Canon Law of the Orthodox Christian Church
Recent papers in Canon Law of the Orthodox Christian Church
Canoanele Bisericii Ortodoxe. Vol. 1 - Canoanele Apostolice şi Canoanele Sinoadelor Ecumenice, ISBN 978-606-29-0206-3, 382 pagini
The article is devoted to a general overview of the history of the formation of the Orthodox legal tradition. The article discusses the history of the emergence of legal norms and their codification in the ancient Christian Church,... more
ISBN 978-973-595-563-2.
The Patriarchates of Constantinople and Moscow have been at loggerheads throughout much of the 20th and 21st century without any reconciliation in sight. This might not be readily noticeable to a casual observer since both Churches are in... more
Canoanele Bisericii ortodoxe. Vol. 3 - Canoanele Sfinţilor Părinţi, Canoanele întregitoare şi Prescripţii canonice, Studiu introductiv, introduceri, note și traducere Răzvan Perșa, Editura Basilica, 2018, ISBN 978-606-29-0208-7, 336... more
Abstract: The twentieth century represented for Catholic and Orthodox Canon law a theological revival, not only because of the publication of many books and studies that address different canonical issues, but primarily because in this... more
The holy icons, although belonging to the Church, haven't found their place in church's theory and practice until during the 7 th and 8 th centuries. A crucial role was played by the first iconoclastic echoes, as well as by the Church's... more
Esta é a primeira tradução em língua portuguesa do Horos (ou Definição) do Concílio de Constantinopla de 1872, reunido contra a nova heresia do Filetismo, que propunha a organização da Igreja segundo a nacionalidade e não segundo o... more
Canoanele Bisericii Ortodoxe. Vol. 2 - Canoanele Sinoadelor Locale, Studiu introductiv, introduceri, note și traducere Răzvan Perșa,
ISBN 978-606-0207-0, 302 pagini
ISBN 978-606-0207-0, 302 pagini
Misiunea parohiei și a mănăstirii într-o lume în continuă schimbare: lucrările Simpozionului internațional de teologie, istorie, muzicologie și artă: 3-5 noiembrie 2015, Cluj-Napoca / coord.: pr. prof. univ. dr. Vasile Stanciu, pr. lect.... more
The meanings of the word κανών for the canonical Tradition of the Orthodox Church in the first four centuries Abstract. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the diachronic development of the word κανών in the first four... more
With this paper the author tries to answer questions raised by some of the detractors of the Holy and Great Council. He is analysing from the point of view of Orthodox Canon Law if the delegation of bishops and the principle of... more
Cu toate că secolul al XIX‐lea reprezintă în viziunea canoniștilor momentul nașterii științei sau disciplinei dreptului bisericesc, reflecțiile asupra naturii dreptului sunt aproape inexistente, această temă fiind abordată doar tangențial... more
“I believe it is possible for the Russian Church to accomplish a lot in the world”. The letters between the archbishop John (Shakhovskoy) and S.V. Troitsky.1954-1965. This publication introduces the correspondence of two well-known... more
La versione integrale di questo articolo è disponibile in versione cartacea presso
Edizioni Orientalia Christiana
Pontificio Istituto Orientale
Piazza S. Maria Maggiore, 7
00185 Roma
Edizioni Orientalia Christiana
Pontificio Istituto Orientale
Piazza S. Maria Maggiore, 7
00185 Roma
This study aims to highlight the necessity of a new Romanian translation of the canons of the Ortho- dox Church through the critical, positive and negative, analysis of the previous translations. In this approach, we have attempted to see... more
Като студент по богословие попаднах на много интересна апологетична студия -"Гнезда на съмнения във вярата", написана от проф. д-р архим.
A detailed canonical, historical, and theological explanation of why Ecumenism is a heresy and why the True or Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece, which follows the Old (Patristic or Julian) Calendar, is the legitimate expression of Greek... more
Εργασία με θέμα το καθεστώς των χριστιανικών εκκλησιών στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία, με επικέντρωση στις σχέσεις Ορθοδόξων και Καθολικών.
В контекста на предоставяне на автокефалия на Гръцката православна църква от Вселенската Константинополска патриаршия през 19 век.
Кратък канонично-правен преглед
Сборник "Право и религия" (УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", София, 2021)
Кратък канонично-правен преглед
Сборник "Право и религия" (УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", София, 2021)
The Controversy on the Jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople over the Orthodox Diaspora in the First Half of the 20th Century and its Outcome. One of the crucial challenges facing the Orthodox world is the necessity to... more
ISBN : 978-2-343-01450-0.
Table of Contents of my doctoral dissertation on the history of the Bulgarian Orthodox in the USA, Canada and Australia that includes: 1. The main history of the Bulgarian Diocese in North America and Australia from its foundation in... more
The Orthodox Church in America is one of many Orthodox jurisdictions that currently exists among the Orthodox faithful in the American diaspora. The fact that there are currently multiple “ethnic” Orthodox jurisdictions within the same... more
In this paper I will try to emphasise the genesis and the development of the phrase: “the Orthodox Church accepts the historical name of other non-Orthodox Christian Churches and Confessions”, by finding how this highly controversial... more
В статье рассматривается дело в отношении иерея Александра Шрамко, бывшее предметом рассмотрения различными должностными лицами и органами Белорусской Православной Церкви в 2018–2019 годах. Анализируются судебные действия в свете... more
Summary and Response for the article "Marriage between Christians and Non-Christians: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Perspectives." by Patric Viscuso and Kristopher L. WIllumsen. The article was originally published in 1994 in the Journal of... more
The phenomenon of the status of ecclesiastical autonomy is a highly discussed topic, not only in recent times. The several autocephalous churches developed different understandings of autonomy, which causes discussion on the one hand, but... more
The Synaxis of the Primates to the Holy and Great Synod which took place in Chambesy (January 2016) signed a Proposal to Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Churches on the topic of Marriage Impediments, especially in the... more
Thomas M. Németh, Zur Teilnahme von Laien an der Kirchenverwaltung in der Orthodoxen Kirche der Donaumonarchie, in: V. Leontaritou, K. Bourdara, E. Papagianni (Hrsg.), ΑΝΤΗΚΗΝΣΩΡ - ANTECESSOR (FS S. Troianos), Athen 2013, 1149-1166.
Thomas M. Németh, Ehe, Scheidung und Wiederheirat. Die orthodoxe Praxis im Blick der katholischen Kirche, in: D. Burkard (Hrsg.), Die christliche Ehe - erstrebt, erlebt, erledigt? Fragen und Beiträge zur aktuellen Diskussion im... more
Des nos jours, le concept d’autonomie ecclésiastique pose aussi des difficultés qui concernent autant l’orga?ni?sation ecclésiastique interne de l’Eglise orthodoxe et de l’Eglise catholique, que le dialogue officiel orthodoxe-catholique.... more
This chapter goes into the influence and impact of Holy Tradition and the Church Canons, on the role of parishes, laity and clergy, alike, including the use of Secular Courts, by the parishes and laity when bringing actions against their... more
Deși dreptul canonic ortodox şi tradiţia canonică subliniază importanța și necesitatea unui οἰκονόμος și a unui ἐπίτροπος pentru administrarea patrimoniului bisericesc, cercetarea actuală în acest domeniu dedică prea puține pagini... more
Book Review