Acta humanitarica academiae Saulensis, Dec 17, 2023
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect related to the traditional homestead on the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by the Curonians. This article presents names denominating the object of a kitchen in a traditionally built dwelling house, their diversity, origins, and prevalence in Latvian-speaking communities on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Latvia and Lithuania. The analysis is based on Latvian material from various written sources, using descriptive, partly historical and mapping methods. The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect related to the traditional homestead on the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by the Curonians. This article presents names denominating the object of a kitchen in a traditionally built dwelling house, their diversity, origins, and prevalence in Latvian-speaking communities on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Latvia and Lithuania. The analysis is based on Latvian material from various written sources, using descriptive, partly historical and mapping methods.
The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.
Šio straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti tradicinių gyvenamųjų pastatų pavadinimus, jų įvairovę, kil... more Šio straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti tradicinių gyvenamųjų pastatų pavadinimus, jų įvairovę, kilmę ir paplitimą latvių kalbos plote Lietuvos ir Latvijos pajūrio teritorijoje. Šį pasirinkimą lėmė ne tik istorinės kalbų sąveikos (latviškai kalbančios diasporos dab. Lietuvos teritorijoje) veiksnys, bet ir panašus gyvenimo būdas, susijęs su žvejyba. Tyrime taikyti aprašomasis, iš dalies istorinis ir kartografinis metodai. Analizuojama latviška medžiaga iš įvairių rašytinių šaltinių (iš viso 21). Gyvenamojo namo pavadinimai (nams, istaba, māja) ir jų reikšmės keitėsi kartu su paties objekto raida. Nors dalyje tiriamos teritorijos ekonominiai, socialiniai ir kultūriniai kontaktai tarp lietuviškai ir latviškai kalbančių bendruomenių buvo svarbūs, ne visais atvejais lietuvių kalbos leksika perimta latviškai kalbančios bendruomenės (nebuvo perimti tokie gyvenamojo namo pavadinimai kaip butas ir troba).
Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti: rakstu krājums = The Word: Aspects of Research: conference proceedings
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of the Latvian language vocabulary on a them... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of the Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect at the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by Curonians (Reķēna 1975; Kurzemniece 2008; Bušmane, Kagaine 2003; Bušmane 2004). The present article, using the descriptive method, provides an insight into the names denominating the roof of a traditionally crafted building and its parts (roof, chimney, gable, ridge, windboard, animal-shaped roof-end decorations, and cross-stacked wooden planks on the roof ridge) in the vocabulary of the three Latvian language communities (the Latvians of Kurzeme, Latvians of Palanga or on the border with Lithuania, and Latvians of Curonian split or Kursenieki) in Latvia and Lithuania. The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows, firstly, the impact of Germanic languages (mostly German) in the territory under research, and secondly, the impact of the Lithuanian language in the mainly Latvian-speaking communities at the Curonian Spit a...
Kuršu kāpu iedzīvotāju dzīvesveids, ko noteikuši ģeogrāfiski, vēsturiski, politiski un sociāli ek... more Kuršu kāpu iedzīvotāju dzīvesveids, ko noteikuši ģeogrāfiski, vēsturiski, politiski un sociāli ekonomiskie apstākļi, veidojis kursenieku valodas telpu un veicinājis bilingvismu vai trilingvismu. Darbs veltīts ar kursenieku materiālo kultūru saistītās leksikas izpētei, kura tematiskajā aspektā līdz šim pētīta salīdzinoši maz. Darbā aplūkota kursenieku tipiska mājokļa – tradicionālās zvejnieku sētas – arhitektūras elementu leksika, veidojot zvejnieku sētas etnolingvistisku portretu. Darbā atlasītas un analizētas leksikas vienības, kas saistītas ar zvejnieku sētas plānojumu, ēku daļām, to konstruktīvajiem un dekoratīvajiem elementiem. Ņemot vērā kursenieku valodas kā izzūdoša latviešu valodas paveida statusu, pētījuma sekundārais mērķis ir pievērst uzmanību kursenieku valodas pētniecībai. Darbu veido 4 nodaļas, tajā iekļauti vizuālie materiāli un 3. pielikumi. Tā izstrādē lietota aprakstošā un salīdzinoši-vēsturiskā metode.The lifestyle of the Curonian Spit inhabitants, determined by g...
Acta humanitarica academiae Saulensis, Dec 17, 2023
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect related to the traditional homestead on the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by the Curonians. This article presents names denominating the object of a kitchen in a traditionally built dwelling house, their diversity, origins, and prevalence in Latvian-speaking communities on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Latvia and Lithuania. The analysis is based on Latvian material from various written sources, using descriptive, partly historical and mapping methods. The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect related to the traditional homestead on the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by the Curonians. This article presents names denominating the object of a kitchen in a traditionally built dwelling house, their diversity, origins, and prevalence in Latvian-speaking communities on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Latvia and Lithuania. The analysis is based on Latvian material from various written sources, using descriptive, partly historical and mapping methods.
