client kingdom of Mauretania
Recent papers in client kingdom of Mauretania
Summary: Juba II wrote numerous writings with geographical, zoological, botanical, cultural, and historical content. Possibly some zoological and botanical surviving fragments concerning African animals and plants could be parts of... more
Herod's appointment as Rome’s client ruler of Judaea in 40 BCE marked a step change in that territory's political, economic and cultural development, being brought from the periphery into the mainstream of the Graeco-Roman world. Josephus... more
Nous débutons ici une série d'études qui abordera certains aspects du monnayage royal émis en Maurétanie pendant le règne de Juba II (25 av. -24 ap. J.-C.).
Le 13 décembre 2015, passait en vente à l’Hôtel des Ventes de Sceaux (Yvelines) un lot exceptionnel, tout simplement une tête inconnue de Juba II, roi de Maurétanie (de 25 avant J.-C.). Mise en vente et adjudication avaient été si rapides... more
Alla morte di Giuba I, sconfitto nel 46 a.C. da Cesare, nella guerra contro Pompeo, la Numidia divenne Provincia romana e Giuba II, ancora bambino, venne portato a Roma prigioniero e messo in mostra al pubblico romano durante il trionfo... more
Zusammenfassung: Iuba II. verfasste zahlreiche Schriften geographischen, zoologischen, botanischen und kulturhistorischen Inhalts. Möglicherweise könnten allerdings die zoologischen und botanischen erhaltenen Fragmente, welche von... more
Dieser Vortragsentwurf behandelt die Transformation des vorrömischen zum frühkaiserzeitlichen Numidien und Mauretanien. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Fragestellung, wie sich Veränderungen und Kontinuitäten urbaner und ländlicher sowie... more
Le peuplement antique et médiéval de l’ouest algérien a souvent été abordé de manière ponctuelle, à partir et à propos de documents isolés, comme une inscription ou une citation. Plusieurs documents importants ont été découverts ou... more
It has been proposed that the cause of the conquest of the kingdom of Mauritania in Caligula’s time was the desire to exploit some natural resources, considered luxury. We analyze the data provided by literary and epigraphic sources. We... more
Numismatic sources from the protectorate of Mauretania have been overlooked significantly in modern historical research concerning the conflicts in Mauretania and the province of Africa Proconsularis—particularly during the early first... more
This paper examines Numidian and Mauretanian elites, highlighting their concepts of representation and visual memorialization under changing political conditions in pre-Roman North Africa between 3rd century BC and 1st century AD.... more
Pur senza trascurare gli aspetti istituzionali, economici, sociali, culturali, il volume focalizza la sua attenzione sulle grandi personalità che influenzarono la lunga presenza di Roma nell’Africa centro-occidentale, dalle coste... more