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Kuršu sabiedrība un tiesības 13. -16. gadsimtā Kopš 1253. gada, kad notika Kursas sadalīšana starp jaunajiem zemeskungiem -Livonijas bruņinieku ordeni un Kursas bīskapu, kurši kļuva par katoļu baznīcas valstu pavalstniekiem. Pretēji... more
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    • Ancient Curonians
The Late Viking Age cemetery of Ostriv was discovered by an Institute of Archaeology of the Natonal Academy of Science of Ukraine (IA NASU) team in 2017, approximately 100 km from Kyiv in the Porossya region. To date, 67 inhumation graves... more
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    •   20  
      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisInternational StudiesBaltic Studies
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    •   16  
      Liv (Livonian)Viking Age ArchaeologyOld Rus'Viking Age Conflict Archaeology
Horse forehead pendants that depict a bird of prey and other images are typical grave goods of horsemen graves of the Sambian Peninsula of the 10th/11–12th centuries – today’s Kaliningrad region of Russia (former East Prussia). The... more
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    •   20  
      ArchaeologyBaltic Sea Region StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyRelative-Absolute dating
Curonian, an extinct East Baltic language once spoken on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, influenced the accentual systems of western dialects of Latvian and Lithuanian, as well as Livonian. Substrate or adstrate features in the... more
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    •   3  
      Baltic languagesBalto-Slavic accentologyAncient Curonians
AMS 14C dating of Ostriv skeletal samples was used in order to establish the absolute chronology of the studied region and to synchronize Viking Age archaeological sites in countries of the “Baltic migrants in Kyiv Rus’. Comparative study... more
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    •   19  
      Stable Isotope AnalysisViking Age ArchaeologyAMS 14C datingBayesian Radiocarbon Dating
This is a presentation about 6 years work in collecting Baltic (Old Prussian, Lithuanian, Curonian) language origin toponyms in Kaliningrad (Königsberg) district area.
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    •   17  
      19th Century Prussia/GermanyPrussian HistoryOld PrussiansOld Prussian settlement
В своих предварительных заметках по мо- гильнику Линкунен Карл Энгель несколько раз подчеркивал уникальность памятника и обнаруженных здесь находок. Действи- тельно ли Линкунен столь исключителен среди других могильников железного века,... more
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    •   6  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeologyOld Prussians
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    •   14  
      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
The article is dedicated to the application of AMS 14 C dating method of cremated bones and samples of related charcoal, which is rather new for the East Baltic region. The data of 3 Western Balts cemeteries from Lithuania are analysed.... more
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    •   14  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyAMS 14C datingAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeology
Życie Codzienne:
- Wytwarzanie ceramiki,
- Predzęnie i tkanie,
- Plecenie pasow,
- Wytwarzanie obuwia i innych wyrobow ze skory,
- Osady i izbe mieszkalnie,
- Narzędzia pracy i przedmioty uzytky codziennego
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    •   7  
      Ancient PrussiansMaterial Culture of the Viking ageOld PrussianOld Prussians
Penannular and ring brooches with star-shaped terminals and ribbon bow in a context of cultural contacts in the Baltic sea region Подковообразные фибулы со звездчатыми навершиями и круглые фибулы с аналогичным ребристым корпусом – частая... more
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    •   8  
      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansOld Prussians
The article summaries results of the first comparative study of the post-Viking age Prussian and Curonian material culture. The actual study is a chance not only to answer this and other questions related to the problems of... more
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    •   10  
      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansMaterial Culture of the Viking age
Key words: Prussians, Curonians, burial customs, ethnical history Article is dedicated to the relationship between Prussians and Curonians in the 10th-13th centuries. General subjects of this work are the next: 1) Typology of... more
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    •   8  
      Early Medieval ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeologyOld Prussians
Iron age chronology of the east Baltic region is more intuitive than relative, mostly based on ty-pological dating of sequences of cemeteries' artefacts. The main problem of cemetery chronology lies in the field of correlation and... more
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    •   14  
      Historical ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyAMS 14C datingR (Statistics)
In February–March 2016 I was given the opportunity to take part in the ZBSA short term research stay program. The aim of my visit was the finalization of my post-doc project book. The choice of the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian... more
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    •   10  
      Baltic Sea Region StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyAncient Prussians
Visvairāk informācijas par Latvijas pagāniskajām svētvietām -svētajām birzīm un mežiem viduslaikos ir saglabājies par Kurzemes novadu. Kurzemes svētmežu likteņi neapstiprina romantizētos priekšstatus, ka svētajos mežos priesteri upurējuši... more
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    • Ancient Curonians
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    •   14  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyOld Rus'Viking Age Conflict ArchaeologyAncient Prussians
The results of AMS radiocarbon dating of the
sealed deposits from several east Baltic archaeological
cultures, carried out in 2017–2019, are
represented in this review.
