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À partir de mon expérience comme expert, l'article opère une relecture des changements survenus dans la méthode de travail des Assemblées ordinaires de 2015 et de 2018 du Synode des Évêques. Il analyse en quoi ces évolutions on permis une... more
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      EcclesiologySynodalitySynodalitéSynod of Bishops
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Dans la suite d’un séminaire de travail mis sur pied pour mieux appréhender les multiples raisons des blocages qui affectent la pleine reconnaissance des responsabilités des femmes en milieu ecclésial, le groupe porteur de ce projet... more
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      PriesthoodChurch GovernmentRole of Women In the ChurchChurch Ministry
This article delves into the reception and maturation of the organic character of the ecclesiology of the People of God. It emphasizes the equality of all christifideles rooted in baptismal dignity, while acknowledging functional... more
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      EcclesiologyConcilio Vaticano IIVaticano IIEclesiología
In a notable development, Pope Francis has approved the Final Document of the Synod on Synodality, choosing to implement its conclusions directly rather than issuing a traditional Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. This article explores... more
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      SafeguardingSpiritual FormationDecentralizationParticipatory Decision Making
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    • Teólogos
En un momento crucial para la Iglesia, este libro explora la profundidad y el potencial de la conversación en el Espíritu. Desde sus raíces bíblicas hasta su aplicación en el proceso sinodal actual, los autores desentrañan las dimensiones... more
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      TheologyEspíritu SantoSynodalitySynodalité
This open-access, peer-reviewed journal offers a space to investigate, according to the criteria of historical research, the phenomena related to Christianity and the Christian Churches from the eighteenth century to the present day. This... more
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      TheologySexual AbuseProtestantismEcclesiology
Una traccia per il futuro Severino Dianich Superata la delusione dell'opinione pubblica e l'irritazione di quanti, dopo aver proposto, lungo il Cammino sinodale, alcuni temi particolarmente sensibili, li hanno visti stornati dalla... more
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    • Theology and Pastoral Care
En el siguiente artículo propongo reflexionar la noción de sinodalidad como fuente desde donde emergen nuevos y jóvenes líderes. Para ello, iniciaremos explicitando los sujetos de la acción sinodal y el contexto histórico que, a mi... more
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      TeologíaTeologyEclesiologíaTeología Pastoral
Synod-Canonical Takeaways T he second session of the 1 6 th S y n o d o f B i s h o p s concluded on 26 October 2024. A Final Document consisting of 155 sections was immediately published as per the Pope's directive. There will be no... more
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      Canon LawSynodalitySynod of Bishops
Moeizaam en flexibel samen zoeken: De Deliberatio van de eerste jezuïeten als case study van synodaliteit
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Jos Moons, "De Kerk en homoseksualiteit Op weg naar een ‘waarderend gesprek’”, in Katholiek Nieuwsblad 2024/42 (16 October 2024), 8-9. Naar aanleiding van de studiedag op 25 september op de faculteit theologie van de Universiteit van... more
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      Diversity & InclusionHomosexualitySynodality
Cette intervention au symposium international (8-9 juin 2024) organisé par l'Institut de Catéchétique de l'Université salésienne de Rome sur "la dimension éducative de la catéchèse" n’a pas eu pour but de définir ou de préciser les... more
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1. The Role of the Dicastery for Legislative Texts in the Season of Reform - Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta 2. Preliminary Investigation (Cann. 1717–1719) - Bishop Elias Frank 3. The More Grave Delict of Abuse of Minors: Praxis at the... more
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      Canon LawSynodalityPreliminary Investigationsaggiornamento
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      History of the PapacySynodalityHistory of the Catholic Church
La necesidad es de orden misionero, y ya fue percibida en el Concilio Vacano II; sin embargo, fue desatendida en las sucesivas receptio, que se centraron más en la reformulación del mensaje y en las estrategias misioneras. Esta necesidad... more
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      Christian formationPastoral MinistrySinodality
"Quiso Dios santificar y salvar a los hombres no aisladamente, sin conexión alguna de unos con otros, sino constituyendo un pueblo, que lo confesara en verdad y le sirviera santamente" (LG 9). El Espíritu suscita en el pueblo de Dios,... more
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      Iglesia CatólicaDiscipulado cristianoMagisterio De La Iglesiasinodalidad
Pope Francis, by focusing his teaching office on the notion of synodality, has re-claimed the centrality of the doctrine of the People of God, positioning it once again as the main ecclesiological criterion for understanding all the... more
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      Canon LawConstitutional LawEcclesiologyPope Francis
Full title: “Lo Spirito Santo come protagonista della vita consacrata. Un modello per une chiesa sinodale?” in Vita consacrata è sinodalità. Conversazione teologico-spirituale, edited by Thiago Barros (Rome: Libreria Ateneo Salesiano,... more
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      PneumatologyJesuitsBenedictine SpiritualityReligious Liberty
Full title: “Broadening the Baptismal Foundation of a Synodal Church. A Plea for A Baptismal Ethos,” Studia Canonica 58 (2024), 131-152
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Silvio Ceccon, Sinodi diocesani medioevali tra legislazione e prassi. Padova e le diocesi contermini fino al Concilio di Trento, Padova, Istituto per la storia ecclesiastica padovana, 2023 (Fonti e ricerche di storia ecclesiastica... more
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      Canon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript Studies
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyEcumenical dialoguesPapal Primacy
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      Political ScienceVatican IIBishopSynodality
"The Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Work that is born... catholic? No. It was born ecumenical! It was born ecumenical because it is the Holy Spirit who creates unity, it is the same Holy Spirit who gave the inspiration so that it would be... more
