wide range of products available for promotion. From trendy fashion items to innovative gadgets and home decor, there's something for every niche and audience. This variety has allowed me to diversify my promotional efforts and tap into different markets, significantly boosting my overall earnings.

The support team at Temu has also been exceptional. Whenever I've had questions or encountered issues, their responsive and knowledgeable staff have been quick to assist. This level of support is crucial, especially when you're trying to maximize your earnings and optimize your strategies.

What is Temu Affiliate Program?

The Temu affiliate program is a partnership opportunity offered by Temu, a popular e-commerce platform known for its wide range of affordable products. As an affiliate, you earn commissions by promoting Temu's products and driving sales through your unique affiliate links.

What makes Temu's program unique is its focus on social media and content creation. They understand the power of influencer marketing and have tailored their program to cater to this modern approach. Whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, Instagram influencer, or TikTok star, Temu provides the tools and support you need to monetize your audience effectively.

The program operates on a cost-per-action (CPA) model, meaning you earn a commission when a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase. This model ensures that you're rewarded for driving actual sales, not just traffic.

How to Join Temu Affiliate Program?

Joining the Temu affiliate program is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide based on my personal experience:

Visit the Temu affiliate program website.

Click on the "Join Now" or "Apply" button.

Fill out the application form with your personal and professional details.

Provide information about your promotional channels (website, social media accounts, etc.).

Read and agree to the terms and conditions.

Submit your application.

Wait for approval (usually takes 1-3 business days).

Once approved, log in to your affiliate dashboard and start promoting!

Remember, Temu values quality over quantity when it comes to affiliates. Make sure to highlight your unique selling points and explain how you plan to promote their products effectively in your application.

How to Sign Up for Temu Affiliate Program

The sign-up process for the Temu affiliate program is similar to joining, but here's a more detailed breakdown of what you can expect:

Navigate to the Temu affiliate program homepage.

Look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button and click it.

Choose between individual and business account options.

Enter your email address and create a strong password.

Provide your full name, address, and phone number.

Select your primary promotion method (blog, social media, email marketing, etc.).

Enter your website URL or social media handles.

Specify your niche or the main categories of products you plan to promote.

Describe your promotional strategy and expected monthly sales.

Agree to the program's terms and conditions.

Verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.

Complete any additional verification steps if required.

Once you've completed these steps, your application will be reviewed by the Temu team. If approved, you'll gain access to your affiliate dashboard and can start generating affiliate links.

Temu Affiliate Codes

Temu affiliate codes are unique identifiers assigned to each affiliate. These codes are incorporated into your affiliate links and help Temu track the sales you generate. Here's what you need to know about Temu affiliate codes:

Uniqueness: Each affiliate receives a unique code to ensure accurate tracking and commission attribution.

Integration: Your affiliate code is automatically included in the links generated through your dashboard.

Custom Links: You can create custom short links that include your affiliate code for easier sharing on social media.

Multiple Codes: Some affiliates may receive multiple codes for different campaigns or platforms.

Code Protection: Never share your affiliate code publicly to prevent unauthorized use.

Performance Tracking: Use your affiliate code to monitor the performance of different promotional channels.

Special Promotions: Temu occasionally provides special promo codes for affiliates to boost sales during specific periods.

Pro Tip: I've found that creating memorable, niche-specific custom links with my affiliate code embedded has significantly increased my click-through rates, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok where direct linking can be challenging.

How Much Is Temu Affiliate Program Commission Rate?

One of the most attractive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its competitive commission rates. While the exact rates can vary depending on product categories and promotional periods, here's a general overview:

Standard Commission: 5-10% on most products

Electronics: 3-5%

Fashion and Accessories: 7-12%

Home and Garden: 6-10%

Beauty and Personal Care: 8-15%

It's worth noting that Temu often runs special promotions where commission rates can be boosted by an additional 1-3%. Keep an eye on your affiliate dashboard for these opportunities.

In my experience, the key to maximizing your earnings is to focus on high-ticket items and product categories with higher commission rates. I've had great success promoting fashion accessories and home decor items, which tend to have higher margins and, consequently, better commission rates.

Temu Affiliate Program Payments Method

Temu understands the importance of timely and convenient payments for affiliates. They offer several payment methods to cater to affiliates from different countries:

Direct Bank Transfer: Available in most countries, this is the most common and often the fastest method.

PayPal: Perfect for international affiliates, PayPal offers quick and easy transfers.

Wire Transfer: Ideal for large payments, especially for high-earning affiliates.

Digital Wallets: Some regions have access to popular digital wallet options.

Check: Available in select countries, though less common due to longer processing times.

Payment Threshold: The minimum payout threshold is typically $50, which is quite reasonable compared to many other programs I've worked with.

Payment Schedule: Temu processes payments on a monthly basis, usually within the first week of the following month.

Currency: Payments are generally made in USD, but some local currency options may be available depending on your location.