The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.
Šio straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti tradicinių gyvenamųjų pastatų pavadinimus, jų įvairovę, kil... more Šio straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti tradicinių gyvenamųjų pastatų pavadinimus, jų įvairovę, kilmę ir paplitimą latvių kalbos plote Lietuvos ir Latvijos pajūrio teritorijoje. Šį pasirinkimą lėmė ne tik istorinės kalbų sąveikos (latviškai kalbančios diasporos dab. Lietuvos teritorijoje) veiksnys, bet ir panašus gyvenimo būdas, susijęs su žvejyba. Tyrime taikyti aprašomasis, iš dalies istorinis ir kartografinis metodai. Analizuojama latviška medžiaga iš įvairių rašytinių šaltinių (iš viso 21). Gyvenamojo namo pavadinimai (nams, istaba, māja) ir jų reikšmės keitėsi kartu su paties objekto raida. Nors dalyje tiriamos teritorijos ekonominiai, socialiniai ir kultūriniai kontaktai tarp lietuviškai ir latviškai kalbančių bendruomenių buvo svarbūs, ne visais atvejais lietuvių kalbos leksika perimta latviškai kalbančios bendruomenės (nebuvo perimti tokie gyvenamojo namo pavadinimai kaip butas ir troba).
Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti: rakstu krājums = The Word: Aspects of Research: conference proceedings
Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of the Latvian language vocabulary on a them... more Until now, little attention has been paid to studies of the Latvian language vocabulary on a thematic aspect at the Baltic Sea coast once inhabited by Curonians (Reķēna 1975; Kurzemniece 2008; Bušmane, Kagaine 2003; Bušmane 2004). The present article, using the descriptive method, provides an insight into the names denominating the roof of a traditionally crafted building and its parts (roof, chimney, gable, ridge, windboard, animal-shaped roof-end decorations, and cross-stacked wooden planks on the roof ridge) in the vocabulary of the three Latvian language communities (the Latvians of Kurzeme, Latvians of Palanga or on the border with Lithuania, and Latvians of Curonian split or Kursenieki) in Latvia and Lithuania. The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows, firstly, the impact of Germanic languages (mostly German) in the territory under research, and secondly, the impact of the Lithuanian language in the mainly Latvian-speaking communities at the Curonian Spit a...
Kuršu kāpu iedzīvotāju dzīvesveids, ko noteikuši ģeogrāfiski, vēsturiski, politiski un sociāli ek... more Kuršu kāpu iedzīvotāju dzīvesveids, ko noteikuši ģeogrāfiski, vēsturiski, politiski un sociāli ekonomiskie apstākļi, veidojis kursenieku valodas telpu un veicinājis bilingvismu vai trilingvismu. Darbs veltīts ar kursenieku materiālo kultūru saistītās leksikas izpētei, kura tematiskajā aspektā līdz šim pētīta salīdzinoši maz. Darbā aplūkota kursenieku tipiska mājokļa – tradicionālās zvejnieku sētas – arhitektūras elementu leksika, veidojot zvejnieku sētas etnolingvistisku portretu. Darbā atlasītas un analizētas leksikas vienības, kas saistītas ar zvejnieku sētas plānojumu, ēku daļām, to konstruktīvajiem un dekoratīvajiem elementiem. Ņemot vērā kursenieku valodas kā izzūdoša latviešu valodas paveida statusu, pētījuma sekundārais mērķis ir pievērst uzmanību kursenieku valodas pētniecībai. Darbu veido 4 nodaļas, tajā iekļauti vizuālie materiāli un 3. pielikumi. Tā izstrādē lietota aprakstošā un salīdzinoši-vēsturiskā metode.The lifestyle of the Curonian Spit inhabitants, determined by g...
Papers by Ilze Rudzāte
The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed
lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect
of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic
origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.
The vocabulary analysed in the sources of this article shows lexemes that denominate both the separate, enclosed room and the part of the room used for food preparation and cooking. The prevalence of analysed
lexemes in the meaning of a ‘kitchen’ is not uniform. In the coastal areas of Kurzeme, the names ķēķis, kukņa, plītsistaba, virtuve and their variations were identified, but in the vocabulary of the Latvian dialect
of Šventoji, the morphological variant ķēķe inherited from the dialectal vocabulary of Kurzeme has been recorded. In the vocabulary of Kurzeme, names denominating a kitchen are mainly of Germanic and Slavic
origin. The emergence of Germanisms in the Latvian vocabulary related to the kitchen is directly related to the material cultural peculiarities, which were encouraged to Latvian peasants in Kurzeme by the German nobility, and to the Baltic German everyday speech. The impact of Lithuanian as an intermediary language has been recorded mainly in the Latvian dialect of the Curonian Spit. The borrowed names with the meaning of a ‘kitchen’, such as kukne || kukine, can be explained by the close contact of New Curonians with the Lithuanian-speaking community on the eastern coast of the Curonian Lagoon; New Curonians not only had economic ties with them, but also formed mixed families.