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Raksts vēsta par Kurzemes pūralādes māksliniecisko veidolu, ko nosaka lādes forma, metālkalumi, pamatkrāsojums un – jo sevišķi – otējums. Šī veidola īpatnības atklājās, analizējot etnogrāfisko ekspedīciju materiālus par Kurzemes... more
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      Decorative ArtsFurniture design (Art History)Folk ArtHistory of Latvia
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      Social IdentityIndigenous ArchaeololgyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyNicaraguan History
All the possible sources for both East Baltic *ā and *ō will be taken systematically into account and more importantly, we will find that PIE *ō, an original long vowel is never reflected as East Baltic *ō in non-final syllables.... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesGermanic linguisticsAncient Indo-European Languages
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A comprehensive guidebook to learn Modern Indo-European from scratch.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionIndo-European StudiesIndo-European LinguisticsIndo-European
Rezension des "Lexicon of Baltic Mythology" (LBM)
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      Pagan StudiesLatvian LanguageLithuanian HistoryLithuanian language
On the labour demand side, in order to identify the match between skills and labour market demand, it is required a thorough analysis of structure and dynamic of specialists in an economic sector. The data necessary for this kind of... more
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      BusinessEconomicsInformation and Communications TechnologyGlobal Economics
The nascent Aistijan movement centred around the idea of establishing a Latvian-Lithuanian state following the Second World War. This article surveys the background of the idea, with particular attention to the public diplomacy of... more
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      PropagandaPublic DiplomacyRapprochementEmigres
Paper delivered at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea This paper examines the semantics of Ancient Greek temperature terms. In particular, embracing Conceptual Metaphor Theory, it sheds light on the cognitive... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryLinguistics
Bukletā ir sniegts pārskats par uzņēmumu nosaukumu veidiem (tieši, simboliskie un jauktie nosaukumi; triviāli un netriviāli nosaukumi, lokāli, globāli un glokāli nosaukumi) un lingvistiskās izveides stratēģijām un līdzekļiem (piem.,... more
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    • Reklama
This paper will focus on the LL of Daugavpils from a diachronic point of view in order to describe the usage of the Latvian language in the public space since the middle of the 19th century until today, as well as the socio-economic and... more
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      HistoryPoliticsLinguistic landscapesLinguistics
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While studies on the acquisition of adjective agreement in the Lithuanian language are scarce, some research indicates that children face challenges in understanding morphosyntactic relationships, leading to errors in the use of... more
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      MorphosyntaxBilingualism and MultilingualismLithuanian language
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      LexicographyDiachronic linguistics
Andras Neiburgas grāmatas "Stum stum" (Neiburga [2004] 2017) tāda paša nosaukuma stāsta galvenās varones ekspresīvajā refleksijā, kas galvenokārt izvēršas dialogā pašai ar sevi, pamanām žargonvārdus, vienkāršrunu, barbarismus, kuri... more
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      SyntaxLatvian LanguageLexisPragmatics and Language Assessment
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect related to the traditional homestead on the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by the Curonians. This article presents names... more
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      ArchitectureLatvian LanguageLexisLanguage Contacts
'to hide oneself' b. ne-be-pa-si-slėpi-au NOT-BE-PVB-RFL-hide-PST.1.SG 'I was not able to hide myself' 2. The reflexive marker is a valency-reducing morpheme that is above a vP in a VoiceP (building on Schäfer 2008; Alexiadou et al.... more
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    • Morphology and Syntax
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    • Political Science
Grāmatā apkopotas ievērojamā latviešu valodnieka, terminologa, leksikogrāfa un tulkotāja, profesora Jura Baldunčika (1950‒2022) nozīmīgākās zinātniskās publikācijas. Papildus krājumā sniegts profesora mantojuma apraksts un raksturojums,... more
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Fernandu Pesoa, “Nemiera grāmata” [Fernando Pessoa, "Livro do Desassossego"] Rīga [Riga]: House of Languages [Valodu māja], 2024 Tulkotājs: Dens Dimiņš [Tradutor: Dens Dimiņš] Rediģēja: Heronimo Pisarro [Editado por Jerónimo Pizarro]... more
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      Translation StudiesPortuguese StudiesLiterary CriticismModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Monografija naujai aktualizuoja XX a. pabaigos Atgimimo laikotarpį, papildydama Baltijos šalių kolektyvinės atminties tyrimus. Sykiu tai įdėmus žvilgsnis į 1987–1993 m. lietuvių ir latvių kultūrinę spaudą, kuri per šiuos septynerius metus... more
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      Baltic StudiesNationalismMemory StudiesCollective Memory
Regardless the universality of metaphor as a cognitive phenomenon, particular conceptual metaphors and their realisation features differ across languages, posing problems in teaching/learning of languages and translation. Even metaphors... more
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      PsychologyConceptual metaphorsSource DomainTarget Domain
Mg. hum., rakstnieks un literatūrzinātnieks. Bakalaura grādu ieguvis jauno mediju mākslā Liepājas Universitātē, maģistra grādu-latviešu literatūrzi nātnē LU. Studējis portugāļu valodu Leirijas Politehniskajā institūtā (Politécnico de... more
