Sappho Studies
Recent papers in Sappho Studies
Sapph. fr. 9: critical edition, critical and exegetical notes, overall interpretation.
The article explores one of the poems included in the so-called 'New Palladas' collection (P.CtYBR 4000, pag. 18, rr. 1-9). My aim is to cast new light on the epigrammatist's subtle reworking of his model, namely Sapph. fr. 31 Voigt. I... more
This paper explores the historical realities and the international cultural context which lays hidden behind the veil of Sappho's poetry. Its aim is to show that it is not by accident a possible connection between Sappho's legendary fame... more
This new companion (edited by Patrick Finglass and Adrian Kelly) aims to incorporate the newest finds of Sappho's poetry into an overall study of her importance in the ancient world and her reception into the modern. The cast list and... more
The emphasis on poetic personae in Archaic lyric-poets announcing their own names and ostensibly relating their own experiences-has enormous significance for audiences eager to conjure fully animated private and public spaces in the... more
Im Zentrum des Buches steht die textnahe Interpretation dreier Gedichte aus verschiedenen Schaffensphasen Eduard Mörikes: Sehnsucht, Bildniß der Geliebten und Erinna an Sappho. Dabei spielen die bislang übersehene Adaptationen... more
«Mercedes Matamoros: una lectura de Safo en La Habana de 1900», AURORA LUQUE, en Literatura Hispanoamericana del siglo XX: mímesis e iconografía, Guadalupe Fernández Ariza (coord.), col. Thema, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga 2003 ISBN... more
Resumo: O artigo estuda a coralidade da poesia mélica (ou lírica) de Safo (Lesbos, c. 630-580 a.C.), na Grécia arcaica (c. 800-480 a.C.), e sua relação com o universo das parthénoi-as virgens ou moças ainda não casadas-, um dos elementos... more
Numero 37 -Anno XVIIIdicembre 2007 B mareor y mara,s :-.~·F>, D€G( /,t,~roo,,,. /di, '.i"~t~-i ,~ o INV. N. \ \ O ::, : 30.Hg" ,;~~, ~~" \ ' )
Tipo di tesi Tesi di dottorato di ricerca Autore BENELLI, LUCA URN etd-12092013-172526 Titolo SAPPHOSTUDIEN ZU AUSGEWÄHLTEN FRAGMENTEN Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/02 Corso di studi DISCIPLINE UMANISTICHE Commissione tutor... more
A partir del corpus textual de la poeta Safo y de sus retraducciones al español y usando el concepto de retraducción en su sentido amplio de «nueva traducción de un texto ya traducido», se exploran en este trabajo las razones no siempre... more
H διδακτορική διατριβή με τίτλο «Η Σαπφώ στην Αρχαία ελληνική και την Βυζαντινή Λογοτεχνία» της Μαρίας Γ. Γιαννίκου, με επιβλέποντα τον καθηγητή Ι.Ν. Περυσινάκη, πραγματεύεται την επιβίωση ποιημάτων της Σαπφώς στην αρχαία ελληνική, τη... more
Prefazione e Sommario dell'edizione nella collana "Texte und Kommentare" (nr. 68), Berlin-Boston (de Gruyter) 2021.
The article offers a new interpretation of the famous poetic dialogue of Alcaeus and Sappho from Aristotle's Rhetoric (Rhet. 1367а, 7–15 Bekker). Both ancient poets (ἀρχαίοι) are represented here as participants in a kind of... more
This paper, appearing in the Festschrift for Professor Franco Montanari (Finglass, P., Rengakos, A. and Zimmerman, B. (eds.), More than Homer Knew – Studies on Homer and his Ancient Commentators in honour of Franco Montanari, de Gruyter,... more
TIMOTHEY MYAKIN ABOUT THE LESBIAN POETS, ABOUT HERMES, THE GOD OF FERTILITY, AND ABOUT THE MYSTERIES OF ARTEMIS IN ANCIENT MYTILENE This article completes the study of the erotic pre-wedding ritual of the mysteries of Artemis in... more
A systematic survey of hiatus’ occurences in Sappho must suggest prudence in removing them all by conjecture.
Paper argues that some of the names of Sappho's characters fit their poetic contexts too well to be coincidental. The names seem to modify the content of the poems, and were either chosen to fit a poetic context, or the story lines of... more
Ensaio sobre Safo, que discute as dificuldades do conhecimento de sua biografia, a partir do entretecer de testemunhos antigos sobre a poeta e de suas canções fragmentárias, preservadas em nosso corpus.
