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The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German language island”. Through examples of the use of different languages before the Second World War, it shows a different –multilingual or... more
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      MultilingualismIdentity (Culture)NationalismLinguistics
A keek at Scots lang syne: A brief overview of the historical development of the Scots language……………………………………..91 IMPRESSUM..……………………………………………………….…..….104
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      MultilingualismLanguage and PowerLanguage and Identity
Therapists are often unprepared to deal with their clients' use of other languages. This study focuses on therapists' experiences of having undertaken awareness-raising training about multilingualism. Did the training impact their... more
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      MultilingualismPsychotherapy and CounselingNarrative and IdentityMixed Methods Research
ABSTRACT In this paper, we study for the first time the unpublished multilingual poetry written by Sanandrean linguist Oakley Forbes. We also explore his role in the translation of Juan Ramírez Dawkins’ poems. In these two unknown aspects... more
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      MulticulturalismTranslation StudiesMultilingualismCaribbean Literature
This paper argues for a critical approach towards the glorification of 'mothertongue' evident in matrubhasha sentiments in India. Not all mothertongues come with sentimentalism associated with them, especially by those who belong to... more
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      Translation StudiesMultilingualismDalit studiesGujarat
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      MultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyBilingualism & the brainCognition and Multilingualism
The tension between unity vs. multiplicity seems to be at the heart of the European Union (EU). In terms of language, whereas the EU funds numerous projects to foster multilingualism, it is becoming an increasingly monolingual institution... more
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      MultilingualismEnglish as a Lingua FrancaEuropean Union
London is home to more than eight million people, who speak more than three hundred languages, but the representation of this cultural richness and diversity in the theatre of the British capital is far from adequate. London theatre... more
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      Theatre StudiesMultilingualismMigration StudiesPlaywriting
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageGlobalizationEthnographyMultilingualism
ABSTRACT: Anthropocentrism has been claimed to be the root of the global environmental crisis. Based on a multidisciplinary (e.g. environmental philosophy, animal ethics, anthro - pology, law) and multilingual (English, Spanish, French,... more
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      MultilingualismEnvironmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)Environmental HumanitiesAnthropocentrism
This study compared working memory ability in multilingual young adults and their monolingual peers on four components of working memory (verbal and visuospatial storage, verbal and visuospatial processing). The sample comprised 39... more
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      MultilingualismWorking MemoryExecutive FunctioningBilingual Advantage
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionE-learningMultilingualism
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      MultilingualismChild DevelopmentCulturePsychopathology
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      Social PsychologyMultilingualismSociolinguistics
In June/July 2016, the Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) brought together over 400 researchers and practitioners from across the world to discuss Future-proofing Interpreting and Translating during the... more
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      MultilingualismDiscriminationPolicing StudiesRacism
This paper analyzes the LL in the city of Bautzen / Budyšin in Germany, a town which is frequently considered the “capital” of the Slavonic minority of the Sorbs. It focuses on the societal role of Sorbian in relation to practices and... more
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      SociologyGerman StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguistics
This article discusses the impact of lexical range on the learnersΓCO ability to communicate in English when taught as a foreign language in bilingual schools, and emphasizes the importance of explicit vocabulary instruction.┬a It draws... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismBilingual Education
The purpose of this review was to examine the descriptions of multilingual participants provided in stuttering literature to determine how frequently and consistently relevant factors of language profile are reported. Method: We conducted... more
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      MultilingualismFluency disordersLanguageStuttering
In 2017 Irish Sign Language (ISL) was officially recognised in Ireland yet no Applied Linguistics research to date has explored Irish families learning ISL when they discover their child is deaf. Research tells us of many potential... more
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      Language AcquisitionMultilingualismSign LanguagesApplied Linguistics
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      ImmunologyMultilingualismSoftware DesignEurope
Denne artikkelen handler om norske engelsklaereres kompetanse i å arbeide med barn som har et annet morsmål enn norsk, og som laerer engelsk som fremmedspråk. Problemstillingene er "Hva slags utdanning og kunnskap innen flerspråklighet... more
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      MultilingualismTeacher TrainingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
APA Citation: Şeker,E. (2016). Designing a competence-based syllabus for Turkish speaking learners of English in terms of accessibility to universal grammar. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 12(1), 79-109. Abstract This study... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Various policies, plans, and initiatives have been implemented to provide safe, quality, and culturally competent care to patients within Queensland's healthcare system. A series of models of maternity care are available in Queensland... more
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      MultilingualismCultural CompetencyCultural DiversityMedicine
Il convegno si svolgerà in modalità a distanza The conference will take place remotely
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      Language EducationSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