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Full reference: Peter De Mey, "Richesse et limites de Lumen Gentium pour le développement de la théologie de la synodalité aujourd’hui," in Synodalité et Église Famille de Dieu en Afrique : Contribution à la XVIeme Assemblée du Synode des... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
Organizing for participation In society at large, top-down participation provided by institutional authorities, mainly in the form of dialogue and consultation, is often taken up (or even driven) by associations (for example, as part of... more
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Organizing for participation In society at large, top-down participation provided by institutional authorities, mainly in the form of dialogue and consultation, is often taken up (or even driven) by associations (for example, as part of... more
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César Kuzma (ed.), El laicado en una iglesia sinodal. Corresponsabilidad, participación y misión
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    • sinodalidad
The issues of migration and refugees are currently major global challenges. They are also important aspects of the teachings of the Catholic Church, as evidenced by the many recent Church documents. These issues also came up in... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionCatholic Studies
Cosa c'entra la questione della verità con il Sinodo sulla sinodalità? Il Sinodo si autocomprende come un tentativo di accesso alla verità in forma comunitaria, partendo dal basso e dando voce al popolo di Dio per cercare un consenso che... more
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      TheologyTruthMoral TheologyEcclesiology
This article critically examines the Catholic–Anglican theological dialogue, centering on John Henry Newman’s ‘Primacy of God’, Catholic synodality, and Anglican comprehensiveness. It illuminates the interconnectedness of these elements,... more
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      John Henry Newman / Oxford MovementChurch of EnglandEcumenismCatholic Church
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    • Forgiveness
Basic ecclesial communities (BECs) are flourishing in the Philippines. While many Filipina Catholics are leading the “new way of being Church,” little research has been conducted on their lived religion. Investigating the servant... more
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      ReligionWomen's StudiesLeadershipChurch History
La synodalité n’est pas chose aisée. Plusieurs n’ont pas caché les difficultés d’écoute et de coresponsabilité. Le simple horaire des célébrations liturgiques peut s’avérer complexe dans une optique synodale. Or le jeu en vaut la... more
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      EcclesiologyQuebecRoman CatholicismSynodality
It is very significant to look at what is written, and how it is presented, on all subjects under debate in the Church. This is evident in the case for the possibility of women being ordained. I will limit my scope here to three types of... more
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In this chapter I reflect on the ecclesiological significance of the presence of ‘non-episcopal members’ during the Synod on Synodality (2021-2024). Until recently bishops were the only voting members at a ‘synod of bishops’, but... more
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      EcclesiologyTheology and History of Vatican IIRoman Catholic EcclesiologyConcilio Vaticano II
Ridisegnare la ministerialità. Cammino sinodale per una Chiesa Missionaria Intervento di don Luciano Meddi al Convegno Diocesano. Iglesias 24-25 settembre 2024 I - L'urgenza di attuare la corresponsabilità per ripensare la... more
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    • Pastoral Ministry
Marie-Hélène ROBERT Catholic Listener of Synodality According to Baptists, 283-288. (traduction du texte paru en anglais) Avoir participé en tant que catholique à des dialogues oecuméniques avec des baptistes, mais aussi des luthériens... more
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      Ecumenical EcclesiologySynodality
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Political ScienceFaithReligionsCatholic Church
This chapter discusses the Instrumentum Laboris for the synodal assembly that commenced in October 2023, focusing on the document's use of the term 'incompleteness'. This concept is applied to the Church 'on the way' as not yet having... more
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      EcclesiologyLumen GentiumSynodality
The Vatican's Synod Offi ce has recently issued the Instrumentum laboris, the working document, which will provide guidance for the upcoming second session. This article scrutinizes its clarion call for the possible revision of canonical... more
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Tomo II Parte II Cap 5
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      Vaticano IIVirgen María
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTheological EpistemologyProphecy
Les 9 et 10 octobre 2021, le Pape François célébrait à Rome l'ouverture du Synode sur la synodalité de l'Église, dont la célébrationen assemblée extraordinaire du Synode des évêquesaura lieu en 2023. Beaucoup ont souligné le caractère «... more
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Nos encontramos inmersos entre dos asambleas del Sínodo de los Obispos. La de octubre pasado y la que se realizará el mismo mes de este año. Hemos sido testigos de un cierto crecimiento en la consulta a las Iglesias particulares durante... more
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Para entrar en la lectura de este libro, es necesario tener en cuenta que su origen se encuentra en un ciclo de conferencias de carácter teológico-pastoral. De ahí que en ocasiones podamos notar la frescura de palabras dichas en el... more
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      Pastoral TheologyPastoral Care and CounsellingEclesiologíaMinisterio Pastoral
This chapter aims to sociologically unpack and clarify the Catholic Church's concept of "gender ideology" and analyze the morality of gender-enhancing treatment and surgical procedures to align transgenders' gender or experience of... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCultural SociologyTransgender Studies
This chapter sociologically investigates the Roman Catholic Church's moral panic on the alleged threats of the so-called "gender ideology" to the welfare of children in same-sex families, using Pope Francis's synodal approach and drawing... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesCultural SociologySociology of Children and Childhood
Irish Theological Quarterly Lecture Maynooth Equal Dignity & Agency: Catholic Social Teaching & the Lives of Women Meghan J. Clark Department of Theology and Religious Studies St John’s University Queens, NY Monday 14 October 2024... more
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      Women's StudiesTheologyPractical theologySocial Justice