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      CommunicationGestureAnimal BehaviourBiological Sciences
How are we to understand digital objects? How are we to relate ‘cyberspace’ to physical space? This chapter attempts to provide a set of theoretical tools to understand ‘spaces’ of online interaction and what happens within them without... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationNew MediaDigital Media
“‘The Underlying Gesture’. Towards the Notion of Gesture in Jean d’Udine and Sergei Eisenstein”. In: Rossella Catanese, Francesca Scotto Lavina, Valentina Valente (eds.), From Sensation to Synaesthesia in Film and New Media. Cambridge... more
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      Gesture StudiesSynaesthesiaGestureGiorgio Agamben
This course surveys the development of theater architectures, stage spaces and technologies from the ancient world through the 21 st century. The course satisfies the interdisciplinary college option. The survey will be contextualized in... more
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      Theatre HistoryDigital MediaGestureMultimedia
In his keynote address, ‘Hearing the Nations in Chopin’, Jim Samson reflected on the three key ingredients of musical nationalism: agendas, musical materials, and appropriations. These three areas do not only bear relevance for Chopin... more
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      GestureNorwegian folk musicPerformance AnalysisRecordings
This dissertation presents a new and expanded context for interactive music based on Moore’s model for computer music (Moore 1990) and contextualises its findings using Lesaffre’s taxonomy for musical feature extraction and analysis... more
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      EmotionMusicPerforming ArtsMusic Technology
This paper claims that the spirited debates about game narratives in the game industry and academia have not seen much progress due to their being too stuck in classical notions of narrative developed for non-ergodic media such as film or... more
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      MusicGame studiesNew MediaDigital Humanities
While human-human or human-object interactions involve very rich, complex and nuanced gestures, gestures as they are captured for human-computer interaction remain relatively simplistic. Our approach is to consider the study of variation... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMachine LearningGestureBayesian Models
The study investigated performance on pantomime and imitation of transitive and intransitive gestures in 80 stroke patients, 42 with left (LHD) and 38 with right (RHD) hemisphere damage. Patients were also categorized in two groups based... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGestureCognition
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      MusicCommunicationTeaching and LearningEducation
Multi-Modal Interface Systems (MMIS) have proliferated in the last few decades, since they provide a direct interface for both Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and face-to-face communication. Our aim is to provide users without any prior... more
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Adults rely on both speech and gesture to provide children with information pertinent to new word meanings. Parents were videotaped introducing new objects to their children (aged 1;6 and 3;0). They introduce these objects in three... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGestureLinguistics
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      Performance StudiesGestureMusic PerformanceMusicians
If it is true that good problems produce good science, then it will be worthwhile to identify good problems, and even more worthwhile to discover the attributes that make them good problems. This discovery process is necessarily... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCommunicationErgonomicsGesture
Humans frequently join words and gestures for multimodal communication. Such natural co-speech gesturing goes far beyond what can be currently processed by gesture-based interfaces and especially its coordination with speech still poses... more
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This paper presents concepts, features, and important considerations in the development of an iconic language for military command-and-control communications. It describes communities of interest in the Department of Defense and how... more
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      CommunicationWeb EngineeringGestureLinguistics
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural Science
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionGesture
This book explores how digital technology is altering the relationships between people and how the very nature of interface itself needs to be reconsidered to reflect this – how we can make sense of each other, handle ambiguities,... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyInformation ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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      MusicNew MediaEducational TechnologyDance Studies
In this paper I explore the role of gesture in the development of signed languages. Using data from American Sign Language, Catalan Sign Language, French Sign Language, and Italian Sign Language, as well as historical sources describing... more
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      GestureSign LanguagesGrammaticalization
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Vera Kotelevskaya’s Review of Susanne Strätling’s Book "Die Hand am Werk: Poetik der Poiesis in der russischen Avantgarde". München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2017, 531 S., ISBN: 978-3-7705-6092-9 Ключевые слова: Велимир Хлебников; Всеволод... more
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      Gesture StudiesGestureIntermedialityPoetics
Apraxia Aphasia Non-verbal semantic processing a b s t r a c t Patients suffering from severe aphasia have to rely on non-verbal means of communication to convey a message. However, to date it is not clear which patients are able to do so.
