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Pour les savants antiques, le méridien de Lixus (Larache) constituait la limite occidentale de la terre habitée. Partant de là, un ensemble de données géographiques permettait de concevoir et représenter le Monde.
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      History of geographyMauretania TingitanaMaroc antique
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Ogni due anni sarà... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime HistoryMediterranean StudiesRoman Empire
Dans l’antiquité, le détroit de Gibraltar était appelé les Colonnes d’Hercule. Les mythographes convoquaient la force et les Travaux d’Hercule pour expliquer ce bras de mer tandis que les savants en faisaient un point de référence... more
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      MythologyMauretania TingitanaMaroc
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      Mauretania TingitanaCoins
Different aspects related to th development of the institution of the monarchy in ancient Morocco. We analyze the different models of king as an expression of personal power. Nous etudions divers aspects liés au développement de... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHellenistic HistoryPolitical History
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      Sequence StratigraphyMauretania TingitanaCoinageVolubilis
« Juba, dont la gloire de savant est encore plus grande que celle de souverain, régna le premier sur les deux Maurétanie» . C’est ainsi que le naturaliste Pline l’Ancien présente, au début de l’ère commune, le roi Juba II. Plutarque quant... more
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      Ancient HistoryMauretania TingitanaMaroc
VIIIe siècle avant J.-C. _ 40 ap. J.-C.
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      HistoryMediterranean StudiesFuneral PracticesMorocco
Zusammenfassung: "In dieser Arbeit wird die (Kultur-)Geschichte zweier antiker libyscher Volksgruppen behandelt, die, im Saharagebiet lebend, als bedeutendste Grenzvölker an der Geschichte Nordafrikas in römischer Zeit Anteil nahmen.... more
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      Ancient GeographyStraboVergilHerodotus
Héritier des pharaons et des rois numides, membre éminent de la famille impériale romaine et cousin de l’empereur Caligula, Ptolémée a régné 17 ans sur le royaume de Maurétanie avant de disparaître de mort violente en l’an 40.
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      Mauretania TingitanaMaroc antique
Gaius’ decision to dissolve the protectorate of Mauretania and to depose its client king, Ptolemaeus, led to the outbreak of the Revolt of Aedemon (AD 40). This paper will develop a number of innovative thoughts and hypotheses concerning... more
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      SymbiosisNomadic PeoplesNomadismRoman imperialism
2 tituli picts from Roman gram amphorae found at Septem are shown
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      Roman EconomyAmphorae (Archaeology)Garum and salsamentaMauretania Tingitana
A Late Roman pottery & glass deposit form the first quarter of the 5th c. AD from the military camp of Tamuda in norther Mauretania Tingitana is presented
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      Roman PotteryRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Mauretania Tingitana
The invention of a geopolitical concept: the Strait of Gibraltar in Antiquity (I-III c. A.C.). The term “Circle of the Strait” was created by M. Tarradell to explain a socioeconomic reality particular to the punic world of the area of... more
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      Roman HistoriographyRoman EmpireArchaeology of Roman HispaniaAncient economy
The inventory and detailed information of the 204 archaeological sites & 62 isolated findings discovered or studied during the "Archaeological Mapping of Northern Morocco project (2008-2012)"
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      African HistoryAfricaAfrican ArchaeologyMauretania Tingitana
Se presentan los resultados de un sondeo estratigráfico realizado en el año 2010 en el barrio septentrional de la ciudad mauritana, al norte del castellum romano, que ha aportado datos de gran interés para la definición estratigráfica y... more
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      Household ArchaeologyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)AmphoraePunic African archaeology
El líbico-bereber de las Islas es relativamente homogéneo: se asemeja al alfabeto de Numidia, pero posee caracteres ajenos a esta norma central que, por tanto, funcionan como marcadores alfabéticos. A partir del análisis de estos... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMediterranean and North AfricaNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)
Guia oficial de la ciudad mauritana y del campamento romano de Tamuda, situado en el Norte de Marruecos, con contribuciones de muchos investigadores
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      Cultural Heritage ManagementMauretania Tingitana
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      ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Roman Numismatics
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyAncient economyAncient Coins
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      Mediterranean archaeologyMauretania TingitanaArcheologia Fenicio-PunicaRoman Archaeology
Funerary commemorations from Mauretania Tingitana are an important source of information on family relations in a Roman province. As in other provinces, nuclear relationships (93% of the total) predominate over those of the extended... more
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      Roman social historyRoman provincesRoman familyMauretania Tingitana
Análisis actualizado de una ciudad fenicia, púnica, mauritana y romana en la Mauretania Tingitana.
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      ArchaeologyPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyRomanizationAfrican Archaeology
Historiographical updating of the archaeological research in the area of Tangier-Tetouan before the "Archaeological Mapping of northern Morocco project"
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      AfricaMauretania TingitanaRoman Archaeology
Durante las excavaciones de apoyo a la conservación-restauración acometidas en el año 2008 en Tamuda se localizó una pieza cerámica excepcional. Una jarra u olpe con un amplio programa iconográfico relacionado con el ciclo de la... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman ArmyRoman EpigraphyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
I believe that there was a massacre of the population of Volubilis during the war of conquest: it is reasonable and scientifically legitimate to conclude this from the inscriptions we have discussed. Another, different problem is the... more
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      Roman EmpireMauretania TingitanaVolubilis
This paper provides a historiographic account of the research conducted on ancient Mauretanian numismatics, starting with the more solid initial stages in the identifying and cataloging of the coinage –recorded by L. Müller in the... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Mauritania
En la estrategia científica del Proyecto de la Agence Nationale de la Recherche denominado “Le détroit de Gibraltar, à la croisée des mers et des continents (2010-2014)”, la Casa de Velázquez ha encargado a la Universidad de Cádiz y al... more
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      ArchaeometryRoman pottery workshopsPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyMauretania Tingitana
Écriture phénicienne, écriture ibérique, écritures punique et néo-punique, écriture libyque.