Σχολική Σύμβουλος Φιλολόγων ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ (ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ) Η εισήγηση οριοθετεί ως αφετηρία δύο αποσπάσματα του κωμικού Επικράτη για να αναδείξει το ρόλο του Αμβρακιώτη ποιητή της Μέσης κωμωδίας (4 ος αι. π.Χ.), στην καταγραφή της... more
Fr. 15, 7. Voigt, nella sua edizione critica del 1971, stampava il seguente testo (i simboli metricoprosodici sono una mia aggiunta): [ ] τ̣ ύχαι λίμ̣ ε̣ νοϲ κλ[ ⁞ ] Obbink integra ϲὺν κάλαι] τύχαι. Cfr. al riguardo Fr. 20, 4 V. τ]ύχαι... more
Τα επιθαλάμια της Σαπφούς αποτελούν, παρά την αποσπασματικότητά τους, ίσως το πιο ολοκληρωμένο παράδειγμα σωζόμενων γαμήλιων ασμάτων από τον αρχαίο κόσμο. Στο κέντρο της εν δυνάμει «εξιστόρησης» των γαμήλιων στιγμιοτύπων από την... more
Università degli Studi di Pisa Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Corso di Laurea in Lettere - 2006
This is Chapter 2 of my doctoral dissertation entitled "Recasting Women's Stories in the Poetry of Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti" (2011)
Introduzione, edizione, traduzione e commento di tutti i frammenti e di tutte le testimonianze di Saffo.
Introduzione, testo greco, traduzione delle testimonianze e commento sono di C. Neri. La traduzione dei frammenti è di F. Cinti.
Introduzione, testo greco, traduzione delle testimonianze e commento sono di C. Neri. La traduzione dei frammenti è di F. Cinti.
I diritti di traduzione e di adattamento, totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo, sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. È inoltre vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico, non autorizzata.
Le lyrisme cosmique de Penna rejoint la grande poésie antique, grecque mais aussi latine, tout en s’inscrivant dans une ligne de développement de la poésie italienne qui va de Leopardi à Pascoli, jusqu’à Ungaretti et... more
Call for editors, Companion to the Reception of Sappho Please email me at: [email protected] Series Editor: Kyriakos N. Demetriou Volumes in the series deal with subjects pertaining to the broad field of Classical reception... more
L’epiteto di ‘decima Musa’, com’è noto, venne conferito a Saffo dagli antichi stessi, a tal punto preda dell’incanto soffuso nei suoi versi da ricondurli a un’origine divina, olimpia. La decima Musa ebbe tuttavia un differente destino,... more
Review of Thea S. Thorsen, Stephen J. Harrison (eds.), Roman Receptions of Sappho, Oxford 2019
The paper is concerned with the meaning and translation of the adjective ποικιλόθρονος used by Sappho as an epithet of the Greek goddess of love in the so-called Ode to Aphrodite. Classical scholars interpret this compound epithet in... more
“Ancient Greek Poetesses: Sappho, Corinna, Praxilla, Myrtis, Telesilla” [«Αρχαίες Ελληνίδες ποιήτριες: Σαπφώ, Κόριννα, Πράξιλλα, Μύρτιδα, Τελέσιλλα»]. Supervisor: Andreas Voscos. Undergraduate Essay, University of Athens, 1992 (in Modern... more
A Study on Sappho's Life and Her Poems
RÉSUMÉ Consacrée aux déplacements spatiaux d'un couple lesbien, l’œuvre hybride Dons des féminines – créée par la collagiste et écrivaine surréaliste Valentine Penrose – est composée de collages et de poèmes en langues française et... more
Résumé: Nous exposerons, dans cet article, un résumé critique des desseins qu'ont poussé des nombreux chercheurs et chercheuses, travaillant en différents contextes historiques, à défendre, ou pas, des interprétations qui permettent... more
Der Aufsatz behandelt die einzige mittelalterliche Handschrift der sog. Epistula Sapphus der Heroiden Ovids. Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die Arbeit in der jetzigen Form wahrscheinlich nicht von Ovid ist (1993).
A discussion of the influence of the ancient Greek poetic tradition (specifically Sappho and Empedocles) on Gregory of Nazianzus.
Gaspara Stampa (1523-1554), belle Padouane, acquit sa renommée au moins autant du commerce de l'esprit que du don supposé de ses charmes. Ses «Rimes», publiées après sa mort précoce, atteignent une réelle intensité dans l'expression de la... more
The study of Sappho’s work is inextricably bound to that of Sappho’s ancient and modern reception. The very way the texts of her songs have reached us is through acts of reception—by ancient scholars organizing her work according to their... more
This chapter examines the relationship between Sappho and the works of epic poetry in the Archaic period, moving away from a simplistic stemmatological model of epic's influence on lyric poetry.
The Brothers Poem--Sappho's "newest"--resembles in tone and rhetorical strategy the poetics of iambos.