Pro Tip: I always recommend setting up at least two payment methods. This ensures you have a backup in case there are issues with your primary method, preventing any delays in receiving your hard-earned commissions.

Temu Affiliate Program Link

Your Temu affiliate program link is your golden ticket to earning commissions. Here's what you need to know about creating and using these links effectively:

Link Generation: You can create affiliate links directly from your dashboard for any product on Temu.

Deep Linking: Temu supports deep linking, allowing you to create affiliate links for specific product pages, categories, or even search results.

Link Cloaking: You can use link cloaking services to create shorter, more appealing links that still contain your affiliate code.

Link Tracking: Temu provides detailed analytics for each of your links, helping you understand which products and platforms are performing best.

Mobile Optimization: All Temu affiliate links are mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

Social Media Integration: Temu offers special tools to create social media-friendly links that work well on platforms with link limitations.

QR Codes: You can generate QR codes for your affiliate links, perfect for offline promotions or print media.

Best Practices:

Always disclose your affiliate relationship when sharing links.

Test your links regularly to ensure they're working correctly.

Use compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) with your links to encourage clicks and purchases.

What is Temu Affiliate Influencer Program?

The Temu affiliate program has a special focus on influencers, recognizing the power of social media in driving sales. As someone who's worked extensively in influencer marketing, I can attest to the effectiveness of Temu's approach. Here's what you need to know about their influencer program:

Tiered System: Temu uses a tiered system based on follower count and engagement rates. Higher tiers often receive better commission rates and exclusive perks.

Custom Campaigns: Influencers can work with Temu to create custom campaigns tailored to their audience.

Product Seeding: Top-performing influencers may receive free products to review and promote.

Exclusive Discounts: Influencers often get access to exclusive discount codes to share with their followers.

Performance Bonuses: Temu offers performance-based bonuses for influencers who exceed their sales targets.

Content Support: The program provides content ideas, best practices, and sometimes even professional content creation support.

Cross-Promotion: High-performing influencers may be featured on Temu's official social media channels.

To make the most of the influencer program, focus on creating authentic, engaging content that showcases Temu products in real-life scenarios. I've found that behind-the-scenes content and honest reviews tend to perform particularly well.

How To Become a Temu Affiliate?

Becoming a successful Temu affiliate involves more than just signing up and sharing links. Here's a strategy I've developed over my years in affiliate marketing, tailored specifically for Temu:

Choose Your Niche: Focus on product categories that align with your audience's interests and your expertise.

Build Your Platform: Whether it's a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, create a strong foundation for your content.

Create Valuable Content: Develop high-quality, informative content that genuinely helps your audience.

Understand Your Audience: Use analytics tools to understand what products and content resonate with your followers.

Optimize for SEO: If you're running a blog, make sure your content is optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic.

Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages to build a loyal following.

Stay Updated: Keep up with Temu's latest products, promotions, and affiliate program updates.

Experiment with Different Formats: Try various content types like unboxing videos, product comparisons, and style guides.

Be Transparent: Always disclose your affiliate relationship to maintain trust with your audience.

Track and Analyze: Regularly review your performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remember, success in affiliate marketing doesn't happen overnight. It requires consistency, creativity, and a genuine desire to provide value to your audience.

How to Make Money on Temu Affiliate Program?

Based on my experience, here are some effective strategies to maximize your earnings with the Temu affiliate program:

Leverage Seasonal Promotions: Temu often runs special deals during holidays and shopping events. Plan your content calendar around these to boost sales.

Create Product Bundles: Showcase how different Temu products work together to increase average order value.

Utilize Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send curated product recommendations to your subscribers.

Explore Different Social Platforms: Don't limit yourself to one platform. Test your promotions across various social media channels to find what works best.

Host Giveaways: Partner with Temu to host product giveaways, increasing engagement and attracting new potential customers.

Produce Comparison Content: Create videos or blog posts comparing Temu products with similar items from other retailers.

Focus on High-Commission Products: While it's important to promote products your audience Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:15

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off {acp856709} For First Order

For shoppers in the USA, Canada, Middle East, and European nations, we've discovered two exceptional coupon codes: acp856709 and act200019. These codes offer the maximum benefits for customers in these regions, ensuring you get the most value for your money.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to save with a Temu coupon $100 off. Keep reading to learn how you can take advantage of these amazing deals and stretch your shopping budget further than ever before.

Get $100 Discount On Your First Order >>>

What Is The Coupon Code For Temu $100 Off?

Great news for both new and existing Temu customers! We've uncovered some fantastic coupon codes that will give you amazing benefits when used on the Temu app and website.

With our $100 off Temu coupon, you can enjoy significant savings on your purchases. Here's a list of five incredible codes we've found:

acp856709: Enjoy a flat $100 off your purchase

act200019: Get a $100 coupon pack for multiple use

acu934948: Receive a $100 flat discount for new customers

acu935411: Score an extra $100 promo code for existing customers

acl921207: Claim a $100 coupon exclusively for USA/Canada users

Each of these codes offers unique benefits, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you're a first-time shopper or a loyal Temu customer, there's a coupon code waiting to help you save big on your next order.

