Skip to main content Entre las joyas arqueológicas que atesora el litoral de Argelia destaca la ciudad púnica, romana y bizantina de Tipasa (actual Tipaza). En 1982 fue declarada... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Archaeological photography
Thirty-five years after the publication of Kearsley's study of the PSC skyphoi, this paper aims to provide an updated overview of the known evidence for the most iconic Euboean vessel. First, a synthetic treatment of the studies devoted... more
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      Mediterranean archaeologyAncient Greek PotteryEuboeans
In Managing Archaeological Sites with Mosaics: From Real Problems to Practical Solutions, The 11th conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, Meknes, October 24-27 2011, edited by Demetrios Michaelides and... more
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      MoroccoAncient MosaicsHistory of architectureMosaic Restoration and Conservation
Some years ago a lost Roman monument came to light, a cinerary urn whose inscription echoed volume VI of the CIL. Now, for the first time, we show the photo of the urn to the scientific world, and we offer a complete study of it, in its... more
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      Jewish StudiesLatin EpigraphyRoman EmpireAncient Judaism
The present study proposes an exhaustive analysis of cult manifestations in Roman Dacia, which have in the foreground Juno, the paredra of the supreme god of the Roman world. Juno, often invoked as part of the Capitoline Triad, alongside... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman Dacia
Resumen: En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la excavación realizada en la C/ Escalera, nº. 32, de Niebla (Huelva), en la que se documentaron cinco fases de ocupación, desde el bronce final (orientalizante) hasta la actualidad.... more
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Recension of a biography about Cleopatra Selene II.
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Mediterranean and North AfricaRoman Egypt
We present the only numismatic specimen belonging to Iulia Campestris Babba found at Colonia Libertinorum Carteia in Baetica, southern Spain, which testifies the movement of people between both shores of the Strait of Gibraltar.
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeology
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). ERC grant agreement no ERC-2013-ADG340828.
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    • Political Science
This paper examines artificial port structures within the Roman province of Mauretania Caesariensis. It concentrates on three ports that archaeologists have examined and documented during the last 70 years. D. Stone, “The Ports of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
La memoria y el patrimonio son dos actividades que han saltado al centro mediático de las sociedades, haciendo visibles debates, conceptos, objetos, etc. que llevan desarrollándose desde hace décadas e inclusive siglos. En las siguientes... more
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      Cultural HeritageHistoriographyArqueologíaAntropología
Between 2014 and 2019, a research project has been carried out in the Hellenistic city of Tamuda (Tetouan). A generalised level of abandonment has been documented in the Eastern Quarter (80s BC), with a multitude of complete amphorae,... more
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      Mauretania TingitanaRoman AmphoraeHistory of wineArchaeology of Roman Wine
The castellum of Tamuda, in the outskirts of Tetouan, northern Morocco (fig. 1), is a paradigmatic example of the fortifications built along the southern Roman limes, from its construction, on a previous Mauritanian settlement, in the... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Mauretania Tingitana
espanolLos estudios sobre la pesca y la industria conservera en la Antiguedad han prestado poca atencion hasta la fecha al hallazgo de condrictios, muy presentes en los registros arqueozoologicos, aunque en cantidades reducidas. En este... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesArchaeozoologyRoman Economy
This paper examines epigraphic sources in order to shed light upon the movement of troops during the Moorish War of the mid-2 nd century AD. Relying upon military diplomas, copied after imperial constitutions, funerary stele, and other... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman ArmyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
This paper contains the preliminary results of the research by the Polish Moroccan mission Tingitana Frontier Project (TFP), which has been working in the Kingdom of Morocco since 2018. The mission is to examine the border defense systems... more
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Mauretania TingitanaRoman LimesWatchtowers
Se presentan en este trabajo los resultados preliminares del estudio de materiales de varios contextos procedentes de la intervención arqueológica llevada a cabo en la c/ Pericón de Cádiz. El análisis de los materiales recuperados nos ha... more
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      Roman EconomyGadesRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman Archaeology
The castellum of Tamuda, in the outskirts of Tetouan, northern Morocco, is a paradigmatic example of the fortifications built along the southern Roman limes, from its construction, on a previous Mauritanian settlement, in the first half... more
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyMauretania Tingitana
in: H. van Enckevort, M. Driessen, E. Graafstal, T. Hazenberg, T. Ivleva & C. van Driel-Murray (eds) 2024, Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1, Leiden,... more
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      Roman EconomyRoman AmphoraeBritannia
, "...the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks {in raids} Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio,... more
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    • Black/African Diaspora
En el año 2015 se realizó una intervención arqueológica de urgencia en el solar nº 10 de la calle Adarve del Cristo (Cáceres, Extremadura, España). A pesar de que la extensión total de solar intervenido era muy reducida, el interés de... more
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construcciones públicas romanas en Huelva, nos lleva a plantear que estos cambios pudieran tener su origen en un cambio de estatuto jurídico de la ciudad en época flavia y con una reforma urbana después de acceder al rango de municipium.
