Luigi Gioia
Luigi Gioia has been actively involved in a variety of contexts: academia (the University of Oxford, the Pontifical University of S. Anselmo in Rome, Cambridge University, St John Collegeville, MN, USA), pastoral (as novice master in France, as abbot in Italy, as assistant priest in St Paul Knightsbridge in London, as Theologian in Residence at Saint Thomas Church, NYC), administrative (as director of the library in S. Anselmo) and organizational (as creator and academic director of the course on Leadership and the Rule of St Benedict in Rome, as Director of the Formation Program Quest in St Paul Knightsbridge, London). This has acquainted him with the religious contexts of many countries in Europe and North-America: France, UK, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and USA. Moreover, especially since 2011, he has given many academic talks and preached retreats in Korea, China, Philippines, Ghana, Australia, Hungary, and Canada. These experiences have considerably expanded his knowledge of the contemporary spiritual, theological, and ecclesial scenes. Luigi Gioia also has inside knowledge of both Oxford and Cambridge universities and their collegiate system. He has been connected with four colleges (Christ Church and St Benet’s Hall in Oxford, Magdalene and St Edmunds in Cambridge). Besides his academic works on St Augustine, Trinitarian Theology and Ecclesiology, Luigi Gioia has written several wide-audience books of spirituality. His book on prayer published by Bloomsbury in 2017 was chosen as the Archbishop of Canterbury Lent Book for 2018. His last book, "St Benedict's Wisdom. Monastic Spirituality and the Life of the Church" (Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN, USA and Canterbury Press, UK) received the First Place in the category of Spirituality award by the CMA (Catholic Media Association, USA). His books have been translated in five languages. He is a regular contributor to several periodicals: The Tablet, Crux, and America Magazine.
Address: 1 W 53rd Street
Saint Thomas Church
10019 New York (USA)
Address: 1 W 53rd Street
Saint Thomas Church
10019 New York (USA)
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Books by Luigi Gioia
Written by one of the most insightful commentators on monastic life today, Saint Benedict's Wisdom shines the light of monasticism on many aspects of contemporary Christian living, including evangelization, leadership, suffering, authentic chastity, the experience of God, reform of structures, and the practice of theology. It will appeal to anyone seeking to live a more authentic Christian life in addition to vowed monastics, monastic oblates, and associates.
In Touched by God, Gioia moves on to explore the art of contemplation. He points out that contemplation is not a more advanced way of praying but a silent and loving attentiveness to God which has nothing in common with disembodied, ahistorical and impersonal forms of spirituality.
Contemplation begins when we are touched by God through Scripture and become aware of his presence in us. Gioia shows how this happens concretely in the lives of the characters of the Gospel of John, his chosen guide to learn how to welcome God in our own lives and interact with him.
Gioia’s way to contemplation takes the reader not only through Scripture but also through plays and novels where God is never mentioned or is seen as absent, distant or even as an enemy. By engaging with both religious and non-religious authors the reader can discover that con- templation is not some kind of spiritual wonderland but coexists with doubts, thrives in the middle of struggles, is discovered even in suffering, dissolves guilt and leads to authentic self-knowledge and compassion for every human being.
For Gioia, prayer is not about methods or techniques, but trusting that God is truly interested in everything that happens to us and wants to hear about it, however seemingly frivolous a problem may rst appear. Arranged in chapters suitable for daily reading over Lent, the book leads the reader into the theological aspects of prayer and how it relates to Christ, to the Holy Spirit and to the Church. This is done without using complex theological concepts but simply through scriptural quotations.
With a foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and an afterword by Michael Casey OCSO, Say it to God demon- strates that the everyday, even the most mundane of tasks and situations, can be applied in deepening our prayer; a welcome and engrossing guide to any person wishing to enrich their spiritual re ection, both during the period of Lent and beyond.
Marco non edulcora la precarietà della vita di fede; anche quando il vento è contrario e siamo tentati di avere paura, il Gesù di cui narra nel suo vangelo ci educa pazientemente alla difficile arte della fiducia.
I. Tempo di Avvento. II. Tempo di Natale. III. Tempo di Quaresima. IV. Triduo Pasquale e tempo di Pasqua. V. Tempo ordinario. VI. Solennità e feste.
Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348), è il fondatore della celebre abbazia benedettina di Monte Oliveto, vicino Siena, e della famiglia monastica sviluppatasi a partire da questo centro. Attraverso una analisi attenta delle sue lettere, questo studio ne presenta la figura e l’eredità spirituale. Bernardo ci appare nella sua umiltà e nel suo ardore, nella sua passione per la vita fraterna in comunità e nel suo ruolo discreto ma efficace di riformatore del monachesimo in un periodo di grande crisi nella vita della Chiesa. È stato dichiarato santo dal papa Benedetto XVI il 26 aprile 2009.
Academic Articles by Luigi Gioia
In this chapter the authors explain how strategic thinking is introduced to the participants of a leadership course. They put into focus the stakeholder management approach where the task of the leaders is to shape balanced and sustainable relations. The authors introduce a stepwise approach to develop a strategy and an implementation plan for a monastery. The chapter ends with observations and recommendations to Benedictine leaders.
Theological activity is constantly threatened, even more so than preaching, with becoming self-reliant, with understanding its critical role in regard to God’s knowledge independently from the event of his revelation. Now, because the event of the correspondence between God’s word and human word can never be taken for granted, theological activity must never tire of striving for authenticity. The threat of death becomes a test for authenticity in our theological activity by preventing us from escaping our human condition by a risky anticipation of eschatology whereby we claim for our talking of God a fullness which nothing can possess in this life.