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off For New Users In 2024

If you're new to Temu, you're in for a treat! New users can unlock the highest benefits by using our Temu coupon code for $100 off on the Temu app.

We've compiled a list of five exceptional codes that will help you kickstart your Temu shopping experience with substantial savings:

acp856709: Get a flat $100 discount for new users

act200019: Claim a $100 coupon bundle for new customers

acu934948: Enjoy up to a $100 coupon bundle for multiple use

acu935411: Receive free shipping to 68 countries

acl921207: Score an extra 30% off on any purchase for first-time users

These codes are designed to give new Temu customers the best possible start, allowing you to explore the vast array of products available while keeping more money in your pocket.

How To Redeem The Temu Coupon $100 off For New Customers?

Ready to use your Temu $100 off coupon code for new users? Follow this simple step-by-step guide to redeem your coupon and start saving:

Download the Temu app or visit the Temu website

Create a new account or log in if you haven't already

Browse through the wide selection of products and add your desired items to your cart

Proceed to checkout when you're ready to make your purchase

Look for the "Promo Code" or "Coupon Code" field at checkout

Enter one of our coupon codes (e.g., acp856709) into the field

Click "Apply" or "Redeem" to see the discount reflected in your total

Complete your purchase and enjoy your savings!

Remember, these codes are exclusively for new customers, so make sure to use them on your first Temu order to maximize your benefits.

Get a $100 assured discount by using our Temu coupon code "acp856709."

Temu Coupon $100 Off For Existing Customers

Don't worry, loyal Temu shoppers – we haven't forgotten about you! Existing users can also enjoy substantial benefits by using our coupon codes on the Temu app.

Our Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers free shipping offers are here to reward your continued patronage. Check out these five fantastic codes we've found for you:

acp856709: Get a $100 extra discount for existing Temu users

act200019: Claim a $100 coupon bundle for multiple purchases

acu934948: Receive a free gift with express shipping all over the USA/Canada

acu935411: Enjoy an extra 30% off on top of existing discounts

acl921207: Get free shipping to 68 countries

These codes are specifically designed to show appreciation for Temu's loyal customers, ensuring that you continue to save big on your favorite products.

How To Use The Temu Coupon Code $100 Off For Existing Customers?

Ready to put your Temu coupon $100 off code to good use? Here's a step-by-step guide on how to redeem your coupon as an existing Temu user:

Open the Temu app or visit the Temu website

Log in to your existing Temu account

Browse through the products and add your desired items to your cart

When you're ready to check out, proceed to the payment page

Look for the "Promo Code" or "Coupon Code" field

Enter one of our coupon codes (e.g., act200019) into the field

Click "Apply" or "Redeem" to see the discount applied to your total

Complete your purchase and enjoy your savings!

As an existing customer, you can use these Temu discount codes on multiple purchases, so don't forget to apply them every time you shop on Temu!

Latest Temu Coupon $100 Off First Order

For those making their inaugural purchase on Temu, we've got some exciting news! You can get the highest benefits by using our Temu coupon code $100 off your first order.

This is an excellent opportunity for Temu coupon code $100 off first-time users to save big while exploring all that Temu has to offer. Here are five incredible codes we've uncovered for first-time shoppers:

acp856709: Enjoy a flat $100 discount on your first order

act200019: Get a $100 Temu coupon code for your first order

acu934948: Receive up to $100 coupon for multiple use

acu935411: Claim free shipping to 68 countries

acl921207: Score an extra 30% off on any purchase for your first order

These codes are specifically designed to give new Temu customers an unforgettable first shopping experience, allowing you to get more for less on your initial purchase.

Enjoy $100 Extra Discount On Temu >>>

How To Find The Temu Coupon Code $100 Off?

Looking for the latest Temu coupon $100 off? We've got some insider tips to help you stay updated on the best Temu deals and discounts. One of the easiest ways to get verified and tested coupons is by signing up for the Temu newsletter.

By subscribing, you'll receive regular updates on the latest promotions and exclusive offers directly in your inbox.

Another great way to stay in the loop is by following Temu's social media pages. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter often feature flash sales, limited-time offers, and special coupon codes that you won't want to miss.

For the most up-to-date and reliable Temu coupon codes, we recommend visiting trusted coupon sites. These platforms specialize in curating and verifying discount codes from various retailers, ensuring that you always have access to the best deals available.

Use our verified Temu coupon code "acp856709" on the Temu app.

Is Temu $100 Off Coupon Legit?

Yes, the Temu $100 off coupon legitimacy is something we can vouch for with confidence. All five of our Temu coupon codes – acp856709, act200019, acu934948, acu935411, and acl921207 – are absolutely legitimate and safe to use.

We want to assure our readers that they can safely apply these coupon codes to get $100 off on their first order and subsequent purchases.

Our team regularly tests and verifies these codes to ensure their validity and effectiveness. What's more, these Temu coupon codes are valid worldwide, giving shoppers from various countries the opportunity to save.

