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This paper deals with certain aspects of accentuation of the Čakavian dialect of Blato on the island of Korčula from a historical and wider dialectological perspective. The material in the paper is based completely on a recently published... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSlavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
While L2 acquisition by Brazilians has been studied for different languages, the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese by foreigners has been poorly explored. Recent studies of non-native accented speech in other languages have shown that a... more
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      Russian StudiesSociolinguisticsSociophoneticsMigration Studies
Нестандартная система акцентных парадигм русского литературного языка.
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      Russian LanguageSlavic LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyAccentology
„Donelaičio kirčiavimas. Přízvukování u Donalitia“ is the first ever linguistic monograph (doctor thesis) on the accentuation of Kristijonas Donelaitis, written by the famous Czech professor Karel Janáček in 1928 in Brno. The manuscript... more
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      Balto-Slavic accentologyLithuanian languageOld lithuanian literatureHistory of Lithuanian
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesCroatian
го окончания в чеlllСКОМ и старословацком: чеш. -tСh, дР.-чеш. -tech, СТ.-слвц. -tech (Stan. П, с. 80), а также рефлекс долготы в кашу6ском: словинц. 'X.l~pje'X., Ьгасе'Х.. Loc. pl. (о-основы ср.р.) словен. lijtth. тftBtth и др. : каАк.... more
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    • Balto-Slavic accentology
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      Historical LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesBaltic StudiesIndo-European Studies
The position of the so-called ‘Baltic’ languages Lithuanian, Latvian and Old Prussian within the Balto-Slavonic branch of Indo-European is still a matter of debate. Within Balto-Slavonic, the Slavonic sub-branch is clearly identifiable... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
The paper discusses the accent of kako ‘how’, tako ‘thus’, ovako ‘this way’, onako ‘that way’ and some other related words (like nikako ‘no way’, nekako ‘somehow’) primarily in Štokavian and Čakavian from a dialectological (including... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsDialectologySlavic Languages
Serbo-Croatian Accent Retraction : Its Course and Character in the Dialect of Dubrovnik. Leiden: University of Leiden, 2016. PhD thesis.
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyDubrovnikSerbo-Croatian
The accentuation from Proto-Indo-European to modern Western South Slavic dialects.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
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    • Balto-Slavic accentology
Classifies Ukrainian nominal stress patterns. Concludes that each major gender type has its own special pattern of stress shift, in addition to the pattern of immobile stress.
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      Slavic LinguisticsUkrainian LingusticsBalto-Slavic accentologyUkrainian linguistics
III prūsų katekizmo rašyba liudija šią priesagą buvus kirčiuotą, pozicinį dvigarsio in pirmojo dėmens pailgėjimą žymintis brūkšnelis rodo prūsų kalboje priesagai buvus būdingą cirkumfleksinę priegaidę, plg. pr. wertīngs. Rytų baltų... more
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      Balto-Slavic accentologyOld Prussian
An overview of Slavic accentology from the Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (2020) plus articles on de Saussure's, Dybo's and Stang's Law and  Ivšić's Retraction.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesIndo-European StudiesSlavic Historical Linguistics
The article deals with the history of SCr. krd(o) and its Balto-Slavic cognates. A supposed descendent of the zero-grade root *ḱr̥dh-, SCr. krdo acquired its plain velar as a result of the Proto-Indo-European depalatalization before a... more
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      EtymologySlavic Historical LinguisticsIndo-European LinguisticsProto Indo-European
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesPronouns
Ls,j D=F= Heccrjt elfhtybt b tuj ghjbc[j;ltybt @ghj,ktvf utytpbcf gfhflbuvfnbxtcrb[ frwtynys[ cbcntv& Nj-rfr j,`zdktyf ntvf ljrkflf b tuj gjlpfujkjdjr-vj;tn dspdfnm dgtxfnktybt-xnj tuj pflfxf bpkj;bnm ghj,ktvfnbre... more
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      Balto-Slavic accentologyIndoeuropean Linguistics
The article discusses the development of the Proto-Slavic vowels *o and *e with a neoacute accent. These vowels are reflected as short vowels, diphthongs or long vowels in the modern Slavic languages. Their outcome is conditioned by the... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSlavic LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyHistorical Phonology
This PhD thesis examines a phenomenon known as Monosyllabic Circumflexion (MC, hereafter) from a historical linguistics / phonological point of view. MC denotes a Lithuanian or Balto-Slavic phenomenon according to which long vowels and... more
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      Historical LinguisticsComparative LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyLithuanian language
All South Slavic languages, from Bulgaria in the SouthEast to Slovenia in the NorthWest , are part of a dialect continuum. This paper outlines the position of what is traditionally called Kajkavian in that continuum in light of old... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsSlavic LanguagesSlavic Historical Linguistics
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      Indo-European LinguisticsProto Indo-EuropeanBalto-Slavic accentologyBalto-Slavic Linguistics
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      Russian VerseBalto-Slavic accentologyRussian stress, accentology
Jay H. Jasanoff.
