Furniture design (Art History)
Recent papers in Furniture design (Art History)
Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et... more
In: Ladislav Zikmund-Lender (ed.), Design/nábytek/interiéry. Praha, 2014
organisasi yang ingin membangun sistem Informasi Manajemennya sendiri, dan telah menyediakan dana yang cukup, tetapi ternyata usaha tersebut sering kali gagal. Penyebabnya antara lain ialah: struktur organisasi keseluruhan yang kurang... more
Mudéjar pieces of furniture with bone inlay (taracea) were favoured by art critics during the second half of the 19th century. The fact that the technique was heir to sophisticated Islamic culture as well as the delicacy of the work... more
Einrichtungsstil und Möbeldesign im Kontext bürgerlicher Selbstrepräsentation Wie man sich standesgemäß einrichtet, war im Kaiserreich eine zentrale Frage bürgerlicher Lebensführung. 'Wohnsüchtig' nannte Walter Benjamin das 19.... more
Статья знакомит с эволюцией проектных поисков Джо Понти, художника, дизайнера, архитектора, издателя, сценографа, ос- нователя и автора журналов «Домус» и «Стиль жилого дома» (1941–1947). Его творчество сыграло огромную роль для ита-... more
L'americano Charles Eames (1907-1978) è uno dei principali protagonisti del design per la poliedrica attività progettuale e comunicativa (dal disegno dei mobili a quello dei giocattoli, dall'allestimento di mostre all'attività di... more
In the 1930s Bristol furniture manufacturer Crofton Gane was a passionate promoter of modernist design. He built up a wide range of contacts and became a close friend of Bauhaus furniture designer and architect Marcel Breuer. He... more
Malgré près de 80 ans de recherches depuis l’ouvrage d’Edmond Delaye, le siège lyonnais connaît encore de considérables zones d’ombre et d’incertitude. L’exemple de Claude Levet en fait partie. Nous ne savons presque rien de lui en dehors... more
Des aménagements voulus par Napoléon III au château de Compiègne, plusieurs sont parvenus jusqu’à nos jours, soulignant l’attachement certain du souverain et de son entourage pour les séjours automnaux dans le palais isarien. Il est une... more
MICHAEL THONET (1841-1934) and ALVARA ALTO (1898–1976), two brilliant designers. The first one was a talented craftsman-cabinet maker, and the other one was one of the most famous architects who integrated custom furnishings into his... more
(From the cover) Se è vero che da puro nutrimento il cibo si è presto trasformato in complessa e raffinata operazione che convoca gusti e intelligenze per assurgere allo status d’imprescindibile «linguaggio», il luogo domestico a esso... more
In design analysis it is important to have a clear understanding of the psychological condition of the user of a particular object. The unique relationship between people and the objects they use could interpret their sociopolitical and... more
Mies van der Rohe şöyle demiş: "Sandalye çok zor bir objedir. Gökdelen neredeyse daha kolaydır. Chippendale bu nedenle ünlüdür."