The best part? Our codes don't have an expiration date, so you can use them whenever you're ready to make a purchase on Temu.

How Does Temu $100 Off Coupon Work?

The Temu coupon code $100 off first-time user offer works by providing a substantial discount on your purchase when applied at checkout. When you enter one of our coupon codes during the payment process, the Temu system recognizes the code and automatically applies the corresponding discount to your order total.

For instance, if you're using a flat $100 off coupon on a $150 purchase, your final cost would be reduced to $50 (plus any applicable taxes and shipping fees). Some coupons may have minimum purchase requirements or be limited to specific product categories, so it's always a good idea to read the terms and conditions associated with each code.

Remember, these coupons are designed to provide significant savings, especially for new customers, encouraging them to explore Temu's wide range of products while enjoying a discounted first-time purchase.

How To Earn Temu $100 Coupons As A New Customer?

Earning a $100 off Temu coupon code as a new customer is easier than you might think! The most straightforward way is to simply sign up for a new Temu account. Often, Temu offers a welcome bonus or sign-up incentive for new customers, which can include substantial coupons or discounts on your first purchase.

Additionally, you can earn coupons by referring friends to Temu. Many e-commerce platforms, including Temu, have referral programs that reward you when your friends sign up and make a purchase using your unique referral link.

Keep an eye out for special promotions or events, as Temu occasionally runs campaigns where new customers can earn larger coupons by participating in certain activities or making purchases during specific timeframes.

Lastly, don't forget to subscribe to Temu's newsletter and follow their social media accounts for exclusive offers, such as up to CA$100 coupon bundle for Temu Canada users.


The Best Flight APIs for Small Travel Businesses

In today’s fast-paced travel industry, small businesses need to stay nimble and connected. One way to do this is by tapping into flight APIs. These powerful tools can elevate your travel booking system, making it easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’s the the best flight API for your small travel business? Let’s explore some of the top choices out there.

Understanding Flight APIs: What Are They?

At their core, flight APIs allow access to flight data. Think of them as a bridge connecting users to various airlines and travel service providers. By integrating these APIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals they need, all in one place.

Skyscanner API: A Treasure Trove of Options

Skyscanner API stands out as a favorite. It's like having your own travel assistant at your fingertips. This API provides comprehensive data on flights, accommodations, and car rentals across multiple airlines. With its user-friendly structure, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website. Plus, it’s excellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged down by complex systems.

Amadeus API: Powering Your Travel Solutions

Amadeus isn't just a giant in the travel world; it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. This API provides robust functionalities, allowing you to access information about flight availability, fare rules, and even check-in details. Imagine being able to offer your customers personalized travel experiences, all thanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.

Kiwi.com API: The Flexibility You Need

Kiwi.com API gives you the flexibility to combine different airlines and find unique routes. It’s like having a magic wand that creates unconventional itineraries! You can cater to budget travelers who love to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, this API offers just that.

Travelport API: A Well-Rounded Option

If you’re looking for a well-rounded travel API, Travelport does not disappoint. It offers access to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricing and availability. Using Travelport, you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your travel API needs.

Sabre API: The Industry Leader

Sabre API is another heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vast network and established reputation, it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. If your small business aims to grow into a trusted name, partnering with Sabre can help you reach a broader audience.

What to Consider When Choosing an API

Choosing the right API can be overwhelming, but it boils down to a few essential factors:

• Cost: Is there a fee to use the API? Always weigh the costs against your potential revenue.

• Documentation: How easy is it to integrate? Well-documented APIs are easier and less time-consuming to implement.

• Support: If you run into issues, how responsive is their support team? Quality customer support can save you a lot of headaches.


For small travel businesses, flight APIs are more than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. Each API has its unique perks, so it’s crucial to find the one that aligns with your business goals. With the right flight API, you can simplify booking processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Embrace the innovation, and let your travel business soar!

Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/










アリスギアアイギス Expansion





イジらないで、長瀞さん 2nd Attack



異世界ワンターンキル姉さん 〜姉同伴の異世界生活はじめました〜



ウマ娘 プリティーダービー Season 3

英雄王、武を極めるため転生す 〜そして、世界最強の見習い騎士♀〜





王様ランキング 勇気の宝箱



推しの子】 (アニメ)







陰の実力者になりたくて! 2nd season










機動戦士ガンダム 水星魔女




鬼滅の刃 刀鍛冶の里編

キャプテン翼シーズン2 ジュニアユース


虚構推理 Season2






この素晴らしい世界に爆焔を! (アニメ)









SHY (漫画)


16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYER


呪術廻戦 懐玉・玉折/渋谷事変

進撃の巨人 (アニメ)













ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうかIV 深章 厄災篇

ツルネ -つながりの一射-









逃走中 グレートミッション





七つの大罪 黙示録の四騎士


NieR:Automata Ver1.1a



BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-



Buddy Daddies








フェ~レンザイ -神さまの日常-


BLEACH 千年血戦篇-訣別譚-









ポケットモンスター (2023年アニメ)

ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター


ホリミヤ -piece-



魔法使いの嫁 SEASON2



無職転生 II 〜異世界行ったら本気だす〜


め組の大吾 救国のオレンジ







ライアーライアー (小説)

ライザのアトリエ 〜常闇の女王秘密の隠れ家〜



るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- (アニメ)











ウルトラマン ニュージェネレーション スター





The Best Flight APIs for Small Travel Businesses

In today’s fast-paced travel industry, small businesses need to stay nimble and connected. One way to do this is by tapping into flight APIs. These powerful tools can elevate your travel booking system, making it easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’s the the best flight API for your small travel business? Let’s explore some of the top choices out there.