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This is the case in Indic and Iranian too, and, though they bear different names, the functions and characteristics of Avestan Ātar and Indic Agni are very similar, as stated by West 3 : "In its scope it is entirely comparable to Vedic... more
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesPoeticsAvestan (Languages And Linguistics)
The article examines the origin and functional development of the Slavic conjunction ače 'if; although' (OPol. acz). The marker of the protasis in conditional clauses was the enclitic *-če, which continues the function of IE *-kwe 'and;... more
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      Slavic LanguagesHistorical SyntaxBaltic languagesLatvian Language
The world's geopolitical conflicts and ideological pluralism of society raise the importance of cultural literacy development in the micro and macro relations of different nations. After the Second World War, nations formed the United... more
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      HistoryEducationCultural LiteracyCultural Awareness
Pedersen’s law describes the development of the IE *s after *i, u, r, k, causing the shift of IE *s into *š. The process is well known from Indo-Iranian and Slavic. The process also affects Lithuanian but not Latvian or Old Prussian. The... more
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      Baltic StudiesIndo-European StudiesBaltic languagesLatvian Language
Dizaina tehnoloģiju institūts, Materiālzinātnes un lietišķās ķīmijas fakultāte, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte Kopsavilkums. Lai noteiktu Latvijas rotu krāsu tendences, ar lauku pētījuma metodi pētīti rotu datu bāzē par krāsām reģistrētie... more
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      ArtVisual ArtsLatvian
Mācību līdzekļa Karjeras atbalsts mākslas skolu audzēkņiem mērķis ir analizēt karjeras attīstības teorijas un izstrādāt karjeras atbalsta programmu mākslas skolu audzēkņiem profesionālās vidējās mākslas un dizaina izglītības izvēlē.... more
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    • Physics
This paper aims to describe and compare phonosemantic motivation in the English lexicon within a group of nouns expressing enthusiasm. From an emergent cognitive usage-based perspective (Bybee [2013], Traugott [2014] and Schmid [2020]),... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)LexicologyPhonologyLexical Semantics
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      MultilingualismSociolinguisticsLatvian LanguageEstonian Language
Two written varieties of Latvian developed in a colonial setting under the influence of two different dominant languages, German and Polish. This case study shows their impact on grammatical constructions in two versions of a manual of... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeLatvian LanguageWord orderLanguage contact
This is an article for Mouton Handbooks in Indo-European Typology: Reflexivity and the Middle, ed. Wolfgang Hock, Götz Keydana & Paul Widmer. Mouton de Gruyter.
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      HistoryEthnographyBelarusian StudiesBrill
In this article, I present a brief outline of Proto-Indo-European endings of nouns in the nom.acc. dual and discuss the Germanic noun for "breast", which supposedly had dual forms in Proto-Germanic. OIcel. brjóst n. and OE brēost n. may... more
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      Proto Indo-EuropeanProto-Germanic
Neste artigo apresentamos uma avaliação sobre um método para extrair combinações lexicais restritas a partir de corpora paralelos, pela deteção da não compresunção de que, encontrando sequências de palavras (são usados bigramas de... more
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The article analyzes the preschool educational work. The preschool education dynamics in 5 – 7 olds‟ compulsory preparation opportunities for school in preschool institutions and schools are compared. The opportunities of the holistic... more
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      PsychologyPedagogyPreschool Education
Weil er sein Mädchen zu feurig liebt, als sie verlassen zu können weil er zu edel denkt, als ein Sklave der Leute zu sein. Das zweite Rhema ist in beiden Fällen (verlassen zu können! zu sein) als negativ zu beurteilen in dem Sinne, daß... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophySyntaxGrammatik
Country report on Latvia from the CBEES State of the Region report  "A World Order in Transformation? A Comparative Study of Consequences of the War and Reactions to these Changes in the Region"
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesBaltic StatesLatviaRussian-speaking minorities
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Latvijas Nacionālais vēstures muzejs laidis klajā rakstu sērijas 24. sējumu "Ceļā uz latviešu tautu". Muzeja direktors Arnis Radiņš priekšvārdā atgādina, ka šis ir pēdējais darbs 1996. gadā aizsāktā projekta "Latviešu saknes" ietvaros.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European Languages
Epistemic modality and evidentiality and their determination on a deictic basis It has often been pointed out that there is some overlap between epistemic modality and evidentiality (
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      Romance LinguisticsEvidentialitySyntax-Pragmatics interface
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    • Psychoanalysis
In Alsace, a confessionally mixed region with a Catholic majority and quite a large Protestant minority, religion and language have habitually been considered stronger cultural identity markers than national belonging. Since the... more
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      SociologyProtestantismNational IdentityLinguistics
Gestures as non-verbal communication allow us to express our attitude, emotional state, and it functions unconsciously. The verbal communication appears in the life of a child about 2 years of age and gradually replaces the non-verbal... more
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      PsychologyGestureNonverbal Communication
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    • History
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    • Computer Science
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      Languages and LinguisticsBaltic StudiesBaltic languagesLinguistics