Literature and National Identity
Recent papers in Literature and National Identity
This paper examines narrative literature from various Philippine literary periods to identify and articulate a national philosophy of Philippine narrative literature.
Abstract in italiano: Contributo alla riflessione sull’intertestualità e sul romanzo moderno, il volume studia minuziosamente il Werther e La nouvelle Héloïse come ipotesti delle Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis nelle sue tre prime stesure... more
This paper analyzes images of aboriginality created in Chilean narratives for children, and argues that these images try to instill contemporary ideas of national identity. The books Tres Príncipes [Three Princes] (1994) and Flora,... more
Presented at the Society of Modern Greek Studies Graduate Research Colloquium held at Birmingham University in 2010, this presentation examined Kostas Montis' and Edwin Morgans' search for poetic identities and modes of writing which... more