Understanding Flight APIs: What Are They?

At their core, flight APIs allow access to flight data. Think of them as a bridge connecting users to various airlines and travel service providers. By integrating these APIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals they need, all in one place.

Skyscanner API: A Treasure Trove of Options

Skyscanner API stands out as a favorite. It's like having your own travel assistant at your fingertips. This API provides comprehensive data on flights, accommodations, and car rentals across multiple airlines. With its user-friendly structure, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website. Plus, it’s excellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged down by complex systems.

Amadeus API: Powering Your Travel Solutions

Amadeus isn't just a giant in the travel world; it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. This API provides robust functionalities, allowing you to access information about flight availability, fare rules, and even check-in details. Imagine being able to offer your customers personalized travel experiences, all thanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.

Kiwi.com API: The Flexibility You Need

Kiwi.com API gives you the flexibility to combine different airlines and find unique routes. It’s like having a magic wand that creates unconventional itineraries! You can cater to budget travelers who love to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, this API offers just that.

Travelport API: A Well-Rounded Option

If you’re looking for a well-rounded travel API, Travelport does not disappoint. It offers access to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricing and availability. Using Travelport, you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your travel API needs.

Sabre API: The Industry Leader

Sabre API is another heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vast network and established reputation, it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. If your small business aims to grow into a trusted name, partnering with Sabre can help you reach a broader audience.

What to Consider When Choosing an API

Choosing the right API can be overwhelming, but it boils down to a few essential factors:

• Cost: Is there a fee to use the API? Always weigh the costs against your potential revenue.

• Documentation: How easy is it to integrate? Well-documented APIs are easier and less time-consuming to implement.

• Support: If you run into issues, how responsive is their support team? Quality customer support can save you a lot of headaches.


For small travel businesses, flight APIs are more than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. Each API has its unique perks, so it’s crucial to find the one that aligns with your business goals. With the right flight API, you can simplify booking processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Embrace the innovation, and let your travel business soar!

Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/





for (let a of document.body.getElementsByClassName('entry-comment-text js-bookmark-comment')) console.log(a.textContent) 



