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În cuvântul său de adresare, rostit în data de 22.01.2016 la Sinaxa Întâistătătorilor Bisericilor Ortodoxe, care a avut loc între 21 şi 28 ianuarie la Chambésy, lângă Geneva, Prefericirea sa, Patriarhul Daniel, sublinia „că sinodalitatea... more
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      SynodalityCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchCouncil of Crete
A paper delivered to the clergy gathering of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on March 21, 2017.
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchEcclesiologyRussian Orthodoxy
An upsurge in Orthodox anti-ecumenical criticism in 2016 has raised the question of the current state of ecumenism. Examining this topic , the author describes a new form of ecumenical activity associated with the emergence of... more
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      ConservatismRussian Orthodox ChurchEcumenismConservative Christianity
Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      TheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      TheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
An important moment in the history of the Orthodox Church is despite the withdrawal of local churches like the Bulgarian, Russian, Georgian and Alexandrian ones and the fear of Serbian Church to take part in it, the Pan-Orthodox Council... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingRussian OrthodoxyCouncil of CretePanorthodox Council of Crete 2016
In this research, the author presents the composition of the Romanian Delegations to the most important Pan-Orthodox assemblies, starting from the one that took place in Constantinople in 1923 and until the Pan-Orthodox Synod of Crete.... more
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      TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchCouncil of Crete
The Ecumenical legacy of the Council of Crete convened in 2016 is extremely important because of the consistent discussions on this topic during the grounding of the Council, but mostly subsequent to that, when the process of reception of... more
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueEcumenismCouncil of Crete
Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      SociologyTheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
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      современное православиеPan-Orthodox CouncilCouncil of CreteВсеправославный Собор