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British Romantic Literature and the Emerging Modern Greek Nation makes an original contribution to the field of British Romantic Hellenism (and Romanticism more broadly) by emphasizing the diversity of Romantic-era writers’ attitudes... more
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      RomanticismBritish RomanticismModern GreeceEnglish Romanticism
"The affections lead us on," Wordsworth writes in "Tintern Abbey." While English is an impoverished language when it comes to love, Reno's focus is on the Spinozan notion of intellectual love. In this philosophy, emotions lead us to the... more
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      RomanticismPoetryWilliam WordsworthEcocriticism
©Tomoko Takiguchi
from Recasting Women's Stories: The Poetry of Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti (doctoral dissertation, Leiden 2011)
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      Felicia HemansNineteenth century Women Poets
Situated at the intersection of affect studies, ecocriticism, aesthetics, and Romantic studies, this book presents a genealogy of love in Romantic-era poetry, science, and philosophy. While feeling and emotion have been traditional... more
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      RomanticismWilliam WordsworthEcocriticismPhilosophy of Love
Thou shalt have fame! Oh, mockery! give the reed From storms a shelter,-give the drooping vine Something round which its tendrils may entwine,-Give the parch'd flower a rain-drop, and the meed Of love's kind words to woman! Worthless... more
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      RomanticismNineteenth-Century British LiteratureNineteenth-Century Print CultureFelicia Hemans
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      RomanticismBritish RomanticismRobert BurnsWilliam Wordsworth
Encapsulating a wide variety of approaches, Romanticism was triggered by such invaluable poets as William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a harsh protest and revolt against the mechanical representation of life owing to the... more
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      Female representationFelicia HemansPatriarchal SocietyRomantic period
Victorian poets were well aware of the modern condition, the impossibility of returning to the traditions of the past. However, this did not prevent these poets from looking critically at history and weaving the past into poems; in fact,... more
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      Victorian poetryWar PoetryLord Alfred TennysonFelicia Hemans
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      Queer StudiesEnglish LiteratureWelsh LiteratureQueer Theory
This is Chapter 2 of my doctoral dissertation entitled "Recasting Women's Stories in the Poetry of Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti" (2011)
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      Victorian Women WritersVictorian poetryRossetti, ChristinaFelicia Hemans
This is the first chapter of my PhD dissertation, "Recasting Women's Stories in the Poetry of Felcia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti". It explores the origin of the three British poets' self-referential works featuring the... more
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      Victorian LiteratureVictorian poetryFelicia HemansChristina Rossetti
What is Sappho, except a name? Although the Greek archaic lyrics attributed to Sappho of Lesbos survive only in fragments, she has been invoked for many centuries as the original woman poet, singing at the origins of a Western lyric... more
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      Gender StudiesTranslation StudiesVictorian LiteratureTranslation of Poetry
Over fifteen years have passed since Paul Gilroy advocated an approach to "the Atlantic as one single, complex unit of analysis" in order "to produce an explicitly transactional and intercultural perspective". 1 In that time, the emergent... more
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      Queer TheoryMelville StudiesTransatlantic LiteratureHerman Melville
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      HistoryRomanticismBritish RomanticismModern Greece
Brief investigation of a friendship album kept by Anne Wagner, her family and friends, ca. 1795-1809; includes juvenilia of Felicia Hemans. Given at Chawton House, Hampshire, July 2013.
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    • Felicia Hemans
Summary This essay studies Felicia Hemans’ The Indian City as embodying an aesthetic view of India. The essay argues that the poem deploys the aesthetic of the picturesque in order to produce a cultural fable about the collapse of an... more
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      Colonial DiscourseLiterary studiesPicturesqueFelicia Hemans
During the first half of the 1820s, Britain experienced a veritable craze for speculation in the newly independent states of Spanish America. Then, in December of 1825, the bubble burst, to the ruin of thousands of banks, companies, and... more
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      British ImperialismRobert SoutheyInformal EmpireFelicia Hemans
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      RomanticismPhilosophy of LoveFelicia HemansAffections
Periodico storico tecnico scientifico sulle origini, le evoluzioni del territorio e le strutture in esso contenute NON RICEVE ALCUN FINANZIAMENTO PUBBLICO XVIII Anno N° 210 Dicembre 2016 Redazione di Montemerano (Gr) Questo numero costa... more
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      English LiteratureItalian LiteratureDante AlighieriUgo Foscolo
_Romantic Compositions: Genre, Authority and Sincerity in Women’s Writing, 1790-1836_ examines how six Romantic women writers negotiated a male-dominated literary marketplace by deploying hybrid generic forms in their works to claim... more
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryGenre studiesFrench Revolution
Autrice precoce e proli!ca, deve la sua fama all'abilità con cui seppe accogliere alcuni aspetti salienti del Romanticismo, come la riscoperta dell'infanzia, l'incanto del racconto di viaggio, la fascinazione nei confronti della natura.... more
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      Dante StudiesFelicia HemansDante in England
Le schede bio-bibliografiche della banca dati Dante in Inghilterra sulla piattaforma Dislocazioni Transnazionali nascono dal lavoro congiunto di un gruppo di ricerca che in occasione di un Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo finanziato dal... more
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      Dante StudiesWilliam WordsworthCharles LambThomas Moore
This paper is an analysis of a poem by Felicia Hemans, a 19th century Romantic woman writer. Focusing on “The Bride of the Greek isle”, the study argues that Hemans death poems explore death as a means of freedom from the patriarchal... more
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      ArtFelicia HemansRomantic English poetryEnglish and American Contemporary Literature
This paper is an analysis of a poem by Felicia Hemans, a 19th century Romantic woman writer. Focusing on “The Bride of the Greek isle”, the study argues that Hemans death poems explore death as a means of freedom from the... more
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      Felicia HemansRomantic English poetry
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      19th Century British (Literature)Felicia Hemans
The epilogue to the doctoral dissertation:
Recasting Women's Stories: in the Poetry of Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti
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      Victorian Women WritersVictorian poetryRomantic and Victorian LiteratureFelicia Hemans
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesRomanticismPeriodical Studies
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      Gothic LiteratureWilliam BlakePolitical RightsMedieval Bestiaries
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      Women's writingManuscript StudiesWelsh Writing in EnglishFelicia Hemans
Throughout _Records of Woman, with Other Poems_ (1828), Felicia Hemans repurposes biographies of female saints, prosopographies of exemplary women, and sacred art to interrogate women’s domestic roles across cultures. By merging secular... more
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      Victorian poetryLiterary biographyWomen saintsRomanticism and women writers
"In 1795 an anonymous author from North Wales wrote a poem about a “Lew’d madam” of his acquaintance. This woman was Eliza Price, the widowed mistress of the failing Rhiwlas estate. Thinly disguised as an expression of concern for her,... more
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      Women's LiteratureManuscript StudiesWelsh Writing in EnglishFelicia Hemans
Romance poetry, drama, and theatrical productions shared common elements in the early nineteenth century, reflecting a hybridization of genres characteristic of Romanticism. In both published and performed work, the verse romances,... more
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      Napoleonic WarsBertolt BrechtSocial movements and revolutionMedieval Sicily