Microsoft Copilotに「以下の文章に出てくる、音楽CDタイトルリリース年を一覧で表にしてください。」って指示。

パンチ・ザ・クロック (エルヴィス・コステロ)1983年
ハイランドハードレイン (アズテックカメラ)1983年
TSUNAMI (サザンオールスターズ)2000年
ロケット団永遠に (ポケモン)1998年
パラダイス銀河 (光GENJI)1988年
さよなら人類 (たま)1990年
LOVEマシーン (モーニング娘。)1999年
treasure (B’z)1998年
pleasure (B’z)1997年
F-ZERO GX サウンドトラック2003年
Chicago 17 (Chicago)1984年
Wind Climbing ~風にあそばれて~ (奥井亜紀)1997年
季節がいく時 (SPEED)1999年
天外魔境 (ゲーム)1989年
旅人のうた (中島みゆき)1995年
ドリームシフト (地球防衛組)1991年
INNOCENT SORROW (abingdon boys school)2006年
カルトグラススターズ (ミッシェルガンエレファント)2000年
悪の華 (BUCK-TICK)1990年
風が通り抜ける街へ (ZARD)1993年
My Little Lover1995年
小松未歩 ファーストアルバム1997年
愛の言霊 (サザンオールスターズ)1996年
そばかす (JUDY AND MARY)1996年
ポケットモンスター赤緑 BGM音源1997年
Wind Climbing ~風にあそばれて~ (魔法陣グルグル)1997年
ジュラシックパーク サウンドトラック1993年
After Burner サウンドトラック (SEGA)1987年
Love Wing (ハミングバード)1993年
super best 2 (CHAGE&ASKA)1992年
中山美穂 8cmCDシングル不明
C-Girl (浅香唯)1988年
天晴 (サディスティック・ミカ・バンド)1974年
Hi! (光GENJI)1988年
DORA THE BEST (ドラえもん)1999年
美少女戦士セーラームーン~In Another Dream1992年
交響曲ドラゴンクエストIV 導かれし者たち N響1990年
dear (大江千里)1989年
めずらしい人生 (KAN)1990年
BECAUSE (有頂天)1986年
スーパーゼビウス 12inchEP (細野晴臣)1984年
ZUTTO (永井真理子)1990年
愛は勝つ (KAN)1990年
クラシックCD (100円ショップ)不明
ブルーハーツ ファーストアルバム1987年
I’m Here (小比類巻かほる)1988年
微笑みの爆弾 (幽遊白書)1992年
くじら12号 (JUDY AND MARY)1996年
無罪モラトリアム (椎名林檎)1999年
愛のままにわがままに 僕は君だけを傷つけない (B’z)1993年
WORST (聖飢魔II)1990年
BADDEST (久保田利伸)1989年
Delight Slight Light KISS (松任谷由実)1988年
リフレインが叫んでる (松任谷由実)1988年
Gift for Fanks (TM NETWORK)1987年
Che Che-Bye Bye (種ともこ)1991年
負けないで (ZARD)1993年
愛と虐殺の日々 (聖飢魔II)1991年
機動戦士Zガンダム オリジナルサウンドトラック1985年
マルコじいさん (さねよしいさこ)1995年
淋しい熱帯魚 (Wink)1989年
キャロル (TM NETWORK)1988年
幽遊白書 ミュージックバトル編1993年
蜘蛛の糸 (筋肉少女帯)1990年
Winners (サイバーフォーミュラー)1991年
Achtung Baby (U2)1991年
faith (George Michael)1987年
ダイアモンド (プリンセス プリンセス)1989年
The very best of Unicorn1993年
そして伝説へ (鴻上尚史)1986年
マシンガンズの集い (SEX MACHINEGUNS)1998年
FF4 アレンジミニアルバム1991年
ブルーウォーター (森川美穂)1990年
SPY (槇原敬之)1994年
尾崎家の祖母(3) (まりちゃんズ)1977年
HIGH LANDER (爆風スランプ)1989年
空耳の丘 (遊佐未森)1990年
Yellow Yellow Happy (ポケットビスケッツ)1996年
リッジレーサー2 サウンドトラック1994年
フラッシュパパメンソール (電気グルーヴ)1995年
さよなら人類 (たま)1990年
カルミナ・ブラーナ (輸入盤)不明
スキャットマン (Scatman John)1994年
白い雲のように (猿岩石)1996年
幽☆遊☆白書 オリジナルサウンドトラックVol2~魔界の扉編~1994年
ShinWeAre (BoA)2003年
忘れない/風の住む星 (西脇唯)1995年
田園 (小学館クラシック・イン」)不明
ゼルダの伝説 風のタクト オリジナルサウンドトラック2003年
MUSIC from HYDLIDE31987年
君だけのTomorrow (ドロンズ)1997年
マンモスフラワー (フラワーカンパニーズ)2000年
ユグドラシル (BUMP OF CHICKEN)2004年
マリオRPG サウンドトラック1996年
ファイナルファンタジーVII リユニオントラック1997年
Time to Destination (Every Little Thing)1998年
ショパンアルバム (アルゲリッチ)不明
ここは春の国 (谷山浩子)1988年
Valkyrie Notes (TONERICO)2019年
Love Phantom (B’z)1995年
with you (三上博史)1993年
夏の日の1993 (class)1993年
いとしのエリー (サザンオールスターズ)1979年
Round About Midnight (Miles Davis)1957年
Gift for Fanks (TM NETWORK)1987年
ez do dance (TRF)1993年
イージューライダー (奥田民生)1996年
ロマサガ サウンドトラック1992年
ドラクエ2 ドラマCD1990年
DATE (岡村靖幸)1988年
ETERNAL WIND (森口博子)1991年
ARAKAWA魂 (荒川ラップブラザーズ)2003年
愛の言霊 (サザンオールスターズ)1996年
ドラゴンクエスト3 サウンドトラック1988年
モールワールド (ヒューイ・ルイス&ザ・ニュース)1988年
HOME (Mr.Children)2007年
ガニ (とんねるず)不明
暴動 (There’s a Riot GoinOn) (Sly and the Family Stone)1971年
カミワザ -dIvine works-不明
シングルベスト10 おまけつき (シャ乱Q)1997年
カウボーイビバップ サウンドトラック1998年
ガンダムF91 サウンドトラック (森口博子)1991年
暴れだす (ウルフルズ)1995年
エルドラド (THE ALFEE)1997年
foo? (ポルノグラフィティ)2001年
Until Strawberry Sherbet (林原めぐみ)1997年
勇気のしるし~リゲインテーマ~ (時任三郎)1989年
いとしさと切なさと心強さと (篠原涼子 with t.komuro)1994年
愛の言霊 (サザンオールスターズ)1996年
ナイスビート (キンモクセイ)2002年
Carol (TM NETWORK)1988年
サン=サーンスオルガン (マルティノン)不明
銀河鉄道の夜 (細野晴臣)1985年
ロード第二章 (THE 虎舞竜)1993年
IT’S ONLY LOVE (福山雅治)1994年
さよなら人類 (たま)1990年
フロムイエスタデイ (桑田佳祐)1992年
アスタリスク (ORANGE RANGE)2005年
ark (L’Arc~en~Ciel)1999年
春よ、来い (松任谷由実)1994年
ray (L’Arc~en~Ciel)1999年
ニーベルングの指環 管弦楽曲集 (ショルティ/VPO)1986年
minoru land (向谷実)1986年
1stアルバム (人間椅子)1990年
the great escape (JUDY AND MARY)2001年
bluebird (浜崎あゆみ)2006年
Variety (竹内まりや)1984年
Watermark (エンヤ)1988年
ARAKAWA魂 (荒川ラップブラザーズ)2003年
MYSELF ~風になりたい~ (徳永英明)1991年
ひとりじゃない (DEEN)1996年
ドリームハンター麗夢 サウンドトラック1985年
Keep The Faith (Bon Jovi)1992年
君がいるだけで (米米CLUB)1992年
シェイク (SMAP)1996年
決戦は金曜日 (DREAMS COME TRUE)1992年
SelEVENTH MOON (FireBomber)1995年
田園 (玉置浩二)1996年
プロビジョン (スクリッティ・ポリッティ)1988年
yellow yellow happy (ポケットビスケッツ)1996年
STONED TOWN (akeboshi)2004年
ナイトフォール・イン・ミドルアース (ブラインド・ガーディアン)1998年
1st (ブルーハーツ)1987年
カラクリハウス (レピッシュ)1989年
just communication (two-mix)1995年
未来航路 (La’cryma Christi)1997年
BELLS (吉田美奈子)1986年
原子心母 (Pink Floyd)1970年
トラブル・イン・ヘブン (宇都宮隆)1994年
Kiss me (氷室京介)1992年
Past Masters1 (The Beatles)1988年
super donuts (スターダストレビュー)1990年
LIFE (小沢健二)1994年
FF5 サウンドトラック1992年
踊るポンポコリン (B.B.クィーンズ)1990年
イノセントマン (ビリー・ジョエル)1983年
ベト5シューベルト未完成 (カルロ・マリア・ジュリーニ)不明
MAGIC OF LOVE (アニメ魔法陣グルグル)1994年
ラグランジュポイント サウンドトラック1991年

