Literary Multilingualism
Recent papers in Literary Multilingualism
At the close of his recently discovered 1937 essay on graphic artist and fellow Drohobyczan Ephraim Moses Lilien, Galician short-story writer Bruno Schulz spoke of Lilien's early graphic works Juda and Lieder des Ghetto, and at the same... more
In der Krisenkonjunktur der Gegenwart lassen sich Translationsprozesse als deutungsvoller Interpretationsschlüssel verstehen. Innerhalb der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft (Yildiz/Hill 2015) erweist sich das Übersetzen als eine dialogisch... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Beim 40. Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis 2016 hat der israelische Autor Tomer Gardi mit einem Ausschnitt aus seinem Roman broken german für Verwirrung und Diskussionen, u.a. über die Frage, ob die Bedingung für die Teilnahme an einem... more
Die Erkundung literarischer Mehrsprachigkeit formiert sich als neues literaturwissenschaftliches Feld seit der Jahrtausendwende-in der Literatur selbst hat das Schreiben in mehr als einer Sprache selbstredend eine viel längere Tradition.... more
In Xiaolu Guos Roman A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers (2007) werden bereits im Titel die beiden Sprachen genannt, die im Werk vor allem präsent sind: Chinesisch und Englisch. Neben der besonderen formalen Gestaltung in Form... more
In the 18th and 19th centuries, national and world literatures emerged as literary systems because of their interdependent relations. Whereas world literature evolved as a purportedly autonomous system that was believed to transcend... more
The main purpose of this article is re-open the question of middle-age Latin translation of Master John Hus's Оld Czech Cycle of sunday sermons. This translation can be found in two manuscripts located in Moravian Library in Brno. Origin... more
The article focuses on the shifting boundaries of multilingualism in the foreign language translations of Italian fiction. It aims to reflect on the strategies adopted by translators and publishers to convey the linguistic variety that... more
Introduction to the "Literary Multilingualism" issue of Stanford University's Dibur Literary Journal, fall 2019
This is the uncorrected version of a contribution to the volume "Die Lücke im Sinn. Vergleichende Studien zu Yoko Tawada." Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2014 (co-edited with Barbara Agnese, Christine Ivanovic).
traduction collective du français en espagnol sous la direction de
Martha Lucía Pulido Correa
Martha Lucía Pulido Correa
Part of a lecture series on polyglot/multilingual literature organized by my Freiburg colleagues Weertje Willms and Evi Zemanek. A much revised and expanded version appeared as: "'Eine durable Technik des unendlich=klein=Polyglotten?':... more
Habilitation à diriger des recherches soutenue le 12 décembre 2016 à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne devant un jury composé de Madame et Messieurs les Professeurs Fabrice MALKANI, Université Lumière-Lyon-II (président du jury), Bernard... more
Goethe écrivain plurilingue ? Posée de cette manière, la question semble saugrenue. Or, Goethe s’identifie-t-il pour autant au paradigme monolingue qu’on associe si couramment à la notion de poète national ? Sa pratique de multiples... more
Ala-Risku, Riikka (2016). Contrasti e commistioni: Plurilinguismo, dialetto e metalingua nella narrativa italiana contemporanea. Tesi di dottorato, Università di Helsinki. Helsinki: Unigrafia. (versione rivista con variazioni minime... more
This essay deals with the multiple languages of Latino/a literature: English, English and Spanish (code-switching), Spanglish, and Spanish. It traces the linguistically and thematically diverse Latino/a literatures of today back to the... more
This article presents a philological comparison between the two printed editions of Andrea Camilleri’s first novel, Il corso delle cose. Written in 1967/68, the novel is published by Lalli only in 1978, after ten years of refusals by... more
In the context of the Tamil intellectual Iyothee Thass’ important contribution to anti-caste thought and the Tamil Buddhist movement in the late nineteenth and twentieth century, this paper calls for a critical review and evaluation of a... more
In the first part of this paper I briefly present the life and work of multilingual poet Amelia Rosselli (1930-1996). I then focus on – often multilingual – lexical fusions and distortions in Rosselli’s texts, questioning Pasolini’s... more
After September 2001, among other effects that may or may not have been foreseen, the new direction of US national political imperatives revived support for foreign language learning as a component of human or cultural intelligence.... more
Språkmöten i skönlitteratur – perspektiv på litterär flerspråkighet är det första samlingsverket på svenska om temat litterär flerspråkighet, ett tema som under de senaste åren börjat intressera allt fler språk-, litteratur- och... more
This article analyses the literary work of Laura Pariani (1951–), a writer who, over the last twenty years, has gained a niche position in the contemporary canon. After situating Pariani in the context of Italian fiction in the... more
This essay examines the notion of “translational writing” – literary texts which bear the traces of multiple languages, foregrounding and dramatizing the processes of translation of which they are both product and representation – through... more
Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle, par quelque procédé que ce soit (électronique, mécanique, photocopie, enregistrement, quelque... more
As anybody who has ever worked in the personnel of a house cat will know, cats are communicative animals. In addition to body language, they use voice communication especially with their humans. At the University of Lund in Sweden,... more
Zur Reformation im multiethnischen Königreich Ungarn werden in diesem Beitrag drei Thesen aufgestellt: Erstens, dass im 16. Jahrhundert der Zugehörigkeit zu einer der Sprachgemeinschaften eine viel größere identitätsstiftende Kraft zukam... more
EA 1569 -TransCrit Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis [email protected] « C'est-à-dire que c'est un peu simple de croire que l'on vient de Venise seulement, on peut venir d'autres endroits qu'on a traversés en cours... more
Aims and objectives/purposes/research questions: The aim of the article is to describe what language contact phenomena are present. The research questions are as follows: (a) what types of code-switching (CS) are at work; (b) is there any... more
What is English now, in the face of mass global migrations, ecological degradations, shifts and upheavals in identii cations of gender and labor? . . . What are the implications of writing at this moment, in precisely this ' America'?" 1... more
Forms of Migration: An International Conference on Transnational Literature & Innovative Aesthetics, University of Graz, Austria, May 2–4, 2019 (Lecture).
A study of the poetics and politics involved in foregrounding "other" languages in a minority literature.
« Le multilinguisme et le processus de création : avant-propos »,
in O. Anokhina (dir.), Multilinguisme et créativité littéraire, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant/Harmattan, 2012, pp. 7-13
in O. Anokhina (dir.), Multilinguisme et créativité littéraire, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant/Harmattan, 2012, pp. 7-13
Je suis un Russe tricolore, un Américain qui fut élevé en Angleterre, un Saint-Pétersbourgeois qui a un grasseyement parisien en russe, mais n'en a pas en français, où je roule plutôt mes r à la façon russe.
Under decennierna runt 1900 skapas i reseskildringar, romaner och noveller om och från Konstantinopel en litterär värld som karaktäriseras av stadens mångspråkighet och dess särskilda ljudlandskap. Så är fallet i den skandinaviska så väl... more
giuseppe di stefano (pisa), coordinatore giovanni caravaggi (pavia), enrico di pastena (pisa), antonio gargano (napoli), alessandro Martinengo (pisa), valentina nider (trento), norbert von prellwitz (Roma), Maria grazia profeti (Firenze),... more
This chapter argues in favour of analysing audiovisual texts (cinema and TV) by using the concept and unit of “conversation”, theoretically (Bakhtin 1982; Grice 1975; Sidnell 2010) and practically, for the purpose of creating an... more