Posts tonen met het label Etalage. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Etalage. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 28 februari 2019


An Antique shop in the Spiegelstraat in Amsterdam. This old shop used to be a firm for fruits, wines delicasies, coffee and tea, which you can still read on the facade. 
But watch that man in the shopwindow.

He was balancing to change a lamp in the chandelier between all the delicate items!

zaterdag 22 december 2018


A reflection in a bookstore in Amsterdam, decorated for the Christmas season.

zaterdag 15 december 2018


Reflection in the shopwindows of department store de Bijenkorf (Beehive) in Amsterdam.

It was impossible to get a good picture without the houses of the opposite of the street reflecting in  the window. Linking to "Weekend Reflections"

donderdag 6 december 2018


Sinterklaas is over now,  up to the next party!
The shopwindow of an eyewear store in Amsterdam.

vrijdag 26 oktober 2018

Shopping bag

Isn't that a handsome bag? Seen in a shopwindow in Amsterdam.

zaterdag 22 september 2018


A shopwindow with antique silverware in Amsterdam. I think the carriage with horses was a reference to Prince's Day earlier this week ( see my post of Wednesday)

donderdag 4 januari 2018


A happy shopwindow with sweets. The weather is grey here with a heavy storm yesterday with fortunately no damage. But no weather to go out and make some new photos, so I have to dive in my old photos and found this one of 2016 in Amsterdam. It brings at least some colour in the  grey world.

zaterdag 6 mei 2017


The shop window of a bookstore in Amsterdam.

zaterdag 14 januari 2017

A cookie

I remember times a macaroon was a speciality you could only get in France. And it was an exciting treat when someone took it for you from far away. Nowadays we have these shopwindows in Amsterdam, rows and rows of macaroons. The magic has gone for me it is just a cookie now.

zaterdag 7 januari 2017


A reflection in a bookstore shopwindow. The portrait is our old Queen Juliana (1909-2004) and the store shows a recently published biography about her. And yes, that is me at the left.

dinsdag 20 december 2016

Festive decorations

A shop window of a restaurant in Amsterdam.
Linked to "Our World Tuesday" 

donderdag 15 december 2016

Shop windows

I take you today for a tour along festive shop windows.
The entrance to the departmentstore the Bijenkorf in Amsterdam.

The shop windows of this store are always beautiful decorated at the festive season, I love to watch them every year.

Watch the reflection of the real Royal Palace behind this Castle of Dreams.
Hope you enjoyed the tour.

zaterdag 20 augustus 2016


It certainly takes your breath away. Linking to "Weekend Reflections".

dinsdag 9 augustus 2016


At the Summer sales in Hilversum, I saw a very special offer in a shop window.

I think the cat wanted to have this bermuda very badly and decided to be the first one to get it.
Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

zaterdag 16 juli 2016

Weeekend Reflection

A reflection in the shopwindow of fashion house Marina Rinaldi in the PC Hooftstreet in Amsterdam with a pink library. In the reflection you can see the shops of Dolce & Gabbana and Nespresso at the opposite of the street. Linking to "Weekend Reflections"

zaterdag 14 mei 2016

Weekend Reflection

Chanel is ready for takeoff  in the P.C. Hooftstreet in Amsterdam.

zaterdag 2 april 2016


A reflection in the window of an antique shop in Amsterdam.

zondag 24 januari 2016


A shopwindow in Amsterdam with so much delicious chocolate items. I love the shoes  and the macarons mmmm....

zaterdag 13 december 2014


It took me some time to get the houses reflected into the ball and not myself in this Christmas shopwindow. Linking to Weekend Reflections

zaterdag 6 december 2014

Weekend reflection

A bit commerce reflected in the shopwindow of the departmentstore de Bijenkorf in Amsterdam.I tried to keep myself out of the  image but didn't manage.
Linking to Weekend Reflections