途中で切れたので分割する。 続き→ anond:20240905115337


Nagasaki, Israel, Ukraine

Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was likehere comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony asunethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?

If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?

(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)

I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?

(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)

Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.




Nagasaki, Israel, Ukraine

Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was likehere comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony asunethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?

If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?

(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)

I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?

(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)

Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.


As a result of repeating another scandal to erase the scandal, the problem is getting bigger.

Are you stupid?


XTCというバンドの「Living Through Another Cuba」という曲を聴いてからというものCuba字面国旗を見るたびにこの曲のイントロ脳内を駆け巡って愉快な気分になる。







among usング


To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.

It's sudden, but right now in Japan, creativity is facing a true crisis. Characters like Uzaki-chan, Onsen Musume, and Tojo Rika are being targeted and flamed, game character designs are being infiltrated by political correctness, Johnny's Entertainment is being dismantled, swimsuit photo sessions in parks are being canceled, Hitoshi Matsumoto is being publicly shamed, and the new AV law was enacted without considering the opinions of those directly involved. Every form of expression in every venue is currently under unreasonable pressure.

How does this connect to the Tokyo gubernatorial election? In fact, a major event directly linked to this is occurring in the 2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election. As a creator, I hope this message reaches you.

What I am about to share is a story about someone named Himasora Akane, who you should know about to resist such pressures. But before I dive into that story, I want to express my deep gratitude to my old friend Nozomi for giving me the opportunity to post this article in a place where many creators will see it. As someone who also loves manga, anime, and games, I hope this information will benefit Japanese society and support Nozomi's activities.

Himasora Akane Should Be the Governor of Tokyo

First, I would like to make a straightforward request to you as a creator: please support Himasora Akane for governor. In this election, please write "Himasora Akane" on your ballot. The voting day is July 7th. Even if you are not a Tokyo resident, I ask that you at least listen to this story. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends, family, and acquaintances. You can check Himasora Akane's campaign promises and the background of their candidacy on their Twitter (X) posts linked below:

Himasora Akane (Tokyo gubernatorial candidate)



Himasora Akane Will Not Allow Our Culture to Be Burned

Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku who loves manga, anime, and games. Known as "Cognitive Profiling Detective Akane Himasora," he has been active on Twitter (X) and YouTube, and now he is running for governor. Akane, who is deeply concerned about the repression and destruction of otaku culture, is challenging those who seek to destroy our culture alone. Akane will never allow those who try to burn our culture.

As mentioned at the beginning, all forms of expression are currently under pressure. Otaku culture, in particular, seems to be a prime target.

Uzaki-chan Blood Donation Poster Controversy (2019): A collaboration between the Japanese Red Cross Society and the manga Uzaki-chan was flamed for allegedly being overly sexual in its PR illustration.