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Iberian StudiesAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Mauretania Tingitana
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      Ancient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyHeritage Studies
Studies on fisheries and the fish-salting industry in ancient times have paid little attention to date to the finding of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), which are very present in archaeozoological records, albeit in small quantities.... more
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      Roman EconomyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaSharksMauretania Tingitana
El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de presentar un curioso documento que hemos localizado y que contiene una catalogación de las monedas antiguas del Museo Arqueológico de Tetuán redactado en junio del año 1956. La importancia del... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient numismatics (Archaeology)MuseologyAncient Roman Numismatics
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      North African ArchaeologyMauretania Tingitana
Le Maroc antique était la terre par excellence des bêtes sauvages dont les plus beaux spécimens étaient envoyés à Rome pour mourir dans les spectacles grandioses des amphithéâtres.
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      Mauretania TingitanaCinegéticaMaroc antique
Review of Tarradell's excavations conducted at Tamuda (northern Morocco) in 1948. The contexts unearthed were first linked to dumping areas peripheral to the city, next to the cliff looking north to the River Martil. However, an... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)
Se aborda la transcripción del alfabeto líbico-bereber canario desde una perspectiva de análisis morfofonológica. Para ello, se parte del corpus epigráfico herreño y se compara con el conjunto continental. A través de este estudio, se... more
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      HistoryPhonologyHistory of Reading and WritingLibyco-Berber Linguistics
This article examines the sacred inscriptions that military units known as "national numeri" set up in the Danubian provinces between the second and third centuries CE. In the past decades, scholars have considered these regiments, which... more
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      Roman ReligionLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administrationRoman Army
The proposed thesis targets an economic potential of the Roman province Mauretania Tingitana (in present-day Morocco; ca. 42–298 CE). The economic potential can be described as an ability of entities operating within a given territory to... more
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      Ancient economyRoman provincesMauretania Tingitana
La denominada región histórica o Círculo del Estrecho de Gibraltar constituyó una zona con una marcada personalidad propia en el marco general de la diáspora colonial fenicia de escala mediterránea, e igualmente en la inmediata fase de... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyPhoeniciansArchaeology of Religion
Una reciente intervención arqueológica en el centro urbano de Ceuta ha permitido la documentación de un sector del complejo industrial haliéutico del asentamiento romano de Septem Fratres, fechado entre finales del siglo I d.C. y el... more
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      ArchaeologyCulinary HistoryRoman PotteryGarum and salsamenta
Durante el año 2008 se realizó un transecto en la Puerta Occidental del campamento de Tamuda, que ha permitido obtener datos estratigráficos de gran interés para la datación de la secuencia romana del yacimiento. Sobre estructuras... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman ArmyLate Roman ArmyPunic African archaeology
A collection of window-panes, vessels and alleged waste from Thamusida has been investigated by OM, SEM–EDS, ICP–MS, ICP–OES and XAS at the Fe–K and Mn–K edges. Glass samples have been characterized as natron-based soda–lime–silica... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyColour ScienceArchaeological Science
A synthesis of the historical results of the research project "Archaeological mapping of Northern morocco (2008-2012)" are shown in this paper
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      AfricaMauretania TingitanaRoman Archaeology
Cet ouvrage est une réflexion sur l’intégration politique des confins extrêmes-occidentaux de la Méditerranée dans l’empire romain, de la deuxième guerre punique (218 av. J.-C.) au règne de Dioclétien (305 apr. J.-C.). Il s’agit de... more
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      Roman HistoryAncient GeographyHistory of the MediterraneanRoman military history
Contributions of the recently unpublished "journal de fouilles" of Prof. Tarradell to the knowledge of Mauretanian & Roman Tamuda
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      Roman HistoriographyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Mauretania Tingitana
Notre propos a pour objet la mise en perspective de l'économie de la Maurétanie de l'ouest au Ier siècle av. J.-C. à travers l'étude des amphores. De la même façon qu'elle demeura en marge du pôle « punicisant » entre le IVe et le IIe... more
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      Amphorae (Archaeology)Mauretania TingitanaRoman ArchaeologyAncient North African History
Not only does the study of priests in the Roman world belong and concern the history of religions, but this research field is also related to the social and political history. That is why a historic study concerning the priests of a... more
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      Roman ReligionProsopographyLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administration
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      IconographyAncient ReligionAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Phoenician Punic Archaeology
Localisé à environ 35 kilomètres de l’antique Volubilis, le site de Rirha possède une emprise spatiale d’environ 10 hectares. Occupé de l’époque du royaume maurétanien (Ve siècle av. J.-C.) à la période mérinide (XIVe siècle ap. J.-C.),... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeological FieldworkMauretania Tingitana
A summary of the "Archaeological Mapping of Northern Morocco proyect (2008-2012)" is presented
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      AfricaAfrican ArchaeologyMauretania TingitanaRoman Archaeology