Diese Fallstudie zur ostpreußischen Literatur des 18. Jh. darf als eine spannende Detektiverzählu... more Diese Fallstudie zur ostpreußischen Literatur des 18. Jh. darf als eine spannende Detektiverzählung aus dem Bereich der Literaturmethodologie bezeichnet werden: am Beispiel der deutschen Gedichte des berühmten preußisch-litauischen Pfarrers und Schriftstellers Christian Donelaitis (1714–1780) wird veranschaulicht, wie die Überlieferungsgeschichte seines schriftlichen Nachlasses zur Rekonstruktion des ursprünglichen Entstehungs- und Rezeptionskontexts seiner Dichtung beitragen kann. Die Annäherung an die Gedichte von Donelaitis mit Hilfe ihrer sekundären Dateien (Format der Handschrift, Biografie des Rezipienten, kontextuelle Chronologie) führt zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen mit Blick auf Entstehungszeit, Gattung und allgemeine Deutung dieser Texte: ein Trostbrief wird zum Hochzeitsgedicht, ein ehrlicher Amtmann erhebt sich plötzlich aus dem Grabe und die vergessene Pietas wird wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die vorliegende Studie wird dem Leser das Vergnügen bereiten, diese Umwandlungen gleichsam mit einem lachenden Auge mitzuverfolgen.
This case study on East Prussian literature of the 18th century can be described as an exciting detective story from the field of literary methodology: using the example of the German poems of the famous Prussian-Lithuanian priest and writer Christian Donelaitis (1714-1780), it is illustrated how the history of his written legacy can contribute to the reconstruction of the original context of the creation and reception of his poetry. Approaching Donelaitis' poems through their secondary files (as the format of the manuscript, biography of the recipient, contextual chronology) leads to unexpected results with regard to the time of the composition, genre and general interpretation of these texts: a letter of consolation becomes a wedding poem, an honest Amtmann suddenly rises from the grave and the forgotten Pietas is brought back to life. This study will give the reader the pleasure of following these transformations with a smiling eye.
Straipnsnyje siūloma visiškai nauja Kristijono Donelaičio vokiškų eilėraščių interpretacija: teik... more Straipnsnyje siūloma visiškai nauja Kristijono Donelaičio vokiškų eilėraščių interpretacija: teikiama nauja šių tekstų chronologija, paaiškinami jų atsiradimo impulsai, rekonstruojami kai kurie rankraščių parametrai ir siūlomi nauji interpretavimo kontekstai.
The article deals with the German poetry by Kristijonas Donelaitis and offers a completely new interpretative approach. The analysis not only derives new chronology of these texts from available data, but also explains their creative impulses and partially reconstructs graphic parameters of the original handwritten texts of the poems. Finally, a new interpretative context of Donelaitis’s German poems is offered for consideration.
The Literary Field under Communist Rule, edited by Aušra Jurgutienė & Dalia Satkauskytė, Boston: ... more The Literary Field under Communist Rule, edited by Aušra Jurgutienė & Dalia Satkauskytė, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018. Series: “Lithuanian Studies without Borders”. ISBN: 9781618119773 (hardcover); ISBN 9781618119780 (electronic); 258 pp.
Kazimieras Klimavičius was born in 1720 and studied in Vilnius Jesuit College where in 1747 took ... more Kazimieras Klimavičius was born in 1720 and studied in Vilnius Jesuit College where in 1747 took a master's degree in philosophy and liberal arts. After the consecration to priests, he became a vicar of Samogitian bishopric. Later he became a parish priest of Laižuva and a deanery of Alsėdžiai. In 1786, bishop Steponas Giedraitis sent him together with deanery Mykolas Maciukevičius to Šiluva to make a research of the miracles that happened with the picture of St. Mary. Klimavičius passed away after 1786. For the first time his work “Pawinastes krikscioniszkas, arba Katechizmas” was published by the press of Vilnius Jesuit College in 1767 in Vilnius. Later, there were 3 editions more: in 1806, 1828 and 1830. It is a book of 190 pages that contains approximately two hundred questions and answers which are divided into six parts of sermons. A short introduction and a chapter called “Atpuskai” are at the beginning of the book. Klimavičius' book appeared together with other popul...
Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit den methodologischen und theoretischen Ausgangspunkten für die A... more Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit den methodologischen und theoretischen Ausgangspunkten für die Analyse der Textkohärenz und der Komposition des „Metai“ von Kristijonas Donelaitis: es werden sowohl die methodologischen Bedingungen für die mikro- und makrokompositionelle Analyse diskutiert, als auch manche spezifischen Aspekte der Textkohärenz von "Metai" im Lichte der Syntagmatik- und Paradigmatikanalyse vorgestellt.Článek rozebírá metodologické a teoretické přístupy k otázkám kompozice a textové koheze Donelaitisových "Ročních dob": popisuje mako- a mikrokompoziční stavbu tohoto básnického díla, mapuje izotopické složení diskurzu a interakce diskursivních izotopií na paradigmatické a syntagmatické rovině vyprávění.The article deals with methodologic and theoretic approaches to the questions of the coherence and composition of "Metai" ("The Seasons") by Kristijonas Donelaitis. It provides a short description of the macro-composition and micro-...
This paper offers a micro-compositional textual analysis of the opening of "The Cares of Win... more This paper offers a micro-compositional textual analysis of the opening of "The Cares of Winter", one of the four parts of "The Seasons" by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The analysis reveals the unique nature of this text and gives an insight into the general features of Donelaitis’ poetics, such as conflicting narrative-temporal structures (circular and linear), the topology of the poetic universe (in which the categories of order and disorder are depicted as the primary ones), and the structural discrepancy between the paradigmatic and syntagmatic levels of the text. The analysis leads to the conclusion that "The Seasons" should not be considered as an integral and coherent narrative poem, but as a poetical cycle of four independent poems. The micro-compositional analysis of "The Cares of Winter" reveals important features in Donelaitis’ poetics. The deep structure of "The Seasons" is characterized by the systematic aspects of order and ...
The article deals with the autobiographic and biographic texts of three most important authoritie... more The article deals with the autobiographic and biographic texts of three most important authorities of the Lithuanian national revival at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century: Jonas Basanavičius, Jonas Šliūpas and Vincas Kudirka. The goal of the analysis is to capture significant moments in the evolution of the national Lithuanian identity becoming a part of the personal identity by Basanavičius, Šliūpas and Kudirka and also to compare their autobiographic self-images with those provided by later biographical texts. The article shows not only that Basanavičius, Šliūpas and Kudirka represent very different forms of the national self-consciousness, but also that there are large differences between autobiographical and biographical interpretations of the national identity.
Straipsnyje aptariama Brno atidarytos parodos, skirtos Baltijos valstybems, koncepcija, jos raida... more Straipsnyje aptariama Brno atidarytos parodos, skirtos Baltijos valstybems, koncepcija, jos raida ir kulturinis kontekstas.
The main objective of the international exhibition project is to make the public acquainted with ... more The main objective of the international exhibition project is to make the public acquainted with the still little known culture and history of the geographic area of the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, north-western Poland) with the emphasis placed on historical connections of the Czech Lands to this part of Europe.
Postkonferencni sbornik ke stejnojmenne mezinarodni konferenci, pořadane v Praze Fakultou socialn... more Postkonferencni sbornik ke stejnojmenne mezinarodni konferenci, pořadane v Praze Fakultou socialnich studii UK a Litevským institutem pro dějiny Litvy 9.-10. 4. 2009.
Straipsnyje infromuojama apie neseniai atrasta Karelo Janaceko disertacija apie Donelaicio kircia... more Straipsnyje infromuojama apie neseniai atrasta Karelo Janaceko disertacija apie Donelaicio kirciavima: pristatomas disertacijos atsiradimo laikas, aplinkybes, nusakoma disertacijos struktura ir svarbiausieji turinio dalykai.
Idololatriae Loiolitarum Vilnensium oppugnatio, which was printed in 1583. The author highlights ... more Idololatriae Loiolitarum Vilnensium oppugnatio, which was printed in 1583. The author highlights a lot of questions posed by the work, the solutions to which might allow us to judge the extent of iconoclastic thought and the importance of religious imagery in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By connecting the facts to a coherent narrative, the article identifies 'blank spots' in history, and suggests areas for further research. 36 [Mikalojus Pacas] Orthodoxa fidei confessio, 1566, p. L ʒ. 37 Ibid., p. S ʒ-T. 38 Ibid., p. S ʒ. 67 K. Daugirdas, 2008, p. 154-157. 68 ferreus profectò mi Schomane, ac stipes essem, nisi te redamarem, & qua animi inclinatione te in me propendere animadvertero o arpari redderem ([Andrius Volanas] Epistolae aliquot, 1592, p. A4r). 69 qua[m] spem tuus candor mihi fecit, ut non surdis haec me scripsisse auribus credam (Ibid., p. C1v). 70 Vellem quidem, ut tuus in religione sensus cum meo congrueret (Ibid., p. A4r)
V clanku jsou představeny nejnovějsi výsledky badani k životu a dilu Jonase Basanaviciuse v Praze... more V clanku jsou představeny nejnovějsi výsledky badani k životu a dilu Jonase Basanaviciuse v Praze v letech 1882-1884.