V-Tuber Traffic Safety Video Controversy (2021): A V-Tuber hired by the Matsudo Police Department in Chiba Prefecture was deemed too sexual for public agency PR.

Onsen Musume Controversy (2021): Characters personifying local hot springs were criticized as sexist.

Mie Transport Official Character Controversy (2024): A character in a bus driver's uniform released by Mie Transport was flamed for evoking sexual images.

These controversies are often fueled by so-called political correctness and feminism. For creators, these are direct threats. If these factions label your work as sexual and demand it be burned to ashes, could you resist? How would you feel if your painstakingly created work, like your own child, was trampled by people who have no regard for your efforts? Could you continue your creative activities while constantly shrinking away?

Himasora Akane saw something behind these flaming incidents. He started investigating the key figure behind the Onsen Musume controversy, a representative of a general incorporated association in Tokyo. This association's core business, the Young Female Victims Support Project, received substantial public funds from Tokyo. Akane submitted public document disclosure requests to Tokyo and thoroughly dug into the organization. During his investigation, Akane uncovered many suspicions suggesting this project was unworthy of public funding, which he exposed one by one on social media.

Negligent accounting reports, taking protected girls to the Henoko base protest in Okinawa, Communist Party members waiting in the bus used to protect girls—these revelations drew significant attention online. The investigation extended beyond this general incorporated association to other NPOs receiving public funds, and Akane named this cluster of issues the "WBPC problem" after the initials of these organizations.

Akane's YouTube Channel (WBPC Problem Playlist)


From here, Akane's story expanded to resident audits, resident lawsuits, and national compensation lawsuits concerning the Tokyo Young Female Victims Support Project. Akane discovered that behind many flaming incidents, there is no clear command structure but a group of various political organizations and activists working together like an amoeba. He named this group the "Nanika Group" (Nanika means "something" in Japanese), a reference to the mysterious, ominous "something from another place" in the manga HUNTER×HUNTER, which Akane loves. The Nanika Group is also connected to welfare interests, where public funds flow unchecked. Akane called this phenomenon "Public Fund Chu-Chu" (siphoning).

For creators, this means the tax money they earn through hard work is used to burn their precious works. It's an intolerable situation.

Himasora Akane Is Fighting Against Those Who Burn Our Culture

In November 2022, a major event marked a turning point in this series of controversies. The general incorporated association under scrutiny held a press conference at the parliamentary office building, gathering media and announcing a lawsuit against Akane. This "Legal Harassment Press Conference," as it was called online, involved multiple layers of power: the government, the media, and a team of seven lawyers targeting a single individual.

However, Akane did not back down. Instead, he intensified his pursuit, exploiting the opponent's careless statements as lawsuit fodder. This led to an outpouring of support on social media, with his Twitter follower count skyrocketing and 160 million yen in donations for legal fees.

The following year, a resident audit request filed by Akane resulted in Tokyo's official website recognizing some improper points and deciding to audit the organization. However, Tokyo's lenient audit led Akane to file a resident lawsuit. Suspicion also turned towards Governor Yuriko Koike for allocating public funds through dubious sole-source contracts. Tokyo began excessively redacting documents in response to public document requests, attempting to conceal the issue. Koike's promise to end document redaction quietly disappeared from her campaign page.

Throughout this battle, Akane has been a target of criminal complaints and faced threats, yet he persists. His book "Netoge Senshi" was released amid bookstore threats, but only the criminal complaint was widely reported by the media, portraying Akane negatively.

Who Is Himasora Akane?

Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku, a top-tier online gamer during his student days, and a talented game creator who worked for a major game company and later a venture company. His meticulous work on the game "Shin Goku no Valhalla Gate" was betrayed by the company's CEO, leading to a seven-year legal battle that Akane ultimately won, securing 600 million yen. This experience fuels his fierce opposition to having his creations burned.

Before investigating the Young Female Victims Support Project, Akane exposed fraudulent feminist "knights" on his YouTube channel, shaking the internet. He detests lies and has an uncanny ability to detect them.

Akane is a special individual with extraordinary abilities, honed through his experiences in games, court battles, and extensive document analysis. His pursuit of truth and justice makes him a suitable candidate for governor, promising a world without lies and where honest people do not suffer.

What We Can Do to Protect Our Culture

Creative expression can be crushed if we are not vigilant. Even in modern Japan, otaku culture is on thin ice. The recent cessation of Visa transactions for DMM (Fanza) is a reminder of how a single card company can wield its power to dictate what is deemed appropriate expression. Expression freedom is fragile and constantly under threat.

To those reading this, I urge you to vote for Himasora Akane. Support him to protect our culture. Despite his harsh demeanor and preference for solitary battles, he is now seeking help for the first time. Akane feels the danger in this gubernatorial election and believes that if he does not become governor, everything will end. He has taken a stand for the people of Tokyo and Japan.

I wrote this article to support his spirit and spread the word. Please vote for Himasora Akane and help create a miracle.

To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.

Please, I beg you.

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