Papers by Giuseppe Bocchi
A summary of the relationships between Seneca's philosophical thought and Pneumatic school do... more A summary of the relationships between Seneca's philosophical thought and Pneumatic school doctrines, previously accounted in the work "Philosophia medica e medicina rhetorica in Seneca", is here shown with new bibliography added
Given that Lucan's 'Bellum Civile' overturns many features of Vergil's "augu... more Given that Lucan's 'Bellum Civile' overturns many features of Vergil's "augustan" ideology, many passages from "Georgics" are on the contrary quoted and interpreted by Lucan as they were the source from the moral indignation of his historical poem

Aevum antiquum, 2014
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide some new elements to understand why in Vergil\u2019... more Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide some new elements to understand why in Vergil\u2019s Fabula Aristaei (Georg. IV 315-558) we are told the never before coupled myths of Aristaeus and Orpheus, which have the task to explain the aition of bougonia. One key element could be the ancient mythical (i.e. Greek) and linguistic (i.e. Aeagean-Canaanite) homology by which we are shown that the *bee and the *nymph were paired, actually being the same creature (\u3bd\u1f7b\u3bc\u3c6\u3b7-\u3bc\u1f73\u3bb\u3b9\u3c3\u3c3\u3b1 = the honeymaking bee) that only later split into two different features. Given that, Aristaeus and Orpheus would be connected by the very object of their loss (the bees and the nymph Eurydike), but they also undergo a mutual symbolic exchange: Aristaeus comes very closer to be and act like an Orphic initiate, whereas Orpheus changes himself into a bee. Many references to Demeter\u2019s and Dionysus\u2019s mysteries are also involved
Abstract in italiano: L'umanista bresciano Isidoro Clario (1495-1555?), capo della delegazioe... more Abstract in italiano: L'umanista bresciano Isidoro Clario (1495-1555?), capo della delegazioen beneddina al Concilio d rento, è figura di spicco del panorama culturale del primo'500. dalla lettura delle sue epistole si ricava sia la profonda fiducia nei valori dell' ...
Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the d... more Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the doctrines of the little-kn Pneumatic school of medicine, whose founder was a pupil of the Stoic philosopher Posidonius, it's possible to understand that Seneca's psychological ...
Abstract in italiano: Dalla lettura di alcuni passi delle satire di Giovenale si ricava il giudiz... more Abstract in italiano: Dalla lettura di alcuni passi delle satire di Giovenale si ricava il giudizio del poeta sugli eve teatrali della sua epoca: egli condanna le performances in quanto esse non trasmettono più alcun valore edificante, ma sono ridotte a spettacoli triviali che ...
Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the d... more Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the doctrines of the little-kn Pneumatic school of medicine, whose founder was a pupil of the Stoic philosopher Posidonius, it's possible to understand that Seneca's psychological ...
Abstract in italiano: L'orribile banchetto che Atreo imbandisce al fratelo tieste, costituito... more Abstract in italiano: L'orribile banchetto che Atreo imbandisce al fratelo tieste, costituito dai figli di quest'utlimo nellas tragedia di Seneca presentato come un momento in cui il mostruoso e il soprannaturale paiono fondersi in una spaventosa unità; altri autori ...
L'uso del termine 'impetus' nella prosa senecana si presta a svariate interpretazioni... more L'uso del termine 'impetus' nella prosa senecana si presta a svariate interpretazioni, poich\ue9 si nota che il filosofo impiega il termine in riferimento a diverse fasi del processo psicologico che pu\uf2 portare allo scatenarsi della passione. Un approfondito confronto con le fonti stoiche greche mostra che la motivazione di quest'uso polisemico risiede nel fatto che Seneca compie una sorta di compendio tra le teorie psicologiche dei predecessori e la scelta di un unico termine serve a semplificare ci\uf2 che in costoro risultatva estremamente complesso quando non contraddittorio
A biographical and historical survey about the influence of classical Latin authors on the though... more A biographical and historical survey about the influence of classical Latin authors on the thought of G.B. Rota (Lodi's bishop from 1882 to 1913), with special attention paid to interactions with modern educational theories
Abstract in italiano: La lettura di Amores 1, 7 può essere condotta con una sottile filigrana giu... more Abstract in italiano: La lettura di Amores 1, 7 può essere condotta con una sottile filigrana giuridica: Ovidio, che ha trattato la puella scompigliandole la chiome, si dichiara servus amoris incapace e pertanto passibile di redhibitio al proprietario che l'ha venduto alla ...
Abstract in italiano: La dinamica delle citazioni virgiliane presenti nell'opera di Seneca pe... more Abstract in italiano: La dinamica delle citazioni virgiliane presenti nell'opera di Seneca persegue un preciso intento: filosofo cita passi sopratutto dell'Eneide e li rilegge alla luce delle proprie convinzioni filosofiche, ovvero conme teorie stoiche velate dall'allegoria. ...
(2005). Tra citazione e reinvenzione del classico: studi su una lettera di Isidoro Clario. ... (2... more (2005). Tra citazione e reinvenzione del classico: studi su una lettera di Isidoro Clario. ... (2005). Tra citazione e reinvenzione del classico: studi su una lettera di Isidoro Clario. ... Tutti i documenti archiviati in PubliCatt sono protetti da copyright. Tutti i diritti riservati.

