Russian stress, accentology
Recent papers in Russian stress, accentology
General Linguistics 20:3, 1980, pp. 123-139.
Re-evaluates the classification of Russian accentual paradigms by using morphological environments to predict stress.
Re-evaluates the classification of Russian accentual paradigms by using morphological environments to predict stress.
В настоящей статье рассмотрено несколько вопросов, связанных с разработкой и использованием акцентологического корпуса в качестве инструмента для исследования ударения: состав и структура корпуса, текущее состояние, перспективы развития,... more
Темой статьи являются ошибки при расстановке ударений в силлабо-тонической поэзии на русском языке. Явление неправомерной экстраполяции норм современного языка на старые тексты иллюстрируется союзом или, который в языке XVIII–XIX веков... more
The accentuation from Proto-Indo-European to modern Western South Slavic dialects.
Establishes three underlying patterns of Russian noun stress, with variants predictable by either nominative or genitive case endings. Short section on verb stress.
The paper, published in Voprosy jazykoznanija in 1980, discusses the concept of "uslovnoe udarenie" launched by A.A. Zalizjak and proposes an alternative solution for the stol-stolá case in the masculine stress paradigm
Analyzes the invariants of Jakobson's accentually marked and unmarked verbal stems.
The monograph presents an algorithmic grammar of Russian verbal morphology and accentuation. 30 years after its original publication (print only), it is now available in a revised edition (print and pdf).
Die von Garde 1968 meisterhaft erfasste negative Akzentuierung (Akzentuierung im Sinne des erst auf suprasegmentaler Ebene motivierten Nichtverlusts eines Distinktivmerkmals) wird im Hinblick auf die Tragweite etwaiger negativer... more
Статья написана по материалам доклада на конференции "Вопросы культуры речи - 2010" в Институте русского языка РАН. С диахронической точки зрения анализируется группа прилагательных акцентной парадигмы a/c' ( по "Грамматическому словарю... more
The Festschrift paper discusses tendencies in the development of stress paradigms of Russian feminine nouns
Published online in Issue 13: Fall 2017.
Shows that all Russian accentual oppositions can be treated as binary oppositions, predictable by morphophonemic features.
Shows that all Russian accentual oppositions can be treated as binary oppositions, predictable by morphophonemic features.
Èíñòèòóò ðóññêîãî ÿçûêà èì. Â. Â. Âèíîãðàäîâà ÐÀÍ, Ìîñêâà Àêöåíòóàöèÿ ãëàãîëà áûòü â ðóññêîì ñòèõå* Ñëàâû, äîáûòîé êîãäà-òî, Êîðïóñ òâîé íå ðàñòåðÿë. Èîñèô Óòêèí, 1943  ñòàòüå ïîéäåò ðå÷ü î íàáëþäàåìûõ íà ìàòåðèàëå ðóññêîãî ñòèõà... more
Issues of how to mark stress on zero endings of Russian. Two structurally different cases of lexical zeroes and later inserted zeroes.
The doctoral theses demonstrates an alternative model for stress paradigms of Russian nouns and tries to find tips how to "guess" the right stress type.
Demonstrates that accentual complexity decreases as word-length and morpheme complexity increase in Russian verb forms.