The article deals with the question of the ethno-linguistic identity and it's metaphysical em... more The article deals with the question of the ethno-linguistic identity and it's metaphysical embedment, as it is present in Czeslaw Milosz' "The Land of Ulro".
Studento atsiminimai apie Marceliju Martinaiti: jo veikla universitete, destymo stilius, itaka st... more Studento atsiminimai apie Marceliju Martinaiti: jo veikla universitete, destymo stilius, itaka studentams.
Diese Fallstudie zur ostpreußischen Literatur des 18. Jh. darf als eine spannende Detektiverzählu... more Diese Fallstudie zur ostpreußischen Literatur des 18. Jh. darf als eine spannende Detektiverzählung aus dem Bereich der Literaturmethodologie bezeichnet werden: am Beispiel der deutschen Gedichte des berühmten preußisch-litauischen Pfarrers und Schriftstellers Christian Donelaitis (1714–1780) wird veranschaulicht, wie die Überlieferungsgeschichte seines schriftlichen Nachlasses zur Rekonstruktion des ursprünglichen Entstehungs- und Rezeptionskontexts seiner Dichtung beitragen kann. Die Annäherung an die Gedichte von Donelaitis mit Hilfe ihrer sekundären Dateien (Format der Handschrift, Biografie des Rezipienten, kontextuelle Chronologie) führt zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen mit Blick auf Entstehungszeit, Gattung und allgemeine Deutung dieser Texte: ein Trostbrief wird zum Hochzeitsgedicht, ein ehrlicher Amtmann erhebt sich plötzlich aus dem Grabe und die vergessene Pietas wird wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die vorliegende Studie wird dem Leser das Vergnügen bereiten, diese Umwandlungen gleichsam mit einem lachenden Auge mitzuverfolgen.
This case study on East Prussian literature of the 18th century can be described as an exciting detective story from the field of literary methodology: using the example of the German poems of the famous Prussian-Lithuanian priest and writer Christian Donelaitis (1714-1780), it is illustrated how the history of his written legacy can contribute to the reconstruction of the original context of the creation and reception of his poetry. Approaching Donelaitis' poems through their secondary files (as the format of the manuscript, biography of the recipient, contextual chronology) leads to unexpected results with regard to the time of the composition, genre and general interpretation of these texts: a letter of consolation becomes a wedding poem, an honest Amtmann suddenly rises from the grave and the forgotten Pietas is brought back to life. This study will give the reader the pleasure of following these transformations with a smiling eye.
Straipnsnyje siūloma visiškai nauja Kristijono Donelaičio vokiškų eilėraščių interpretacija: teik... more Straipnsnyje siūloma visiškai nauja Kristijono Donelaičio vokiškų eilėraščių interpretacija: teikiama nauja šių tekstų chronologija, paaiškinami jų atsiradimo impulsai, rekonstruojami kai kurie rankraščių parametrai ir siūlomi nauji interpretavimo kontekstai.
The article deals with the German poetry by Kristijonas Donelaitis and offers a completely new interpretative approach. The analysis not only derives new chronology of these texts from available data, but also explains their creative impulses and partially reconstructs graphic parameters of the original handwritten texts of the poems. Finally, a new interpretative context of Donelaitis’s German poems is offered for consideration.
The Literary Field under Communist Rule, edited by Aušra Jurgutienė & Dalia Satkauskytė, Boston: ... more The Literary Field under Communist Rule, edited by Aušra Jurgutienė & Dalia Satkauskytė, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018. Series: “Lithuanian Studies without Borders”. ISBN: 9781618119773 (hardcover); ISBN 9781618119780 (electronic); 258 pp.
Kazimieras Klimavičius was born in 1720 and studied in Vilnius Jesuit College where in 1747 took ... more Kazimieras Klimavičius was born in 1720 and studied in Vilnius Jesuit College where in 1747 took a master's degree in philosophy and liberal arts. After the consecration to priests, he became a vicar of Samogitian bishopric. Later he became a parish priest of Laižuva and a deanery of Alsėdžiai. In 1786, bishop Steponas Giedraitis sent him together with deanery Mykolas Maciukevičius to Šiluva to make a research of the miracles that happened with the picture of St. Mary. Klimavičius passed away after 1786. For the first time his work “Pawinastes krikscioniszkas, arba Katechizmas” was published by the press of Vilnius Jesuit College in 1767 in Vilnius. Later, there were 3 editions more: in 1806, 1828 and 1830. It is a book of 190 pages that contains approximately two hundred questions and answers which are divided into six parts of sermons. A short introduction and a chapter called “Atpuskai” are at the beginning of the book. Klimavičius' book appeared together with other popul...
Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit den methodologischen und theoretischen Ausgangspunkten für die A... more Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit den methodologischen und theoretischen Ausgangspunkten für die Analyse der Textkohärenz und der Komposition des „Metai“ von Kristijonas Donelaitis: es werden sowohl die methodologischen Bedingungen für die mikro- und makrokompositionelle Analyse diskutiert, als auch manche spezifischen Aspekte der Textkohärenz von "Metai" im Lichte der Syntagmatik- und Paradigmatikanalyse vorgestellt.Článek rozebírá metodologické a teoretické přístupy k otázkám kompozice a textové koheze Donelaitisových "Ročních dob": popisuje mako- a mikrokompoziční stavbu tohoto básnického díla, mapuje izotopické složení diskurzu a interakce diskursivních izotopií na paradigmatické a syntagmatické rovině vyprávění.The article deals with methodologic and theoretic approaches to the questions of the coherence and composition of "Metai" ("The Seasons") by Kristijonas Donelaitis. It provides a short description of the macro-composition and micro-...
This paper offers a micro-compositional textual analysis of the opening of "The Cares of Win... more This paper offers a micro-compositional textual analysis of the opening of "The Cares of Winter", one of the four parts of "The Seasons" by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The analysis reveals the unique nature of this text and gives an insight into the general features of Donelaitis’ poetics, such as conflicting narrative-temporal structures (circular and linear), the topology of the poetic universe (in which the categories of order and disorder are depicted as the primary ones), and the structural discrepancy between the paradigmatic and syntagmatic levels of the text. The analysis leads to the conclusion that "The Seasons" should not be considered as an integral and coherent narrative poem, but as a poetical cycle of four independent poems. The micro-compositional analysis of "The Cares of Winter" reveals important features in Donelaitis’ poetics. The deep structure of "The Seasons" is characterized by the systematic aspects of order and ...
The article deals with the autobiographic and biographic texts of three most important authoritie... more The article deals with the autobiographic and biographic texts of three most important authorities of the Lithuanian national revival at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century: Jonas Basanavičius, Jonas Šliūpas and Vincas Kudirka. The goal of the analysis is to capture significant moments in the evolution of the national Lithuanian identity becoming a part of the personal identity by Basanavičius, Šliūpas and Kudirka and also to compare their autobiographic self-images with those provided by later biographical texts. The article shows not only that Basanavičius, Šliūpas and Kudirka represent very different forms of the national self-consciousness, but also that there are large differences between autobiographical and biographical interpretations of the national identity.
Straipsnyje aptariama Brno atidarytos parodos, skirtos Baltijos valstybems, koncepcija, jos raida... more Straipsnyje aptariama Brno atidarytos parodos, skirtos Baltijos valstybems, koncepcija, jos raida ir kulturinis kontekstas.
The main objective of the international exhibition project is to make the public acquainted with ... more The main objective of the international exhibition project is to make the public acquainted with the still little known culture and history of the geographic area of the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, north-western Poland) with the emphasis placed on historical connections of the Czech Lands to this part of Europe.
Postkonferencni sbornik ke stejnojmenne mezinarodni konferenci, pořadane v Praze Fakultou socialn... more Postkonferencni sbornik ke stejnojmenne mezinarodni konferenci, pořadane v Praze Fakultou socialnich studii UK a Litevským institutem pro dějiny Litvy 9.-10. 4. 2009.
Straipsnyje infromuojama apie neseniai atrasta Karelo Janaceko disertacija apie Donelaicio kircia... more Straipsnyje infromuojama apie neseniai atrasta Karelo Janaceko disertacija apie Donelaicio kirciavima: pristatomas disertacijos atsiradimo laikas, aplinkybes, nusakoma disertacijos struktura ir svarbiausieji turinio dalykai.