The aim of this paper is to try a first analysis experiment of Seneca\u2019s tragedies iambic tri... more The aim of this paper is to try a first analysis experiment of Seneca\u2019s tragedies iambic trimeter (starting from some verses taken from Medea) in order to explore the effects of furor not only on the actions of the heroine but also on her very way of speaking: each time the irrational forces, which gradually gain complete control on her feelings and emotions, reach a signifcant peak, we can notice that many of the trimeters recited by her show an interesting number of solutions (from iambus to tribrachus) or substitutions (from iambus to dactyl or anapaest) which accelerate the rythm of the verse and make even clearer the peculiar mental turmoil Medea undergoes during her furor. When this \u2018emotional trimeters\u2019 are put in sequence, a real storm in character\u2019s elocutio takes place, so that we can easier figure her out as overwhelmed by passions, speaking furiously and moving without control on the stage

E' possibile approfondire la conoscenza del pensiero senecano tenendo conto delle conoscenze ... more E' possibile approfondire la conoscenza del pensiero senecano tenendo conto delle conoscenze mediche del filosofo. L'influenza della scuola medica Pneumatica, di ispirazione stoica, consente di dimostrare che le passioni come l'ira non sono per Seneca solo malattie dell'anima, ma sindromi psicofisiche che coinvolgono tutti i livelli dell'individuo, alla luce di un monismo corpo- anima possibile solo alla luce delle dottrine Pneuamtiche. Malattie come la mania e la melancolia, inoltre, hanno un decorso particolare che oltre ad influenzare la visione senecana dell'ira, permette anche di comprendere il carattere apparentemente incoerente di alcuni personaggi delle tragedie (Clitennestra, Atreo, Fedra e Medea), che possono essere considerati traduzioni drammaturgiche di sindromi maniaco- depressive.It's possible to deepen our knowledge of Senecan thought by considering his medical knowledge. The influence of the Pneumatic school, inspired by Stoic philosophy,...
Eos, 2021
Review of Thea S. Thorsen, Stephen J. Harrison (eds.), Roman Receptions of Sappho, Oxford 2019

Eos, 2021
Lucan describes the naval battle of Massilia in Bellum Civile III 538-762 through sequences which... more Lucan describes the naval battle of Massilia in Bellum Civile III 538-762 through sequences which only apparently seem to have no structure: indeed, the poet combines scenes where the soldiers (or groups of soldiers) are either transfixed or amputee or drown into the sea (and more than one situation sometimes occurs to a single victim or group), and every sequence reworks this pattern in a terrifying crescendo of gruesome pictures. In doing so, this poet who has such a contentious relationship with Stoic philosophy identifies the bodies' dismemberment with Rome's general fall, corresponding to the crush of the universal logos from which all the calamities derive. Moreover, the destruction of both bodies and Roman civilisation is expressed through the intelligent use of rhetorical figures such as hyperbaton, enjambment, and chiasmus (or better, chiastic nuance). Separating the words and modifying the logical train of thought underscore that the world and the word undergo the same law of crumbling.
Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the d... more Abstract in inglese: Through the study of the relationship between Seneca's thought and the doctrines of the little-kn Pneumatic school of medicine, whose founder was a pupil of the Stoic philosopher Posidonius, it's possible to understand that Seneca's psychological ...
Papers by Giuseppe Bocchi