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      Intellectual HistoryCultural GeographyItalian (European History)Italian Studies
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      PoeticsHungarian Literature (19.-20. centuries)Literature and NationalismLiterature critics
In Walcott's epic ​ Omeros Major Plunkett is the model of white inclusion in Saint Lucia's national identity-the creative identification and construction that is the underlying principle in the book. All new political structures have the... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCatholic StudiesNational IdentityNationalism And State Building
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      Postcolonial StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesPostcolonial TheoryCultural nationalism (Race And Ethnicity)
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      Southern Literaturemodern Hebrew literaturePost ModernismLiterature and Nationalism
Conference paper/introduction for the 3 sessions on "Belonging and Unbelonging", Intersections/Intersezioni Conference, Florence, 30 May - 1 June 2018
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      European StudiesGlobalizationMigrationNationalism
It is some distant time in history. The Jews are in danger. A young and beautiful Jewish woman faces an extraordinary opportunity: to inf luence a powerful, gentile ruler in favour of her people by using her beauty and feminine wisdom.... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureYiddish LiteraturePolish-Jewish RelationsThe Book of Esther
In the 18th and 19th centuries, national and world literatures emerged as literary systems because of their interdependent relations. Whereas world literature evolved as a purportedly autonomous system that was believed to transcend... more
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      World LiteraturesMultilingualismSystems TheoryLiterary Multilingualism
A range of leading international scholars provide the reader with a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the extraordinary richness and diversity of Scotland’s poetry. Addressing Languages and Chronologies, Poetic Forms, and... more
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      Scottish LiteratureCeltic StudiesEarly Modern Scottish Literature18th Century Scottish Literature
Scottish Hellenic Society of St Andrews, 26 Nov. 2013
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      Poetry and MusicMusic and NationalismGreeknessGeorge Seferis
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      GnosticismNew TestamentIsrael StudiesHebrew Bible
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      Eastern European StudiesBalkan HistoryBulgarian LiteratureNational Identity
This paper examines narrative literature from various Philippine literary periods to identify and articulate a national philosophy of Philippine narrative literature.
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      Structuralism (Literary Criticism)Literary CriticismCultural TheoryLiterary Theory
This paper organizes traditional and modern literary standards and values into objective assessment matrices to establish frameworks for examining contemporary masterpiece poetry within the contexts of the changing roles of literary... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
Mémoire de recherche - Master de Littérature Comparée
Research paper - Masters in Comparative Literature.
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      Literature and SocietyModern French PoetryLebanese LiteratureLiterature and Nationalism
Habilitation à diriger des recherches soutenue le 12 décembre 2016 à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne devant un jury composé de Madame et Messieurs les Professeurs Fabrice MALKANI, Université Lumière-Lyon-II (président du jury), Bernard... more
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureTranslation Studies
Franklin Lewis, "A Book of Kings as the King of Books: The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi,” commissioned article for A Companion to World Literature, edited by Ken Seigneurie, with Susan Andrade, Chris Lupke, B. Venkat Mani, Wen-chin Ouyang,... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryMiddle East StudiesNationalism
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      Eastern European historyModern Jewish HistoryZionismFascist Italy
El mito del "soldado desconocido" en la literatura hispanoamericana
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      NationalismLiteratura HispanoamericanaNacionalismoLiterature and Nationalism
Kipling was a lifelong yet also ambiguous reference for Borges. Kipling’s intertextual presence in Borges offers a good point of entry into the complex question of imperialism vs. nationalism in Borges. Borges’s reading of Kipling and his... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesFranz KafkaBritish EmpireRoman Empire
Another area that sets the Sheikh apart from other Muslim revivalist groups and figures is his approach to the Islamic past and its “golden age”. The Sheikh belonged to a tradition that believed in the constancy of tajdid (renewal) in... more
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      EthnohistoryIslamic StudiesSufismReligious Nationalism
প্রবন্ধটিতে হাসান হাফিজুর রহমানের সাহিত্যিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক কর্মকাণ্ড, জাতীয়তাবাদ এবং বুদ্ধিজীবিতার সম্পর্ক খুঁজে দেখার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে। ১৯৪৭ থেকে ১৯৭১ কালপর্বে হাসান হাফিজুর রহমান কী করে ‘ইডিওলজিক্যাল স্টেইট অ্যাপারেটাসে’র বিরুদ্ধে গিয়ে... more
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      NationalismNational IdentityIntellectual and cultural historyLiterature and Nationalism
What follows are excerpts from my book, The Promise of the Foreign, published by Duke Univ. Press. It comprises the second volume of my first book, Contracting Colonialism. Here's the description of the book: In the Promise of the... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative LiteratureSpanish Literature
[Índice y Presentación] A través de un análisis pormenorizado de la obra de los dos grandes autores peruanos, este libro se interna por las sinuosas rutas de la modernidad andina analizando modelos estético-ideológicos bien diferenciados... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesAestheticsLiterary Criticism
The society of the first Republic of Lithuania was not homogenous in its national and cultural self-perception. Although most intellectuals associated national culture exclusively with the cultural heritage of ethnic Lithuanians and... more
