Recent papers in Synodality
Ponencia en el Congreso organizado en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca con motivo del 50 aniversario de la Conferencia episcopal española.
Paper delivered at the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta 21 th-24th November 2015, at the seminar 'What is point of Synods?' organized by the Ecclesiological Investigations Group. The theology and the practice of synodality in... more
Il percorso di analisi che ha condotto alla stesura del presente lavoro si muove a partire da una chiave biblica di orientamento e ha come obiettivo l’individuazione di alcuni tratti della sinodalità di una comunità parrocchiale nella... more
The article analyzes the significant elements of Synodality and differentiates it from the Synod of Bishop by elaborately delving with the Canons on the Synod of Bishops in Code of Canon Law (1983)
Pope Francis believes that the Church of the third millennium must be Synodal, an ‘inverted pyramid.’ This prophetic and courageous step in Church reform by Pope Francis is in close continuity with the ancient and rich synodal tradition... more
Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of embracing the universal call to be "missionary disciples." In calling for the 2018 Synod of Bishops on the theme of young people, he highlighted the need for church leaders to renew their... more
Resumen: El pontificado de Francisco ha impulsado un proceso de reformas que busca profundizar la senda conciliar. Esto nos coloca, por una parte, ante el reto de traducir creativamente el mandato bautismal en canales y estructuras que... more
This paper illustrates how the key elements of the emerging synodal Church are oriented to transformation, and how this transformation is effective at the three levels of ecclesial life as individual, community, and universal Church.... more
Diversas contribuciones de eclesiólogos latinoamericanos y españoles sobre la sinodalidad en el procesos de reformas eclesiales. Libro editado por Rafael Luciani y María Teresa Compte. Cuenta con un capítulo escrito por Rafael Luciani... more
Le synode commun des diocèses suisses (1972–1975) fut un événement très important de la vie de l’Église catholique en Suisse dans les années post-conciliaires. Les études sur ce sujet furent jusqu’à présent assez générales et la dimension... more
This global pandemic and sanitary crisis act as a revelation of both our ills, dysfunctions and lights, good practices. It particularly highlights inequalities and injustices but also initiatives of solidarity and care for the weakest.... more
Nuestra habilidad para responder con parresia a los signos de los tiempos actuales y favorecer dinamismos de comunión en este cambio de modelo eclesial, pasará por generar modos institucionales que permitan el involucramiento de todos los... more
Η σημερινή συνάντηση συνιστά για τον ομιλούντα μία πρωτότυπη ευκαιρία, που θέτει την Εκκλησιακή συνοδικότητα σε διαλεκτική σχέση και σε διάλογο με τους Ιερούς Κανόνες μέσα και από ένα προτεινόμενο παράδειγμα, το παράδειγμα της... more
The Church has been convoked to a Synod with the motto: For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mis- sion. It is perhaps the most important event since the Sec- ond Vatican Council, because it represents the beginning of a... more
Arnaud Join-Lambert "En s'engageant dans la démarche synodale, les diocèses ont appris que la célébration d'un synode ouvrait plus d'horizons qu'elle ne résolvait de problèmes." 1 Cette affirmation très générale s'applique... more
A commentary on the Synodal Way of the Catholic Dioceses in Germany, its conditions, goals, pitfalls and limitations. A response to Prof. Heinrich Beck.
Medellín supuso una recepción única del Concilio Vaticano II que llevó a la Iglesia latinoamericana a posicionarse como una Iglesia fuente, una Iglesia que no solo había creado una forma colegial de interactuar a nivel continental con la... more
The Article elaborates on Synod on Synodality
The author summarizes the essential theological aspects (especially ecclesiological) of the missionary synodality requested by the Synod of 2018, as well as the difficulties presented by its implementation and the ways to apply it in... more
The creation of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) represented a unique reception of the Second Vatican Council, positioning the Latin American Church as a Source Church for today’s process of reforms. The General Conferences,... more
Full text: --- This article contributes to the growing body of literature on synodality with a comprehensive introduction. Firstly, the author observes the link between the synodal... more
The document presents a list of more than 1000 diocesan synods celebrated since 1965. Included are "parasynods" as a significant form of synodality. This term refers to alternative forms, forums or diocesan assemblies that are very... more
Liste des recherches, expertises, publications, enseignements et accompagnements de travaux d'étudiants, par le professeur Join-Lambert (UCLouvain, Belgique) de 1999 à 2023.
