Recent papers in Pronouns
Few grammars acknowledge the full variation in direct object pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), which allows for both normative clitic and non-standard tonic variants. Bagno (2009) notes that clitics are not learned naturally, but... more
Traditional language acquisition research that employs offline tasks, such as act-out, pointing, sentence-picture matching, truth-value and grammaticality judgments, has established that children up to the age of 6 make mistakes in the... more
This talk investigates some of the diachronic aspects of the slightly obscure Russian construction (už) kto-kto, a... ‘not sure about others, but...’ using corpus data and an admixture of typological perspective.
Find Marjorie Levinson's incisive description of the essay in Thinking Through Poetry: Field Reports on Romantic Lyric, Oxford University Press, 2018: 164-5.
No português europeu (PE), o pronome você representa uma forma intermediária entre
The present proposal deals with the emergence of three reflexive pronouns in Modern Persian namely, xiš, xištan,and xod (=enclitic pronouns) from possessive adjectives and adverb of emphasis in Old and Middle Persian. Presenting the... more
n The Language Machine (1987b) Roy Harris writes:
As one of the primary means of constructing gendered identities, language is a matter of central concern to transgender people (Zimman 2018). In this paper, we present an analysis of non-binary singular they; that is, they as used to... more
Son dönemlerde çağdaş Türk dillerinin gramerlerinin karşılaştırmalı şekilde öğrenilmesi ve sözdizimsel unsurlar ile ilgili gereken tesbitlerin yapılması yaygınlaşmıştır. Azerbaycan dilbilgisi kitaplarında sözdizimine ilişkin belirli... more
Tato kapitola se zaměřuje na první osobu množného čísla a jiná kolektivní označení, kterými odkazujeme k různým sociálním skupinám a kategoriím. K čemu vlastně zájmena v plurálu a kolektiv-ní označení referují? Co zakládají, reprodukují a... more
Variation is seldom paid attention to in language teaching and mediation. On the basis of noun classes, of noun phrases as well as of the different forms displayed by the demonstrative and the relative pronoun in dependence of noun... more
While matrix clauses pronouns are almost never dropped in matrix clauses in Russian, silent pronouns are licensed in almost all kinds of embedded clauses. Null pronouns in such positions share similarities with PRO, but they also differ... more
Associazione per la storia della lingua italiana (Asli)
English: The current study focuses on the grammatical category of person inherent to personal pronouns in Russian and Bulgarian. Even though some Bulgarian parts of speech (mostly verbs, for example) have significant differences in... more
An exploration of how pronouns were used during the 2016 presidential campaign using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).
Juan Antonio All/arez-Pedrosa Núñez Sancto Bartholomaeo, P. a (l790), Sidharubam seu Grammatica Samscrdamica. Siddarupam. Cui acadit Dissertatio historieo-critica in linguam Samscrdamieam vulgo Samseret dictam, in qua huius linguae... more
Among the seventeen languages spoken in the Banks and Torres groups of north Vanuatu, eleven share a TAM category whose functions include sequential, generic, subjunctive, prospective and imperfective. This aspect, labeled here “aorist”,... more
In this article, major linguistic features of the Welsh language are introduced. It was published in 2003.
One central strand of analyses of the 'generic' or 'quasi-universal' interpretation of impersonal pronouns involves treating them as featurally impoverished pronouns which act as variables bound by a generic operator either high in the... more
Dieser Beitrag argumentiert, dass eine Wiederbelebung der strukturellen Genderlinguistik nur dann sinnvoll erscheint und erreicht werden kann, wenn ihre Analysen die jüngeren theoretischen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der linguistischen... more
ABSTRACT It is well known that women lead language change in monolingual settings, but this women effect has not been thoroughly investigated for bilingual settings where factors such as language contact come into play. This study... more
North-Western European Evolution (IVOWELE) is devoted not only to the study of the history and prehistory of a locally determined group of languages, but also to the study of purely theoretical questions concerning historical language... more
As one of the primary means of constructing gendered identities, language is a matter of central concern to transgender people (Zimman 2018). In this paper, we present an analysis of non-binary singular they; that is, they as used to... more
Статья посвящена исследованию группы не полностью грамматикализованных местоимений – составных неопределенных местоимений (СНМ). Подобные единицы очень редко становятся предметом описания в грамматиках и исследованиях по неопределенности.... more
Portuguese is typically not considered a differential object marking (DOM) language, while Spanish, with its accusative a, is one of the most well-known DOM languages. This chapter uses quantitative multivariate analysis to argue that... more
This paper discusses pronominal clitics in Ketama Berber (Western Rif, Morocco). Ketama Berber is usually considered as a variety of Senhaja Berber. It is the westernmost and the most divergent Senhaja variety. The paper is based on... more
The Danish pronoun de and its inflections are traditionally described as 3rd person plural, but, as this article demonstrates, it is also used as a gender neutral 3rd person singular pronoun. As this pronoun - termed singular de - has not... more
The pronouns found in the languages are mostly different. Although there are some that are the same, and others that exhibited a process which resulted to some phoneme differences, most pronouns are different even if one can trace the... more
There are many personal pronouns in Japanese, and we use them in our daily lives depending on our position and relationship with others. How characters in games use personal pronouns is also determined by the various attributes that each... more
The study of the European Portuguese system of address presents chronological gaps. Despite the investigations on the Middle Ages, the Modern Era and the current distribution, we lack in-depth analyses that account for the 18 th and 19 th... more
This study contributes to the documentation and description of the diversity of Kalahari Khoe languages in eastern Botswana. Kalahari Khoe languages have highly complex pronominal systems with extensive paradigms of portmanteau morphemes... more
Test (slovene language).
This paper focuses on the two usages of Japanese second person pronouns, for example "anta", "omae", "kimi", that occur in natural conversation. Firstly, the usage where a second person pronoun follows an address term occurs when there... more
Jakobson taught us to think of pronouns as shifters, but the case-studies and theoretical reflections assembled in this volume makes it clearer than ever how very shifty they are. Read these essays to see how much hinges on them in plays,... more
Книга посвящена проблеме когнитивных истоков языковой катего-ризации; в ней рассматривается комплекс вопросов, связанных с общей проблемой представления знаний в языке. На конкретном материале показывается феноменологический характер... more
Dissertation sur le pronom neutre en français: une histoire bref, son usage, et son futur.
There seems a common belief in the fields of linguistics and computer-mediated communication that conversation done on instant messenger resembles spoken language. This common belief is challenged by the findings of this dissertation. The... more