Books of Hours
Recent papers in Books of Hours
El Libro de horas de Carlos V es un testimonio muy importante de la producción de manuscritos iluminados en Francia en los años finales del siglo xv y los primeros del siglo xvi. Es un libro de una riqueza iconográfica extraordinaria,... more
"Pourquoi l'Église catholique invite-elle aujourd'hui tous les baptisés - les laïcs comme les prêtres et les personnes consacrées - à célébrer la liturgie des Heures ? Est-ce là une utopie ou un vœu pieu ? Quelle expérience peut-on faire... more
Dans l’histoire de la prière des Heures, la recherche se heurte souvent à cette vaste et complexe question : Quels offices étaient fréquentés par les fidèles laïcs et de quelle façon ? Parmi les sources les plus précieuses, les livres de... more
The angelological section of a late medieval Book of Hours (Paris, ca. 1420-1430) culminates in a prayer that draws extensively on angelic imagery from the Book of Revelation. As this Apocalyptic prayer seems to have no parallels in the... more
The illuminated Book of Hours, the most popular product of the late medieval book market, is a compilation of prayers and short offices designed for private lay devotion. As a new type of Prayer Book it evolved from the Psalter in the... more
La Edad Media mantuvo la tradición, codificada perfectamente en la Antigüedad, de imbricar en los funerales celebrados en honor de las personas más destacadas de la sociedad un ritual privado, restringido a un ámbito familiar, con otro... more
As the Dunois Master, the Munich Golden Legend Master, fl. from ca. 1420 to ca. 1450-1460, is one artistic figure originating from the Bedford workshop. This miniaturist was active mostly in Paris, but his work also shows connections with... more
Bruno Restif, « Les gestes et postures de la prière individuelle dans la production iconographique française, du milieu du XVe au milieu du XVIIe siècle », Europa moderna. Revue d’Histoire et d’Iconologie, n° 5, 2015, publication en ligne... more
he verbal contexts for the image of the Dead Christ formed an important component of its received meaning for medieval viewers and readers. 1 While most of this volume focuses on the Man of Sorrows as an autonomous image in panel painting... more
Analisi iconografica e stilistica del libro d'Ore di Gian Giacomo Trivulzio (Madrid, Museo Lazaro Galdiano), attribuito al Maestro delle Ore Landriani verso il 1500-1510.
The paper analyses five examples of French litanic paraphrases from different periods: the medieval paraphrase La letanie from the Book of Hours of the Diocese of Evreux and the farce Le pèlerinage de marriage, Paraphrase des Litanies de... more
En la actualidad, con la aparición del libro electrónico, estamos en magníficas condiciones para entender lo que supuso la invención y posterior expansión de la imprenta a mediados del siglo XV y las consecuencias que tuvo sobre la... more
Resumo: Os Livros de Horas integram a maior categoria de manuscritos iluminados que sobreviveram até os dias atuais e são ricas fontes para compreender a organização do tempo, do espaço e dos valores da cultura cristã. Neste sentido, este... more
When the story of Bathsheba's Bath appeared in Late Medieval Books of Hours, it always prefaced the Penitential Psalms in these manuscripts. Traditionally, these Penitential Psalms were associated with the Deadly Sins. This article will... more
Edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's "Das Stunden-Buch" with an explanatory postscript.
En la Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza, entre las alhajas del tesoro de la Virgen, se conserva un libro de horas guarnecidas en plata que es uno de los objetos más excepcionales de la colección. El diminuto libro,... more
The starting point for the following reflections is an unusual and little-known picture cycle to the Office of the Dead that first appeared in a Parisian printed book of hours on 22 August 1509. 1 The most conspicuous feature of these... more
The text sketches a general outline of the use of biblical cycles in the Late Middle Ages in manuscripts made for didactic and devotional purposes. The different types of Bibles produced between the 13th and 14th centuries in France are... more
Se in origine tale funzione devozionale veniva svolta principalmente nel contesto pubblico della chiesa, nel corso del Medioevo, in particolar modo dal XIII secolo, si assiste a una sempre maggiore diffusione di raffigurazioni sacre in... more
The Website HOURS/ORE. Italian Books of hours/Libri d'ore italiani aims to make contents and information regarding this type of devotional manuscript accessible online in Open Access.
in England and Normandy in the Middle Ages, ed. D. Bates and A. Curry (London, 1994), pp. 299-313 (p. 311). Thanks are due to Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, midwife to this essay. 2 Jocelyn Wogan-Browne has suggested (pers. comm., 23 April 2008)... more
Ahora bien, el término mysterium (derivado del verbo griego myo: cerrar, ocultar), que aparece una y otra vez en los formularios litúrgicos, precisa una aclaración. El misterio cristiano no consiste, como suele pensarse, en algo... more
During the latter part of the fifteenth century, metal badges were frequently attached to religious manuscripts. The objects were often removed at a later date, but traces found in the parchment -impressions, metal residue, and sewing... more
The activity of the Florentine-Marchigian painter, Antonio di Domenico da Firenze, in the field of book illustration is here reconstructed for the first time. His masterpiece as an illuminator is identified in a book of hours now in the... more
El 2 de junio de 1453, en la plaza pública de Valladolid fallecía en la picota Álvaro de Luna, otrora poderoso privado de Juan II de Castilla. Moría el hombre y se iniciaba un proceso de reivindicación memorial que tuvo en su hija María... more
in: Die Kunst der brevitas. Kleine literarische Formen des deutschsprachigen Mittelalters. Rostocker Kolloquium 2014, hg. von Franz-Josef Holznagel und Jan Cölln in Verb. mit Ricarda Bauschke-Hartung und Susanne Köbele (Wolfram-Studien... more
Refletindo sobre uma sensação de leveza e dilatação da passagem temporal, a pesquisa elabora a expressão “tempo suspenso” e analisa de que maneira essa singular percepção pode ser transmutada em códices. Para sua compreensão, dialoga... more
Publication of a Book of Hours Made for Eleanor de Mohun
analisi dell'iconografia del mese di agosto in alcuni manoscritti italiani del '400
SUMMARY Like nearly all mediaeval Books of Hours in Arabic, the horologion contained in Sinai Ar. 232 has not been edited or published. A close examination of its content reveals the particular geographical and ecclesialsituation of this... more
Per imparentarsi con gli Asburgo, Ludovico il Moro, signore di Milano, diede in sposa a Massimiliano I, vedovo dell'affascinante Maria di Borgogna, la nipote Bianca Maria Sforza, offrendole in dote una montagna di ducati, argenti, arazzi... more