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    •   17  
      Stable Isotope AnalysisBaltic Sea Region StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyMigration Studies
This paper is a short introduction to one of the Couronian burial tradition aspects: miniature pottery. Miniature pottery was widely used in Couronian culture between the fi fth and ninth centuries AD but on occasion the pots can still be... more
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    •   11  
      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)SymbolismCeramics (Archaeology)
The article briefly represents the course and results of the post-doctoral research project, which is the first comparative study of the post-Viking age Western Balts material culture. The questions of trans-regional contacts in the area... more
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    •   6  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansChronologyOld Prussians
Straipsnyje apžvelgiami pagrindiniai prūsams, o taip pat ir kuršiams būdingi X-XIII a. papuošalų ir ginklų tipai. Atliktas «kuršių» tipo radinių kartografavimas prūsų žemėse. Nagrinėjamas kuršių kapų egzistavimo galimybių prūsų... more
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    •   7  
      Early Medieval ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeologyOld Prussians
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    •   13  
      Archaeological GISViking Age ArchaeologyAMS 14C dating14C dating (Archaeology)
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    •   15  
      Archaeological GISAMS 14C datingChronologyGIS Applications in Archaeology
The session is dedicated to the Western Balts social, economical and cultural development in the described period (from the 1-2nd to the middle of the 13th centuries AD). The problems of the development of arttefact types, archaeological... more
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    •   10  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)Ancient Prussians
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    •   4  
      Ancient PrussiansOld PrussiansAncient CuroniansWestern Balts
During the several last years of preparation of PhD thesis about Prussians and Curonians contacts in the 10/11th-13th centuries and the Post-doc project, dedicated to the Western Balts social, economical and cultural development in the... more
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    •   7  
      Viking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeologyOld Prussians
The article is dedicated to the archaeological monuments investigated on the Curonian Spit from the very beginning of archeological excavations here in the 1869 up to the 2008. All investigated archaeological monuments are located in... more
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    •   7  
      Historical ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansTeutonic Order
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    •   12  
      Archaeological Method & TheoryArchaeological GISAMS 14C dating14C dating (Archaeology)
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    •   7  
      Archaeological GISChronologyRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)Old Prussians
Namų ūkis. Būstas:
- Keramikos gamyba,
- Verpimas ir audimas,
- Juostų (diržų) pynimas,
- Avalynės ir kitų odinių dirbinių gamyba,
- Darbo įrankiai
    • by 
    •   7  
      Ancient PrussiansMaterial Culture of the Viking ageOld PrussianOld Prussians
The session is dedicated to the Western Balts social, economical and cultural development in the described period (from the 1-2nd to the middle of the 13th centuries AD). The problems of the development of arttefact types, archaeological... more
    • by  and +1
    •   9  
      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Baltic archaeologyOld PrussianOld Prussians
There has been discussion amongst scholars regarding to the name of the Curonian Spit and Curonian Lagoon in medieval times since late XIXth century. This article focuses on the factors indicating the origins of the name. Conclusion is... more
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    •   8  
      Medieval StudiesAncient PrussiansTeutonic KnightsOld Prussians