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This study focuses on brand literacy in the emerging market of China. Results reveal Chinese consumer desire to express a deep resonance between Chinese values and aesthetics and a favored brand identity. Chinese brands such as Shanghai... more
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      Consumer CultureCultural LiteracyChinese AestheticsNation Branding
This dissertation seeks to examine the canons of knowledge that have traditionally dominated Western culture, and asks whether it is possible to maintain such a canon in today’s fragmented, relativist society, especially one in which huge... more
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      Cultural StudiesEpistemologyEducationMedia Studies
Higher Education institutions face specific challenges preparing graduates to live and work in transdisciplinary and transcultural environments. It is imperative for these institutions to provide their students with the skill sets that... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCultural LiteracyLiterary and Cultural TheoryLiterary studies
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      SociologyArt Practice as ResearchTranslation of PoetryCultural Literacy
Higher Education institutions face specific challenges preparing graduates to live and work in transdisciplinary and transcultural environments. It is imperative for these institutions to provide their students with the skill sets that... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationThreshold conceptsCultural CompetenceCultural Literacy
This paper arises from research into the potential for drama to help make the Junior Cycle Shakespeare curriculum more accessible for students in a school designated as disadvantaged (DEIS). The chosen subject arose from the researcher’s... more
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      Applied Drama/TheatreCultural LiteracyTeaching ShakespeareIrish Education
Σύμφωνα με τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία, κατά το τέλος του 20ού αιώνα το είδος του εικονοβιβλίου χωρίς λόγια ή σχεδόν χωρίς λόγια καθιερώθηκε στην παγκόσμια Παιδική Λογοτεχνία και αποτέλεσε μια σύγχρονη εκδοτική τάση. Στην Ελλάδα, αποδόσεις... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureCultural LiteracyPicturebooksPicturebook Research
Η μελέτη διαρθρώνεται σε τρία μέρη, ακολουθώντας τον παραγωγικό τρόπο συλλογισμού, από τις ευρύτερες γνωσιολογικές και επιστημολογικές προκείμενες του θεωρητικού στοχασμού γύρω από τις σχέσεις Λογοτεχνίας και Ιστορίας, στη διατύπωση... more
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This book assembles contributions from an international body of scholars interested in the multi and interdisciplinary study of literary tourism and film-induced tourism. The book contributes to the literature on these two research fields... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural TourismCultural IdentityCultural Literacy
As Sir Winston (then Mr.) (sic) Churchill, said in February 1910, when he was announcing the setting up of a National Employment Service in Britain: he said "I believe that as a piece of social mechanism an employment service is... more
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      History of EducationHigher EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts Education
This chapter presents the analysis of the cultural literacy and cultural participation of the adult Latvian population, drawing predominantly from the survey of the study. The goal was to find out: • how people evaluate their cultural... more
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      Cultural SociologyHuman DevelopmentCultural LiteracyLatvia
Cosmopolitanism has been approached from a multitude of perspectives yet it continues to pose theoretical challenges in application. This paper assumes a post-disciplinary approach to critique these writings and analyse the intersections... more
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      Cultural LiteracyWorldmakingTourism WorldmakingCritical Cosmpolitanism
This dissertation seeks to create a vision for virtuality culture through a theoretical expansion of Walter Ong’s literacy and orality culture model. It investigates the ubiquitous and multimodal nature of the virtuality cultural... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Language
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      Education PolicyEuropean UnionCultural LiteracyConcepts
James Semple Kerr reported in 1874 that an idiot at the Normal School was taught with the other children and "the only fear was that he might kill one some day or other, as he became so excited; still the children are very kind to him".... more
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      History of EducationCultural LiteracyVocational Guidance and Counseling
From the ERIC database: "James Bucky Carter argues for the transformative potential of graphic novels in the English classroom. He advises teachers to be actively aware of the newer and lesser-known graphic novels and suggests approaches... more
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      LiteracyCritical PedagogyAdolescent LiteracyEnglish Language Arts
This study seeks to theorize and contextualize what happened in an undergraduate senior capstone course focusing on cultural literacy and critical pedagogy. Through our analysis and critical dialogue we came to recognize that while each... more
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      Critical TheoryTeacher EducationCritical PedagogyBricolage
Cultural literacy and the hidden curriculum when teaching ESOL students
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      Curriculum TheoryCultural LiteracyHidden Curriculum
sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.... more
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      EducationLearning and TeachingArts EducationDrawing
Democratic culture refers to a set of values, attitudes, and practices shared by citizens and institutions, without which democracy cannot exist. Preschools and schools have a core role in teaching and transmitting democratic culture as... more
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      Democratic EducationArts EducationDrawingCultural Literacy
No one at all interested in education can fail to perceive the unrest that prevails in the educational world; but the discussion of the causes of that disquiet, of the methods and systems by which it is proposed to bring about the calm of... more
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      History of EducationCultural LiteracyAntrhopologyVocational Guidance and Counseling
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's Literature & CultureDialogueArgumentation
Fifty years ago public men spoke with pride of the establishment of the educational ladder which would enable all children of exceptional ability to climb by means of scholarships from Primary to Secondary schools, and from Secondary... more
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      History of EducationCultural LiteracyVocational Guidance and Counseling
There is a growing body of work on the field of what is now known as ‘cultural literacy’, but little has been written about its application, and even less on how to teach it in the context of higher education. This article discusses... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural Education (Education)Cultural Literacy
The aim of the research is to relate the middle school students’ literacy skills to their basic language skills. The study was designed as an action research. The participants of the study are middle school students. The data collection... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesCultural LiteracyMother Tongue Education
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      Cultural LiteracyHistory Of PsychologyAboriginal History in AustraliaVocational Guidance and Counseling
