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Ralf van Bühren Raum, Kunst und Liturgie Praktische Auswirkungen der Liturgiereform auf den Kirchenbau nach dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil Weisungen des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils über Kunst und Künstler Das Zweite Vatikanische... more
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      LiturgySecond Vatican CouncilSacred ArtChurch architecture
The article analyzes the significant elements of Synodality and differentiates it from the Synod of Bishop by elaborately delving with the Canons on the Synod of Bishops in Code of Canon Law (1983)
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      Canon LawSynodalitySynod of Bishops
Pope Francis believes that the Church of the third millennium must be Synodal, an ‘inverted pyramid.’ This prophetic and courageous step in Church reform by Pope Francis is in close continuity with the ancient and rich synodal tradition... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesEcclesiologyEvangelization
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      Social JusticeCatholic Social TeachingRoman Catholic TheologySynod of Bishops
This paper illustrates how the key elements of the emerging synodal Church are oriented to transformation, and how this transformation is effective at the three levels of ecclesial life as individual, community, and universal Church.... more
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      TransformationBernard LonerganRoman Catholic EcclesiologyPope Francis
The Church has been convoked to a Synod with the motto: For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mis- sion. It is perhaps the most important event since the Sec- ond Vatican Council, because it represents the beginning of a... more
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      EcclesiologyChurch HistoryMissional EcclesiologyPope Francis
The nine AMECEA Countries participated in the III Extraordinary World Synod of Bishops on "The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization" in Rome from 5-19 October, 2014. In Eastern Africa Small Christian... more
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      Research MethodologyAfricaFamilyUganda
Una riflessione sul testo chiave di Papa Francesco sulla sinodalità nell’ultimo sinodo dei vescovi : il discorso di Papa Francesco per il 50° anniversario dell’istituzione del Sinodo dei Vescovi, Sala Paolo VI, sabato 17 ottobre 2015,... more
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      Young AdultSynodalitySynod of Bishops
In October 2018 the assembly of the Synod of Bishops on “Young people, Faith and Vocational Discernment” took place in Rome gathering 267 synodal fathers, 49 observers and 23 experts under the Presidency of Pope Francis. Reflecting on the... more
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      ReceptionEcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilYoung People
Catholic priests need to embrace synodality and help promote shared responsibility for the Church among all the baptized. Entrusting responsibility to all the baptized in the life and mission of the Church is still too dependent -- for... more
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      ReligionTheologyEcclesiologyPastoral Theology
Le pape François nous a invités à considérer la synodalité comme la manière dont l’Église est appelée à vivre et mettre en œuvre sa mission en ce troisième millénaire. La Commission théologique internationale soutient que le premier... more
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      CultureEcclesiologyInculturationÉGlise Catholique
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilCatholic Churchhistoria de la Iglesia
Marcher ensemble, chapitre sur « le synode des jeunes, laboratoire de synodalité » : Commentaire pastoral et théologique du Discours du Pape François pour le 50ème anniversaire de l’Institution du synode, Salvator 2019
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      EcclesiologyYoung PeopleSynodalitéSynod of Bishops
“Questions of power and its exercise in the Church are real and need to be resolved, but we must not let them become a distraction from the more fundamental questions of truth, fidelity, and apostolic mission, to which all authority in... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilRoman CatholicismCatholicismEcumenical Councils
Contributi per il Sinodo sulla sinodalità 2021-2023
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      EcclesiologyConcilio Vaticano IIVaticano IISynodality
La vocation, une notion floue et mal comprise par beaucoup Pour avoir eu la joie d'intervenir à plusieurs occasions sur la question de la vocation auprès de responsables et professeurs de l'enseignement catholique français ces dernières... more
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      Vocational EducationYoung AdultSynod of Bishops
This essay argues for a participatory synodal Church and the possible contributions of the African palaver as a model for participatory dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church. The African palaver is the art of conversation, dialogue, and... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationChurch ReformRoman Catholic EcclesiologyEcclesiology of Vatican II
Im Rahmen der Bestandsaufnahme, in welchen Bereichen die Kirche auf ihren verschiedenen Ebenen synodale Elemente aufweist, und des Weiterdenkens, wie sich diese im Licht des Synodalitätsparadigmas weiterentwickeln lassen, ist mir die... more
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      Canon LawChurch ReformRoman Catholic churchParish
Questo articolo esamina la dimensione ecumenica dell'esortazione apostolica Amoris Laetitia di papa Francesco, mostrando come dipenda anche dagli interventi degli osservatori cristiani non-cattolici al Sinodo sulla famiglia. Questi... more
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The contemporary Catholic Church is experiencing a breakthrough into a fuller stage of self-understanding, and of self-appropriation as the Body of Christ, known as 'synodality'. It is an opening to the possibility of a new... more
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      TransformationBernard LonerganRoman Catholic EcclesiologyPope Francis
Per indagare le dinamiche di formazione dell’opinione pubblica sulla Chiesa cattolica italiana occorre applicare le teorie classiche tenendo presente il nuovo scenario informativo e comunicativo costituito dall’infosfera e caratterizzato... more
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      SociologyPublic OpinionPublic Opinion (Political Science)Public Opinion Research
The Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in October 2018 with the theme “Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment,” was truly a profound experience of “walking together” under the guidance of the... more
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Préface de Christus Vivit, Exhortation post-synodale du Pape François après le synode d'octobre 2018 sur "les jeunes, la foi et le discernement vocationnel" sous forme d'une lettre aux jeunes et à tout le peuple de Dieu.
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      Vocational Guidance and CounselingYoung AdultSynod of Bishops
Recent research has addressed the problem of the orthodoxy of the teaching of the Synod of Ancyra, but has not dealt directly with the theology of similarity, which is not identical to the theology of the image, although it is close to... more
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      ChristianityTheologyEarly ChristianityTrinity
The issue of vocational discernment was reflected upon during the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops convened in October 2018. The article deals with the topics of responsibility for each Christian discerning his/her... more
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      ResponsibilityYouthPope FrancisSynod of Bishops
My analysis on the category of signs of times (SoT) shows how it can help to explain a few aspects of synodality. I will explain how synodality and SoT support each other and why Synods should teach a correct judgment of SoT. It is a way... more
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      Gender StudiesTheologyFeminist TheologyQueer Theology
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      MercyPope FrancisSynod of BishopsSynod on the Family
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      Synod of BishopsJoseph Cardinal Cardijn