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The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church took place on Crete 19-26 June 2016, and the main sessions took place in a small Cretan village of Kolymbari. This remote destination concluded century-long journey of preparations and... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityPan-Orthodox CouncilPanorthodox council
Дискуссии о рукоположении женщин в православной церкви были достаточно продолжительное время вопросом, связанным с участием в экуменическом движении, постепенно становясь внутриправославным вопросам. Несмотря на то, что в рамках... more
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      ПравославиеWomen Ministry and OrdinationOrdination of WomenБелорусская православная церковь
Die Stellung der Frau in der Kirche stand nicht auf der Traktandenliste des Heiligen und Großen Konzils, obwohl diesbezüglich praktische Empfehlungen einer vorkonziliaren Konferenz seit 1988 auf ihre Umsetzung warten. Darunter befindet... more
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      Ordination of WomenPan-Orthodox CouncilHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchHoly and Great Council
Изданието включва размишленията на трима известни гръцки духовници и богослови по повод Събора в Колимбари, Крит през 2016 г. (наричан "Свят и Велик събор на Православната църква").
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityПравославное богословиеHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
The present article addresses the history of the preparations of the Pan-Orthodox Council since 1923, when the Pan-Orthodox Conference was held in Istanbul, until January 2016, when the Synaxis of the Primates was held in Chambésy,... more
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      History of Church CouncilsChurch HistoryEcumenical PatriarchateMoscow Patriarchate
În cuvântul său de adresare, rostit în data de 22.01.2016 la Sinaxa Întâistătătorilor Bisericilor Ortodoxe, care a avut loc între 21 şi 28 ianuarie la Chambésy, lângă Geneva, Prefericirea sa, Patriarhul Daniel, sublinia „că sinodalitatea... more
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      SynodalityCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchCouncil of Crete
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      TechnologyPhilosophical TheologyEastern ChristianityHellenism
An upsurge in Orthodox anti-ecumenical criticism in 2016 has raised the question of the current state of ecumenism. Examining this topic , the author describes a new form of ecumenical activity associated with the emergence of... more
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      ConservatismRussian Orthodox ChurchEcumenismConservative Christianity
With this paper the author tries to answer questions raised by some of the detractors of the Holy and Great Council. He is analysing from the point of view of Orthodox Canon Law if the delegation of bishops and the principle of... more
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      Canon LawOrthodox TheologyCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople went through a series of changes in the eighteenth century. By 1763 gerontismos was established, and the Patriarchal seal was divided into four. As such, the metropolitans of the Holy Synod... more
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      Greek HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman Studies18th Century
The question of women's ordination: Feminist ecclesiological challenge or promotion;  Commenting on the findings of the Theological Conference on the place of the woman in the Orthodox Church and on the ordination of women
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      Women's StudiesOrthodox TheologyEcclesiologyOrthodox Christianity
Georgian version of - "On Ecumenoclasm: Anti-Ecumenism in Orthodox Theology" Posts appearing on Public Orthodoxy (Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University, New York) (April-September 2016).
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      Orthodox TheologyGeorgiaEcumenismHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
in: Orthodoxes Forum. Zeitschrift des Instituts für Orthodoxe Theologie der Univ. München 31 (1-2/2017) 119-125.
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityEastern Orthodox TheologyPanorthodox council
οι ''Παρατηρητές'' στην ''Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδο'' έχουν καθαρά διεκκλησιαστικό χαρακτήρα και χαρακτήρα ενημερώσεως, μακριά από κάθε είδους επίπλαστης και εσκεμμένης παρουσίασής τους ως νόθευσης της συνοδικότητας και της πίστεως της. Δια... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyEcclesiology
Even though the Romanian theologian André Scrima was one of the main protagonists of the ecumenical turn in Orthodox-Catholic relationships, his vision of unity between Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity has not yet received... more
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      EcclesiologyCatholic-Orthodox dialogueOrthodox ChristianityEcumenism
The article deals with the ecclesiological challenges that rose after the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete (June 2016) following the encounter between East and West, as far as the orthodox-catholic dialogue is... more
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      EcclesiologyCatholic-Orthodox dialogueHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchHoly and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
В 1860-х годах в правительственных кругах велась дискуссия о путях распространения среди крестьян Северо-Западного края, наряду с начальным образованием, также и исторических знаний о «Западной России» – землях бывшего Великого княжества... more
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      Russian EmpireHistory textbooksReligious InstructionPeasants
In this paper I will try to emphasise the genesis and the development of the phrase: “the Orthodox Church accepts the historical name of other non-Orthodox Christian Churches and Confessions”, by finding how this highly controversial... more
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      Canon LawOrthodox TheologyCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church held in June 2016 on Crete concluded a century long preparation process, which had made its way in the context of dramatic events and rapid social, political and demographic... more
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      Orthodox TheologyPhilosophy Of FreedomOrthodox ChristianitySocial Doctrine of Church
Στη σύγχρονη ιστορία της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας το γεγονός που σημάδεψε τη συνοδική της παρέμβαση στο σύγχρονο Κόσμο ήταν η επονομαζόμενη Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδος, που έλαβε χώρα στην Κρήτη το 2016. Έκτοτε και μέχρι σήμερα ποικίλες απόψεις... more
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      Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchΟικουμενική κίνηση
Das Heilige und GroBe Konzil der Orthodoxen Kirche, das im Juni 2016 auf Kreta stattgefunden hat, war Abschluss eines rund einhundert Jahre dauernden Vorbereitungsprozesses inmitten der dramatischen Ereignisse und rasanten... more
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      Orthodox TheologySocial EthicsOrthodox ChristianityPanorthodox council
Two draft documents of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church deal with LGBTQI issues: 1) explicitly in inner ecclesiastical context concerning exclusively same-sex unions (The Sacrament of Marriage and its Impediments,... more
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      LGBT IssuesLGBT StudiesLgbtqChristianity & LGBT Issues
The Russian Orthodox Church has officially refused to participate in the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. The official reason was the refusal of three other local Churches and therefore a violation of the principle of... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyOrthodox ChristianityConsensus
В статье рассматривается проблема развития социального учения православной церкви в рамках первого этапа всеправославного процесса, связанного с Энцикликой Вселенского патриарха 1902 г. Выясняется роль разных факторов, препятствующих... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianitySocial Doctrine of ChurchПравославие
Σε δύο από τις θεματικές της Αγίας και Μεγάλης Συνόδου των Ορθοδόξων, (α) «Οι σχέσεις τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας πρός τόν λοιπόν Χριστιανικόν κόσμον» και (β) «Η αποστολή της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας ἐν τῳ συγχρόνῳ κόσμῳ», διακρίνεται μία σειρά... more
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      Domestic ViolenceFeminist TheologyOrthodox TheologyEcumenical Theology
The paper discusses three possible outcomes of the planned Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church: 1) No Council in 2016; 2) Insignificant Council; 3) Significant Council.