Idololatriae Loiolitarum Vilnensium oppugnatio, which was printed in 1583. The author highlights ... more Idololatriae Loiolitarum Vilnensium oppugnatio, which was printed in 1583. The author highlights a lot of questions posed by the work, the solutions to which might allow us to judge the extent of iconoclastic thought and the importance of religious imagery in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By connecting the facts to a coherent narrative, the article identifies 'blank spots' in history, and suggests areas for further research. 36 [Mikalojus Pacas] Orthodoxa fidei confessio, 1566, p. L ʒ. 37 Ibid., p. S ʒ-T. 38 Ibid., p. S ʒ. 67 K. Daugirdas, 2008, p. 154-157. 68 ferreus profectò mi Schomane, ac stipes essem, nisi te redamarem, & qua animi inclinatione te in me propendere animadvertero o arpari redderem ([Andrius Volanas] Epistolae aliquot, 1592, p. A4r). 69 qua[m] spem tuus candor mihi fecit, ut non surdis haec me scripsisse auribus credam (Ibid., p. C1v). 70 Vellem quidem, ut tuus in religione sensus cum meo congrueret (Ibid., p. A4r)
V clanku jsou představeny nejnovějsi výsledky badani k životu a dilu Jonase Basanaviciuse v Praze... more V clanku jsou představeny nejnovějsi výsledky badani k životu a dilu Jonase Basanaviciuse v Praze v letech 1882-1884.
The article deals with the question of the ethno-linguistic identity and it's metaphysical em... more The article deals with the question of the ethno-linguistic identity and it's metaphysical embedment, as it is present in Czeslaw Milosz' "The Land of Ulro".
Studento atsiminimai apie Marceliju Martinaiti: jo veikla universitete, destymo stilius, itaka st... more Studento atsiminimai apie Marceliju Martinaiti: jo veikla universitete, destymo stilius, itaka studentams.
"Įvade" išsamiai aprašoma Donelaičio tarnybinių raštų ir dokumentų istorija: 2012-2020 m. archyvu... more "Įvade" išsamiai aprašoma Donelaičio tarnybinių raštų ir dokumentų istorija: 2012-2020 m. archyvuose buvo rasta daug naujų, ligi šiol nežinomų Donelaičio dokumentų, kurie skelbiami 4-jame naujųjų jo "Raštų" tome (išleido LLTI 2022 m.). Įvade pateikiama unikali informacija apie šių dokumentų apimtis, datavimą, išroniai ir vidiniai jų aprašai, atitaisomis gausios ankstesnių leidimų klaidos, nupasakojama šaltinių tyrimų istorija, rankraščių atribucija ir kiti svarbūs aspektai.
Papers by Vaidas Šeferis
This case study on East Prussian literature of the 18th century can be described as an exciting detective story from the field of literary methodology: using the example of the German poems of the famous Prussian-Lithuanian priest and writer Christian Donelaitis (1714-1780), it is illustrated how the history of his written legacy can contribute to the reconstruction of the original context of the creation and reception of his poetry. Approaching Donelaitis' poems through their secondary files (as the format of the manuscript, biography of the recipient, contextual chronology) leads to unexpected results with regard to the time of the composition, genre and general interpretation of these texts: a letter of consolation becomes a wedding poem, an honest Amtmann suddenly rises from the grave and the forgotten Pietas is brought back to life. This study will give the reader the pleasure of following these transformations with a smiling eye.
The article deals with the German poetry by Kristijonas Donelaitis and offers a completely new interpretative approach. The analysis not only derives new chronology of these texts from available data, but also explains their creative impulses and partially reconstructs graphic parameters of the original handwritten texts of the poems. Finally, a new interpretative context of Donelaitis’s German poems is offered for consideration.
This case study on East Prussian literature of the 18th century can be described as an exciting detective story from the field of literary methodology: using the example of the German poems of the famous Prussian-Lithuanian priest and writer Christian Donelaitis (1714-1780), it is illustrated how the history of his written legacy can contribute to the reconstruction of the original context of the creation and reception of his poetry. Approaching Donelaitis' poems through their secondary files (as the format of the manuscript, biography of the recipient, contextual chronology) leads to unexpected results with regard to the time of the composition, genre and general interpretation of these texts: a letter of consolation becomes a wedding poem, an honest Amtmann suddenly rises from the grave and the forgotten Pietas is brought back to life. This study will give the reader the pleasure of following these transformations with a smiling eye.
The article deals with the German poetry by Kristijonas Donelaitis and offers a completely new interpretative approach. The analysis not only derives new chronology of these texts from available data, but also explains their creative impulses and partially reconstructs graphic parameters of the original handwritten texts of the poems. Finally, a new interpretative context of Donelaitis’s German poems is offered for consideration.