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      Literary CanonCultural NationalismAdam MickiewiczLiterature and Nationalism
The aim of the article is to analyze how the national framework structured to literary life has affected the position of transnational literature in Finland in the early 2000s – time when Finnish society has become more multicultural due... more
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      Cultural PolicyMultilingualismLiteratureTransnationalism
1. Fiat iustitia nec pereat mundus G.W.F. Hegel L'universalità, dunque, è la parte nel tutto, e il tutto nella parte G. Gentile Siamo sinceramente grati a Guido Guastalla di aver acconsentito alla pubblicazione degli scritti di un... more
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      Eastern European historyJewish PhilosophyModern Jewish HistoryZionism
Obraz Marii Konopnickiej wyłaniający się z Listów do synów i córek odbiega znacznie od wizerunku publicznego wieszczki narodowej. Poetka miewała nastroje antysemickie, bywała nadopiekuńczą matką a także zrzędliwą starą kobietą. Trudno... more
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      Cultural HistoryNew HistoricismNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
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      World LiteraturesTranslation StudiesLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
L'analogie entre l'apartheid et la situation en Israël-Palestine envahit les commentaires et les analyses. Elle prend cependant différentes formes. L'usage radical et systématique de l'analogie vise à condamner l'Etat d'Israël et le... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      NationalismLiterary HistoryHungarian LiteratureLiterature and Nationalism
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      Eastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryEastern European historyModern Jewish HistoryZionism
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      Soviet HistoryPostcolonial StudiesPolitics and LiteratureIdentity (Culture)
At its most fundamental level, a nation is simply a substantial group of people who share and acknowledge some cultural trait that binds them together meaningfully. Claims of nationhood can result from shared history, shared language,... more
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      Film StudiesLiteratureBalkan StudiesBalkan Literatures
Централна тема на тази статия е взаимодействието на адаптацията и литературния канон. Отправна точка на изследването e идеята за промяна на "образеца в зависимост от обстоятелствата" (Д. Дидро) и на "един идеален вътрешен ред" под... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesLiterary CanonFilm Adaptation
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      Hebrew LiteratureWomen and Gender StudiesLiterature and Nationalism
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      German RomanticismNational IdentityHistory of Roman CatholicismEpic poetry
Türk İslam Edebiyatı, ilahiyat fakültelerinde, Türklerin sahiplendiği dinî-edebî birikimi akademik bir araştırma ve inceleme malzemesi olarak işleyen bir ana bilim ve bilim dalıdır. Dahası aynı fakültelerde, söz konusu birikimi metinler,... more
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      Literary CriticismTurkish LiteratureModern Turkish LiteraturePopular Religious Literature
This article investigates how the notion and perception of Lithuanian literature took shape at the time of the Lithuanian national movement (from the end of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century) and continued to... more
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      Multilingualism and LiteratureLiterary HistoriographyLiterature and NationalismSchool based curriculum
Der Beitrag untersucht den ideengeschichtlichen Zusammenhang der Konzepte Nationalliteratur und Gegenwartsliteratur um 1800. An der Entwicklung literaturhistorischer Modelle im Werk Friedrich Schlegels ist zu erkennen, dass... more
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      History of Literary CriticismVormärzFriedrich Schlegeldeutsche Literaturgeschichte
The following essay investigates Borges' cultural-ideological stance as an Argentinean writer opposed to national literature and ideological rhetoric. This position will be elucidated via a comparison with Edward Said's Orientialism... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesJorge Luis BorgesNarrative and IdentityEdward Said
This essay attempts to morph the graph of the “Nation” in Anandamath into a graph of multiple desires. That is, it concerns itself with some of the personationalities of desire which find graphic relief in the novel. The main purpose of... more
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      HinduismGender StudiesTranslation StudiesIndian Philosophy
Bevezetés Előadásomban néhány diaszpórabeli és izraeli szerző egy-egy olyan művét szeretném röviden ismertetni, amelyben a zsidó lét e két alapvető formája irodalmilag magas szinten jut kifejezésre. Napjaink nemzetközileg talán... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureEastern European historyJewish LiteratureModern Jewish History
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      National IdentityLiterature and NationalismLiterature and National IdentityNationalism and National Poets
As the political, economic, and cultural center of Chosŏn Korea, eighteenth-century Seoul epitomized a society in flux: It was a bustling, worldly metropolis into which things and people from all over the country flowed. In this book, Si... more
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      History of the BookLanguage and IdeologyEarly Modern LiteratureVernacular
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      German LiteratureEnlightenmentAustrian LiteratureWar Poetry
A la manera de Derrida, que se interrogaba por Hegel al principio de Glas, cabe preguntarnos: ¿qué, después de todo, nos queda a nosotros, aquí y ahora, de un Cervantes? La cuestión, que puede parecer baladí, no lo será en cuanto situemos... more
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      Spanish LiteratureNationalismNational IdentityMiguel de Cervantes
The consolidation of the Turkish Republic in 1923 took place in opposition to multiple ‘others’ – that is, multiple ideologies with alternative models of modernity and state formation. An important aspect of the resulting negotiations was... more
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      NationalismNational IdentityTurkeyGender and Nationalism
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      Cultural StudiesGlobalizationMarxismNationalism