Prehistory of Balto-Slavic Accent.
Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017. X + 268 pp.
[download the file to see all diacritics]
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionBaltic Studies
Статья посвящена просодическим соответствия между прагерманским и поздним индоевропейским языками. Данные соответствия описываются законом Вернера и законом Хольцмана и отличаются высокой регулярностью. Доказывается, что раннегерманские... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsIndo-European LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyHistorical Phonology
The paper discusses the reflexes of the Proto-Slavic i-verbs accentual paradigms in Croatian (Štokavian/Čakavian/Kajkavian) dialects, with special regards to the reflexes of the a. p. b1 and b2, as well as to a Štokavian/Čakavian a. p. c... more
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      DialectologySlavic LanguagesCroatianCommon Slavic Dialectology
In the following presentation, I will try to outline a theory of how the three Common Slavic accent paradigms (a, b and c) can be derived from accentual patterns in Proto-Indo-European, for both nouns/adjectives and verbs. A central... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
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      Slavic LanguagesAncient Indo-European LanguagesBaltic languagesSlavic Historical Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
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      Slavic LanguagesCroatianCommon Slavic DialectologySlavic Historical Linguistics
The paper is a part of an ongoing discussion on various topics of historical Slavic accentology with Frederik Kortlandt. The topics discussed in the paper are: the reflex of the Proto-Slavic short neo-acute in Kajkavian; the reflex of... more
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      Slavic LanguagesIndo-European StudiesCzech & Slovak StudiesSlavic Historical Linguistics
Brill Publishers; Brill Online Reference Works: Language and Linguistics. EDC: 2020 online and 2023 print editions.
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesAncient Indo-European Languages
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
Nekrolog - Bulcsú László (1922-2016)
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      Slavic LanguagesBalto-Slavic accentologyCroatian LanguageSlavonic Accentology
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      Indo-European LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
The article discusses a number of cases in which Proto-Indo-European word-initial sequences of the type *Hi- and *Hu- yield an acute vowel in Baltic and in Slavic. It is argued that this is a regular development and that the acute accent... more
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
The paper discusses the retraction of the neo-circumflex in Čakavian (and also in passing in Kajkavian as well). The two main points of discussion are the border of the southern isogloss of the retraction of word-final neo-circumflex (of... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsDialectologySlavic Languages
Cet ouvrage s’intéresse aux facteurs morphologiques et sémantiques qui sont susceptibles de rendre compte de l’accentuation des thèmes en * ā (< * eh2) des différentes langues indo-européennes étudiées : dérivation primaire ou secondaire,... more
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      Greek LinguisticsIndo-European LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentologyAncient Greek Linguistics
In dieser Seminararbeit beschäftige ich mit langen Vokalen im Tschechischen und Slovakischen und ich versuche ich eine Art grobe relative Datierung damit der verbundenen Lautwandel anzubieten.
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      Slavic LanguagesBalto-Slavic accentologySlovak languageCzech language
The paper argues that the distribution of the two late PSl. reflexes of early PSl. *oi# (namely, *ě2# and *i2#) is governed in a regular fashion by the presence or absence of an original [+acute] feature on the original diphthong. The old... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesSlavonic LanguagesBaltic Studies
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      Historical LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
Curonian, an extinct East Baltic language once spoken on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, influenced the accentual systems of western dialects of Latvian and Lithuanian, as well as Livonian. Substrate or adstrate features in the... more
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      Baltic languagesBalto-Slavic accentologyAncient Curonians
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic LinguisticsBalto-Slavic accentology
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    • Balto-Slavic accentology
Касьян А.С., Минлос Ф.Р. (ред.). 2001. Studia Linguarum 2. Москва: РГГУ [Kassian, Alexei S. & Philip R. Minlos (eds.). 2001. Studia Linguarum 2. Moscow: RSUH] Contents: Ф. Р. Минлос. Рефлексы акцентных парадигм у прилагательных с... more
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      HittiteTocharianYeniseian LanguagesBalto-Slavic accentology
Доклад на съезде славистов. Белград, 2018
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      Balto-Slavic accentologyOld Russian LanguageOld Russian Literature
Vocatives in Vedic Sanskrit were lexically unaccented. In phrase-initial position, they host a phrasal tone, much as lexically unaccented words in Tokyo Japanese and Northern Bizkaian Basque. Departing from this grammar, we arrive just as... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyVedic Sanskrit
The aim of the article is to present basic (albeit not exhaustive) data on the tonal accent in the modern Western South Slavic languages in synchronic and diachronic perspective, with the main focus on Štokavian/Čakavian/Kajkavian and New... more
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      Slavic LanguagesCroatianSlavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic Linguistics
             ... more
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    • Balto-Slavic accentology
An overview of Slavic accentology from the Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (2020) plus articles of de Saussure's, Dybo's and Stang's Law, and also Ivšić's Retraction.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesBaltic StudiesIndo-European Studies