Written by one of the most insightful commentators on monastic life today, Saint Benedict's Wisdom shines the light of monasticism on many aspects of contemporary Christian living, including evangelization, leadership, suffering, authentic chastity, the experience of God, reform of structures, and the practice of theology. It will appeal to anyone seeking to live a more authentic Christian life in addition to vowed monastics, monastic oblates, and associates.
In Touched by God, Gioia moves on to explore the art of contemplation. He points out that contemplation is not a more advanced way of praying but a silent and loving attentiveness to God which has nothing in common with disembodied, ahistorical and impersonal forms of spirituality.
Contemplation begins when we are touched by God through Scripture and become aware of his presence in us. Gioia shows how this happens concretely in the lives of the characters of the Gospel of John, his chosen guide to learn how to welcome God in our own lives and interact with him.
Gioia’s way to contemplation takes the reader not only through Scripture but also through plays and novels where God is never mentioned or is seen as absent, distant or even as an enemy. By engaging with both religious and non-religious authors the reader can discover that con- templation is not some kind of spiritual wonderland but coexists with doubts, thrives in the middle of struggles, is discovered even in suffering, dissolves guilt and leads to authentic self-knowledge and compassion for every human being.
For Gioia, prayer is not about methods or techniques, but trusting that God is truly interested in everything that happens to us and wants to hear about it, however seemingly frivolous a problem may rst appear. Arranged in chapters suitable for daily reading over Lent, the book leads the reader into the theological aspects of prayer and how it relates to Christ, to the Holy Spirit and to the Church. This is done without using complex theological concepts but simply through scriptural quotations.
With a foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and an afterword by Michael Casey OCSO, Say it to God demon- strates that the everyday, even the most mundane of tasks and situations, can be applied in deepening our prayer; a welcome and engrossing guide to any person wishing to enrich their spiritual re ection, both during the period of Lent and beyond.
Marco non edulcora la precarietà della vita di fede; anche quando il vento è contrario e siamo tentati di avere paura, il Gesù di cui narra nel suo vangelo ci educa pazientemente alla difficile arte della fiducia.
I. Tempo di Avvento. II. Tempo di Natale. III. Tempo di Quaresima. IV. Triduo Pasquale e tempo di Pasqua. V. Tempo ordinario. VI. Solennità e feste.
Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348), è il fondatore della celebre abbazia benedettina di Monte Oliveto, vicino Siena, e della famiglia monastica sviluppatasi a partire da questo centro. Attraverso una analisi attenta delle sue lettere, questo studio ne presenta la figura e l’eredità spirituale. Bernardo ci appare nella sua umiltà e nel suo ardore, nella sua passione per la vita fraterna in comunità e nel suo ruolo discreto ma efficace di riformatore del monachesimo in un periodo di grande crisi nella vita della Chiesa. È stato dichiarato santo dal papa Benedetto XVI il 26 aprile 2009.
In this chapter the authors explain how strategic thinking is introduced to the participants of a leadership course. They put into focus the stakeholder management approach where the task of the leaders is to shape balanced and sustainable relations. The authors introduce a stepwise approach to develop a strategy and an implementation plan for a monastery. The chapter ends with observations and recommendations to Benedictine leaders.
Theological activity is constantly threatened, even more so than preaching, with becoming self-reliant, with understanding its critical role in regard to God’s knowledge independently from the event of his revelation. Now, because the event of the correspondence between God’s word and human word can never be taken for granted, theological activity must never tire of striving for authenticity. The threat of death becomes a test for authenticity in our theological activity by preventing us from escaping our human condition by a risky anticipation of eschatology whereby we claim for our talking of God a fullness which nothing can possess in this life.
The sources related to the beginnings of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto are a testimony to the solid secular model of piety of its founders, Bernardo Tolomei and his companions. This model is able to inspire and sustain a path of conversion that goes well beyond the urban context. Even when the adoption of a rule confirms the transition to a regular form of piety, loyalty to the civic experience undergirds their clear intention of reformation expressed in the adoption of innovative ecclesiastical discipline. Leaving Siena and then returning to it with urban monastic settlements are aspects of a unique parabola through which the founders of Monte Oliveto preserve pietas from being collapsed into patriotism and contribute to the growth of a civic sense that turns out to be the best antidote to all forms of communal particularism.
th-24th November 2015, at the seminar 'What is point of Synods?'
organized by the Ecclesiological Investigations Group.
The theology and the practice of synodality in the Catholic Church are reviewed in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, of his recent declaration that “The path of synodality is that which God expects of the Church of the third millennium” and of his highly symbolical gestures in connection to the two sessions of the recent synod on family. Pope Francis is slowly overcoming a one-sided approach to collegiality through a practice of synodality which re-establishes the link between conciliarity and local churches and tries to root ecclesial discernment in the prophetic character of the whole people of God.
Conferenza del 20 gennaio 2016 in dialogo con il rabbino Yuval Cherlow della Bar Ilan University (Gerusalemme) al Centro Cardinal Bea per gli Studi Giudaici, Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Roma), nel quadro del ciclo di conferenze “In memoria e celebrazione: 50 anni con Nostra Aetate”.
An essay on saint Bernardo Tolomei (1272- 348) founder of the Benedictine Olivetan monks and on the spirit of the monastic family of Monte Oliveto
Une étude sur saint Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348) fondateur des moines bénédictins olivétains et sur l’esprit de la famille monastique de Monte Oliveto.
2. Veramente questo uomo era giusto
3. Satana vi ha cercati
4. Io sono in mezzo a voi come colui che serve
5. Non sanno quello che fanno
6. Si sentirono trafiggere il cuore.