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      ArtArqueologíaRoman PeriodHuelva
En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre la producción de cal en Augusta Emerita, uno de los territorios de Hispania en el que se han localizado varios yacimientos vinculados con este tipo de actividad. En cuanto a la... more
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      Imperio romanoAugusta EmeritaHispania romanaArtesanía
y del Hierro en algunos casos, en el recorrido de una tecnología que ha llegado a pervivir en ejemplares etnográficos hasta épocas recientes. Las tipologías y modelos expuestos en el primer apartado se van desarrollando en los diez... more
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      Roman EconomyRoman agricultureArcheologia della produzione e del commercioHistory of wine
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Resumen: El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar un estudio morfotipológico del conjunto de pesas de telar procedentes del yacimiento romano de Iria Flavia (Padrón, A Coruña). A pesar de la presumible simplicidad que suele ir... more
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      ArqueologíaHistoria AntigaArqueología clásicaArqueología gallega
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      HumanitiesArtRoman EpigraphyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
Two main north-south land routes, which ran from Tangier to Sala/Rabat on the coast on the one hand, and Volubilis in the interior on the other, are attested in Tingitane by the Antonine Itinerary, which provides a list of stations for... more
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Encontrados a principios del siglo XX, y esquemáticamente analizados por Samuel de los Santos Gallego en 1949, los sellos de panadero guardados en los fondos del Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba son una de las mayores y desconocidas... more
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      ArqueologíaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyCórdobaRoman Archaeology
Martes 16 de abril de 2024. Museo Arqueológico Nacional El hallazgo de una inscripción que contiene la primera copia, prácticamente completa, de lex Hadriana de agris rudibus, un reglamento para la explotación de los dominios agrarios... more
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Por Protectorado debemos entender una "unión" de Estados en relación de desigualdad. De acuerdo con Ch. Rousseau (1966: 143-150) tres son los caracteres de un territorio sometido a protectorado. En primer lugar se trata de un régimen... more
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      HumanitiesArtSpanish Civil War
AlgunAs notAs sobRe ARqueologíA y coloniAlismo. lA zonA esPAñolA del PRotectoRAdo mARRoquí, 1912-1945 enRique gozAlbes cRAvioto
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      GeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
The annona militaris did not exist as an independent institution but was a branch of the annona that was in charge of provisioning the army. The hypothesis of the independent existence of an annona militaris is attributable to Van Berchem... more
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    • History
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      HumanitiesArtRoman EpigraphyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
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This article aims to analyze the trade routes of wine and the mobility of amphorae from the growing Greek amphora epigraphy database of the CEIPAC (Center for the Study of Provincial Interdependence in Classical Antiquity) in order to to... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Epigraphy
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Agradecemos especialmente a la Ciudad Autonoma de Ceuta por la financiacion de esta investigacion -Proyectos-Codigos de subvenciones: 65.933/20 (01), 47.849/3 (03), 007086,77.891/3 (09), 96.478/2 (2010), 0-094/2011, 124.111/3(2011),... more
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      GeographyEstrecho De GibraltarStrait Of Gibraltarregión histórica
This text is a summary of the conference "Histoire de l’écriture libyco-berbère" given during the cycle LES ÉCRITURES DANS LES MONDES ANCIENS II, organized by ILARA (EPHE-PSL). The summaries of this and the other conferences are available... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesHistory of Reading and WritingMigration Studies
New edition of a fragmentary Latin inscription from Tangier (Mauretania Tingitana). Our autopsy and detailed analysis suggest to reject the interpretation of the inscription as a carmen epigraphicum and to propose the hypothesis of a... more
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      Latin EpigraphyMauretania TingitanaTangerJuridical Epigraphy
Les manuscrits du Drâa (Tiliit, Toledano…) sont des manuscrits qui tirent leurs origines d'un texte de base original datant du XIIeme siecle ap J.C. Ces derniers nous rapportent l'existence d'un royaume chrétien recouvrant plus au moins... more
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      MoroccoMauretania TingitanaBerbers. Amazighs. History of Berbers. Cultural and Political Claims. Cultural and Berber Movement. North of Africa. Algeria. Morocco.Histoire Du Maroc
Una sartén de origen egeo (Phocean Frying Pan) aparecida en un contexto cerrado del yacimiento salazonero romano de la c/ Francisco Barreto (Faro, Portugal
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      ArchaeologyRoman PotteryCeramics (Archaeology)Archaeology of Roman Hispania
Como resultado de una serie de trabajos realizados en Marruecos, fundamentalmente en la zona del Rif, se recolectaron numerosos helechos que consideramos de interés corológico para la zona. Todo el material reseñado en esta nota se... more
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    • Geography
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El siguiente capítulo recoge los resultados de las actividades arqueológicas desarrolladas en el muelle este-oeste de Portus entre los años 2017 y 2021. Este muelle presenta a día de hoy un magnífico estado de conservación, si se le... more
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      Ostia (Archaeology)ArqueologíaArqueología De La ArquitecturaArchaeology of Latium
cOnversandO cOn melus en la villa rOmana de carranque COnversing with melus in the rOman villa OF Carranque Manuel
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeology of Roman HispaniaHomenaje
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      GeographyRoman PotteryRomanTrade
Las cetariae de Baelo Claudia. Avances de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el barrio meridional, Cádiz, 237-253.
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      Roman PotteryRoman AmphoraePollentia (Roman city, Mallorca)
O monarca Juba II (25 a.C - 23 d.C) emitiu várias séries de moedas com a iconografia da Vitória, sugerindo sua participação em algumas campanhas militares. Analisamos e estudamos estes tipos para propor hipóteses sobre o que foram esses... more
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      Roman IconographyAncient Roman NumismaticsAugustusRoman Provincial Coinage