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Создание латгальских Букварей прошло сложный путь от религиозных книг, основанных на Катехизисе и популярных молитвах, до современного Букваря. Менялись их названия, происходила систематизация самого латгальского языка. Это заметно даже... more
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      Belarusian StudiesABCBelarusian HistoryPrint Culture, Book History and the History of Reading
An introduction to the Lutsi (Ludza Estonian) language, which includes a grammatical sketch of Lutsi, example sentences, examples of connected speech, a Latvian-Lutsi-Latgalian topical dictionary (~600 words), descriptions of the history... more
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesUralic LinguisticsEstonian Language
LATGALIAN LANGUAGE AND RUSSIAN-LATGALIAN BILINGUALISM IN THE PERCEPTION OF RUSSIAN-SPEAKING RESIDENTS OF LATGALE The paper deals with the narratives of Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latgale about the Latgalian language. The perception... more
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      PerceptionContact LinguisticsRussian LanguageBilingualism
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A separate writing tradition in High Latvian, associated mainly with the activities of the Roman Catholic Church, has been in existence since the eighteenth century and has become the basis of what is now often called the Latgalian... more
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      History of LinguisticsDialectologyPragmaticsSemantics
Представления о еврейских похоронно-поминальных традициях в рассказах жителей Латгалии овременные научные исследования, посвященные похороннопоминальным обычаям евреев, проживавших на территории Российской Империи в границах черты... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnic StudiesFolkloreJewish Studies
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Language formed the ideological foundation of many national movements in Central and Eastern Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The decision on whether a people spoke a language or a dialect was not based on arguments... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLatvian LanguageCentral and Eastern EuropeLatvia
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      Old BelieversLatgalian
This chapter provides an overview of the use of the Latgalian written language in various sociolinguistically meaningful domains: science, education and culture, mass media, public announcements in cities, tourism, while highlighting the... more
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      Linguistic landscapesLatviaLatgalian
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Unser Aufsatz diskutiert aktuelle Debatten zu Sprachen und Mehrsprachigkeit im Bil-dungssystem in Lettland. Theoretischer Hintergrund sind Debatten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, zu Spracheinstellungen und zur heteroglossischen... more
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      MultilingualismGerman LanguageLanguage AttitudesLanguage Learning motivation
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    • Latgalian
The topic of this publication is the influence of nationalism in Central Europe. Developments in the region since 1989 have confirmed that expectations of the time in which the spirit of social solidarity and ideals of civic equality... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Authors of artistic decorations in the manuscripts of Latvian Old Believer collections often remain anonymous, however to this date more than eighty surnames linked to these manuscripts have been identified. In this article detailed... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscriptsOld BelieversOld-believer's traditions
This paper investigates techniques of clause combining in spoken Latgalian, based on a corpus of 5 hours of recorded interviews with eleven speakers from different parts of Latgalia (Eastern Latvia). The study focuses on inter-clausal... more
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      ConnectivesBaltic languagesSpoken languageAdverbial clauses
Лицкевич О. В. Древнейшие участки белорусско-латвийской границы как историко-культурная ценность (к постановке проблемы) // Охрана и популяризация культурного наследия: мировой и отечественный опыт. Материалы международной... more
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      Russian StudiesBorder StudiesBelarusian StudiesOld Rus'
Lettgallisch und Schemaitisch -eine Misserfolgsgeschichte. Sprachliche Standardisierungsprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Privatheit, Identität und Nation in Lettland und Litauen Wenn es um "Sprache" und "Nation" geht, so wird meistens eine... more
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      Nationalism And State BuildingPersonal IdentityLatvian LanguageLithuanian language
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      SociolinguisticsLatvian LanguageQuantitative linguisticsWalser dialects
English version of my talk at the Conference on Literacy in Regional Languages, Rēzekne 16 June 2022
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MARIA MANTEUFFEL NÉE VON RYCK AND HER RECENTLY DISCOVERED LETTERS TO HER SON GUSTAW MANTEUFFEL Summary Maria Manteuffel letters from the period 1844–1859 offer invaluable insights into the life of Polish gentry in the former Polish... more
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      Polish HistoryBaltic StudiesBiographyPolish Literature
The main goal of this paper is to describe, and evaluate the efficacy of, a quantitative approach in analyzing how the sociolinguistic profiles of a community evolve over time. It will be illustrated how appropriate treatment of... more
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The publication “Ethno-cultural stereotypes of Jewish character in contemporary Latgale” by Mikhail Alekseevsky gathers texts that contain stereotypical sayings about Jewish character, and about the differences between Jews and other... more
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      AnthropologyJewish StudiesEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Latgale, the southeast region of Latvia, has a distinct ethnoregional identity largely due to the widespread use of the Latgalian language/dialect. The status of Latgalian as a language/dialect is highly politicised in Latvia today, yet... more
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      Baltic StudiesLatvian LanguageLatviaNationalism and language
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      Polish HistoryBiographyPolish LiteratureEpistolography
This article discusses the situation of the Latgalian language in Latvia today. It first provides an overview of languages in Latvia, followed by a historical and contemporary sketch of the societal position of Latgalian and by an account... more
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      SociologyLanguage PolicyLatviaLatgalian
This article discusses the situation of the Latgalian language in Latvia today. It first provides an overview of languages in Latvia, followed by a historical and contemporary sketch of the societal position of Latgalian and by an account... more
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      SociologyLanguage PolicyLatviaLatgalian
Dell'Aquila Vittorio, Iannàccaro Gabriele " Языки в восточной Латвии: методологические вопросы ", in Šuplinska Ilga, Lazdiņa, Sanita (eds.) Acts of the International Conference "Etniskums Eiropā: sociālpolitiskie un kultūras procesi /... more
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLatgalian
* Radosław Budzyński-doktorant, Wydział Polonistyki UJ. 1 Pragnę w tym miejscu serdecznie podziękować Państwu Annie i Tomaszowi Szarotom oraz Pani Małgorzacie Manteuffel-Cymborowskiej za udostępnienie tej korespondencji i pomoc w lekturze... more
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      Polish HistoryBiographyPolish LiteratureEpistolography
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of LatviaLatgalianLatvian History
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      MorphologyLatvian LanguageLatgalian