Public Diplomacy
Recent papers in Public Diplomacy
El peso internacional de España en este nuevo siglo radica en parte en poner en valor un conjunto de recursos que hasta el momento no han explorado todas sus posibilidades, entre los cuales tanto su lengua como su patrimonio... more
The second edition of the Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, co-edited by two leading scholars in the international relations subfield of public diplomacy, includes 16 more chapters from the first. Ten years later, a new global... more
The paper deals with the use of multimedia DVDs as tool for training diplomats, civil servants, NGO activist and journalists on specialized topics of current international affairs. It suggests how a multimedia DVD may be conceived, which... more
A new definition of public diplomacy has been presented by developing conceptional framework. According to the definition, “public diplomacy is a new style of diplomacy based on soft power, civil society-oriented, and public... more
Diplomatic Protocol & Etiquette
This Foreword introduced a special issue of the Journal of Brand Management, dedicated to the emerging concept of 'nation as brand', guest-edited by Simon Anholt.
Hakikat ötesi (Post-Truth) kavramı hakikat ve olguların önemini yitirdiği bir döneme işaret etmektedir. Nesnel doğruların, yerini öznel algılara bıraktığı çağımızda iletişim kavramına dair bildiklerimizi yeniden düşünmek zorundayız.... more
İran Devrimi dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de İslamcı hareketler üzerinde büyük bir etki yaratmıştır. Bu etkinin bu çalışmada ele alınan kısmı devrimden günümüze kadar Türkiye'de çeşitli düzeylerde etkili olan "İrancı" İslamcılık... more
(If you need this paper, send me a message). This article questions the universality of smart power and substantiates the pertinence of a Costa Rican approach when facing the challenge to generate a Public Diplomacy strategy. The... more
En reciente foro organizado por el Observatorio Asia-Pacífico en la UJTL, (Mayo 2009) el funcionario de Cancillería encargado de dicho escritorio geográfico y a todas luces geoestratégico, expresó si rubor alguno que la política exterior... more
As a formerly colonized country, India takes very seriously the defence of its sovereignty and of its independence of action in the external realm as well as its identity as a Third World nation. These reasons contribute to its reluctance... more
Cultural actions are one of the best tools for ministries of foreign affairs worldwide. Many countries who choose to work with cultural actions could potentially reach millions of citizens, inclusive of those living in remote areas. One... more
Review of Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, Kate Crawford (Yale University Press: 2021).
In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, many of the overseas American Cultural Centers or binational centers sponsored or supported by the U.S. Information Service (USIS) organized annual Gettysburg Address speech contests. The contests helped... more
President John F. Kennedy's speech at the Voice of America on February 26, 1962, expressed many evergreen principles for Public Diplomacy and the U.S. government's international broadcasting networks. "“We are not afraid to entrust the... more
This paper examines the teaching of diplomacy in the United States through a review of over five-dozen syllabi and lengthy interviews of many of their authors. By intentionally seeking out both academics and practitioners teaching... more
Uluslararası ilişkilerde, değişen güç ilişkilerini daha isabetli bir şekilde tarif ve tahlil edebilmek amacıyla ortaya atılan kavramların son örneklerinden biri ‘keskin güç’ kavramı oldu.
The purpose of this study is to situate relational public diplomacy in the larger picture of international affairs. Contemporary public diplomacy practice proclaims to be spending more resources on establishing relations than... more
The military diplomacy has increasingly occupied a wider space in Nepal-India bilateral ties. It has been an effective soft power instrument to convey the message of alive relationship, to bond the ties stronger and to revive the strained... more
How can we explain the dynamics of nonconventional struggles such as the Gaza flotilla case of May 2010? Most international relations scholars analyze international disputes using a “chess logic,” according to which the actors seek to... more
The paper examines the “Andy Warhol” Millennium Show exhibited at the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg in 2000 and at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow in 2001. It first discusses why the U.S. government organized... more
Al Jazeera English: Global News in a Changing World, edited by Philip Seib, is an important book that provides a fresh analytical perspective grounded in a solid overview of the rising news channel. As Al Jazeera expands its audience in... more
This is the Contents, Preface, and Introduction to the book. Exchanges have rarely been taken seriously (in any detail) as a subject of study in diplomatic history, but that is a mistake. The influence is subtle, spread over time, and... more
[RU, EN ABSTRACT BELOW]Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена ограниченным пониманием механизмов публичной дипломатии, которые активизируются при проведении стипендиальных программ для иностранных студентов странами Восточной Азии,... more
Content analysis of TIME magazine from 1948 to 1993 of image of the Palestinians.
Diplomacy as a practice is as old as when people began interacting with estranged others. Down to its cores, diplomacy entails performance of established communication and representation practices to maintain peace between estranged... more
This conceptual article proposes a new integrative model of the country image by drawing on advances from the fields of business studies, social psychology, political science, and communication science. To interrelate different... more
Discussion on the distinctions between brand management in the corporate vs. the public sphere; the question of how image and identity are managed by elected governments in a democratic nation vs. appointed or self-appointed management in... more
On behalf of all of the partners involved in this conference -the ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES), the European Union Centre at RMIT, the Monash European and EU Centre (MEEUC) and the European Union Centres Network (EUCN) of New... more
In the article are analyzed some aspects of strategic communication of Russia in Latin America. Special attention is given to key messages of the leadership of Russia to the countries of the region, the practice of public diplomacy,... more
In 2001, in response to an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreement with China regarding conduct in the South China Sea, Odgaard (2001) optimistically described the cooperation as the beginning of a "new order". Odgaard... more
It’s been said that those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Perhaps nowhere over the past half century has this idiom been more clearly exemplified than in the experience of the United States in the Islamic... more
Reader responses to youtube edited by GeeRt Lovink and sabine niedeReR inC reader #4
Несмотря на заметный экономический, политический и моральный упадок США, эта страна продолжает играть роль ведущей силы в мировой экономике и международных отношениях и стремится не допустить дальнейшего ослабления своей мощи. Важное... more
Las Visitas de Estado son una importante herramienta de desarrollo de la diplomacia. Por este motivo el ceremonial y el protocolo se ponen al servicio de la diplomacia para planificar al detalle todos y cada uno de los actos que... more
Las relaciones internacionales han cambiado de forma sustancial en los últimos veinte años, ante la creación de un sistema internacional que ha puesto en cuestión las bases sobre las que se sostiene. Tales cambios han favorecido la... more
Social media may have roles in improving government performance in digital diplomacy, roles which may be performed by government or non-government actors. The success of Indonesia's digital diplomacy may be achieved through public or... more
Intercultural Management & International Relations - This research paper (French language) analyses challenges and potential barriers for the future development and strengthening of the network of cultural institutes in Europe (EUNIC) by... more