To provide guidelines for the development of two types of closed-set speech-perception tests that can be applied and interpreted in the same way across languages. The guidelines cover the digit triplet and the matrix sentence tests that... more
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      MultilingualismAudiologyPsychoacousticsSpeech perception
This study investigated the relation between linguistic and spatial working memory (WM) resources and language comprehension for signed compared to spoken language. Sign languages are both linguistic and visual-spatial, and therefore... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSign LanguageMultilingualism
Marek Nekula - Lucie Rychnovská: Jazyk Smetanových dopisů v dobovém kontextu / The Language of Smetana’s Letters and Diaries in the Context of His Time. / Die Sprache von Smetanas Briefen im Kontext seiner Zeit. In: Bedřich Smetana,... more
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      MultilingualismCzechCzech & Slovak StudiesHistorical sociolinguistics
Organization of favourable conditions for Russian language maintenance and development in a bilingual environment. Experience of bilingual families in Sweden, Estonia and Cyprus
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      Russian StudiesMultilingualismRussian LanguageBilingualism and Multilingualism
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      MultilingualismPedagogyMultilingual Education
This article examines the effect of linguistic anxiety on identity by analyzing the use of English in Japanese television from the perspective of Sociocultural Linguistics. Close analysis of segments from Japanese television entertainment... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMultilingualismSociocultural linguistics
At institutions with significant populations of international and English Language Learning (ELL) students, writing centers are one of the best, if only, campus services that help with composition and language learning. However,... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second Language
Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures Les cahiers de l'Acedle 17-2 | 2020 Recherches collaboratives en didactique des langues
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      Participatory ResearchResearch MethodologyMultilingualismPolitical Science
Al hilo de los resultados de un reciente estudio sobre las capacidades bilingües en shipibo y español de alumnos escolarizados en una escuela de educación intercultural bilingüe (EIB) de Perú, en este artículo se abordan algunas de los... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMultilingualismMultilingual EducationLenguas Minoritarias
The use of storytelling and digital art as tools to understand a migrant family's life path will be in the center of an innovative methodology that will ensure the acquisition of multilingual skills and the development of plurilingual... more
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      MultilingualismTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTransmedial StorytellingDigital Arts
Background and purpose: Bilingualism has been associated with slower cognitive ageing and a later onset of dementia. In this study, we aimed to determine whether bilingualism also influences cognitive outcome after stroke. Methods: We... more
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      MultilingualismMild Cognitive ImpairmentCognitive reserveStroke
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      MultilingualismSpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersSpeech and language therapyArticulation/phonological disorders/speech and language and communication disorders/speech and language therapy
The Australian experience of bilingual education is composed of three separate audiences: Indigenous groups and their languages, immigrant groups and their languages (both of these groups seeking language maintenance and intergenerational... more
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      SociologyMultilingualismApplied LinguisticsBilingual Education
The global movements of healthcare professionals and patient populations have increased the complexities of medical interactions at the point of service. This study examines interpreter mediated talk in cross-cultural general dentistry in... more
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Prior studies report a tendency of university students in Australia to quit their beginner level second language (L2) courses at an early stage (Martín et al., 2016; Nettelbeck et al., 2007). Demotivational patterns are meta-analyzed to... more
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      MultilingualismSociolinguisticsSociocultural TheoryLanguage Learning Motivation and Demotivation
A detailed language assessment was conducted with MM, a 17-year-old bilingual teenager with Rasmussen syndrome who had undergone a left functional hemispherectomy. Results revealed important deficits in French and English, affecting... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMultilingualismSpeech perception
In a globalized and interconnected world, multilingualism became essentialfor the enhancing of the intercultural communication and understanding. Its significantimportance put it on the agenda of the European Union,... more
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      MultilingualismHigher EducationTeaching of Foreign LanguagesInternationalisation of Higher Education
Working memory (WM) plays a crucial role in learning a second language (L2). The ability to repeat words in an unknown language has been observed to predict success in learning that language. Conversely, decreased digit span and inability... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSecond Language AcquisitionCommunication Disorders
This study explored the developmental trends and phonetic category formation in bilingual children and adults. Participants included 30 fluent Spanish-English bilingual children, aged 8-11, and bilingual adults, aged 18-40. All completed... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhoneticsMultilingualismSpeech perception
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      Second Language AcquisitionMultilingualismDutchLanguage Awareness and Intercultural Education
The growth of accelerated graduate entry nursing programs has challenged traditional approaches to teaching and learning. To date, limited research has been undertaken in the role of learning preferences, language proficiency and academic... more
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      NursingMultilingualismNurse EducationAcculturation
have confirmed the importance of multilingualism in the workplace. They provide evidence that a multilingual environment increases the diversity and the quality of projects, while monolingualism can mean a loss of markets. Since the '80s,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntercultural CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism