Papers by Vytautas Rinkevičius
Vilnius University Open Series
Leidinys skirtas Bonifacui Stundžiai, Vilniaus universiteto Baltistikos katedros profesoriui, 202... more Leidinys skirtas Bonifacui Stundžiai, Vilniaus universiteto Baltistikos katedros profesoriui, 2022 m. lapkritį švenčiančiam septyniasdešimties metų jubiliejų, pagerbti. Bonifacas Stundžia yra Lietuvos ir Latvijos mokslų akademijų narys, Latvijos universiteto garbės daktaras, Milano kalbininkų draugijos narys korespondentas, Europos akademijos narys, Tarptautinio lingvistų komiteto generalinės asamblėjos narys, įvertintas Jono Kazlausko premija, apdovanotas Baltijos Asamblėjos medaliu, tapęs Tauragnų krašto garbės piliečiu, beveik dešimtmetį vadovavęs VU Filologijos fakultetui. Mūsų akyse Profesorius yra ne tik baltų kalbų tyrėjas, pedagogas ir aktyvus lietuvių kalbos puoselėtojas, bet ir nuoširdus kolega, nevengiantis pašmaikštauti, kai reikia, padrąsinantis ir sužavintis visus savo paprastumu. Bonifacas Stundžia, į filologijos mokslus atėjęs iš Daunorių kaimo (Utenos r.), Vilniaus universitete studijavo lituanistiką ir klasikines kalbas. Daktaro disertaciją parengė 1981 m. iš giminės kategorijos ir daiktavardžio giminių bei kamienų variantų baltų kalbose, o habilitaciją apgynė 1996 m., publikavęs monografiją Lietuvių bendrinės kalbos kirčiavimo sistema (1995). Bonifacas Stundžia taip pat domisi baltų kalbų žodžių daryba, 2019 m. publikavo monografiją Daiktavardžių dūryba vokiškuose XVII-XVIII a. baltų kalbų žodynuose (kartu su D. Jarmalavičiumi). Profesorius parengė spaudai Pirmąją prūsų knygą (kartu su M.
The article deals with the origin and development of tones in Latvian nominal suffixes from a per... more The article deals with the origin and development of tones in Latvian nominal suffixes from a perspective of Balto-Slavic historical accentology. After establishing the Latvian prosodic reflexes of the accentual properties of reconstructed Balto-Slavic nominal suffixes and comparing the tones of a number of Latvian suffixes with the accentuation of their Baltic and Slavic cognates, their accentological reconstruction is provided. The tones of the majority of the analyzed Latvian suffixes correspond more or less regularly to the accentual properties of the reconstructed Proto-Baltic or Proto-Balto-Slavic suffixes and may therefore be directly derived from them. In the subsequent development of their tones, the following additional factors may have also played a role: a) the tendency to generalize the broken tone as a reflex of unstressed strong (“dominant”) acute suffixes in adjectives, and the sustained tone as a reflex of stressed strong acute suffixes in nouns (an indirect trace o...
The dissertation contains a description of the accentual system of Old Prussian as evidenced by t... more The dissertation contains a description of the accentual system of Old Prussian as evidenced by the orthography of Prussian written monuments, particularly that of the Third Catechism (which abounds the most in accentological data). An attempt is made to reconstruct, as comprehensively as possible, the synchronic state of the accentual system in question, as well as to identify any possible trends in its diachronic development. At the first stage of research, upon a critical examination of all the theories dealing with Old Prussian accentology and accentography published to date, the methods of identifying the stressed syllable based on the orthography of the written monuments are outlined. The validity of Saussure-Fortunatov’s and Kortlandt’s laws, which have been postulated in the scholarly literature on Old Prussian, is subjected to a re-evaluation. Then, an analysis of the accentual system is undertaken, in adherence to the principles of morphological accentology, in order to de...
The article presents the first attempt to describe the Old Prussian accentuation system based on ... more The article presents the first attempt to describe the Old Prussian accentuation system based on the main principles of morphological accentology. It aims to distinguish accentual properties of morphemes that determine the placement of stress in primary (non-derived) Old Prussian nouns. At least one accentual property of morphemes (roots and inflexions), i.e. accentual power (strong vs. weak), could be distinguished. Strong root morphemes are roots that remain stressed in all forms of a paradigm, while the weak ones are those that lack stress in at least one form. Thus nouns with strong roots (eg. grikai, kaulei, crixtianimans, rukai, wijrai (wijrimans); kirki, kurpi, muti, riki, tapali; most probably also uremmans, wirdemmans; also possibly kaaubri, strigli) belong to the constant stem-stress class, while nouns with weak roots (eg. gallii, gennamans, mensa, mergurnans, widdewii; semme; also possibly waikammans, kermenes) belong to the mobile stress class. Strong inflexional morphem...
The difference in syllable intonation between the circumflex of OPr. -īng- and the acute of Lith.... more The difference in syllable intonation between the circumflex of OPr. -īng- and the acute of Lith. -ìng-, Latv. -îg- could be explained by the fact that these suffixes acquired stress relatively recently in the separate languages. In Lithuanian it became stressed as a result of Saussure-Fortunatov’s law, i.e. in the period when syllable intonations were distinguished in both stressed and unstressed syllables, whereas the stress of OPr. -īng- might be posterior to a possible neutralisation of syllable intonations in unstressed syllables. Alternatively, at least some of the attested OPr. examples with -īng- can be interpreted as contracted from forms with -īwing-, cf. wertīngs : wertīwings
ЯСК, 2016
Издание осуществлено при финансовой поддержке Фонда фундаментальных лингвистических исследований ... more Издание осуществлено при финансовой поддержке Фонда фундаментальных лингвистических исследований проект № B17 Рецензенты: д. ф. н. С. Л. Николаев д. ф. н., профессор Бонифацас Стунджя Балто-славянская акцентология: Материалы VII международного семинара / Отв. ред. М. В. Ослон. М.: Языки славянской культуры: Фонд «Развития фундаментальных лингвистических исследований», 2016.-200 c. ISBN 978-5-9906133-5-5 В сборнике представлены работы участников VII международного семинара по балто-славянской акцентологии, прошедшего в Российском государственном гуманитарном университете 7-10 июля 2011 г. Семинар был приурочен к юбилею В. А. Дыбо.
Scando-Slavica, 2021
ABSTRACT In his 2009 monograph, Thomas Olander presented a new solution to the old problem of the... more ABSTRACT In his 2009 monograph, Thomas Olander presented a new solution to the old problem of the origin of Balto-Slavic mobile accent paradigms. According to his “mobility law,” pre-Proto-Balto-Slavic words accented on the final mora became phonologically unaccented and automatically received ictus on the first syllable of the phonological word, as in *longós > *ˌlāˀngas > Lith. lángas, CS *lǫ̑gъ. The theory is supported by two typological parallels from contemporary Slavic dialects (Podravina and Zaonežje). However, a parallel can also be found in the Baltic material: the Žemaitian accent retraction, a phenomenon well described by Lithuanian dialectologists, shares some features with Olander’s mobility law and the above-mentioned parallels in Slavic, such as a peculiar phonetic realization of the retracted accent, retraction to the first syllable of the phonological word, partial neutralization of tonal oppositions under the retracted accent, and possible origin due to language contact. Moreover, a closer examination of the irregularities in the Žemaitian process could shed some more light on the origins of at least some of the exceptions to the mobility law, as well as of the somewhat different outcomes of this law in Baltic and Slavic.
Baltistica, 2011
Jūsų pasirinktas PDF failas turi būti atidaromas naryklės lange-jeigu buvo įdiegtas PDF vizualiz... more Jūsų pasirinktas PDF failas turi būti atidaromas naryklės lange-jeigu buvo įdiegtas PDF vizualizatoriaus įskiepis (pvz., paskutinė versija i Adobe Acrobat Reader). Kitu atveju is PDF failas gali būti perduotas į jūsų kompiuterį, isaugotas ir parodytas naudojant PDF ...
Baltistica, 2011
Jūsų pasirinktas PDF failas turi būti atidaromas naryklės lange-jeigu buvo įdiegtas PDF vizualiz... more Jūsų pasirinktas PDF failas turi būti atidaromas naryklės lange-jeigu buvo įdiegtas PDF vizualizatoriaus įskiepis (pvz., paskutinė versija i Adobe Acrobat Reader). Kitu atveju is PDF failas gali būti perduotas į jūsų kompiuterį, isaugotas ir parodytas naudojant PDF ...
Baltistica, 2011
... Pēteris Vanagas (Ryga, Stok-holmas) aptarė du senosios latvių krikčio-nikosios leksikos slu... more ... Pēteris Vanagas (Ryga, Stok-holmas) aptarė du senosios latvių krikčio-nikosios leksikos sluoksnius (kalkes ir i s. rusų kalbos ... Līga Vogina (Ryga) sprendė dviejų artimų semantinių funkcijų agento ir percipiento (arba eksperiencerio) skyrimo latvių kalbo-je problemas. ...
Vilnius University Open Series
The article deals with the notation of prosodic features of Lithuanian words in F. W. Haack’s Lit... more The article deals with the notation of prosodic features of Lithuanian words in F. W. Haack’s Lithuanian-German and German-Lithuanian dictionary (1730). First, the place of stress (in some cases also tone) is shown by Haack’s diacritical marks. Second, in some cases the place of stress is indirectly reflected by orthographic devices used to mark vowel quantity, e.g., the use of two different letters and for the long vowel y or the use of double consonants to mark the brevity of the preceding vowel. Finally, a separate valuable source of data for Lithuanian historical accentology is constituted by hand-written diacritical marks placed above some words in the copy of the dictionary held at Vilnius University Library.
Papers by Vytautas Rinkevičius