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      Cognitive ScienceSign LanguageSemanticsGesture
Cet article présente une étude de cas de l’expression de la négation jusqu’à 3 ans chez quatre enfants évoluant dans des environnements langagiers différents : majoritairement monolingue (anglais, français, LSF) ou bilingue... more
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      PhilosophySign LanguageLanguage AcquisitionGesture
This study expands on sociocultural approaches to meaning making in art museums by exploring the physical aspects of interaction with art in traditional gallery spaces, and in the context of technology use. The notion of 'embodied... more
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      Information TechnologyMuseum learningGestureEmbodied Cognition
This edited collection is concerned with talk and activity inside cars, with examining the interior of a car as socially rich and meaningful. The papers here are concerned with both social interaction as the intertwining of multiple... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCommunicationLanguage and Social Interaction
Lexical production in children with Down syndrome (DS) was investigated by examining spoken naming accuracy and the use of spontaneous gestures in a picture naming task. Fifteen children with DS (range 3.8-8.3 years) were compared to... more
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      GesturePsycholinguisticsLanguage DevelopmentNonverbal Communication
Developing approaches to the creation of expert performance practice on new DMIs is a longstanding research challenge. We present an approach which leverages an expert performer's embodied knowledge of expressive performance gesture on an... more
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      GestureNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionCelloMapping
E. Grishina. Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): Studying Emotions // 7th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC’2010, Valetta, Malta (workshop 23/05/10 Corpora for Research on Emotions and Affects)... more
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      EmotionGesture StudiesGestureCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
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This paper compares the opening sequences of Finnish, French and Hungarian YouTube videos. We concentrate on addressing, greeting and related gestures, important elements when YouTubers interact with their imagined viewers, using data... more
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      GestureFrench languagePolitenessFinnish Language
Much can be learned from thinking about these past two decades (or at least we can enjoy the attempt).
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      MusicNew MediaComputer MusicDigital Media
The strong predominance of right-handedness appears to be a uniquely human characteristic, whereas the left-cerebral dominance for vocalization occurs in many species, including frogs, birds, and mammals. Right-handedness may have arisen... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGestureCognitionLanguage Evolution
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionGesture
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
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      MusicVisual StudiesArt HistoryNew Media
In the last few years, affect has entered the field of politics through both the media and political actors themselves. This article is based on the hypothesis that the images of affect that illustrate contemporary political narratives in... more
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      EmotionCommunicationIconographyMedia Studies
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      Media StudiesGestureGiorgio AgambenBiopolitics
An increasing number of today's consumer devices such as mobile phones or tablet computers are equipped with various sensors. The extraction of useful information such as gestures from sensor-generated data based on mainstream imperative... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProgramming Languages
El área de los estudios sobre gestualidad tiene importantes implicaciones para la perspectiva descriptiva de la lengua, entre ellas, que gesto y habla (o gesto y señas) forman una unidad esencial para la expresión lingüística en todos los... more
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      Gesture StudiesPragmaticsGestureSign Languages
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
My book, Digital Prohibition: Piracy and Authorship in New Media Art, was published by Continuum International Publishers (named the top academic press in Britain this year) in 2012. It starts from the premise that the new changes in... more
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      MusicNew MediaDigital PhotographyDigital Media
This paper provides a conceptual augmentation of the notion of responsibility offered by Roth. This augmentation is predicated on the idea that Being is grounded in actions (or answerable deeds) that contribute to the unfolding collective... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesSocial Theory
Our study aimed to examine longitudinally early development of gestures, object-actions (short for object-related-actions), word comprehension, and word production and their reciprocal relationships in typically developing infants.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGestureLinguistics
je voudrais montrer que cerre dernière -l-) est autant une pzmme de discorde que, du moins dans l'un des sens que I'on peut lui prêtet une forme particulière de discordance associée à une histoire, que cerre dernière soit effectivement... more
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      MusicNew MediaNarrativeDigital Media
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      Archaeology of GenderGestureAssyrian EmpireAssyrian art
"My inquiry will focus on an attempt to locate an ethos of music education. Because I acknowledge that the ethos of a society must logically precede a study of ethics (Ryan, 1972, p. 291, Miller, 1974, p. 309), and given the dramatic... more
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      MusicMusic EducationNew MediaMusic Technology
Safe interaction with non-expert users is increasingly important in the development of robotic assistants. Ethical “codes” can serve as a guide as to how this interaction should take place with lay users in non-structured environments.... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationGestureNonverbal CommunicationHuman-Robot Interaction
Co-speech gestures embody a form of manual action that is tightly coupled to the language system. As such, the co-occurrence of speech and co-speech gestures is an excellent example of the interplay between language and action. There are,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSign LanguageElectrophysiologyGesture
The paper presents a framework for classifying gestures in terms of different parameters, and shows that the parameter of iconicity cuts across that of cognitive construction, which distinguishes codified gestures — those represented in... more
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      SemioticsPsychologyCognitive ScienceSemantics