This study aims to determine the role of the school environment on moral and cultural literacy of elementary school students. This is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaire,... more
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      PsychologyCultural LiteracyMoral LiteracySchool Environment
The traditional individualism of the American finds reflection in the American high school. The desire to develop the individual to his fullest capacity, to find his needs and abilities and special talents, his interests and aptitudes,... more
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      History of EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationVocational Guidance and Counseling
Nurturing effective inter-cultural dialogue through tourism has been positioned to be an emergent challenge to tourism professionals working toward sustainability in a globalised world (Robinson and Picard, 2006). This interdisciplinary... more
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      Travel WritingGlobal CitizenshipCosmopolitanismCultural Literacy
"And the right of a man to labour, And his right to labour in joy Not all your laws can strangle that right; Nor the gates of hell destroy; For it came with the making of man, And was kneaded into his bones, And it will stand at... more
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      History of EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationVocational Guidance and Counseling
This dataset is the Multilingual Corpus of the DIALLS (DIalogue and Argumentation for Literacy Learning in Schools) project ( and consists of a set of transcripts of classroom interactions of students from ages 5 to 15... more
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      SociologyEducationArgumentationCultural Literacy
This book introduces ways of understanding and analysing popular culture that enable the reader to move beyond conventional dichotomies of high/low culture. Theories of reading and concepts such as narrative, genre, discourse, polysemy... more
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      Television StudiesPopular MusicPopular CultureCultural Literacy
As a "History of Present", this book provides an historical examination of not simply how the classroom has been instrumental in the “shaping of the good citizen” but how this history is crucial to understanding a key aspect of the... more
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      History of EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationVocational Guidance and Counseling
It is often stated that education is not meeting the needs of the country, that it is designed solely with a view to the academic training of the youth, and that little account is taken of the fact that not more than 1 per cent. of the... more
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      History of EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationVocational Guidance and Counseling
Cultural literacy involves the ability to understand a culture that is foreign. One of the ways to promote cultural literacy is through literary works. It is paramount for teacher trainees to obtain cultural literacy especially when... more
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      LiteratureCultural Literacy
In 1987 E.D. Hirsch published his bestseller "Cultural literacy: What Every American needs to know." The education system of the time seriously underestimated the importance of background knowledge needed to successfully function in... more
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      Relevance TheoryCultural LiteracyTranslation theory and Bible translation
This study aims to determine the role of the school environment on moral and cultural literacy of elementary school students. This is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaire,... more
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      Cultural LiteracyMoral LiteracySchool Environment
The aim of this research is to determine the opinions of social studies teacher candidates about the concept of cultural literacy. The research was designed according to the qualitative research method. Participants of the study were... more
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      Cultural LiteracySocial StudiesLiteracy Education
By using Black American Sign Language (ASL) as a vessel, Johnson and Love seek to reimagine inclusive literacy practices that recognize multiple literacies and dismantle power relations by asking whose cultural literacies have been deemed... more
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      LiteracyCultural LiteracyInclusive Education
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      Cultural LiteracyLanguage and Art
This qualitative research study was an attempt to analyze the National Social Studies curriculum and textbooks of Grades IV-V in the context of Global Citizenship Education after reviewing the National Education Policies of Pakistan... more
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      Global CitizenshipCultural LiteracyCollective ResponsibilityCurriculum Integration and the Social Studies
In an effort to further blur the lines between teacher and student, the professor for the course, Casey, also facilitated a cultural literacy circle made up of junior faculty from across the college.
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      Critical TheorySociologyTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
The current globalisation era has various impacts, including increases in cross-cultural interactions. To live peacefully, diverse communities are faced with the challenge of facilitating inter-dependence. In Indonesia, Social Studies... more
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      IndonesiaCultural LiteracySocial Media and Higher EducationInterdependence
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      Arts EducationCultural LiteracyIntercultural dialogueEmpathy
This study aims to determine the role of the school environment on moral and cultural literacy of elementary school students. This is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaire,... more
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      Cultural LiteracyMoral LiteracySchool Environment
This extensive review essay assesses the politics and merits of fourtitles in the "culture wars" that raged in the mid-1990s: Gerald Graff's "Beyond the Culture Wars,"; Gertrude Himmelfarb's "Looking into the Abyss"; Russell Jacoby's... more
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      Politics and LiteratureLiterature and PoliticsCulture WarsCultural Literacy
This is Chapter 4 of a book now titled - SHAPING THE GOOD CITIZEN: Beyond Phrenology to a Child-Centred Classroom and which was published as a paper in the Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling I - Vol 5 Nr 1 1995. All other... more
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      History of EducationCultural Literacythe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationVocational Guidance and Counseling
This research is proposed to analyze (1) Basic knowledge of Sundanese cultures of the students of Elementary Schools in Cileunyi Sub-District, Bandung Regency, Indonesia. (2) Sundanese Cultural Literacy Programs Design through listening,... more
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      Curriculum DesignCultural LiteracyElementary EducationSundanese
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      Media LiteracyDigital Media And New LiteraciesCritical Literacy StudiesCultural Literacy
Teaching culture in beginning L2 classrooms is often difficult given the time constraints of an intensive curriculum and the limited abilities of students. This paper explores using target language music videos with bilingual subtitles to... more
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      Cultural LiteracyRussian LanguageMemeticsCultural Memetics