Sappho Studies
Recent papers in Sappho Studies
The article studies Eustathius’ Ep. 43 Kolovou and proposes a new interpretation of ll. 57-62, in particular of the segment where Sappho is mentioned (fr. 209 N.). The poetess’ name is the result of a mnemonic error (instead of that of... more
This paper makes the case for Sappho's influence on Boethius and that related to that influence is some sort of connection of Queen Elizabeth I with Shakespeare as well as the way Caroline Schelling viewed herself with respect to Goethe... more
This paper offers a new reading of the Tithonus/Dawn couple in Sappho’s Tithonus poem. It identifies three elements lurking beside the Tithonus/Dawn couple: eros, chronos, and gêras. It suggests that eros, chronos, and gêras haunt this... more
En este trabajo se analiza la interpretación que Daniela Horovitz hace de los poemas de Safo a través de una musicalización y performance en clave latinoamericana, ejecutando la obra de la poeta con ritmos y melodías vernáculas frente a... more
Chapter 26 of The Cambridge Companion to Sappho examines the reception of Sappho’s poetry in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century France, England, and the United States, examining figures such as Cicely Hamilton, Michael Field (Katharine... more
The number of lines required in the lacuna means that we must admit 29, not 27. 62 Column-height can vary across a roll, as becomes especially clear in extensively-preserved exemplars such as the London Bacchylides (P.Lond.Lit. 46 + PSI... more
- by Thomas Ford
This piece is a fresh take on the crux philologorum in Sappho fr. 96,8, an extended moon simile, where Aeolic σελάννα, a commonplace of Sapphic poetry, easily restituted ex coniectura by W. Schubart in his editio princeps of PBerol. 9722... more
Em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar entre os períodos da Antiguidade arcaica helênica e da Modernidade, procedeu-se à análise das metáforas constantes no fragmento 31 (Page), da poetisa grega Safo, por meio da teoria conceitual de... more
Este artículo pretende analizar la antología poética traducida de un solo autor como medio de entrada de dicho poeta en un nuevo sistema literario. Para ello, nos basaremos en el estudio de las antologías traducidas al castellano de los... more
Η λέξη "άνα" που υπάρχει στην Ιλιάδα και προέρχεται από τη Λέσβο αποδεικνύει την ορθότητα της άποψης του Κωνσταντίνου Παπαρρηγόπουλου ότι οι αρχικοί κάτοικοι της Ευρώπης ήταν Τουράνιοι
Η ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ μeλέτη διeρeυνά τις σχέσeις ανάμeσα στην αττική κωμωδία του 5ου και του πρώιμου 4ου αι. π.Χ. και τους διαλόγους του Πλάτωνα. Βασικό στοιχeίο συσχeτισμού των δύο eίναι το γeγονός ότι τόσο οι κωμικοί ποιητές όσο και ο Πλάτωνας... more
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e analisar brevemente as menções à poeta Safo e/ou à sua ilha de origem, Lesbos, presentes na Shimmy – A revista da vida moderna, publicada no Rio de Janeiro, entre 1925 e 1933. Tendo em vista que, no... more
Portions of this paper were discussed as part of a conference sponsored by the Institute for Studies in Eastern Christianity (ISEC) of Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York on the theme of WARFARE, VIOLENCE, AND PEACE:... more
The incorporation of Plato into the current OCR Classical Civilisation A Level syllabus, as part of the Love and Relationships topic (LR) presents a challenge for the classroom teacher. While the specification makes study of Plato... more
This poem is a villanelle, a sixteenth-century European form originating from a rustic dance (villano, "peasant"). A villanelle consists of five three-line stanzas and a final quatrain, with the first and third lines of the first stanza... more
La traducción literaria en antologías resulta un vehículo fundamental tanto para la difusión de las literaturas extranjeras, como para el efecto que éstas pueden tener en la literatura de la lengua de llegada; mediante procesos de... more
O artigo tem como objetivo analisar o contexto em que vivia Safo, a partir de seus fragmentos em que cita seu circulo de companheiras, como o fragmento 160, ou os que citam meninas do coro. Para isso, analiso-os e contextualizo o momento... more
Breve apresentação de Safo, uma das poetas gregas antigas arroladas no compêndio.
