Recent papers in Phoenicians
Introduction in the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. New discoveries and proves of the Atlantic Theory.
A synthesis or recent finds and perpective at the opening of the 36th season of excavation of Sapienza University and the Superintendence of Trapani
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
This paper presents and discusses published and unpublished evidence on Carthage and its hinterland gathered throughout the last three-and-a-halve decades. Carthage initially appears as a copy of the typical Levantine sea-side city state,... more
Renewed excavations by Rome "La Sapienza" University at Motya in the last ten years (2002-2011) provided a new set of archaeological data concerning the area of the so-called "kothon" and the nearby South Gate, with the identification of... more
The caravanserai (Turkish kervansaray) was a roadside area, structure or inn that provided lodging, substance, trade and marketing opportunities for pilgrims, traveling tradespeople, and their animals. In addition to food and temporary... more
This thesis explores a specific form of representation from the Syrian Bronze Age: aniconic standing-stones, lacking inscriptions or decorations. These have been mainly studied from the point of view of texts which mention cult activity... more
On se propose ici de présenter un intéressant objet en plomb, inédit jusqu'à présent, qui a été trouvé au cours des années 80 dans les alentours de la ville d'Ibiza, parait-il, non pas loin du site de Puig d'en Valls, qui est aussi très... more
Offering an expansive view of the ancient Mediterranean world, Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Myths in Translation, Second Edition, presents essential Greek and Roman sources—including work from... more
A lo largo de todo el Mediterráneo han aparecido piezas de procedencia egipcia. También en el Mediterráneo Occidental, incluyendo las costas levantinas de la Península Ibérica. Con el presente trabajo he querido hacer un estudio del cómo,... more
THE MESA DE FORNES (GRANADA) AND THE SEMITIZATION OF GRANADA BASIN: THE RELEVANCE ATTAIN BY SOUTHWEST GATEWAY Some defensive structures have been documented in the Phoenician site of Mesa de Fornes, on the southwest of Granada Province.... more
The paper focuses on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San... more
El yacimiento fenicio de La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), gracias sobre todo al descubrimiento de numerosos vertederos metalúrgicos, ha proporcionado abundantes materiales relacionados con la producción de hierro, cobre,... more
"The present paper pretends to be an approach to the Phoenician’s social implementations mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula area. Through the study of the initiatives taken by the temples and the aristocracy in their interaction with... more
La grande colonnade double qui a été fouillée et restaurée au Sud de Tyr par les équipes de Maurice Chéhab, entre 1946 et 1975, était considérée comme une rue à portiques. Les nouveaux travaux conduits depuis 2008 montrent qu'il s'agit... more
Grazie a una documentazione archeologica ed epigrafica sempre crescente, all’adozione di nuovi approcci e modelli teorici, è oggi possibile apprezzare meglio l’identità cosmopolita e fluida dei Fenici e le varie sfaccettature della loro... more
We do not discover the sea ourselves, nor do we view it exclusively through our own eyes. We see it as others have seen it -in the pictures they draw, the stories they tell. We cognize and recognize it simultaneously.' 1 2 A. WHITTLE, '
Phoenician language – twin brother of Hebrew" – Phoenician and hebrew are very similar languages if one compares phonetics, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. We can conclude that this are not two separate lenguages, but dialects of... more
Esta publicación se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas para su financiación:
ABSTRACT: The following 83 questions follow the documentary (no.7), National Geographic, Quest for the Phoenicians (55 minutes). It is a good documentary detailing diverse aspects of the heritage and achievements of the Phoenicians: WEB... more
ASTARTE from EL CARAMBOLO. Who´s that girl? This paper presents a review from the sculpture in bronze named «Astarté from El Carambolo». Currently, you can visit this phoenician goddess in Sevilla, the scultpure belongs to the stable... more
The text on this large stone stele is a defense of Phoenician temple activity.
“Als wir noch jenseits des Großen Wassers wohnten, gab es zwölf Stämme, die zu den Cherokee-Indianern gehörten ...“ So beginnt die traditionelle Geschichte des Stammes, die zum Fest des Großen Mondes, dem Neujahrsfest, rezitiert und den... more
E xisten pocos lugares en el Mediterráneo que puedan ser llamados verdaderamente "encrucijada" de culturas y Chipre es uno de ellos. Situado en la esquina más oriental del "Gran Verde" o Mare Nostrum (como los egipcios y los romanos lo... more
With this work we try to announce the discovery and the documentation of a Phoenician Necropolis in the city of Ayamonte (Huelva). It was located through the fortuitous find and through the notification of supposed actions of pillage and... more
In all guilds, the Greeks used a secret language, i.e. symbolisms, so that they could avoid the leakage of information concerning sources of profit. Thus, they created short poems, easy to remember. The “Odyssey” is the best example!
A detailed presentation of the main topics hat De Lafayette has discussed in his hundred books, translated in several languages