Solapa: Es la hora de pasar de la reforma de las mentalidades a la reforma estructural e institucional de la Iglesia, siguiendo lo que el Papa Francisco ha dicho: "el camino sinodal es el camino que Dios espera de la Iglesia del tercer... more
Synodal liturgies as a locus ecclesiologicus, Recent experience of diocesan synods offers a ready-made source for understanding post-Vatican II ecclesiology, especially given that these synods are veritable liturgies. The author offers... more
La actual etapa en la recepción del Concilio Vaticano II se caracteriza por recuperar la primacía hermenéutica del capítulo II de Lumen Gentium. De este modo se reconoce el carácter vinculante y permanente del sensus fidei fidelium en la... more
The present article seeks to highlight two issues and set them against each other. On the one hand is the vision of Pope Francis “Towards a synodal Church: Communion, Mission, Participation”. This vision is established on the nature of... more
Intervención en la reunión de 50 especialistas de todo el mundo (teólogos y canonistas) tenida en el Vaticano en noviembre de 2015, convocada por la Secretaría del Sínodo de Obispos para el estudio de la Sinodalidad en la Iglesia. El... more
The Second Vatican Council shaped a new model for a diocesan synod, which was adopted, among others, in Poland, and is characterised by a departure from making the norms of particular law and the popularisation of the council teaching in... more
The author summarizes the essential theological aspects (especially ecclesiological) of the missionary synodality requested by the Synod of 2018, as well as the difficulties presented by its implementation and the ways to apply it in... more
Affermare, con papa Francesco, che il cammino della sinodalità è il cammino che Dio si aspetta dalla Chiesa del terzo millennio comporta «una revisione dell'identità, configurazione e missione della Chiesa» che dipende strettamente «dal... more
Una riflessione sul testo chiave di Papa Francesco sulla sinodalità nell’ultimo sinodo dei vescovi : il discorso di Papa Francesco per il 50° anniversario dell’istituzione del Sinodo dei Vescovi, Sala Paolo VI, sabato 17 ottobre 2015,... more
La synodalité est une richesse de la vie ecclésiale et «Il est dans la nature de l’Église d’être synodale. » Ce document présente les synodes diocésains français depuis le concile Vatican II, en y associant les assemblées diocésaines. Des... more
La Iglesia ha sido convocada a un Sínodo cuyo lema es "Por una Iglesia sinodal: comunión, participación y misión". Quizás sea el evento más im- portante luego del Concilio Vaticano II, porque representa el inicio de un proceso de... more
Estos desafíos y aportes son el resultado de un proceso de reflexión conjunto entre Amerindia y la Red Eclesial Panamazónica –REPAM– sobre la temática de la Asamblea Especial del Sínodo de los Obispos para la región Panamazónica:... more
Paus Franciscus wil horen wat er leeft onder de gelovigen. Zij mogen meedenken over hoe het verder moet met de kerk. Hoe gaat dat? In acht korte en laagdrempelige bijdragen lichtte ik dat toe.
Orthodox theologians such as Bulgakov, Florovsky, Afanasiev, Staniloae, and Zizioulas consider eucharistic communion to be the sign of ecclesial unity, but their understandings of the boundaries of the church and unity in love, teaching,... more
An essay that treats: 1. Historical Development of Small Christian Communities/Basic Ecclesial Communities in Africa 2. Themes of Small Christian Communities in Africa a. Relationships and Community b. Biblical c.... more
“Identifier des « actes » ou des « lieux » de la vie ecclésiale depuis 1965 pour en comparer le style avec celui de Vatican II.” Tel est l’objet de la recherche commune aux auteurs de l’ouvrage. Le questionnement est ici orienté vers ce... more
The article deals with the ecclesiology of the local Church and synodality. Both topics have been present in Catholic theology since the time of the Second Vatican Council, which laid the foundation for the ecclesiology of the... more
Catholic diocesan synods have been profoundly changed after Vatican II, especially by the ecclesiology of communion and by the importance given to the People of God. They are processes, not just regular onetime events (1). The nearly 800... more
In October 2018 the assembly of the Synod of Bishops on “Young people, Faith and Vocational Discernment” took place in Rome gathering 267 synodal fathers, 49 observers and 23 experts under the Presidency of Pope Francis. Reflecting on the... more
Catholic priests need to embrace synodality and help promote shared responsibility for the Church among all the baptized. Entrusting responsibility to all the baptized in the life and mission of the Church is still too dependent -- for... more