The ancient Greek singer-songwriter Sappho (630-570 BC) came from the island of Lesbos in the eastern Aegean Sea (off the coast of Turkey). She was a lyrical celebrity (probably) in her own day. The textual remains of her songs-that is,... more
The incorporation of Plato into the current OCR Classical Civilisation A Level syllabus, as part of the Love and Relationships topic (LR) presents a challenge for the classroom teacher. While the specification makes study of Plato... more
The incorporation of Plato into the current OCR Classical Civilisation A Level syllabus, as part of the Love and Relationships topic (LR) presents a challenge for the classroom teacher. While the specification makes study of Plato... more
About the "new Sappho". Newspaper article in Dutch.
Poster for the Doctoral Conference held in Cassino on 6 and 7 December 2022, where I spoke with the study project "Notes to P. Oxy. XVII 2076".
Βιβλιοκρισία από την κ. Τέσυ Μπάιλα, συγγραφέα και κριτικό λογοτεχνίας, για το ποιητικό βιβλίο της Αναστασίας Ν. Μαργέτη: «Πλάτων Ψυχή και (π)οίηση. Διαλεκτική των αντιθέτων» (πενήντα επτά επιγράμματα), εκδ. ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗ, 2020, η οποία... more
Studying poetry is considered the most difficult by most of the students in my classes in EFL context. This can be understood since poetry in general has a unique form different from other types of literary works. With very limited lines... more
Studying poetry is considered the most difficult by most of the students in my classes in EFL context. This can be understood since poetry in general has a unique form different from other types of literary works. With very limited lines... more
1st IConiC
Audience Response
in Ancient Greek and Latin Literature
CET 9.20
Audience Response
in Ancient Greek and Latin Literature
CET 9.20
Comment on a letter of Ioannis Τzetzes, presenting Plato, as a guest at the banquets of the Sicilian tyrants, where he was defeated in a symbolic contest by the composer of the dithyramb Δεῖπνον, Philoxenos of Kythira. With this theme,... more
La mamma e la festa (Sapph. fr. 9 V. + P. GC. inv. 105 fr. 1) * CAMILLO NERI Alla memoria di M. L. West Agli scarni frammenti che costituivano il fr. 9 di Saffo, restituiti da P. Oxy. 2289 fr. 4, contenente brani del primo libro 1 , il... more
- by Camillo Neri
Η παρούσα εργασία στοχεύει να παρουσιάσει την ποιητική σχέση του Οδυσσέα Ελύτη με την αρχαία λυρική ποιήτρια Σαπφώ, όπως αυτή εκδηλώνεται κυρίως μέσα από το έργο του Σαπφώ: ανασύνθεση και απόδοση. Για τον λόγο αυτόν, ερευνώ ποια σημεία... more
Cet article propose une réflexion sur le concept sapphique de tolma (audace) à partir du vers tronqué qui termine le fragment 31 : « mais il faut tout oser / mais on peut tout oser / tout endurer (alla pan tolmaton) […] », selon les... more
The emphasis on poetic personae in Archaic lyric-poets announcing their own names and ostensibly relating their own experiences-has enormous significance for audiences eager to conjure fully animated private and public spaces in the... more
Πρόλογος για την ελληνική έκδοση του Οδηγού για την αρχαία ελληνική ποίηση του Πανεπιστημίου του Καίμπριτζ και Περιεχόμενα Επίμετρου
tradujeron, cada uno por su parte y desconociendo seguramente la respectiva versión del otro/de la otra, el poema de Victor Hugo «Les Djinns» a comienzos de los años cuarenta del siglo xix. este artículo analiza las estrategias de... more
Review of Thea S. Thorsen, Stephen J. Harrison (eds.), Roman Receptions of Sappho, Oxford 2019
Introduzione 1) Plat. Leg. III 700a-b (trad. Radice) διῃρημένη γὰρ δὴ τότε (i.e. all'epoca delle Guerre Persiane) ἦν ἡμῖν ἡ μουσικὴ κατὰ εἴδη τε ἑαυτῆς ἄττα καὶ σχήματα, καί τι ἦν εἶδος ᾠδῆς εὐχαὶ πρὸς ϑεούς, ὄνομα δὲ ὕμνοι ἐπεκαλοῦντο•... more
Andrés Bello y Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda tradujeron, cada uno por su parte y desconociendo seguramente la respectiva versión del otro/de la otra, el poema de Victor Hugo «Les Djinns» a comienzos de los años cuarenta del siglo xix.... more
- by Andrea Pagni
Prefazione e Sommario dell'edizione nella collana "Texte und Kommentare" (nr. 68), Berlin-Boston (de Gruyter) 2021.
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Attribution (CC-by) España 3.0.
A Study on Sappho's Life and Her Poems
Notes on the fragments of Lesbian poetry of disputed attribution