Başkent Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, İçmimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü 4.sınıf öğrencilerinin Güz ve Bahar dönemlerinde zorunlu ders olarak aldığı Mobilya Tasarımı I ve Mobilya Tasarımı II derslerinde iki... more
Though much attention has been given to the prefabrication of architecture, little has been devoted to the discussion of the prefabricated interior environment. The significance of the unit or module is inherent in the prefabrication of... more
Understanding Sustainability as a group of practices that seek minimum negative impact on nature for maximum social benefit, this research aimed to produce Sustainable Design. In order to achieve sustainability, I had to choose a specific... more
Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl představit tvorbu designéra Miroslava Navrátila od prvních známých realizací přes úspěchy ve VNP v Brně až po pozdní návrhy pro podnik Bukóza Vranov nad Topľou. V rámci jeho portfolia je představeno 24... more
Premessa indispensabile alla stesura di questo paragrafo è lo sfortunato smarrimento, durante il trasporto dalla Camera di Commercio all'Archivio di Stato, della cartella contenente la documentazione inerente le aziende la cui ragione... more
Kniha Tvary, barvy, pohodlí: Nábytek Jitona doprovází stejnojmennou výstavu v Retromuseu Cheb (2018–2019) a ve Wortnerově domě v Českých Budějovicích (2020), pořádanou Galerií výtvarného umění v Chebu a Alšovou jihočeskou galerií. Kniha... more
Colloque international. Collaboration entre le Centre André Chastel de l’université de Paris-Sorbonne et l’association Low Countries Sculpture: "Le rôle de la sculpture dans la conception, la production, le collectionnisme et la... more
A empresa Móveis Artesanal foi pioneira no país em aliar com sucesso um escritório de projetos com linguagem moderna, um sistema de fabricação com seriação e espaços comerciais inovadores, tendo um papel importante na história do design... more
Shaker furniture is a style of furniture that was made in America mainly in the nineteenth century. However, it has since been introduced in various other countries, and the style has been applied in modern design theory. This article... more
Catalogue raisonné du mobilier médiéval et Renaissance du musée du Louvre.
Catalogue raisonné of the Medieval and Renaissance furniture in the Louvre.
Catalogue raisonné of the Medieval and Renaissance furniture in the Louvre.
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of... more
In 1926 the Berlin architecture critic Adolf Behne received a photograph from Basel: depicted on it were four objects, prosaically arranged in a makeshift corner of a room. Entitled Co-op. Interieur, the photo had been sent by the... more
Esta dissertação visa recuperar e examinar criticamente a trajetória da empresa de móveis Mobilinea entre 1959 e 1975, considerando que foi uma das mais importantes do período no país, assumindo não apenas um papel de produtora de... more
Bu çalışma, iç mekân tasarımları ve mobilya tasarımlarındaki modern uygulamaları ile Cumhuriyet dönemi mimarlığında etkin bir rol alan Selahattin Refik'i konu edinmektedir. Tasarımlarında döneminin uluslararası sanat ortamının en yeni ve... more
George Nelson (1908-1986) was one of the most intellectual architect of “good design” era and critic of American culture and industry. He had an important influence in the design and architecture culture with new dwellings, furniture,... more
Ten years in the making, An Alternative Seventies: the last age of Radicalism is a revisionist look at design and styling in the 1970s and sets out to demolish the long-established fallacy that all is hideous from this decade. Diligent... more
Abstract: After the Industrial Revolution, the need to shelter increasing population of metropolitan cities gave rise to fast construction of relatively narrow places with lower m². Narrow houses have gone under a continuous change and... more
The 19th century fascination with culture and art of the Orient was revealed not only in painting and literature but also in interior design. Among oriental decorations one can single out a few style tendencies, with Moorish style... more
An extended interpretive discussion of a 1700s tea table from Albany, New York, including its provenance, style, and decorative context.
In 1960, the renowned architect Philip Johnson championed Frederick Kiesler, calling him “the greatest non-building architect of our time.” Kiesler’s ideas were difficult to construct, but as Johnson believed, “enormous” and “profound.”... more
This essay outlines the rise and fall of the school desk as a discursive idea. The belief in the school bench and the immobile student body arose from a superimposition of a number of discourses and practices: the unification of nation... more
A cabinet in the Philadelphia Museum of Art (accession number 1930-1-183), forms the subject of this study. It is an example of a distinctive style of furniture, surviving in large numbers in museum collections. Whilst recent research has... more
Modern Furniture Yu--Jung (Kelly) Wang 2 Modern furniture "This highly praised celebration of '50s design recalls the wonders of boomerang-shaped coffee tables, the funky curvaceousness biomorphic furniture, the industrial sleekness of... more
This is a longer and more detailed version of the essay Benton, T. (^2018). "E-1027 and the «drôle de guerre» " Rassegna di architettura e urbanistica: 46-61. Based on archive documents in the Getty Research Institute, the essay throws... more