Women's Literature
Recent papers in Women's Literature
Será possível escrever uma História da Literatura Portuguesa anterior a 1900 que inclua as mulheres? Ou, dito de outro modo: será possível falar de escritoras antes da contemporaneidade? Estas perguntas têm sido feitas insistentemente por... more
Recuperando una rica tradición de libros de viajes escritos por mujeres, Mónica Szurmuk nos muestra una dimensión insospechada de la construcción de la identidad nacional argentina. Este brillante estudio de relatos de viajeras argentinas... more
“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women” - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Despite having a fairly long and enlarged provisions including a host of other laws enacted by the government, the empirical reality... more
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
The dichotomies of 'self/other', ‘subject/object’, 'mind/body', ‘reason/emotion’ and 'materiality/rationality', having been initiated and systematized by Plato and Aristotle respectively, and accepted as ‘Cartesian Duality’ with the ideas... more
Brazilian Days Århus Universitet
x This article emphasizes the multiplicity of discourses which structure Catalan writer Montserrat Roig’s fiction. Focusing on L´hora violeta, I show how discourses of gender, sexuality, nationalism, and social change interact to create... more
"‘This book illuminates the fascinating life of Eva Gore-Booth. Often lost in the shadow of her more famous sister, Constance, Eva finally emerges as a key figure. Historian Sonja Tiernan has written an exciting and vibrant life of this... more
Review of Beauty, by Christina Chiu
“Women of the Early Harlem Renaissance: African American Women Writers, 1900–1922,” aims to digitize and annotate a limited array of primary texts, mainly poetry, and present these materials as a digital archive in the Scalar platform.... more
In Weihui’s banned novel, _Shanghai Babe_ (1999), the social effects of globalization can be seen in changing ethical discourses concerning what it is to be a responsible citizen, friend or lover. Beginning with a discussion of... more
Cet article propose une interprétation sociologique, esthétique et féministe des Chiennes savantes, deuxième roman de Virginie Despentes qui demeure peu étudié. Despentes révèle les processus de socialisation menant à la construction de... more
Translation from Montagu's An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear (1769) into Turkish
Translation by Xu Chaolin. Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2020.
In den ersten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts veröffentlichte Johanna Carolina Amalia Ludecus, geb. Kotzebue (1755-1827), unter dem Pseudonym Amalie Berg zahlreiche Erzählungen und mehrere Romane. Weibliche Figuren standen im Mittelpunkt... more
These voices of utopia, inseparable from the experience of dislocation, are a unique contribution to the literature of testimony. With her cycle Svetlana Alexievich has established herself as the first major postcolonial author of... more
Literarische Texte über traumatische Erfahrungen legen sich stets eine eigenartige Sprache zu: die Sprache nämlich, in der das Trauma – dessen wichtigster Grundzug es doch ist, verschwiegen zu werden – schließlich doch noch erzählt und... more
Course cross-listed in History, taught in English. Assignments completed in French for French credit. Course covers the broad strokes of feminist and proto-feminist authors and mouvements in France from the 12th century to today.
Écrivaine, conteuse, auteure de plusieurs poèmes, romans, nouvelles et ouvrages destinés aux jeunes, mais aussi ancienne interprète, traductrice et enseignante de français, Marie-Célie Agnant nous a fait l’honneur d’accepter notre... more
A review of a production of Margaret Cavendish's Convent of Pleasure.
Introduzione, traduzione italiana con testo latino a fronte a cura di Paola Casali. La donna non è solo “tanto gentile e tanto onesta”. Anche il nostro medioevo, come ogni età e troppe culture, non è immune alla misoginia. La raccolta... more
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la recepción de las escritoras de posguerra españolas en un doble ámbito: el de la crítica tradicional y el de la crítica feminista. En este careo se pone en evidencia la misoginia que impregna la... more
The pre-publication praise Natasha Brown received for her debut novel Assembly (2021) from renowned writers like Bernardine Evaristo or Ali Smith is quite remarkable. The author had been virtually unknown to the larger public before... more
PALABRAS CLAVE: Homeland, Sully, Clint Eastwood, locura, compromiso, héroe Mediante el análisis de algunas escenas seleccionadas del último capítulo de la sexta temporada de Homeland y de la película Sully, reflexiono sobre el origen... more
Focusing on Edith Wharton’s New York trilogy, the author interprets the function of fashionable dress as a means of constructing social identity. The paper looks at how the concept of “passing” develops through the language of dress and... more
This article explores the enthusiastic reception by gay, lesbian, and mainstream audiences of a German Holocaust document, Erica Fischer’s Aimée & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943 (1994), in the context of the emergence of increasingly... more
The Grace of Mary Traverse, a play written by Timberlake Wertenbaker, presents a multi-dimensional portrayal of the role of women by focusing on social, political, psychological, and also physical aspects. The imposed inferiority upon... more
Brown have been read by millions of children and adults. Most of her forty novels and other short stories, published from 1923 until 1960, are less well-known. Crompton's writing often focuses on the lives of women, who are stifled by... more
Writing for emancipation While reading through the texts of the Contemporary Period present in the Heath Anthology of American Literature, I had a particular attention on the ones written by women. These authors narrate their experiences... more
F emale curiosity is here discussed in the context of traditional and modern Korean folktales and proverbs, and the ways in which these conceptualize the issue.These traditional ways of perceiving female curiosity are then juxtaposed with... more
This book review of Emma Young's important monograph calls for more inclusivity in short story theory. Article also accessible here: https://academic.oup.com/cww/article/14/1/144/5316465 Contemporary Women's Writing, Volume 14, Issue 1,... more
Scrittrice, giornalista, critica d’arte. Camille Mallarmé (1886-1960) è stata questo e altro, in un susseguirsi di identità multiple, sovrapposte, e alla fine consegnate all’oblio. Nipote del poeta Stéphane, moglie di Paolo Orano, amica... more
2020, seria "Perspektywy Ponowoczesności", tom 10: "Topografie podróży" pod red. Anity Całek The paper titled 'Outlander. The journey through time, the journey through space' by Barbara Szymczak-Maciejczyk is centered on the leitmotiv of... more
This paper is focused on showing the progress of changes in ways of reading and, what is more important, interpreting women’s autobiographies and diaries. Main attention was given to the increasing influence of theoretical considerations... more
RESUMEN: Emilia Serrano, baronesa de Wilson, escritora granadina del XIX, pasó la mitad de su vida en América Latina, convirtiéndose en una buena conocedora del continente. Sus libros Maravillas americanas y América y sus mujeres trataron... more
Review in The Tablet, December 2015
This article examines menstruation as an exclusively feminine experience and outlines its expressions in current-day Israeli women's literature. Presenting menstruation from a feminine point of view, one attentive to the experience of... more