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      Russian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchEcumenical TheologyRussian Orthodoxy
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      LiturgyHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
Интервью для сайта "Портал-Кредо.Ру" про Святой и Великий Собор Православной Церкви: насколько серьёзные поправки к документам, "украинский вопрос", журналистский пул и быт участников.
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      Pan-Orthodox CouncilPan-Orthodox Pre-Council ProcessHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchСвятой и Великий Собор Православной Церкви
The Synaxis of the Primates to the Holy and Great Synod which took place in Chambesy (January 2016) signed a Proposal to Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Churches on the topic of Marriage Impediments, especially in the... more
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      Canon LawHistory of ReligionOrthodox TheologyEcclesiastical History
В статье рассматриваются подходы к понятию свободы в рамках двух православных социальных доктрин, выраженных в документах Русской Православной Церкви, а так- же в рамках всеправославного процесса подготовки к Великому и Святому Собору... more
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      Human RightsPhilosophy Of FreedomLibertyChristian Social Ethics
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyEcumenical dialoguesEcumenism
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the synodical principle of the Orthodox Church as the key to church unity against the background of the Holy and Great Council. This may be considered as an opportunity and a chance as well as a... more
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      SynodalityPalgrave MacmillanHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
This paper was presented at the 8th International Conference of Orthodox Theology. Under the Auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Conference was hosted by A.U.Th., and took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from May 21-25, 2018, with... more
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      SynodalityHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchHoly and Great Council of the Orthodox ChurchPanorthodox Council of Crete 2016
Once decided to be convened for 19th of June, pan-Orthodox pro-Synod failed, being postponed just two weeks before. It took several decades to restart pre-conciliar process, and again just two weeks before we are at risk, that the Holy... more
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      Pan-Orthodox CouncilPan-Orthodox Pre-Council ProcessHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
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      Pan-Orthodox CouncilPan-Orthodox Pre-Council ProcessHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchHoly and Great Council
Данная статья поможет познакомиться с историей формирования документов Святого и Великого Собора и всего социального дискурса Церкви, развивавшейся в рамках предсоборного процесса, а затем перейти к основным идеям и богословским... more
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      Orthodox TheologyPolitical TheologyOrthodox ChristianitySocial Doctrine of Church
Es gibt theologische Diskussionen in der orthodoxen Kirche über die Frauenordination und es bestehen verschiedene theologische Positionen nebeneinander. Es besteht jedoch nach wie vor kein Einvernehmen in dieser Frage. Theologische und... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityEastern OrthodoxyDeaconesses
The paper was presented at ODIHR OSCE seminar“Interreligious Dialogue for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, Baku, 10-11 October 2016. The key to constructing another model of inter-religious dialogue lies in the... more
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      Interreligious DialogueInterfaith DialogueEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyOrthodox ChristianityEcumenical dialogues
Le métropolite Damaskinos Papandreou fût une figure ecclésiastique de l'orthodoxie à un tournant critique et décisif de son histoire récente, qui était doué des multiples talents. Ceux d'entre nous qui l'ont connu intimement peuvent... more
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      Ecumenical and Interfaith DialogueEastern OrthodoxyInter-Orthodox relationsHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
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      Orthodox ChristianityEcumenismEcumenical PatriarchateHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
Προς μια νέα ευρωπαϊκή ορθόδοξη εκκλησία
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox EcclesiologyHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church
Белорусам вообще не надо ожидать от Собора, от Константинопольского патриарха чего бы то ни было. Пора перестать представлять себя как некий объект православия, следует становиться субъектом, жить в контексте не замкнутой группировки, а... more
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      Belarusian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Orthodox Church In BelarusБелорусская православная церковьБеларуская праваслаўная царква
Ioannis Lotsios
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      Academic FreedomDemonologyFreedom of ReligionSatan
This article reflects on the forthcoming Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox. It focuses on the issue of the synodical system and the way of taking decisions. It was publised at the theological periodical "Synaxis", 2015, pp. 76-78
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      Orthodox EcclesiologyOrthodox ChurchSynodalityPanorthodox council
This article is devoted to the church-historical assessment of the Synodal period as the most complicated one in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is often estimated with diametrically opposite values and inevitably... more
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      Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Churchthe Synodal period in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church
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      Russian StudiesOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Orthodoxy